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You may not withdraw from the purchased digital book if you have already downloaded it or you are reading online unless technical flaws of the book file are found which do not allow reading it.
You may cancel the paid preliminary order of a digital book at any time. If the book has become available for orders, you still may cancel the purchase and demand refund within 14 days from transfer of funds for the preliminary order provided you have not started reading the purchased book or have not downloaded it.
Refund conditions:
Only money transferred by a user to its account in Litres may be refunded. Money received as a result of sales promotions, with gift certificates and bonuses are not subject to return.
To return money, you should write a request to e-mail indicating a reason for return, the details for transfer and your username in Litres.
Return is made after its approval by a support officer. Sometimes, this requires more time but no more than 7 banking days.
Methods of return:
Funds are returned using the same method as they were transferred to Litres. Some methods of replenishment do not allow making return using the same way (payment through terminal and communication stores, bank transfer), in this case we will offer another method of those cited below, which is the most convenient for you: