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Read the book: «Memory of the World: The treasures that record our history from 1700 BC to the present day»




The book is ordered by the date the documents were recorded

Title Page


The emotional power of documents

World map

Memory of the World Register


The Hittite cuneiform tablets from Bogazköy


Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer

Commemorative stelae of Nahr el-Kalb, Mount Lebanon

The Phoenician alphabet

Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon)

Ancient Naxi Dongba literature manuscripts

Mashtots Matenadaran ancient manuscripts collection

Saiva manuscripts in Pondicherry

Codex Argenteus – the ‘Silver Bible’

Codex Purpureus Beratinus

Vienna Dioscurides

Earliest Islamic (Kufic) inscription

Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman

Lucca’s historical diocesan archives

The Book of Kells

Laghukālacakratantrarājatikā (Vimalaprabhā)

The collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies

Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala’wan)

Georgian Byzantine manuscripts

Deeds of sultans and princes

Illuminated manuscripts from the Ottonian period produced in the monastery of Reichenau (Lake Constance)

Enina Apostolos, Old Bulgarian Cyrillic manuscript (fragment) of the 11th century

Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute manuscripts

Codex Suprasliensis

The works of Ibn Sina in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library

Al-Tafhim li Awa’il Sana’at al-Tanjim

Ostromir Gospel (1056–1057)

Bayeux Tapestry

Archangel Gospel of 1092

Illuminated codices from the library of the Bratislava Chapter House

Medieval manuscripts on medicine and pharmacy

The Arnamagnæan manuscript collection

Miroslav Gospel – manuscript from 1180

Tabula Peutingeriana

Song of the Nibelungs, a heroic poem from medieval Europe

Magna Carta, issued in 1215

Printing woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana

MS. GKS 4 2°, vol. I–III, Biblia Latina. Commonly called ‘The Hamburg Bible’

Hereford Mappa Mundi

The King Ram Khamhaeng inscription

Library Ets Haim–Livraria Montezinos

The manuscript of Ubayd Zakoni’s Kulliyat and Hafez Sherozi’s Gazalliyt

Collection of medieval manuscripts of the Czech Reformation

The Deed For Endowment: Rab’ i-Rashidi (Rab i-Rashidi Endowment)

Batu Bersurat, Terengganu (Inscribed Stone of Terengganu)

La Galigo

Persian illustrated and illuminated manuscripts

Collection of Nezami’s Panj Ganj

Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol (vol. II)

Khitrovo Gospel

The Annals of the Joseon dynasty

Kitab al-ibar, wa diwan al-mobtadae wa al-khabar

Slavonic publications in Cyrillic script of the 15th century

Treasures from National Archives and Library organizations

Corpo Cronológico (collection of manuscripts on the Portuguese discoveries)

Radziwills’ Archives and Niasvizh (Nieśwież) Library collection

Collection of Gothic architectural drawings

‘Bayasanghori Shâhnâmeh’ (Prince Bayasanghor’s ‘Book of the Kings’)

Stone stele records of royal examinations of the Le and Mac dynasties (1442–1779)

The Hunminjeongum manuscript

The Malatesta Novello Library

The 42-line Gutenberg Bible, printed on vellum

Bibliotheca Corviniana

Library of the Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux at the time of Pierre de Virey (1472)

Mainz Psalter at the Austrian National Library

Santa Fe Capitulations

Treaty of Tordesillas

Sound Toll Registers

Letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha

Archives Insolvente Boedelskamer Antwerpen

Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque Lustrationes

Tabula Hungariae

Beatus Rhenanus Library

Sixteenth to eighteenth century pictographs from ‘Maps, drawings and illustrations’ Archives of Mexico

Negros y Esclavos archives

Collection of Mexican codices

Colección de lenguas indígenas

Bašagic collection of Islamic manuscripts

Collection of the Center of Documentation and Investigation of the Ashkenazi community in Mexico

