Kroshik nerp and Dusya seal in pinnipeds adventures!

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Kroshik nerp and Dusya seal in pinnipeds adventures!
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Illustrator Mikheycheva Elena

© Sergey Bilarin, 2024

© Mikheycheva Elena, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0062-6324-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Kroshik nerp and Dusya seal in pinnipeds adventures!

Who am I?

Little Kroshik couldn’t fall asleep and tossed and turned. One simple question wouldn’t leave him alone. Who is he? Kroshik reached out his flipper and touched his mom who was resting nearby.

– Mommy, I’ve been thinking all day about who I am. Maybe I’m a manatee? I also live in the water and love to dive.

– But don’t you have such a funny face? – Mom smiled.

– Maybe I’m a walrus? I also love to rest on the rocky shore with all my relatives.

– But don’t you have tusks? – Mom was surprised.

– Maybe they haven’t grown yet? Or am I a penguin? I also love to play in the water and hunt for fish.

– No, little one. Penguins are birds. They live on land and lay eggs, – patiently explained Mom.

– Then maybe I’m a seal? We’re so alike… Mom, who am I?

– You are my little Kroshik, – Mom replied and kissed him on the nose. – Nerp Kroshik. Goodnight, little one!

Kroshik is Missing!

One day Kroshik disappeared somewhere. Such a commotion ensued! Everyone searched for him and called out, but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, he emerges from the hole onto the ice.

– Where have you been, Kroshik?

– I wanted to eat some fish, so I dived into the hole. But I didn’t find anything and dived deeper. And there I met Auntie Jellyfish. She invited me over. She lives almost at the very bottom. It’s very dark and cold there. And everyone has their own little lantern. And when everyone turns on their lanterns, it becomes very bright and cheerful. And a fish swam into the light, so I had a great hunt.

And Kroshik settled comfortably on the ice, yawned, and fell asleep.

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