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Read the book: «Her Heart's Desire»

Lisa Watson

Love’s his only mission

After a series of dating disasters, Tiffany Gentry isn’t ready to risk her heart again. Just when she decides it’s safer to stay single, the Chicago boutique owner meets Colonel Ivan Mangum. The gorgeous military hero is an expert in security. Yet Tiffany has no defense against Ivan’s sensual maneuvers….

Ivan knows that Tiffany should stop looking for Mr. Right—she has already found him! From romantic city nights to a passionate tryst at his mountain retreat, Ivan uses every seductive weapon in his arsenal to prove he’s her true soul mate. But when their future together is threatened, will this soldier find a way to turn his dream of love into a mission possible?

He took her hand and held it suspended between them before he raised it to his lips and kissed it.

He lowered it, but didn’t let go.

“It was apparent to me after you left the community center the other day that I didn’t make my intentions clear. I guess I’m out of practice, so let me rectify that oversight immediately. Tiffany, would you like to go out on a date with me…tomorrow night?”

Relief and then happiness flittered across her face.

“Yes,” she replied. “I’d love to go out on a date with you—and I’m…happy that you don’t have a girlfriend.”

He grinned. “Does that mean that you won’t feel guilty the next time I kiss you?”


“Good, because I’ve been wanting to do something else since I arrived…so indulge me a minute.”

Before Tiffany could ask what, Ivan’s lips descended on hers.

What started out as an exploratory kiss grew more intimate. He kissed her with confidence, as though he’d done so a thousand times before. Ivan seemed to know exactly what pressure to use to coax a response out of her, where to nibble, and how best to caress her while he did it. He tightened his hold to bring her closer still.


is native of Washington D.C., and the city’s historic and political backdrop fed her romantic imagination. Her hobbies are as eclectic as her music collection, but what Lisa loves the most is writing strong, positive characters who are memorable to the reader and fun. The picturesque locales Lisa visits always seem to find a way into her latest novels. Lisa has been married for sixteen years and lives in the Raleigh, NC, area with her husband, two teenagers and Maltipoo, Brinkley.

Want to connect with Lisa? Contact her at, on Facebook (NCLisaWatson) or Twitter (@lywatson007).

Her Heart’s Desire

Lisa Watson

Dear Reader,

When it comes to hitting the mark with love, both Tiffany Gentry and Lt. Colonel Ivan Mangum have their share of misses. For both, past experiences have shaped them and caused hurdles to overcome as they navigate their way to true love. Norma Jean Anderson, aka the Love Broker, makes Tiffany her “love” project this time, dispensing sage advice on finding lasting happiness. A boutique owner, Tiffany is fiercely independent, which Ivan appreciates, but causes some contention for the overly protective man of action. I love these characters and their supporting cast. For this couple, the road to compromise is not always a smooth one. Can they find commonality, or will differing opinions tear them apart?

I hope you enjoy this Harlequin Kimani Romance book. I’m currently writing the final story in The Match Broker series. Keep reading to find out who’s next on Norma Jean’s radar!

Be Inspired…



It’s amazing how many lasting friendships I’ve acquired by attending both the Romance Slam Jam and RT Booklovers Convention. Many of my opportunities and connections simply would not have been if it weren’t for the incredible people associated with these events. A special thank you to RT Book Reviews founder Kathryn Falk, president Ken Rubin and editor Carol Stacy for memories, friendships and learning that will last a lifetime!

My thanks to Pat Simmons, fellow author, confidant, critique buddy and overall wonderful person! Your unconditional love and advice are invaluable. Thanks for the many, many phone calls over the years to keep me and my characters on track!

To Tina Ezell Hull, another amazing writer and phenomenal woman! You keep me laughing, crying and eternally grateful for taking a ladies’ room break! I love you and those original, and poignant, Southern Belle tales!

To Renee Bernard, the newest member of my lifetime friend group and an extraordinary writer. I believe Leslie brought us together, and in a ladies’ room, no less! Our connection was instant, and our friendship sealed with laughter, tears, wine and love! What more could I ask for!? And thank you so much for The Jaded!

To my rocks: My husband, Eric, my unbelievably talented teens, Brandon and Alyssa, and my mother, siblings and family. Your love, support and understanding make it possible for me to live my dream!

