Read the book: «Verse and Dimensions: Structures», page 3



Two Godverses orbit the Omniverse, one belonging to Creator, and one to Destroyer.

The Omniverse, the three Godverses and The Outside are what makeup the Barrel, the local monocosm

Godverses are realms beyond the Omniverse that are home to deities/gods. There are three Godverses within The Barrel; one belonging to Creator, one belonging to Destroyer, and one belonging to Hyperman.


Very few concepts in general can truly be outside of the Omniverse; as the name itself implies the complete totality of all verses, as well as countless realms, dimensions, spaces, voids, etc. However, for Omnipotent beings like Creator, Destroyer, and Hyperman, this is just another concept below their level.

Being omnipotent^1 allows these entities to be beyond the very concept of existence. This allows Godverses to be outside the limits (what few there are) of the Omniverse. Nonetheless, Godverses can still be classified as "existing", but the inner working of such a magnificent space are beyond any known level of comprehension within the Omniverse. If anything were to exist within the Godverses, it would be completely alien to every form of existence known and experienced within the Omniverse. Currently, only the nature of Hyperman's Godverse is known by some inhabitants of the Omniverse. However even this knowledge is simply vague, abstract details as its true nature is almost certainly beyond their comprehension.

All three Godverses alongside the Omniverse exist within an even larger -verse known as The Barrel. (Our local Monocosm.) Between the Godverses and Omniverses is a void named The Outside, which encompasses the absence of existence. All of this, however, is of course still kept within a much larger structure known as The Box.

Cosmological Value

The Godverse (aka the Godverses) are commonly identified as a 'verse', yet whilst being a verse, it also conflicts with it being a spiritual realm, which this spiritual realm is commonly shared between the Creator, the Destroyer, and the Hyperman, and with this spiritual realm being omnipotent^1, allowing it and the deities to be beyond the concept of existence and also allows to be it outside the limits of the Omniverse. The identification and presumed 'existence' of the Godverse is only contradictory considering the Godverse are beyond the concept of existence and beyond outside the limits of the Omniverse.


The Outside is the surrounding nothingness outside of the Omniverse and the Godverses.

The Outside is a void that stretches far into oblivion. Almost no being can survive being in the Outside for more than a short time due to the pressure of the literal absence of anything. If you were to travel throughout the outside, you could perhaps find something completely different than what we call existence. This is simply referred to as Beyond. This has only been done successfully a handful of times. Most notably, by The Omniversal Traveler.


A Monocosm is the name for the Soupcount Archverse above and containing the Omniverse. Our Monocosm includes one Omniverse, two Godverses, the Beyond Realm, and The Outside.

Our Monocosm is known as The Barrel.


The contents in the Monocosms throughout Beyond are variable. There can be more Omniverses, more or less Godverses, no Beyond Realm, etc.

Different Monocosms can also have different properties, like Universes in a Multiverse. The different Omniverses within other Monocosms can have completely separate forms of existence completely alien to our own understanding of reality on a scale not visible within an Omniverse.


Monocosms are initially created by The Supergod Council and contain nothing more than the Outside and single Creator and Destroyer within it. The contents of the Monocosm (such as the Omniverses and Godverses) are then created through a process known in the Barrel as The Divine Ground.

Atypical Monocosms

Sometimes Monocosms will display unusual properties: like the abundance or dearth of substructures. They can form regularly along with other Monocosms in the Beyond and are usually left alone unless they cause some sort of instability.

Typical Monocosms through our understanding

Typical Monocosms contain one Omniverse, two Godverses (one for Creator, one for Destroyer) and an Outside. Our Monocosm, the Barrel, is actually atypical due to containing three Godverses (the extra one belongs to Hyperman)

Examples of Atypical Monocosms

Containing two or more Omniverses: a polyomniversial Monocosm. Containing two Omniverses, it is called a Duocosm, if it contains three, a Triocosm and so on. These are common examples of atypical Monocosms. They are usually formed when the Creator becomes too powerful.

Containing three or more Godverses: a polygodversial Monocosm. The Barrel exhibits this due to Hyperman establishing his Godverse. Usually occurs when another entity rises to power within the Monocosm such as omnipotence^1.

Containing no Omniverse: a anomniversial Monocosm. Sometimes referred to as a Zerocosm or Nilcosm. This happens mostly when the Destroyer gets too much power, although sometimes great Omniversal wars may cause the Omniverse to rip apart. This will usually cause it to eject or destroy its Godverses an become an Empty Monocosm, listed at the bottom.

Containing one or no Godverses: an oligogodversial Monocosm. This is a common error during monocosmic formation and is fixed quickly, but very rarely monocosmic gods may be destroyed and their Godverse will collapse. This is very serious an threatens the integrity of the Monocosm.

