Volume 114 pages
Thriving in Childhood and Adolescence: The Role of Self Regulation Processes
About the book
Opening with a discussion on the need to integrate self-regulation processes and to create a life-span oriented framework of these processes, this volume explores several perspectives in the current scholarship. Chapter contributors examine theoretical concepts including <ul> <li>Vygotsky/Luria Insights in the Development of Executive Functions</li> <li>Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement in Elementary School Children</li> <li>Influences of Children?s and Adolescents? Action-Control Processes on School Achievement, Peer Relationships, and Coping with Challenging Life Events</li> <li>Intentional Self-Regulation, Ecological Assets, and Thriving in Adolescence: A Developmental Systems Model</li> <li>and a Life-Span, Relational, Public Health Model of Self- Regulation: Impact on Individual and Community Health</li> </ul> The volume concludes with <b><i>New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development</i></b> series editor-in-chief Reed W. Larson discussing the challenges reported by youth working on arts, technology, and social justice projects in organized programs and how they learn to address them. <p>This is the 133nd volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series <b><i>New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development</i></b>. The mission of this series is to provide scientific and scholarly presentations on cutting edge issues and concepts in the field of child and adolescent development. Each volume focuses on a specific new direction or research topic, and is edited by an expert or experts on that topic.</p>