For my readers—your kind words, love of my stories, support and excitement are what keep me going. Onward and upward!

To C. Adele Dodson. My Aunt…My Friend.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21


Chapter 1

An impeccably dressed man stood across the glass countertop that separated Tiffany Gentry from her customers. Before she could offer him help, the gentleman interrupted.

“I’ve got to say you’re so gorgeous your beauty is hurting my eyes.”

That’s the best he’s got? Tiffany plastered a smile of thanks on her face when she wanted to smirk. The corny come-on lines were getting tiresome, but he was her customer, and a sale was a sale.

“Then perhaps I should step away while you pick out a necklace? I wouldn’t want to eclipse it with my beauty.”

He laughed loudly before looking at her again. “I love women with spunk. I doubt I’ll find anything as delightful as you, but I’ll try.”

The front door chimed, interrupting their conversation, for which Tiffany was grateful.

“Welcome to the Petite Boutique, I’ll be with you in a moment,” she said without looking up.

Her attention was still on the undecided flirt. Now he was leaning so far over the display case that his breath steamed up the glass.

The man sighed aloud. “Yes indeed, with so many choices, I can’t decide.”

Tiffany glanced toward the front of the store. She spotted a tall man looking at a display. Excusing herself, she walked over to him.

“Good morning, are you looking for something specific?”

“Yes,” he said, turning around to face her. “The owner.”

Tiffany stared at him. He was much taller up close, well built and had just done a marvelous job of rendering her speechless. She stood there staring so long that he finally said, “Do you know where I can find her?”

“Oh,” she croaked, extending her hand. “I’m me...that would be me...Tiffany Gentry. How can I help you?”

“I’m here to help you,” he replied, closing his fingers around hers in a firm shake.

There were a number of possibilities that sprang to mind on how he could help. The first was to help her up after she collapsed in a pool of hormones on her polished wooden floor.

“I’m sorry. I guess I should introduce myself. Colonel Ivan Mangum,” he said with a slight smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Colonel,” she replied warmly. Her skin tingled at the contact. She loved men with solid handshakes—no spaghetti hands. To Tiffany, firm grips exuded confidence and strength. “You know, when I called a few days ago, I had no idea you’d be able to give me an evaluation this fast.”

“Ms. Jeannie stressed that you needed something in place right away.”

“Sooner rather than later would be best. I’ve got to say, Ms. Jeannie thinks highly of you. She wouldn’t take no for an answer and practically hovered over me while I dialed your number.”

A rumble of laughter escaped his lips. “I understand, and yes, Ms. Jeannie can be persuasive.”

Relief swept over her face. “She can indeed.”

When Norma Jean Anderson, Tiffany’s friend Milán’s mother-in-law, had mentioned she knew someone who could help, Tiffany agreed that her safety and that of the store should be her priority.

Norma Jean had told her about a man who used to be in the army, owned his own business and had installed the security system at the senior center where she taught fitness classes. Now here he was, walking around inspecting her boutique with a practiced eye. Tiffany couldn’t help but feel protective of her shop while it was raked over by his penetrating stare.

“This is an eclectic store.”

“Isn’t it?” Tiffany said. “There’s something for everyone. Most items are one of a kind. We carry jewelry that I make myself, and I’ve got some artisan friends whose work I showcase, too. They make T-shirts, soaps, lotions and even pottery.”

Ivan looked around again appreciatively. “How many rooms do you have?”

“I’ve got the main area here, a storage room and bathroom. There’s an exit from the storage room. That’s where I receive larger deliveries.”

He nodded and typed some notes on his laptop. “When I first spoke to Ms. Jeannie, she told me that you’d had a break-in a few weeks ago?”

“It wasn’t exactly a break-in. More like an overzealous customer who wouldn’t leave. I didn’t hear him come in.”

“A forced entry?”

“No. I was closed for the night. The door was unlocked, which was my fault. The chime didn’t go off. When I came out, there he was.”

“Did you call the police and fill out a report? Did they dust for fingerprints?”

She shook her head. “He didn’t take anything, and I got him to leave so I didn’t call, but it was still...”

Ivan looked down when she stopped talking. “Unsettling?”

