Volume 210 pages
About the book
This book contains reflections on the Sunday Bible Readings for Year A in the Roman Catholic Lectionary. They are intended to assist those preparing homilies or talks on the readings, as well as others whose curiosity and questions have been aroused by these readings. Reflections on Year B and Year C in the the liturgical cycle will appear in subsequent volumes. Sunday matters or should matter to Christians. It is the Lords day and so the most important day of the week, a time for us to acknowledge God as the source, centre and goal of our lives. Because Sunday is a matter of importance there are important matters to consider on this day, such as time for prayer, worship and being nourished by the Word of God. Sunday also matters because it is a limited amount of time and these days there are a host of other things competing for our time and attention: sport, shopping, TV, travel, etc. Deciding what to do on Sundays and other major days of the Christian calendar has become something of a challenge for contemporary Christians, some would say even a crisis.