Read the book: «English Tuning. Irregular Verbs. Неправильные глаголы. Сборник упражнений. Уровень А1 – В2. 2-е изд., исправленное и переработанное»


© Я. А. Писарев, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0051-4093-7

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

О серии English Tuning

Учебные пособия из серии English Tuning ориентированы на тех, кто начинал учить английский, но не доучил его. Кто что-то помнит, а что-то забыл. Кто, вроде бы, знает язык, но побаивается его применять, потому что не хватает уверенности в правильности сказанного. Кто давно хотел заняться английским, но никак не мог собраться.

Наши книги помогут вам отшлифовать уже имеющиеся навыки, вспомнить известные слова и конструкции, узнать новое и начать применять его с первых же занятий. Мы учитываем региональные особенности нашей аудитории, поэтому наши материалы для русскоязычных читателей отличаются от книг для иностранцев. Даже если вы никогда не учили язык, вы узнаете многие слова и выражения, знакомые из рекламы, фильмов и песен.

Серия English Tuning рассчитана на широкий круг изучающих язык – от старшеклассников до взрослых и очень взрослых. Она является прекрасным практическим дополнением к теоретическим материалам других авторов и серий, но может использоваться и отдельно для отработки аспектов языка, которым посвящена каждая из наших книг.

Несмотря на то, что для автоматизации употребления языковых структур требуется многократное повторение, English Tuning позволяет делать это ненапряжно. Некоторых персонажей вы легко узнаете, но, естественно, все совпадения с реальными лицами и событиями случайны. Мы стараемся подавать материал максимально компактно, чтобы не тратить ваше время на преодоление дополнительных языковых сложностей и поиск нужных значений в словарях. Используем современную лексику. Разбавляем упражнения юмором. В общем, стараемся, чтобы учить английский было весело и интересно. Enjoy your English Tuning!

Об этой книге

Цель данной книги – помочь вам запомнить формы неправильных глаголов английского языка.

Она состоит из трех разделов: в первом представлены 75 глаголов из числа наиболее частотных, во втором – 108, в третьем – 171. Если вы только начинаете изучение английского, проработайте первую часть – этих глаголов должно хватить для большинства бытовых ситуаций. Во втором разделе представлены все глаголы из первой части и еще ряд достаточно распространенных в повседневном английском глаголов, поэтому для большинства учащихся оптимальным выбором будет выполнение заданий из первого и второго раздела. А желающим досконально изучить английский мы рекомендуем проработать все три части.

Структура всех разделов одинакова – они начинаются с таблиц глаголов соответствующего раздела, объединенных по группам в зависимости от сходства их написания или звучания – так их легче запомнить. Затем представлена сводная таблица этих глаголов в алфавитном порядке и упражнения, причем в первом блоке они выстроены в алфавитном порядке используемых глаголов. Таким образом, если вы выучили только десять первых глаголов из большой таблицы, вы уже сможете их отработать в упражнении.

Поскольку изучение неправильных глаголов тесно связано с изучением английских времен, ряд упражнений рассчитан на употребление только прошедшего простого времени (Past Simple) действительного залога, в других предполагается использование настоящего совершенного времени (Present Perfect), а в некоторых упражнениях – сочетание этих двух времен. Мы умышленно ограничились данными видо-временными формами, поскольку основная задача данного пособия – запоминание глагольных форм, а не изучение системы английских времен.

Представленные в таблицах варианты перевода неправильных глаголов не охватывают всех значений этих глаголов, но для упрощения восприятия мы остановились на одном-двух вариантах. Остальные значения вы можете посмотреть в словаре.

Автор выражает благодарность всем своим преподавателям, студентам, ученикам и коллегам за помощь, вдохновение и поддержку!

Мы будем рады вашим комментариям, пожеланиям и предложениям. Пожалуйста, пишите по адресу

Section 1. Short Table


1. Mini Tables
Study the following groups of irregular verbs

2. Irregular Verbs Table (75 verbs)

Sentences (Verbs in Alphabetical Order)

3. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) Billy (to bring) home a dead mouse.

2) Hans (to be) a good boy.

3) Mr Luzhkov (to build) many houses.

4) The party (to begin) two days ago.

