Read the book: «Leo and the magic sword Excalibur»


© Meyliyev A., 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-1115-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Leo and the Magic Sword Excalibur

The book tells about the adventures of a little knight named Leo, who dreams of becoming a real hero and saving the princess from the dragon castle. One day he finds a magic sword in the forest that speaks to him and helps him in trouble. Together they embark on a dangerous journey where they will have to fight various monsters, solve riddles and make friends with other knights. Along the way, Leo learns a lot about himself, about friendship and that the real hero is not the one who is strong and brave, but the one who is kind and honest.

Chapter 1: In Search of the Sword

Leo was sitting by the fireplace, listening to his grandfather’s stories. He loved to hear about the brave knights who fought against evil and defended the weak.

He especially admired knight Arthur, who was the leader of the knights and the owner of a magic sword called Excalibur.

«Grandpa, tell me more about Excalibur,» Leo asked eagerly. «Where did it come from? How did Arthur get it? What made it so special?»

«Well, my boy, Excalibur was forged by a powerful wizard named Merlin, who gave it to Arthur when he was a young man. He pulled it out of a stone, which proved that he was the rightful king of the land. The sword had many amazing abilities, such as glowing in the dark, cutting through anything and never rusting. It also spoke to Arthur and gave him advice and guidance. It was his loyal companion and friend.»

«Wow, that’s so cool!» Leo exclaimed. «I wish I had a sword like that. I would go on adventures and save people in danger. I would be a hero, just like Arthur.»

Grandpa smiled and ruffled Leo’s hair. «You have a good heart, Leo. You don’t need a sword to be a hero. You just need to be brave and kind and honest. That’s what makes a true knight.»

«But Grandpa, I want to do something great. I want to make a difference in the world. I want to prove myself.»

«Maybe you will, someday. But for now, you should focus on your studies and chores. You have a lot to learn before you can become a knight.»

Leo sighed and nodded. He knew his grandfather was right, but he still felt restless and bored. He wanted more than his simple life in the village. He wanted excitement and adventure.

The next day, he went to the market with his mother and brother. He helped them carry the baskets of fruits and vegetables they had grown in their garden. He saw the same people he saw every day: the baker, the butcher, the blacksmith, the tailor. They all greeted him with smiles and compliments.

«Hello, Leo. You’re such a good boy. You’re so helpful to your mother.»

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