Read the book: «Classics of a fantasy», page 2


I will bring a share.

– Ffva you fverit Nneuzheli in a zvezdoplavaniye and hkhgotova to fvlozhit фв it

business to., to., capital? – Marshal Stormera when they asked

came back from lady Hinton.

– I trust! Yes! – Stormer bellowed. – Both of us are businessmen, the baron, and with you

I can frankly speak, – it continued more quietly. – I trust in

the zvezdoplavaniye is as firm, as in a placer on the Thames. Yes.

Listen. If the Thames proceeded for thousands of kilometers from London, in

to the exotic country, thousands would believe in a placer on the Thames.

You remember mine “silver mines” in New Zealand or I wash “the Australian

oil”? I acquired on them millions, and they existed only in imagination

shareholders. Now you understand, as on the Thames can be gold

scatterings which will enrich us?

The car began to shake as if flew on the timbered bridge. Driver

looked back.

It Mr. Stormer laughed.

– Situation really extremely serious, – was continued by it more quietly and

more quietly. – What we endure, you know. In three countries already

communists dominate. Every day brings news of new

suicides. Whether long ago Smith, Milton., behind them Skarfas, now

Сиддонс, Abbington… Real epidemic. The most terrible crises happened and

earlier, but committed a suicide the few. Why? People trusted: behind crisis

again there will come the prosperity era. There is no this belief now. Who was ruined —

it was ruined forever. Unless I am not right?

– Fff…

– Such is situation and such is mood. Revolutions and ruin,

inevitable as death, guard all of us. Inevitable death. Stormer

made a pause to recover the breath.

– The person despaired. Was overstrung. It was exhausted. The person already stretches

hand to the revolver. And this minute to it our agent comes and speaks:

“We can save you. We will provide you a silent shelter where will not reach

your enemies and where you will be able in a circle of people close to you, surrounded

habitual comfort to live your life. Yes, it will cost to you

millions. But what these millions will cost tomorrow? Tomorrow you can

to wake up the poor, and you will intercept the retreat all,

to flight, rescue…”

Whether will be much such which will refuse our offer? To

to example, lady Hinton. Quite ripened fruit. Two-three more already close

political crash, and from this rich person fall down in our hands

pounds sterling without account. We will build “Noah’s Ark”. We will be

to build a starprobe vehicle, tens of starprobe vehicles, without caring for that at all,

they will depart or not. We will be at the head of business and to move huge

means. Conspiracy simplifies the reporting. It is necessary at all not

to have commercial intuition not to estimate all advantage of it

enterprises. I hope, now you quite understood what means to open

placer on the Thames?

Marshal de Terlonzh for nervousness long puffed, sniffed and, at last

squeezed out from itself:

– E-e-e., ffva are absolutely right!

So new was born in foggy London evening in darkness of a limousine

the joint-stock company fastened with short strong handshake.

Chapter 3


Hans Finger was by the cabin window. His curling fair hair and face

burned in the sun. He whistled a cheerful march, beating time and a leg and

hand. Finger experienced delight of the first flight on the stratoplena.

“Life – devilishly interesting movie when time and events fly as

this стратоплан…” Hans all accelerated a march. If it was possible

to start up the movie of life even quicker! To strike time in a nape so that all

hour hands were started turning quicker second, detachable leaves

calendars fell down as autumn leaves during a storm, and the sun a comet

would rush on a sky…

Hans suddenly reeled, hit the head against a wall and screamed. Or it

also, like a certain utopian hero, received a gift to work wonders?.

The sun as soccerball, described an arch in the sky and was behind a frame


Hans rubbed a nape, took seat in an easy chair and laughed.

“Well of course, it стратоплан the abrupt bend made. Yes, changing time

on the third speed, it is necessary to keep more strong”.

Hans thought.