Nicolaus Copernicus’ masterpiece ‘De revolutionibus libri sex’

Codices from the Oaxaca Valley

Châtelet de Paris banner register from the reign of Francis I (National Archives Y9, France)

Collection of the manuscripts of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi

American colonial music: a sample of its documentary richness

Business archives of the Officina Plantiniana

Documentary fonds of Royal Audiencia Court of La Plata (RALP)

The Confederation of Warsaw of 28th of January 1573


Administrative documents of Astan-e Quds Razavi in the Safavid era

Ben Cao Gang Mu (Compendium of Materia Medica)

Tolstoy’s personal library and manuscripts, photo and film collection

Jesuits of America

Codex Techaloyan de Cuajimalpaz

Documentary heritage of enslaved peoples of the Caribbean

El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno

Uigwe: The royal protocols of the court of Joseon dynasty

Archives of the Dutch East India Company

Donguibogam: ‘Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine’

Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals)

Dutch West India Company (Westindische Compagnie) archives

The IAS Tamil medical manuscript collection

Quebec Seminary collection, 1623–1800 (17th–19th centuries)

Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the diaries of the royal secretariat

Book for the Baptism of Slaves (1636-1670)

Mining maps and plans of the Main Chamber – Count Office in Banská Štiavnica

Collection of 526 prints of university theses from 1637 to 1754

Biblioteca Palafoxiana

Hikayat Hang Tuah

Records of the Qing’s Grand Secretariat

Lu. ‘Altan Tobchi’: Golden History written in 1651

The Atlas Blaeu–Van der Hem

Golden Lists of the Qing dynasty imperial examination

Letters from and to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Archives of the Danish overseas trading companies

Hudson’s Bay Company archival records

Arquivos dos Dembos / Ndembu archives

Woodblocks of the Nguyễn dynasty

Records of the French occupation of Mauritius

Privateering and the international relations of the Regency of Tunis in the 18th and 19th centuries

Collection of 18th-century maps of the Russian empire

Newspaper collections, Russian Federation

Collection of Arabic manuscripts and books

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Geneva and Neuchâtel collections

Stockholm City Planning Committee archives

Emanuel Swedenborg collection

Archives of the Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie

Linné collection

Mongolian Tanjur

Qing dynasty Yangshi Lei archives

The literary estate of Goethe in the Goethe and Schiller Archives

Ilseongnok: Records of Daily Reflections

The Endeavour journal of James Cook

National Education Commission archives

Documentary heritage of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata

Colombeia: Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda’s archives

The Convict Records of Australia

Original Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789–1791)

Introduction of the decimal metric system, 1790–1837

The Leprosy Archives of Bergen

The Vienna City Library Schubert collection

The masterpieces of Fryderyk Chopin

Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children’s and Household Tales)

General Archive of the Nation: Writings of The Liberator Simón Bolívar

The Søren Kierkegaard archives

Final document of the Congress of Vienna

Registry of Slaves of the British Caribbean 1817–1834

Csoma archive of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

The Bleek collection

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony no. 9, D minor, op. 125

Royal archives (1824–1897)

Catecismo corticu pa uso di catolicanan di Curaçao (first catechism written in Papiamentu language)

Manuscripts and correspondence of Hans Christian Andersen

Records of the Indian indentured labourers

Farquharson’s Journal

Epigraphic archives of Wat Pho

János Bolyai: Appendix, Scientiam Spatii absolute veram exhibens

Brahms collection

Memory of the Suez Canal

The Treaty of Waitangi

The Emperor’s collection

Alfred Nobel family archives

Colonial archives, Benin

The A.E. Nordenskiöld Collection

‘José Martí Pérez’ fonds

Archival documents of King Chulalongkorn’s transformation of Siam (1868–1910)

Arnold Schönberg estate

Jinnah papers (Quaid-i-Azam)