5) Russia (to beat) Canada in hockey.

6) Patrick (to choose) the green color for his hat.

7) Freddie (to become) famous long ago.

8) My husband (to break) two forks.

9) The police (to catch) the Beagle Boys.

10) His Dad (to buy) him a Bentley.

4. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) The girl (to become) prettier when she washed off her make-up.

2) Your friends (to bring) you a gift.

3) At that moment my heart (to beat) faster.

4) The student (to break) his pen to avoid writing a test but the teacher (to give) him an extra one.

5) My son (to build) a lego garage.

6) I (to buy) you a sandwich.

7) We (to be) in Spain last year.

8) Scottie (to catch) his pass.

9) The movie (to begin) very early.

10) My parents (to choose) my future profession.

5. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) Some strange people (to drive) buses in that city.

2) Problems (to come) very soon.

3) I (to do) nothing bad.

4) Electronics (to cost) much more in Soviet times.

5) Children (to draw) butterflies.

6) Tim (to drink) all my milk.

7) The paparazzi (to fall) off the tree.

8) You (to eat) two oranges at breakfast.

9) Monica (to feel) bad about her conversation with Angela.

10) The shop assistant (to cut) the price tag off my shirt.

6. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) The students (to do) their homework.

2) Mr Trump (to come) to Mexico.

3) Her husband (to drive) her crazy.

4) This tie (to cost) 50 dollars but I (to buy) it for 55.

5) She (to feel) homesick when she (to come) to America.

6) Snow (to fall) from the roof.

7) The model (to cut) her dress before the show.

8) Charlie (to draw) his lottery ticket.

9) I (to drink) three glasses of water but (to be) still thirsty.

10) He (to eat) three hamburgers but (to be) still hungry.

7. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) Tracey (to go) upstairs and (to fight) her husband.

2) We (to find) a new USB drive on the street.

3) Our pilots (to fly) away to Hong Kong.

4) Peter (to forget) his name and (to get) a new one.

5) The puppy (to grow) every day.

6) My window (to freeze) every winter.

7) We (to get) to the airport on time.

8) Ruslan (to give) me a good example to use in this book.

9) Jim’s parents (to forgive) him but (to make) him clean the house.

10) Winky (to fight) Pinky in every episode.

8. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) My granny (to grow) beautiful roses in her garden.

2) Senior students (to fight) freshmen at the beginning of the school year.

3) Mauro (to give) the waiter 20 euros.

4) The mosquito (to find) a hole in the net and (to fly) into the room.

5) It (to get) cold outside and we (to go) inside the house.

6) The ball (to fly) out of the stadium.

7) Rick (to forget) to call his boss.

8) Ice cubes (to freeze) in the freezer.

9) My dog (to forgive) me.

10) The man (to go) to the moon but produced a lot of problems on our planet.

9. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) In my childhood I (to know) Mendeleev’s table.

2) Eric (to hear) Gradsky’s voice.

3) Roger Rabbit (to hide) from the wolf.

4) These Italian guys (to make) great pastas.

5) The baby (to hit) Britney one more time.

6) We (to keep) on dancing.

7) You (to leave) me alone in the forest.

8) They (to let) Vitaly speak from his heart in English.

9) Federico always (to have) dinner at Burger King.

10) I (to lose) a card game to my girlfriend again.

10. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) You (to have) just one chance out of ten to miss and you (to do).

2) The family (to leave) their bags at the railway station.

3) Janet (to keep) to a diet.

4) Patricia (to make) a sushi set and (to make) everybody try it.

5) Who (to know) this man two years ago?

6) Kate (to hear) the music and (to begin) dancing.

7) Kenny (to hide) the key in his guitar.

8) You (to lose) two pounds in two weeks.

9) The arrow (to hit) the target.

10) My mother never (to let) me drink tap water.

11. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) The boys (to run) away from the security guard.

2) The president (to meet) the delegation at dinner.

3) Mohammad Ali (to rise) to fame in the 1960s.

4) Her cousin (to sell) my watch.

5) Tim (to pay) me to do this job.

6) Olya (to put) her flowers on the table to take a picture for Infragram.

7) I (to ride) a bike yesterday in the park.