Elections, strikes, street demonstrations. Hans kept up everywhere:

scattered illegal leaves from a roof, filled with them abonent books in

boxes of payphones, managed “Mohicans” near by to do, as well as

hundreds of his companions, antigovernmental inscriptions on walls of houses and on

the passing vans, collected the chronicle for underground newspapers, let

children’s spheres with leaflets, set up at night red banners on spikes

churches, sold theatrical programs, putting in them leaflets,

invented tens of ways of propaganda, ran away from prosecution, disappeared,

changed clothes; even it zagrimirovyvatsya and again threw out such pieces, from

which enemies turned green, workers laughed and political raged


Vinkler’s call. Organization of escape of Zander. A smart suit “under

Englishman”. Soft compartment. To the Swiss border – on a car. Boundary

strip. Night, storm… Searches of companions to which at Vinkler was

letter. Wandering… A crossing through the river. Alarm. Firefight…

Switzerland. Mountains in the neighborhood of the Alps. The small house – a chalet – among

unction, larches, Alpine cedars. Snow. Tasty mountain frosty

the air which is given to drink by a needles smell. Work in a workshop. Production of model

starprobe vehicle according to drawings. Study. War with integrals and differentials. In

leisure hours – skis, excursions on the mountains… Blotton’s arrival with big

news. Order of a big passenger starprobe vehicle. Blotton’s departure,

Zander and Vinkler in some unknown Stormer-city…

New duties are assigned to Hans: purchase and reception

high-quality staly Europe in the different cities and America.

Continuous trips. It is interesting. But… “purchasing agent” – such

work not in Hans’s taste. It sends desperate letters to Vinkler. At last

Vinkler “took pity” on him. Arrived to Europe personally to make

some purchases and to capture with itself Hans. And now they fly in

this mysterious Stormer-city. Also Blotton flies. He will make the first

rise in a stratosphere on the single rocket. He did not want this honor

to concede to nobody.

Hans looks out of the window. The sky at this height of gray and flaky color. Sun

it is dazzling is white.

And what becomes below? Concave dark blue board of the ocean. On it

it is dazzling a bright circle – reflection of a solar disk.

Magnificent, wonderful flight! Terrible jump! From west banks

Europe on the southwest, through the Atlantic Ocean, to South America.

Stratoplan crossed all its continent from edge to edge over a river basin

Amazons, passed through the Andes, made a wide semicircle over the coast

The Pacific Ocean and now goes to the same Andes from the southwest. Here they

are seen hardly noticeable zazubrinka on the horizon…

– Уф! – Hans zasvistat a march again.

– What did you rassvistetsya there? – Vinkler from the next cabin speaks.

– Very well we fly! – Hans answers, going to Vinkler.

– On the airplane so would not whistle! – Vinkler speaks. He sits at

little table also considers something in the notebook, puffing

unseparable tube.

– I only in water am not able to whistle, – Hans answered. – And in the airplane —

as much as necessary.

– The same effect that in water: stops the engine.

– It is right, – Hans agreed. – Here it is absolutely silent. As if you fly on

balloon. Even explosions are not heard.

– Quicker than a sound we fly, because and it is not heard. Four hundred. We slow down

the course also we decrease. Height is only fifteen kilometers.

– But here temperature has to be much lower, than on

the Earth’s surface, the speed of a sound decreases with decrease


Vinkler nodded in the affirmative.

– . reaching at zero three hundred thirty two meters per second.

Now probably the motor is switched already off.

– And what ceiling?

– Twenty – twenty two kilometers. It is the most favorable height if

not to chase record speed.

– Mosquito take-off. Two hundred – three hundred kilometers – all right! Five hundred

– six hundred is the real height! – the voice of the third was heard


Smoking the Egyptian sigarette, Henry Blotton approached Vinkler’s chair.

The lord was dressed in warm light brown sports overalls though in

to such “prozodezhda” there was no need: cabin of a stratoplan

it was well heated by electricity and supplied with clean air. In it

it was warm, cozy, with comfort, as in a compartment of the pullman car.

– Aeroplanny champions of height, certainly, pottered about in dust on

to comparison with us. For all these “saunders-Valkyries”,

“pharman-sou-pergoliafov”, “yunkers” twelve – fifteen thousand meters

were already almost extreme height. Researchers of a stratosphere rose

higher. But they rose on balloons. And recently in Taymsa I


Blotton rode out the favourite fad and began a never-ending conversation

about height records, about rivals who can challenge its monasteries, about

chances of a victory of the same champions, as it.

– You will go to an interplanetary travel and at once will beat all

the rivals, – Vinkler told. Blotton did not understand a sneer.

– Yes, but., I am afraid that about it it will not be printed in Taymsa and

my rivals just do not learn about a new record, – melancholically answered


Stratoplan decreased and reduced speed. Mountains on the horizon grew, dark

color of the sky turned pale, turned blue, stars, as one by one died away on


Far below, at a foot of mountains as the bright green ocean, spread

violent tropical vegetation.

– The Andes – the South American continuation of the Cordilleras, – Vinkler told. —

Behind them the desert lowland, and further – the Rocky Mountains the republics


– Surprisingly! It is difficult to get used to it. What speed, what

victory over space! – Finger exclaimed and once again Endured all


Europe – as if the big card. On the right – the Azores, at the left —

the Cape Verde Islands, hardly distinguishable even in the strongest sea

field-glass, South America… The basin of Amazon with its inflows similar on

tree branches… A semicircle of “atmospheric braking” over the Great ocean and

again coast of South America, already western.

– Yes, quite good way of studying of geography. It is better our school

books and maps, – Henry told. – But speed turtle. Other business —

space flight!

– Space flight! Turtle speed! – in Blotton’s tone continued

Vinkler. – That twelve mean some – eighteen kilometers in

second of space flight in comparison at least with thirty kilometers

flight of Earth? And star fogs! Some of them fly from huge


– ? – Blotton asked.

– About one thousand kilometers per second – usual average speed. But

there are also exceptions. According to the latest data, a fog Big Dipper

number twenty four flies with a speed of eleven thousand seven hundred

kilometers per second, Lev number one – nearly twenty thousand kilometers.

– Yes, such speed is pleasant to me. But do not laugh, kind Vinkler.

I understand in such things a little, but our friend Leo Zander said to me that

when we have radioactive energy down to a science, it will be possible

to reach also velocity of light.

– Alas, even with velocity of light you should fly to the next

stars four years and four months. To other sun stars, which we

we consider our “neighbors” in world space, – ten – fifteen

years. Some tens of stars are from us on such close

distance. To the others it should fly hundreds and thousands of years. You

the immense desert within months, years, decades would surround.

Any concept about time will disappear.

– What star, next to the Sun? – Blotton asked.

– Alpha Tsentavra. In total about forty trillion kilometers.

– Four over a year – are not much. Having kept silent, lord Henry

returned to terrestrial affairs:

– And why, actually, for start this is chosen wild, desert


– Just because it wild, desert, unsociable. Such is desire

shareholders of your wild society “Noah’s Ark”. Conspiracy.

– But there is a lot of desert places on the globe, to take at least Youzhny

pole. There nobody would prevent us, even efficient reporters. Why

exactly here? I would like to know, than the choice was defined.

– On it there were the, and important, the bases, – seriously answered

Vinkler. – Exactly there are optimum conditions for

take-off. You probably know that to the rocket at take-off from Earth

it is necessary to break through a double armor: atmospheres and terrestrial

inclinations. The greatest inclination exists on poles, the smallest – on

the equator as Earth is a little flattened to poles. Besides on

poles the smallest, and on the equator the greatest centrifugal effect.

Therefore an inclination armor on the equator minimum.

– And what difference in weight?

– On the equator the body weighs on the one two-hundredth share less, than on


– Only? – disappointedly Blotton told.

– Yes, only. Thanks to centrifugal effect and “inflation” of terrestrial

sphere at the equator of a body weigh on half-percent less here, than at poles.

As though really it is a little. But for the rocket important even it

reduction of weight: it gives noticeable economy in a fuel reserve. So

weight half-percent – not so small size in our enterprise.

– Well, equator. He agrees. But why this place on the equator?

– To answer also this question, we should talk already about

other armor – atmospheric. Air which we approximately do not notice,

represents almost absolute obstacle for quickly moving

bodies. The quicker the movement, the is more resistance. At very big

speeds resistance of air is almost also big, as well as resistance

solid body, – the real steel armor. This not only figurative

expression. Meteors – the stones which are on a silver platter – move from space

speed; crashing into the atmosphere, meteors more small, being heated because of

air resistance, evaporate, being besieged тончайшею by dust. Here with

what obstacle it is necessary to deal in our flight. Zhyulvernovskiye

the heroes who were taking off from the gun in a shell would have to in the first

the moment of a shot to break in flat cake against a shell bottom. To avoid

this sad fate, we will increase the speed of our rocket

gradually. We have to choose such place on the globe where

the atmospheric armor has the smallest thickness. Relative

density of air depends on pressure, temperature, humidity, and all

it, in turn, from height above sea level. Than higher over level

the seas, an armor of the atmosphere are thinner than subjects, it is easier for that to punch, therefore

it and that should be spent for it fuel less. At the height of six

density of air is approximately already twice less than kilometers, than at the level

seas. Now, I hope, it is clear to you that it is more favorable to the interplanetary ship

to start in total from perhaps higher place, with some mountain

surfaces? So what is is necessary for us? The equator and the greatest height on it.