Containing nothing (except an Outside): an Empty Monocosm. These are usually shells of Monocosms destroyed by the Supergod Council.

The Barrel

The Barrel is the collective name for the local Monocosm containing the basic Omniversal Cosmology.

Its known contents include one Omniverse, three Godverses (one for Creator, one for Destroyer and one for Hyperman known as the Beyond Realm) and the Outside.

Hyperman’s Godverse

Hyperman's Godverse is the third Godverse within The Barrel. Unlike the Godverses of Creator and Destroyer, there is nothing within this Godverse except for Hyperman himself. In fact, this Godverse is Hyperman, or at least an extension of himself, in a sense. He represents the totality of all existence within the Godverse, making him fully omnipresent within it and allowing him to control every aspect of reality and physics in his Godverse. In this way, Hyperman is technically the embodiment of an entire Omniverse within himself. A being on such a level of existence could, therefore, be capable of grasping the outer limits of the Omniverse.


The Beyond is the unknown "place" beyond all of existence holding all Monocosms, such as The Barrel. Beyond the Omniverse, beyond The Outside, and beyond The Barrel. What lies beyond could be something completely different from what many would perceive as existence.

Within this void, an Absolute infinite number of Monocosms can be found, each Monocosmos inaccessibly Transcend each other, inaccessibly piling upwards for all eternity, To entities who can only comprehend forms of existence within their own Monocosm, these many alternate Monocosms may appear as a field of shining lights, each light being a separate Monocosm. The -verse containing this great void and all the Monocosms found within it is known as the "Beyond Bubble".

The stability of the many Monocosms within our Beyond Bubble is administered by a group of six Cosmic Entities with power even beyond that of Creator, known as The Supergod Council.

All science and philosophies are null and do not apply to the beyond, as it exists far beyond them. The only thing's that can really describe the Beyond are abstract concepts and some theories.


An entity who came to be known simply as The Omniversal Traveler exited the Omniverse to find any existence beyond the immeasurably large void known as The Outside. This led him to discover Beyond and its many shining lights. This was a form of existence completely beyond anything he ever knew even existed, hence he named it 'Beyond'.


Transcendentem is a barrier encompassing an immeasurably infinite number of different Beyond Bubbles. The purpose of Transcendentem is to separate these Beyond Bubbles from each-other, as two Beyond Bubble merging would have apocalyptic consequences.

Reality is so fundamentally different outside Beyond compared to inside it that should two Beyond Bubbles merge, it would cause unfathomable amounts of chaos as the two contradictory forms of existence destabilized each-other.


There is an entity, stronger than everything in every beyond-iteration in Transcendentem, but not as powerful as some Aspect Lords, named The Guardian Of The 5th Wall who maintains Transcendentem and prevents any and all Beyond Bubbles from merging and causing such chaos.

The wall itself is equally different from reality within Beyond, such that any entity who exits their Beyond Bubble and enters Transcendentem without sufficient power will suffer the same fate as those who find themselves in two merged Beyond Bubbles. (Such as was the case for Venrensorys.)

Some entities have mental and/or physical power so great that they are able to comprehend and exist in the void between Beyond Bubbles, like Fantazia, however entities such as Fantazia can only travel through Transcendentem, they cannot properly affect or control it. A far greater level of power, such as that held by the Guardian of the 5th Wall, is required to do so.

Stage I Seeds from the External Hazard are very capable of moving through Transcendentem and a far greater number do than we realize. They fly through Transcendentem aimlessly, hopefully hitting a Beyond Bubble and latching onto it, however considering the absolute size of Transcendentem, it is likely the majority never hit a Beyond Bubble and just continue moving through Transcendentem with no direction.

Knowledge of Transcendentem

Knowledge of Transcendentem from within our Beyond Bubble is very limited. The Supergod Council know, mostly via Unthil's powers, that Transcendentem exists and that it contains infinitely many Beyond Bubbles like their own, however they do not know any of the details. Unthil's Omniscience is great enough that he could learn of them, but he chooses not to, as he knows the sheer fundamental difference between our Beyond Bubble and the rest of Transcendentem would destroy his mind. Thus, they choose to know nothing of Transcendentem other than the mere fact that it exists.

Other entities below the Supergod Council usually have no knowledge of Transcendentem whatsoever, even entities such as Creator and Destroyer truly believe our Beyond bubble to be all of existence. However, there are some exceptions.