8) Gagarin (to say) something in Russian and (to fly) to space.

9) We (to read) the story in Chinese but didn’t understand anything.

10) Maxim (to see) his daughter dancing.

12. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) People (to rise) to the national anthem of Greece.

2) We (to see) Antonio in Rome last spring.

3) Sandra (to meet) Robert in Vienna.

4) Vasily (to read) one page and (to get) tired.

5) She (to ride) horses only in the mountains.

6) The elephant (to run) even faster than the panther.

7) The company (to pay) for my flight and hotel.

8) Rebecca (to put) on her best dress to impress him.

9) I just (to say) hello.

10) The theater (to sell) all tickets for Denis Matsuev’s concert.

13. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) The boy (to show) his picture to his babysitter.

2) James Bond (to shake) his drink himself.

3) Somebody (to send) me roses the other day.

4) Chief engineer (to set) a deadline for that project.

5) Mr Insomnelli (to sleep) very little last night.

6) The moon (to shine) like never before.

7) Angela (to shut) her eyes and imagined her new life.

8) Natalia Conte (to sing) all her songs live at the concert.

9) Cowboy Joe (to shoot) well but his eyesight (to be) very poor.

10) My grandfather usually (to sit) in his rocking chair on the terrace.

14. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) They (to sleep) in a different hotel every night.

2) The website (to send) me spam every day.

3) The museum keeper (to show) us Bulgakov’s letters.

4) You (to set) me free.

5) The bird (to shake) its head and (to fly) away.

6) Bill usually (to sit) in the corner of our office.

7) Alfred Hitchcock (to shoot) several movies for Paramount Pictures.

8) The girl (to shut) the box, and the music stopped.

9) We (to sing) much more songs when we (to be) younger.

10) After the visit to the dentist’s my teeth (to shine) twice as bright.

15. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) Lyudmila (to teach) most of her students offline.

2) Leonid (to speak) French, German, English and Russian.

3) The monument (to stand) in front of the university.

4) James (to throw) a bone but his dog didn’t react.

5) A cat (to steal) a fish from the fisherman but he didn’t mind.

6) The shark (to swim) around the ship for some time and (to leave).

7) The musicians (to take) a train to Saint Petersburg.

8) The operator (to tell) me to wait because my call (to be) very important for them.

9) Great philosophers (to think) about the meaning of life.

10) Designers (to spend) many weeks working on Nike’s swoosh logo.

16. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) TV shows (to teach) her a lot of things; none of them (to be) useful.

2) His niece (to understand) his words in her own way.

3) Dennis (to throw) me a pencil and I (to catch) it.

4) Anna (to wake) up on the balcony.

5) The secretary (to tell) me to wait outside.

6) Selena always (to wear) blue dresses to work.

7) Ralph (to take) Lauren and (to go) to play polo.

8) This director (to win) two prestigious awards last year.

9) The fox (to think) a little and (to run) away.

10) Jack (to write) messages to all his friends on Sunday.

17. Past Simple

Use the verbs in Past Simple

1) Amber (to speak) in a low voice.

2) The workers (to understand) the task but in their own way.

3) Sometimes Gregory (to wear) a Batman mask and (to think) nobody recognized him.

4) Who (to win) the ice bucket challenge?

5) Who (to write) this wonderful poem?

6) The little ducks (to swim) in that lake in the summer.

7) I (to spend) an hour on their customer service line.

8) The table (to stand) in the center of the room.

9) The student (to wake) up right before the bell.

10) Nick (to steal) her perfume but then (to give) it back.

18. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) Linda (to break) her nail and cannot be in the photo.

2) Tatiana (to catch) the flowers at the wedding.

3) We never (to be) to Acapulco.

4) I (to choose) the color of my dress.

5) Fedor (to beat) Alexander again.

6) Beavers (to build) a dam on the river here.

7) Misha (to become) the best student in his class this year, congratulations!

8) Jack already (to begin) washing his car.

9) Close your eyes – I (to bring) you a surprise.

10) Honey, I (to buy) a new hat! Do you like it?

19. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) Birds (to build) a large nest under my window and make noise every morning.

2) I (to be) to Greece and would like to go there again.