Dainu Skapis – Cabinet of folksongs

Silver men: West Indian labourers at the Panama Canal

Henrik Ibsen: A Doll’s House

Nikola Tesla’s Archive

Benz patent of 1886

Correspondence of the late Sultan of Kedah (1882–1943)

The Historical Collections (1889–1955) of St Petersburg Phonogram Archives

German records of the National Archives

Manifesto of the Queensland Labour Party to the people of Queensland

The 1893 Women’s Suffrage Petition

Early cylinder recordings of the world’s musical traditions (1893–1952)397

Lumière films

Fonds of the Afrique occidentale française (AOF)

Historic ethnographic recordings (1898–1951) at the British Library

The historical collections (1899–1950) of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv

Letter journals of Hendrik Witbooi

Russian posters of the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries

Collection of Latin American photographs of the 19th century

Presidential papers of Manuel L. Quezon

Sakubei Yamamoto collection

The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906)

Desmet collection

Roald Amundsen’s South Pole Expedition (1910–1912)

Collection of Jewish musical folklore (1912–1947)

Original records of Carlos Gardel – Horacio Loriente collection (1913–1935)

Archives of the International Prisoners of War Agency, 1914–1923

The Battle of the Somme

Collection of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian émigré periodicals 1918–1945

League of Nations archives 1919–1946

Constantine collection

First flight across the South Atlantic Ocean in 1922

Kalman Tihanyi’s 1926 patent application ‘Radioskop’

Metropolis – Sicherungsstück Nr. 1: Negative of the restored and reconstructed version (2001)

C.L.R. James collection

Documentary heritage on the resistance and struggle for human rights in the Dominican Republic, 1930–1961

Sir William Arthur Lewis papers

Thor Heyerdahl archives

Ingmar Bergman archives

The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, 1939), produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Warsaw Ghetto archives (Emanuel Ringelblum archives)

Astrid Lindgren archives

The Appeal of 18 June 1940

Diaries of Anne Frank

Archive of Warsaw Reconstruction Office

Archives of the Literary Institute in Paris (1946–2000)

Federal Archives fonds

Audiovisual documents of the international antinuclear movement ‘Nevada-Semipalatinsk’

UNRWA photo and film archives of Palestinian refugees

Los Olvidados

Nita Barrow collection

The Archives of Terror

John Marshall Ju/’hoan bushman film and video collection, 1950–2000

Traditional music sound archives

Neighbours, animated, directed and produced by Norman McLaren in 1952

José Maceda collection

Derek Walcott collection

The Family of Man

Christopher Okigbo collection

Eric Williams collection

The Mabo case manuscripts

Original negative of the Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano

Construction and fall of the Berlin Wall and the Two-Plus-Four-Treaty of 1990

Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (The State versus N. Mandela and Others)

Network of information and counter information on the military regime in Brazil (1964–1985)

First Byurakan Survey (FBS or Markarian survey)

Aral Sea archival fonds

Landsat Program records: Multispectral Scanner (MSS) sensors

Human Rights Archive of Chile

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum archives

Human rights documentary heritage, 1976–1983

Liberation Struggle Living Archive Collection

Human rights documentary heritage, 1980

Twenty-One demands, Gdańsk, August 1980

National Literacy Crusade

Radio broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution

The Baltic Way – Human chain linking three states in their drive for freedom


Contact information

Photo credits



About the Publisher


by Irina Bokova

Director-General of UNESCO


UNESCO launched the Memory of the World Programme in 1992 to protect and promote the world’s documentary heritage through preservation and access – access to encourage protection, and preservation to ensure access.

This vision was vindicated a few months later, when on 25 August 1992, 1.5 million books in the Bosnia National and University Library in Sarajevo were destroyed. With this, a chapter of the history of humanity vanished. Too much of our heritage is lost like this in the heat of conflicts and through the twists and turns of history. Too much also lies hidden and inaccessible in libraries, museums and archives. This documentary heritage carries the memory of human experience. It is a vehicle for identity and a wellspring of knowledge and wisdom. For twenty years, UNESCO has worked to capture and to share this wealth for the benefit of all.

