Volume 270 pages
Things Worth Doing and How To Do Them
About the book
"Things Worth Doing and How To Do Them" by Lina Beard is a book for girls about merry frolics and active games that stimulate the health and renew the vitality of the body and there are scores of charming things for willing hands to make which are not only worth the making but which bring skill to the fingers and breadth and energy to the mind. Excerpt: «A FOURTH OF JULY LAWN FROLIC THIS is not to be a formal lawn party, but a genuine, fun-provoking Fourth of July frolic with everyone in comfortable dress appropriate for active games. There is to be no dancing, no tennis, nothing in the way of ordinary entertainment except, perhaps, the refreshments, and they too should be as nearly in keeping with the day as possible. Prepare your guests for something novel by issuing your invitations in the form of giant firecrackers. Decorate Your Grounds and make them as festive as possible with fluttering flags, floating streamers, red, white, and blue bunting, and Japanese lanterns. Also provide a number of small flags, one for each guest, to be worn in the hat, hair, belt, and buttonhole. This little touch of uniform will not only make the scene gayer and more exhilarating, but, like badges of an order, will have the effect of dispelling the stiffness of new acquaintances, and bringing the party closer together as members of one band of merrymakers.»