3) It (to become) a good tradition to celebrate your birthday in this place.

4) Acrobats (to catch) each other about 20 times at the last show.

5) Changes in my city (to begin) long ago.

6) You (to break) the law – this is the reason for your arrest.

7) Who (to bring) you home?

8) My heart (to beat) faster every time I (to hear) that music.

9) Don’t cry, your mother (to buy) you a toy.

10) Anita (to choose) her new hair color; now she is happy.

20. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) Dmitry (to drink) all coffee in the house – send him to buy some.

2) Simon finally (to come) home after so many years of travels.

3) The last leaf (to fall) off the tree – I declare winter officially open.

4) This prize (to cost) him two years of hard work and most of his health.

5) Mommy, I (to cut) my old jeans and now I have new shorts!

6) Doctor Action (to do) a lot for our hospital; he deserves a monument.

7) We (to draw) this map but don’t know what to do with it now.

8) I never (to feel) such emotions before.

9) I always (to drive) a Lada and now you are telling me to try a Ferrari?

10) Well, we (to eat) the dessert, let’s call the waiter.

21. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) Thomas (to feel) that it would rain soon.

2) A letter (to come) and it says we (to win) a million dollars in a lottery but we must pay twenty dollars as a registration fee.

3) They (to cut) out all pieces of the puzzle already.

4) When a kid, I often (to draw) cars and houses.

5) Paul (to drive) a taxi when he (to be) younger.

6) Julia (to drink) all coconut milk in the village.

7) The immigrants (to do) a lot of good for this country, and we can see it.

8) Good boy! You (to eat) all your porridge!

9) This seaside weekend (to cost) me a lot but I am enjoying it.

10) Your ice-cream (to fall) down on the floor. Do you still want to eat it?

22. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) You (to give) me only 500 rubles, but the price is 550.

2) The team (to fight) hard for the victory, congratulations!

3) Jeremy (to grow) long hair, now he looks like a rock star.

4) My feet (to freeze). Where is the fireplace?

5) These geese (to fly) to us from the north.

6) You (to forget) your password? We can’t log in.

7) Why Chris (to forgive) her? I don’t understand.

8) We (to get) a super offer from our clients today!

9) Gregory, I (to find) my favorite toy that I lost a couple years ago.

10) Our conflict (to go) too far. Let’s stop it.

23. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) The grass in the yard (to grow) too tall. Let’s mow it.

2) My grandmother (to find) an error in the electricity bill. I am sorry for the company manager.

3) My shorts (to fly) away. They are gone with the wind now.

4) Nikita (to go) to Oxford but (to come) back very soon.

5) I (to forget) to pay for the internet. It’s probably off now.

6) The parents (to forgive) their son for painting on the wallpaper.

7) The chicken (to freeze). Do you have the defrost function in your microwave?

8) The boys (to get) lost in the labyrinth. Help them out!

9) I (to fight) my laziness and (to lose).

10) She (to give) me a link to an unknown website.

24. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) The bus (to leave) this black mark on the asphalt.

2) The family already (to have) dinner.

3) You (to hide) the bride well? I don’t want the groom to find her very soon.

4) The girls (to make) a new house for their dolls, take a look.

5) Sharik (to hear) somebody outside, that’s why he is barking.

6) Pablo (to hit) his brother for no reason, that’s why they are fighting.

7) Charlie (to know) Jackie for many years.

8) The minister (to let) his secretary leave – he wants to be alone.

9) Alice never (to keep) any secrets.

10) I (to lose) the remote control again! Where is it?

25. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) Look, Masha (to leave) a note on the table.

2) Bernie (to have) a nice suit at his graduation ceremony.

3) The Spanish alligator (to hide) behind the tree and we cannot see it.

4) Johnny (to make) this stick himself.

5) The waterfall is this way, I just (to hear) the sound of water.

6) Polina (to lose) her passport and cannot fly with us.

7) The icicle (to hit) him on the head but he is OK.

8) My mother (to keep) family archives so now we know who is who.

9) Watson (to know) Sherlock’s schedule.

10) Mr Foote (to let) everybody go.

26. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) I already (to say) it twice.

2) The boy is happy – he just (to ride) a bicycle for the first time in his life.