The UNESCO Memory of the World Registry contains today 245 documentary items from all parts of the world – from clay tablets, manuscripts and films to photographs, maps and web pages. This Register is our flagship to preserve, raise awareness and promote access to the documentary treasures of humanity. Preserving this heritage is important for maintaining the cultural heritage and identity of all societies. It safeguards our memories as a force shaping us as social beings in a common humanity.

The Memory of the World encourages every country to establish a national register and propose items for the international register. Heritage can be recorded on any of the carriers used to safeguard memories. These range from listings of archives relating to historical figures, such as Nelson Mandela and Alfred Nobel, to major historical events, voyages of exploration that have transformed the world, and the records of scientific discoveries and anthropological recordings. The scope is as vast, indeed, as is human experience.

Anne Frank’s Diaries or the Epigraphic Archives of Wat Pho need little explanation today. However, other items on the Register, such as the Sakubei Yamamoto collection and the 1824-1897 Royal Archives of Madagascar, may be less well-known but are no less emblematic of human ingenuity.

This book reveals this heritage in all of its diversity. For twenty years, the Memory of the World programme has gone from strength to strength. We must now take it ever further – by increasing nominations from all countries and by raising the visibility of preserving sources of knowledge of outstanding significance. Memory of the World is coming of age at a time when preserving our documentary heritage is more important than ever.

The emotional power of documents

Roslyn Russell PhD

Chair, International Advisory Committee

UNESCO Memory of the World Programme

Among the 245 inscriptions on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register is the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum archives from Cambodia. One photograph in the archives shows a young mother cradling a baby. It is an image that brings to mind countless others of the same subject – a mother and child – especially images of the Madonna and the Christ Child, the essence of serenity and spiritual grace.

But learning of the fate that met this particular mother and child can evoke an almost unbearable pain in the viewer – for these two individuals, after having been meticulously documented in this photograph, were taken out and killed, as were the other subjects of the photographs in the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum archives. These documents form a historical record, to be sure, but they also deliver a powerful emotional charge – and remind us of things that never should be forgotten, or repeated.

World significance, provenance and authenticity, and rarity and uniqueness are key values when assessing the suitability of a nomination of documentary heritage for inscription on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. However, we must never forget the reasons why documents are so important to us, and why we believe so passionately in their preservation.

The historical evidence that documents convey is one reason; others are the beauty and craftsmanship, or the technical innovations some documents display. The capacity of documents to engage our emotions and connect us to people and events in the past is another.

Archivists, librarians and museum curators who work with collections relating to Indigenous people can testify to the powerful emotions that flow when these people find their families mentioned in documents, or see photographs or film footage of their ancestors, or hear recordings of voices speaking their language.

Holy books and writings can also evoke strong emotional responses in members of particular faith systems. For a believer, a document associated with a saint or a prophet is not just a physical object; it possesses a spiritual power over and above its historical significance, or its value as an original, rare or unique item.

The popularity of exhibitions of documents indicates how compelling these can be in connecting people with the past. An exhibition curator explains why visitors flock to see displays of letters by writers, artists, scientists, philosophers, inventors, and political figures: ‘We see the writers’ words directly, unfiltered. The manuscripts give a sense of the authors’ daily lives, friendships, concerns and ambitions, their work and their leisure.’ Original music manuscripts can have the same emotional power, as the viewer sees the erasures, the corrections and the resolutions that lie behind a finished score. Even the pen strokes can convey the passion and intensity of composition. There are few objects of material culture that are more imbued with the personality of their originators than documents such as these.

It is the task of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme to ensure that future generations will be able to access these documents and experience their emotional power, as well as to learn about the historical memories that they convey, or appreciate their beauty and craftsmanship.