Read the book: «The little elephant who drew dreams»


Illustrator Leonardo ai

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

© Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-2960-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1: Topik and his big dreams

Topik was a special little elephant. He was very small, with ears like two fans, and a tail that swung merrily from side to side. But the main thing that distinguished Topeka from other elephants was that he loved to look at the world, like an artist, looking for beauty in it.

– Look, Petya, what a bright butterfly! – Topik exclaimed, pointing with his trunk at a beautiful butterfly with bright red and yellow wings.

Petya, his best friend, was a slightly more practical little elephant and did not always share Topik’s enthusiasm.

– So what, Topik, an ordinary butterfly, – he answered, gnawing with interest on a leaf of a tree.

– Ordinary? Yes, she is so colorful! Like a rainbow! – Topik objected, admiringly watching the butterfly that fluttered among the flowers.

Topik wanted to draw this butterfly. He imagined how her bright wings would come to life on paper. He dreamed of capturing her beauty and conveying it in his drawings.

– Petya, let’s draw a butterfly? – Topik suggested, taking a thick pencil in his trunk.

Petya looked at Topik in disbelief.

– You don’t know how to draw, Topik! All you get are big gray blobs.

Topik sighed sadly. He himself knew that he could not draw beautifully. He tried many times, but he always came up with only huge gray blobs.

– I really want to learn, – said Topik, looking sadly at his pencil. – -I really want to draw this butterfly!

– Well, try it, – said Petya, watching his friend without much enthusiasm.

Topik took a pencil and began to draw. He depicted a circle that was supposed to become the body of a butterfly. He then tried to draw wings, but he only got two big gray spots. Topik lowered his pencil and sighed sadly.

– I can’t do it, – he said, looking at his drawing with disappointment.

– Maybe you need new pencils? – Petya asked, already interested.

– No, pencils have nothing to do with it, – said Topik, sighing. – I just don’t know how to draw.

Topik was very disappointed. He dreamed of learning to draw, but so far nothing had worked out for him.

– Don’t be upset, Topik, – said Petya, placing his trunk on his shoulder. – Maybe you should ask someone for help?

Topik nodded his head. He knew that he would never be able to learn to draw alone. He needs help.

Chapter 2: Bird with Magic Feathers

Topik walked through the forest, sad and disappointed. He stomped his big feet heavily on the soft ground, and each step sounded like a dull blow to his heart. It seemed to him that the whole world was plunged into gray, like his unsuccessful drawings.

Suddenly, he heard a beautiful song. She was so bright and joyful that Topik involuntarily raised his head and looked up. On a tree branch sat a small bird with feathers of all the colors of the rainbow. She sang with such passion that every word seemed filled with magic.

– Hello, little elephant, – the bird sang, stopping its song and looking at Topeka with its bright eyes. – Why are you so sad?

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