Take the globe, and, turning it, you will see what mountain areas

crosses the equator. Islands of Sumatra and Borneo and South American

The Cordilleras – the Andes. Islands gorist. There are heights more than four

thousands of meters. It is possible that Sumatra and Borneo will become rocket airfields

future regular interplanetary travel, as well as Andes. But on these

islands., it is too crowded: oil, coal, tropical spices and

fruit and other tempting things attracted the capital and people there, and

islands became colonies of a number of powers. Besides Sumatra and Borneo

are rather far from those factories and the plants at which

parts of the rocket are produced. Transfer would cost much.

Therefore, there are Andes. Here everything that to us, is more faithful to you, is necessary:

equator, high mountains, deficiency, off road terrain, desert, solitude. Quite

also the area topography approaches. Flight will be directed on an inclined plane in

twelve degrees on the East, that is in the same direction, in what

also the globe rotates. It to use “free”

additional speed of rotation of Earth to add this speed to speed

rockets. As you can see if skillfully to undertake, then and rotation of Earth is possible

to make the ally. Between the Andes and the Rocky Mountains the valley lies. There,

where the Andes break to this valley, it is convenient to arrange the platform for running start

rockets. Having gained speed, the rocket “will break” from break to leave

Earth. Well, now all “why” are resolved? Blotton nodded:

– I thank you, everything is clear. Do not complain about me for my dullness: to me

it was not necessary to be engaged in these lofty matters.

– However we were so chattered that nearly missed landing, – told

Vinkler. – Already Stormer-city – the purpose of our travel is seen. On

any case be fastened to a chair by belts. Startodr here not quite

it is equipped.

Finger silently executed this council, but Blotton, being fastened, carelessly

told with a type of the skilled person.

– Overcaution!

Chapter 4


Today last day…

Ellen drops on the earth of several broken roses and does not notice it.

The aunt ordered to get ready for a trip. “You can select things weight

on centner, and gram more, – she told. – You can take everything that

it is pleasant to you also that you consider it necessary”.

Ellen entered the country lock of lady Hinton from a garden on wide

to white stone ladder. Family crests over doors with cut from

gray stone lions were corroded winds and rains of four centuries.

Four hundred years sharp-toothed, oskalenny mouths of animals protected rest of the lock. And

now it is necessary to leave all to the mercy of fate if only to save themselves…

Winter garden. Fountains in marble reservoirs murmur, birds chirp.

Artificial grottoes, small falls among greens. Palm trees, cactuses

vsevozmozhneyshy types. The most valuable collection of orchids collected by her grandfather in

that time when orchids became fashionable in England and for rare copies

paid gold heaps. Some fancy copies of these exotic

flowers had the history. To receive them, courageous hunters

behind orchids went to the wild woods of the Central Africa and Southern

America, battled against savages, animals, died of fever, stings

dragon. Some of them were burned on fires, eaten by cannibals,

died of the poisoned arrows. When this watered with blood extraordinary,

as if brought from other planet, plants appeared in the capital

Great Britain, on them new hunting – hunting capital began

the aristocrats-snobs trying to catch any price in the

collection the most original and beautiful flowers. Her grandfather then bought up

the best copies, came to admire its collection from different

countries. How many works and money were cost by this winter garden!

Behind a garden the art gallery began. Entrances and exits protect

terrible knights from whom there was only a brilliant cover. They not

will lift heavy swords in protection of the lock, will not cross copies for

honor of ladies of the heart…

Hall of easel painting. Reysdal, Rosetti, Flemings, Dutches,

Spaniards, Italians. Whether not to take what from this room? Some

peace Dutch landscape?. No!

In the dining room – hills of ancient porcelain, crystal, Venetian

color glass. Unless it is possible to take these fragile things in the rocket?

Library. Books are hated it. By!.

Narrow dark corridors Ellen passed to wardrobe rooms. Here

smelled of naphthalene. Cases contained the whole history of a suit. Ellen

removed doors and looked inside. Silk, velvet, heavy brocade,

gold sewing, pearls… And what sizes! As if wore these dresses

the died-out breed of giants. Ellen reached own clothes,

where the dresses sewed for it by the best tailors were stored. To take, to be

can, this gray silk dress? Or this black, output?

