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My books
Practical Golf Course Maintenance
The Digital Agricultural Revolution
Crystal Elasticity
Microbiological Risk Assessment Associated with the Food Processing and Distribution Chain
Nanovaccinology as Targeted Therapeutics
Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers
Principles in Microbiome Engineering
The Science of Reading
A Companion to American Agricultural History
Practical Transfusion Medicine
Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff
Voices of Design Leadership
Demystifying Research for Medical and Healthcare Students
Multifunctional Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications
Digitalization of Work
Molecular Photoswitches
Viscoplastic Flow in Solids Produced by Shear Banding
Industry 4.0 Vision for the Supply of Energy and Materials
Dynamics of Aircraft Flight
The Human Lineage
Bioinformatics and Medical Applications
Fundamentals of Construction Claims
Vibroacoustic Simulation