3) Our hands (to meet) but not our hearts.

4) The shop (to sell) all Chemistry textbooks. Where can we get one?

5) Kostya (to put) the key under the doormat, get it from there.

6) We (to read) your story and will publish it tomorrow.

7) The water in the lake (to rise) after the rain; it’s good.

8) Bobik (to run) away but we hope he will come back.

9) We already (to pay) for the ticket to the driver.

10) I never (to see) such a bright color in my life.

27. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) Yuri (to run) in any weather every day.

2) The band (to meet) one hour before the concert.

3) Richie (to pay) too much for this painting but it’s his choice.

4) The crowd’s anger (to rise) as soon as the man (to begin) to speak.

5) Why you (to put) Sam on my team? I don’t want to work with him.

6) She (to see) a ring in your shop and (to tell) me to buy it.

7) The lady (to read) the sign and (to go) away.

8) In Egypt we (to ride) camels, and it (to be) fun.

9) The voice (to say) that the subscriber (to be) not available.

10) The farmers (to sell) most of the harvest already.

28. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) This vase never (to shine) so bright.

2) Panarin (to shoot) the puck so well! I am sorry for the goalkeeper.

3) She (to send) me the goodbye message; that’s why I am so upset.

4) Wake up! You (to oversleep).

5) The management (to set) new targets for this year. Let’s work hard.

6) Timmy (to shake) all apples off the tree.

7) We (not to show) you everything we have in the museum.

8) Justin just (to sing) his best hit for us!

9) Mother (to shut) the kitchen door but I still smell pelmeni.

10) An old lady (to sit) down on my seat; I cannot ask her to stand up.

29. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) You (to send) your CV to the company a month ago.

2) Bill’s speech (to set) the tone for the whole conference.

3) When Michael danced, he always (to shake) his head and shoulders.

4) When my family (to go) to Portugal, the sun (to shine) every day.

5) The rifle on the stage already (to shoot). We can leave now.

6) The father (to show) his son how to use the hammer.

7) Who (to shut) the window? It’s too hot in the room.

8) Vietnamese ladies (to sing) in a karaoke every night.

9) Isaac (to sit) down on his chair and (to begin) writing.

10) They (to sleep) in a tent that night.

30. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) We (not to take) a vacation to go on this trip.

2) The principal (to speak) to my parents today; I’m in trouble.

3) James (to throw) Lessie a bone but the dog is not hungry.

4) The old BMW (to stand) the test of time, but I want to drive an electric car.

5) Timur (to swim) across the river and back. He must be tired.

6) Olga Yurievna (to teach) many generations of English teachers.

7) Students (not to steal) the test key from the teacher’s table.

8) Dina (to tell) me a secret but I can tell you too.

9) Ivan never (to think) about leaving the show.

10) We (to spend) all my money already; let’s spend yours now.

31. Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Present Perfect

1) I (to think) about your offer. I agree.

2) The gangsters (to understand) their mistake. But it’s too late.

3) I just (to wake) up. What time is it?

4) That guy (to throw) about twenty coins into the coffee machine but still (not to choose) his drink.

5) You (to win) the battle but you (not to win) the war yet.

6) Natasha and her friends (to write) several books that (to become) popular.

7) We had five apples. Olga (to take) three. How many do we have left?

8) Semin always (to wear) his lucky hat for important matches.

9) My instructor (to teach) me to drive but he (not to teach) me to park.

10) I (to tell) my neighbors to stop feeding birds out of the window. Hope they will.

32. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Use the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect

1) I (to spend) two hours in the bank.

2) The children (to understand) the rules of the game, I think.

3) My cat (to wake) me up at 3 am because it (to feel) like running.

4) Last summer we (to swim) in Lake Baikal.

5) Maria (to wear) her hair short since winter.

6) Daria Davydova (to write) many excellent articles for top magazines.

7) You (to speak) to your boss about your salary yet?

8) That bench (to stand) right here. Who has moved it?

9) I (to win) the bet. You owe me a pizza.

10) Those guys (to steal) our bag, but the money (to be) in my pocket.

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Release date on Litres:
02 September 2020
146 p. 111 illustrations
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