The Omniversal Traveler has heard of rumors of the space beyond the Omniverse just being bubbles within a greater space, like a Universe to a Multiverse, and was motivated to keep exploring, however, the traveler lacks the abilities and the equipment to survive in just Beyond for a short time, let alone Transcendentem, a realm so fundamentally different from the form of reality The Omniversal Traveler is capable of existing in that merely exiting his Beyond Bubble would completely destroy him. However, this will likely not happen as The Supergod Council, even the sympathetic members, would not allow the traveler to go beyond their own reach, as even the council is unaware of what lurks beyond their Beyond Bubble. The fact that entering Transcendentem means that Hellensoerensen wouldn't be able to affect the traveler really says something about the full size of Transcendentem and the power of The Guardian of the 5th Wall.

Transcendent ecosystem

The transcendent ecosystem is the variety of lifeforms that live in the Transcendentem, feeding off Beyond bubbles, wandering cosmic entities, the Kalyubi dimension, and, ultimately, the Guardian of the 5th Wall's power source.


Paxgods are parasitic entities that often sap alom and nutrients from developing omnipotent^1 entities such as Creators, Qos, and Destroyers. Alomic entities are rendered disabled for the early stages of their life when affected by a paxgod. The affected entities appear to experience discomfort and may find creating and/or destroying large structures more difficult.

Beyond Bubbles

Inside the Beyond bubbles of the Transcendentem lie the Beyond, a logical gas that provides an abundant source of nutrients for beings living in the Transcendentem. In the center of these Beyond Bubbles are ordinary -verses like those of the Barrel, as well as their attendent supergods.

Monoticks are larger parasitic entities which latch onto more powerful entities than paxgods do, such as supergods.

Fatties (omnipotent^3) are a type of supergod that take up an entire Beyond bubble and send out their eggs on Elastics to inhabit other Beyond bubbles.

(Xenixel's) Basilisks inhabit some Beyond bubbles; they prey on gods and supergods, using intimidation to paralyse their prey and then injecting them with venom that destroys their constituent sentiences.

Beyond Bubble Boundaries

Between the Beyond bubbles and the Transcendentem is a logical energy gradient between the logically gaseous alom of the Beyond and the logically solid trosinium of the Transcendentem itself. God cells live on the exterior of these Beyond bubbles and use the Beyond to evaporate tiny chunks of troisinium which they then deposit to form their membranes. Omnipotency capsules (omnipotent1) feed off these god cells and make up the main food source for many other beings in the transcendentem.

Some lifeforms predate on the entities from inside the Beyond bubbles. Fourth walls (omnipotent^2) live on the outside of the Beyond bubble and consume entities that stray too far from the center.

Transcendentem Proper

Elastics are trosinium wavepackets that propagate through the Transcendentem as a wave of near-inconsistency that eventually deposits itself in a Beyond bubble, after which multiple elastics scatter off. Sleeping gods are dormant supergods that embed themselves in the troisinum and only wake up when an elastic is passing; they consume some of the elastic's energy (and payload, if present) before returning to hibernation.

Stage I seeds from the external hazard are present in the Transcendentem, and will seek Beyond bubbles to use to grow; the internal cosmologies of weaker lifeforms in the transcendentem are not conductive to hosting Nahja-Tehba's mind, and larger lifeforms are too hostile for single stage I seeds to grow in. Infested Beyond bubbles are highly toxic and if found are euthanised by guardians to contain the external hazard. Larger infestations can take hold of large parts of the Transcendentem itself and containing them is one of the rare occasions when multiple greater guardians will collaborate.

Staters are entities that naturally produce the bubble stability agent staterium; they are rarely preyed upon by other entities, other than hawxen, but are often sought after for their staterium. Hawxen (omnipotent^2) are capable of consuming staters, and are able to break down staterium into useless slag.

Least guardians are a weaker form of lesser guardian that often act in groups. Lesser guardians protect existing Beyond bubbles from damage from other hostile entities. Greater guardians create new Beyond bubbles by inducing controlled explosions in the Transcendentem.

Kalyubi barnacles are high omnipotent koto-preying beings that sit dormant in the Transcendentem until entities emerge from the Kalyubi dimension, at which point they eat them.

Transcendentem Breakers are giant worm-like and tree-like creatures that drill through transcendentem, consuming small pieces of it, causing instability and potential beyond bubble collapse. They are very dangerous, and are usually avoided by many beings.

Kalyubi Dimension

The Kalyubi Dimension is a mirror "space", parallel to Transcendentem where entities that are banished from existence, or amalgamations from negative energy, are present. One of these entities is Kotoblade.