Ball – steel color? To what? Evening receptions, theaters… All this

“there” it is not necessary…

Many hours she wandered about the house. Took one thing in hand and, forgetting about

to it, mechanically put back, went further.

It turned out as a result that she loves nothing and it is not tied to anything.

Ellen has no lovely, expensive things. But why then she so dreamed about

inheritance? In what business? She could not understand it.

With bitterness she entered the room of lady Hinton. The aunt sat at a desk

mahogany and, as the usurer accepting gold in a mortgage

weighed diamonds on pharmaceutical scales.

For Ellen it was day of revelations. Having found the aunt behind this occupation,

Ellen suddenly felt that she hates her and despises. These feelings

long ago were concealed in her soul and now emerged on a surface.

– Selected? – lady Hinton asked.

– Selected nothing, – the girl answered and took seat behind the aunt at


– Why?

– Because I do not know what to select.

– You do not know?

– I do not know! – with extraordinary sharpness Ellen answered. – Any thing

does not interest me, does not stop my attention.

– Choose as I choose. To Earth we still will return when passes

general madness, I firmly trust in it. But what we leave here

it is necessary to consider lost. However, I disposed to hide some

jewelry. In cellars of the lock there are hiding places about which nobody not

suspects. There are storerooms in which it is possible to immure something. Something

it will be dug in a garden, something will be lowered in a well. But unless on servants

it is possible to rely? Means, it is necessary to count only that we can

to take with itself. The centner is after all much if to choose efficiently.

It is necessary to take the smallest by the size and weight of a thing and the most expensive.

Watch how I arrive. – And lady Hinton showed a chubby hand on a heap

the values lying before it on a table.

– I have no your abilities, – noticed Ellen.

– Study. From dresses, linen at least selected something?

– Henry says that it is only excess freight. In Stormer-city

special suits for the rocket are produced. There it will be so warm,

that to put on an excess dress it would be just unhygienic.

– Hygienists! Tell Henry that I will refuse flight if they are

to walk there in indecent suits. Take several dresses, it is more

linen, hat, galoshes, umbrella.

– And galoshes, umbrella, what for?

– They are going to land us on some comet…

– To the planet, aunt.

– Do not interrupt. And if there the rain is or slush?

– Henry advises winter suits to take. It is possible that it is necessary to us

to land on the planet with a frigid climate.

– Let do not land on such. Can choose become warmer. I do not take out

cold weather.

– Today this question will be discussed still.

– You reminded me. Whether rooms for guests are prepared? How many

the person is expected?

– Person twenty. I already disposed.

– And lunch?

– Everything is ready, the aunt.

Now there was not such time to receive guests. But it was also not

standard practice. In the country lock of lady Hinton had to gather

some participants of the forthcoming flight, to discuss very important

questions. So far it was not still precisely solved on what

the planet the crew of “ark” will land. On this congress expected arrival

several most visible astronomers. Well paid them for consultation and

for silence. Except the closest participants of flight, nobody has to know about


It would seem what can be urgency in astronomy where time

it is estimated in billions of years where everything from the terrestrial point of view is firm?

Steadily planets move on the orbits, steadily follow the

in the ways periodically appearing comets… Or astronomers waited for one of

such rare guests, like Galley’s comet, or were trapped full

solar eclipse?. No, not comets and solar eclipses absorbed them

time. They were really extremely busy. Astronomy – science about

the far sky – it was very close to some terrestrial affairs.

Great mathematicians, experts on heavenly mechanics, they were mobilized

for work on superartillery and superaircraft. “The last Mohicans”

capitalism feverishly prepared for war, preparing for the opponent “surprises”

in the form of rocket shells, military stratoplan, superlong-range guns

and other. And scientists jealously carried out charged to them especially scientific


But, working for those who were executed by animal rage and thirst of fight

and destructions, scientists could not refuse the last service and that who

wanted to run from fight. And, having bargained, they accepted favorable


That minute when lady Hinton was engaged in weighing of the

family values, the philosopher Shnirer also sat in the office for

scales, but its scales were big, and it weighed not on carats, and on

tens of kilograms. On a table before it heaps of philosophical books lay. It

the library weighed not one centner. These books are so heavy! He decided to take

the best of them. From ancient philosophers Platon – it is unconditional, Aristotle —

under doubt. From new – certainly Kant, Schopenhauer, Spengler,

Bergson. But as this old man Kant weighs much! Perhaps, not to take them?

