Volume 270 pages
Shades of Black 'n' Blue
About the book
A sensational second book in
The Biggest Gang trilogy from detective turned author Stephen Hayes. Fifty Shades Of Black 'N' Blue will not disappoint – the beatings continue, the culture of police corruption is further outlined with yet more real-life examples and there's yet more sex both in and out of uniform. Mr Hayes tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in this shocking sequel to his first book
The Biggest Gang In Britain.The new book is slicker and sicker than his first and as compelling as any kicking in the police cells.This volume starts with a bizarre death that led to life-changing alterations for the author and his family. It's already being considered as a movie storyline with one New York Times author describing the plot as «simply superb».Read it and weep –
Daily RecordUnlike a rubber truncheon this book will leave marks –
Sunday MirrorThe whole truth, like a kick in the crutch, can be very painful –
Daily Star SundayThe honesty on the subject of police dishonesty is most refreshing –
Stockport Express