Tiffany glanced up at him. His matter-of-fact expression from seconds earlier was replaced with one of concern. There was something about his relaxed manner that made her feel better.

“Yes. I’ve taken a self-defense class. I’m an only child. I’m used to dealing with problems myself, but in that moment, I wondered if I could remember what I’d been taught. Could I protect myself?”

Before Ivan could reply, the man across the room cleared his throat loudly.

Tiffany gazed over her shoulder. “I should get back to my customer.”

Ivan gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m going to take some measurements and continue looking around if that’s okay?”

“Of course.”

Shortly afterward, the man strode out of the store in a huff. Tiffany was pretty good at reading customers. Her intuition told her he wanted to play, not buy.

Without customers, Tiffany focused on Ivan. When Norma Jean said he used to be a colonel in the army, she’d pictured a stodgy old white-haired man with a thickening midsection. Tiffany was wrong. She wondered if Ivan had been to exotic places all over the world, spoke several languages and was an expert in lethal weapons. Granted, she may be dramatizing his abilities based on some of her favorite television shows, but he looked capable.

What a magnificent body. At five feet two and a half inches, it was a given that most people were taller than her, but she guessed he was at least six-two or six-three. His job certainly kept him in shape. His dark suit and French Blue shirt fit like they were tailored. With his physique, he could easily have stepped off the cover of a Men’s Health magazine.

Ivan had flawless light brown skin, except for a small scar on the right side of his jaw. His eyes were a vivid amber-brown, which was a sharp contrast to his thick dark eyebrows and lashes. Dark hair cut close made her wonder what it would feel like to run the palm of her hand down the smooth nape of his neck. The urge to do it made her fingers tingle.

You’ve just met him, and you’re drooling over the man. But he was charismatic, and droolworthy.

She turned to see Ivan leaning on the wall opposite the counter with an amused look on his rugged face. “Have you finished?” she asked him.

“I have.” Ivan sauntered toward her. “The only thing older than that security system is the building itself.”

Tiffany laughed. “You’re right. I inherited it when I bought the place. The alarm is temperamental, and works when it wants to—like my last sales associate. Truthfully, I haven’t given it another thought until now.”

“Were you thinking the standard motion sensors with delayed-entry keypad, or something more advanced like heat signature, night-vision cameras and—”

“Whoa,” she cut him off. “Nothing too advanced. With my budget, I can’t afford Mission: Impossible–type security. I need a modest security system where I can enter a code, turn it on or off—and a panic button, of course.”

“Of course. You’ll also want a monitoring agency to alert the police?”

“Sounds good to me.”

He made a few more notes before asking, “Will other companies be bidding?”

“I’d say that depends on you, Colonel Mangum.”

“Call me Ivan. I appreciate the opportunity, and I’m sure I can help. I’ll call you when I have the proposal ready.” He extended his hand. “A pleasure, Miss Gentry.”

“Tiffany,” she corrected. Her hand slid into his. “Likewise.”

After he left, Tiffany went to the storage room to get a box of clothing. She placed it on the counter, pulled up a stool and began to add price tags. While she worked, she made a mental note to thank Norma Jean for recommending Ivan. He’d been a pleasant diversion today.

The phone’s ring startled her from thoughts of Ivan Mangum.

“Thank you for calling the Petite Boutique. How may I help you?”

“How did it go?” Milán Anderson, Tiffany’s best friend, asked. “Was the guy competent?”

“Yes.” Tiffany leaned against the counter. “Not what I expected.”

“Uh-oh,” her friend said with concern. “Good or bad?”

A smile covered Tiffany’s face. “Fantastic. I expected some old boring guy with a large belly.”

“Was he?”

“Nope.” Tiffany sighed. “Lani, he was straight out of an action movie—tall, commanding and built like he’s been working out since childhood.”

“What a meeting. Was business discussed, or did you drool the whole time?”

“It was all business. He’s probably married or has a girlfriend.”

Tiffany filled Milán in on her appointment with Ivan, then they hung up.

A healthy appreciation for a gorgeous man was fine, but she would not act on her impulses. She had been attracted to one too many men who were unavailable, and for all she knew, he was just the same. Still, it was impossible not to be drawn to him. When it came to first impressions, Colonel Ivan Mangum was definitely an Army of One.

