Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf

Quaternary Paleoenvironments
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Book description

Quaternary Paleoenvironments examines the drowned landscapes exposed as extensive and attractive territory for prehistoric human settlement during the Ice Ages of the Pleistocene, when sea levels dropped to 120m-135m below their current levels. This volume provides an overview of the geological, geomorphological, climatic and sea-level history of the European continental shelf as a whole, as well as a series of detailed regional reviews for each of the major sea basins. The nature and variable attractions of the landscapes and resources available for human exploitation are examined, as are the conditions under which archaeological sites and landscape features are likely to have been preserved, destroyed or buried by sediment during sea-level rise. The authors also discuss the extent to which we can predict where to look for drowned landscapes with the greatest chance of success, with frequent reference to examples of preserved prehistoric sites in different submerged environments.

Quaternary Paleoenvironments will be of interest to archaeologists, geologists, marine scientists, palaeoanthropologists, cultural heritage managers, geographers, and all those with an interest in the drowned landscapes of the continental shelf.

Detailed info
Age restriction:
Date added to LitRes:
25 September 2018
554 pp.
Total size:
61 MB
Total number of pages:
Page size:
216 x 279 мм
Anthony Burgess, Delminda Moura, Geoffrey N. Bailey, Jan Harff, Nicholas C. Flemming
John Wiley & Sons Limited
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