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Want to get rid of insecurity and bad feelings regarding the foreign language(s) you have already started to learn? Want to learn a new language, without going through various levels of standard courses? You feel you are making no progress?

Go to Amazon and grab a copy of my classic book ”The GO Method – breaking barriers to language learning”.

Get the first two chapters for free by subscribing to Gerhard's weekly newsletter, with advice and resources on selling in foreign languages. Just click here.

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Age restriction:
Date added to LitRes:
13 May 2024
Date written:
13 May 2024
03 min. 13 sec.
Gerhard Ohrband
Gerhard Ohrband
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Мы слишком много внимания уделяем публичным выступлениям by Gerhard Ohrband—buy online. Leave comments and reviews, vote for your favorite.


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