Chapter 2

Tiffany almost dropped a glass bowl she was wrapping in tissue paper a few days later when Ivan walked in. He was wearing a pair of jeans, and a dark gray Under Armour shirt that fit him like a second skin.

She walked up to him as he was eyeing a crystal owl pendant. “Wow, you have my quote already?”

Ivan grinned. “Soon.”

“Did you have more questions?”

“Not on security. I’ve got a dilemma and thought you could help.”

“Of course. What’s the problem?”

“I need a gift. My grandmother turns ninety-six next week.”

Tiffany relaxed. “You’ve come to the right place. What does your grandmother like? Does she have any hobbies?”

As they discussed his grandmother, Tiffany guided Ivan around the store, showing him everything from velvet wraps to ceramic bowls, but nothing seemed right.

“Wait, I’ve got it.” With a grin, she retrieved the owl pendant and held it out to him. “It caught your eye earlier, and from what you’ve told me about her, I think she would love having something almost as wise as she is.”

Ivan’s fingers connected with hers. His touch was warm as it grazed her palm. He tilted the pendant in the light.

“That’s true. Always go with your gut, right?”

She laughed. “Words I live by.”

“In that case, I’ll take it.”

“Wise choice.” Tiffany winked. “I’ll wrap it for you.”

Celeste, one of Tiffany’s employees, rang up Ivan’s purchase while she wrapped the gift with care. Tiffany placed the birthday gift in a decorative bag and handed it to Ivan.

“I hope she loves it.”

“I’ll let you know. Thanks for coming to my rescue.”

A warm smile brightened her face. “Anytime.”

For the second time that week, Tiffany found herself staring as he walked out of the store.

The phone rang, causing Tiffany to almost jump out of her skin. She picked it up.

“Hi, honey. You’re not busy, are you?”

“No, Ms. Jeannie. What’s up?”

“I wanted to make sure you’re coming to the party tonight.”

“Like I would miss Milán and Adrian’s anniversary party. Of course I’ll be there,” Tiffany said.

“Great. Are you bringing a date? If you’re not, I’ve got a few prospects.”

Sometimes Norma Jean was overzealous in her matchmaking quest. And it seemed it was too late to dissuade her now.

“Ms. Jeannie,” Tiffany began, “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but—”

“Trust me, dear. It’ll work out great. I promise. Now don’t be late.”

Before Tiffany could say another word, Norma Jean had hung up.

A blind date was the last thing on her mind, but getting that point across to Norma Jean was more impossible than keeping shoppers orderly at a Bath & Body Works semiannual sale.

* * *

Ivan opened the door to his parents’ two-story home and flipped the light on. He juggled car keys, his grandmother’s gift and a large brown paper bag. Kicking the door shut with his foot, Ivan set everything but the bag on the hall table.

“I’m home,” he called out.

“Down in a minute,” his brother replied from upstairs.

He went in the kitchen for plates, silverware and beers. Back on the couch, he took his carryout dinner out of its bag and assembled his meal.

Cole Mangum walked into the room. “Hey.” He picked up the remote and turned the television on before sitting next to his brother.

“Hey, yourself.”

“It’s Friday night,” Cole pointed out.

“Yeah, and?”

“What are you doing home?”

“Cole, I’m home every night,” his brother replied in a dry tone. “What are you doing home?”

“Waiting to see what’s for dinner,” he joked.

“Thai food,” Ivan replied, while dumping a mound of shrimp pad thai onto his plate. “I got your favorite.”

“Cool, thanks.”

Cole picked up a plate and helped himself to red curry with chicken. He strategically spooned it over his brown rice.

They ate in silence until Cole asked, “How’s work going? It’s been a few weeks since you’ve had an assignment. Aren’t you getting restless?”

“No. Helping people out while I’m here has kept me busy. In fact, I’m working on an alarm system now for a small boutique owner, Tiffany Gentry. I’ll need your help on it, by the way.”

“Is she the one Mrs. Anderson told you about?”


“Is she attractive?”

Ivan stopped chewing. “Cole.”

A wide grin etched his brother’s face. “What? I’m just asking.”

“She’s a client,” Ivan dismissed.

“So? That time in Munich—”

“Drop it.”