No, they will be necessary “there”.

Shnirer worked methodically, as always. At first made a marking

“the specific philosophical weight” of each philosopher, then noted

the “physical” weight of the book also accurately wrote down on the sheet of paper.

The door of an office was slightly opened, someone glanced through a crack.

– You do not work, the father? – asked Amelie, entering the room. Amelie

never entered to the father when that was busy. It were hours

religious rites. The daughter of the philosopher was excited, her cheeks burned

flush. Shnirer looked at the daughter over points and asked briefly:

– Sport?

– This time not. I saw Otto. The lieutenant Otto Ernst was

Amelie’s groom.

– Well and that? – Shnirer asked, weighing Descartes.

– We with it had a conversation…

– As I see, very hot.

– Yes. I suggested it to take part in flight. He answered that with

its parties it would be desertion. He told: “I have to remain

here, to win or die!” Otto convinced me to remain with him.

Descartes’s small volume trembled in Shnirer’s hand.

– Well, and that you answered? – he asked, trying to hide alarm.

– I answered it that I will follow you, the father. Shnirer frowned,

to hide joy:

– So. And Otto?

– Otto speaks, as you have no need to fly… And all these books you

you want to take with yourself? Whether you gather, the father to give lectures on

philosophies to Martians or inhabitants of Venus?

– If they exist and are rather developed for this purpose, then why to them

and not to get acquainted with philosophers of Earth? – Shnirer answered. – And to fly to me

it is necessary. And it for my part not desertion and not cowardice. On me

the holy duty lies – to keep wisdom of Earth. True philosophy,

thousand-year heritage of human culture. To all this, – he specified on

books, – terrible danger threatens. Who knows what treasures of a thought

were killed in fire at the fire of the Alexandria library? And now approaches

world fire. If communism wins, I think, these barbarians will burn everything

philosophical books, except books of the philosophers, – Shnirer was lop-sided on

fireplace. – The mankind will run wild and eventually will die: the car will exterminate

it. Around the world – understand, in all solar system, in all space! —

treasures of the human genius will remain only in our “ark”. If

we are not fated to return to Earth, we will land on some planet.

We will put the basis to new mankind, true culture – without cars,

without infection of materialistic philosophy, without policy and without workers

questions. – Shnirer became straight and became similar to the bible prophet. —

There, on new Earth, – it continued, having raised a finger up, – will be necessary

these books. They will become our tables of the covenant. And I will teach people to the truth.

Shnirer, this room scientist not capable to direct actions, all

served the class till last days. However, at this philosopher were

the scores with capitalism – cars. But also consisted in that

originality of its philosophy that he tried to resolve a circle quadrature about

capitalism without the equipment and machines. Generated by hopeless

contradictions, its philosophy was quite confused, but it used

success because carried out the social order of “Mohicans” and promised

some “exit” from the deadlock. Shnirer looked at himself nearly as

on the Messiah, designed to save capitalism from a loop and to remove it in

promised country of cloudless eternal prosperity. He seriously considered

itself the keeper of wisdom of Earth, that is that philosophy which is necessary

was for an ideological justification and the statement of its class. And this

to the idea it served selflessly. Only for the sake of it he decided to go in

this extraordinary risky travel. Only for the sake of it it – passionate

the opponent of cars – decided to resort to the help of the car, to send himself to it

the order to entrust it the “precious for mankind” life.

To escape from the car by car. He deeply and painfully felt it

contradiction, but did not see other exit.

– And if we return to Earth?

– Ives this case needs to keep books in the reliable place. And that

can be more reliable than “ark”? “They” can destroy books before

your Otto and his colleagues will destroy “them”. And I will return to Earth of its treasure.

I will bring these tables of wisdom from the sky and I will hand them to people as Moisey. I

I will educate the saddened human consciousness this! – It solemnly lifted

up a small volume of own philosophical treatise about malignancy

materialism. – I have to keep myself for mankind! – solemnly

he finished and already usual tone asked:

– You kept within?

– Still not. I go to gather, – Amelie told. She kissed the father in

cheek, passed to the room, opened a trunk and one minute threw there

volleyball, several tennis balls and rackets, two guns,

cartridges, bathing and sports suits, Hawaiian guitar, small

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Release date on Litres:
11 July 2019
400 p. 1 illustration
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