If any form of being or entity is banished from existence by a god or an entity with high authority, they are present here. Entities that are present in the Kalyubi Dimension can learn to use Koto to make deals with mortal beings from -verses to attempt to try and connect their world with ours. This has been done before, however, these Kalyubi entities have periodically been deleted from existence by very powerful gods, such as Creator. Kotoblade is currently trying to escape from the Kalyubi Dimension, though there are not enough fearless mortals to make deals with him, as most of them have heard of his crimes from his victims.

The internal structure of the Kalyubi Dimension is exactly like ours, except colorless with a blue hue, and there are no -verse types except Numbverses.

The Kalyubi Dimension is also extremely unstable, and existence is relative within it, meaning that entities that go there automatically are able to transcend "reality" as we know it. Kotoblade intends to merge countless amounts of -verses and monocosms with the Kalyubi Dimension to prolong his and the dimension's existence.

Creation/Eventual Destruction

The Kalyubi Dimension was created as a result of the death of a being called The Higher Guardian, as well as the Aspect Lord who created both her and Transcendentem Continuum. Since then, it has been used by top level deities to punish those that they deem fit, and since then, the dimension has been growing more and more unstable, to which at any point, it can undergo a Total Reality Collapse.

Transcendentem continuum

The Transcendentem Continuum is a collection of an infinite number of Transcendentems. Parallel to each Transcendentem is a Kalyubi Dimension and contained within each Transcendentem is an infinite number of Beyond Bubbles as well as a Guardian of the 5th Wall.


The Transcendentem Continuum holds a unique position in the hierarchy of The Barrelplex. Lower -verses such as Monocosms and Transcendentems have omnipotent cosmic entities maintaining control and stability within them, but no such control exists within the Transcendentem Continuum. There is an interesting, and slightly unorthodox, reason for this.

Outside of the Omniverse, the very basic laws of reality such as the existence of any form of space, time, science or anything else we know no longer apply, and so -verses cannot merely exist on their own with no moderation or they will fall into chaos due to a lack of natural laws to constrain them besides the laws of mathematics and logic. To compensate for this, Aspect Lords who create -verses beyond the Omniverse must also create Cosmic Entities to maintain control over those -verses, such as Creator for the Monocosm, The Supergod Council for the Beyond Bubble and The Guardian of the 5th Wall for Transcendentem. However, the higher up the chain you go, the smaller the gap in power between the Aspect Lord and the Cosmic Entity becomes. An Aspect Lord capable of creating a Monocosmic -verse is infinitely more powerful than the cosmic entity it needs to create, however an Aspect Lord capable of creating a Beyond Bubble is only finitely more powerful than the cosmic entity it needs to create. Eventually, the cosmic entity required would equal the power of the Aspect Lord which created it.

This is exactly what happened when Transcendentem Continuum was created. A new guardian, infinitely more powerful than the Guardian of the 5th Wall, was created to maintain stability over the Continuum. As The Higher Guardian had equal power as its creator, its creator had no real control over her even while she was being created and thus the Aspect Lord could not ensure that she was loyal to it. She cared only about maintaining stability, and the Aspect Lord's constant tampering with the Transcendentems was interfering with this. Thus, The Higher Guardian attempted to eliminate the threat of her creator. This could have happened at any lower level, except that in each previous circumstance the Aspect Lord was more powerful than its creation and could prevent their creations from even noticing their presence.

This conflict resulted in the two entities destroying each-other. The death of The Higher Guardian resulted in the collapse of the Continuum as all of the alternate Transcendentems began to merge. The parts of Transcendentems that merged with others first underwent horrific changes, not unlike merged Beyond Bubbles, forming structures known as Kalyubi Dimensions in between each Trascendentem, acting as a 'buffer zone' between the parts of the many Transcendentems that did not merge with others.

This resulted in the return to the separation between what was left of the Transcendentems however the Kalyubi Dimensions remained as unstable realms that could erase themselves at any moment. Entities within the Transcendentems have since used these realms, which run parallel to each Transcendentem, as places to banish unwanted entities to.

The death of the Aspect Lord resulted in the creation of a colossal amount of Xaspunum in all Transcendentems. This would later be gathered into one place by an incredible search effort and formed into The Xaspunum Nexus.


The ability to move between Transcendentems and through the Transcendentem Continuum is impossible without Omnipotence^8 on The Omnipotence Hierarchy. The only known exception to this is requiring only Nigh-Omnipotence to send creatures from a Transcendentem to its parallel Kalyubi Dimension. Moving from the Kalyubi Dimension to Transcendentem, however, requires Omnipotence^8 like usual. There is another way to move between Transcendentems, specifically, through a network of Cosmological Structures known as The Xaspunum Nexus, made from the Xaspunum created when the Aspect Lord who created the Continuum was killed. It allows creatures from all -verses within the Continuum to access all other -verses, with one exception.

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22 July 2024
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