Cole glanced at his brother. “What’s the big deal? What she looks like isn’t classified information.”

Ivan took a sip of his beer. “She’s about five foot three inches tall, has bright, expressive brown eyes, dark hair with highlights that she wears spiked and beautiful mocha skin. She has a beauty mole above her right collarbone, and when she smiles...her whole face lights up. She’s left-handed, sure of herself and wears a floral fragrance that reminds me of the ocean. It suits her.”

Cole tried not to laugh. “Did you miss anything?”

“In my line of work, it’s imperative to assess problems quickly—and people.”

“I don’t doubt it. She sounds like a beautiful woman.”

Ivan didn’t like where the conversation was going one bit. “Don’t even think about it, baby brother.”

“No reason why both of us should miss out,” Cole reasoned.

Before Ivan could open his mouth, Cole burst into laughter.

“Dude, I’m kidding. Don’t get worked up.”

Ivan’s eyebrow shot upward. “You haven’t seen me worked up.”

Cole sat back and put his feet up. “I’m sure that’s true, Colonel Mangum.”

An hour of dinner and television later, Ivan stood up. “I’ve got some work to do.”

Cole glanced at him. “Go ahead, I’ll clean up.”

Ivan thanked him and headed upstairs. He retrieved his laptop and sat down on the couch in his sitting area. He placed his feet on an old leather trunk and got to work on Tiffany’s proposal.

But twenty minutes later, he found himself leaning back, closing his eyes and recalling his initial meeting with Tiffany. Her playful manner and humor were refreshing. In his line of work, a personal life was challenging. Working in the private sector was no different. Ivan’s company and his time centered on his clients. Some of his men and women traveled to dangerous locations with dignitaries, business professionals and wealthy notables.

Even when he wasn’t on assignment, Ivan was involved in each case to ensure the safety of his employees and customers. The hours were long and the job physically demanding, but he was proud of his accomplishments and thriving business. He excelled at it, and loved every minute.

A knock sounded at his bedroom door, and Cole entered.

“Mom called. She asked how the renovations were going, and if we were eating.”

Ivan shook his head and smiled. His mother was a worrier. It had been eight months since he’d moved back to his family’s home in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago. With work keeping him busy, he had taken his parents, Lennox and Maris, up on their offer to move back home and make Chicago his hub. Since they now spent the winter months in St. John, that gave him and Cole time to reconnect. So far they were making the most of their temporary bachelor pad.

“Did you tell her that you haven’t cooked since they left?”

“Ha. I told her we’re doing well, and the guest bathroom is coming along. She wants us to send some pics.”

Thanks to their father, Ivan and Cole were pretty handy carpenters. While their parents were gone, the brothers had decided to upgrade the first-floor bathroom. The remodel, his business and checking on their grandmother, Cecile Mangum, kept him busy. GiGi, as he and Cole called her, lived in an assisted-living facility in nearby Evanston. As the oldest, it was his duty to keep his feisty grandmother and Cole out of trouble while his parents were gone. It was a full-time job.

Cole sat down and propped up his feet on Ivan’s trunk. “Did you finish your proposal?”

“Not yet. I got...sidetracked.”

“What’s the cause of your preoccupation—or who?”

Ivan remained silent.

“Come on, Ivan. I can tell you like her.”

“Sure I do. Tiffany is a likable woman.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it. It’s written all over that stern face of yours. You’re attracted to her.”

“I’ve got work to do, Cole,” Ivan said.

Cole stood up. “Fine. I guess I’ll let you get back to it, then.”

“Good. I’ll see you later.”

After his brother left, Ivan resumed working. He was diligent for a while, but his attention kept straying to Tiffany. She was unlike any woman he knew. Her sense of humor made him smile, and her beauty and spirit appealed to him.

But Cole’s reference to Munich was a somber reminder not to get involved with clients. The Munich incident had involved a friend of a client. When it was time for him to leave, she had not taken the news well. That had caused animosity from his client, and Ivan had vowed to keep things strictly professional after that.

Standing up suddenly, Ivan decided to go for a run. Physical exertion would get Tiffany Gentry off his mind—and if it didn’t, he was in trouble.

Big trouble.

The free excerpt has ended.
