
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments, now entituled The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. Volume 6 (of 17)

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Precautions (thwarted by Fate and Fortune), 167

Predestination (not Providence, a Moslem belief), 202

Prisons (Moslem), 244

Privy and bath favourite haunts of the Jinns, 141

Property (left by will), 213

Prophets (and their agnomina), 270

Prostration (must be made to Allah only), 136

Prothesis without apodosis (a favourite style in Arabic), 203; 239

Punctilios of the Desert, 264

Quarter (son of the = neighbour), 236

Ra’ad al-Kásif (Pr. N. = the loud-pealing Thunder), 221

Rafw = artistic style of darning, 198

Rahmah (Pr. N. = the puritanical “Mercy”), 226

Rais = captain, master (not owner) of a ship, 12

Rape (rendered excusable by wilfulness), 187

Ráy = rede (“private judgment”), 146

Ráyí = rationalist, ib.

Red habit (sign of wrath), 250

Refusal of a demand in marriage a sore insult, 262

Relations between Badawi tribes, 267

Retorts (of a sharp Fellah), 232

Ring (in memoriam), 199

–– (lost in the Harím raises jealous suspicion), 200

Rivers (underground), 63

Robe (the hidden, story of), 188

Ruby (of exceptional size), 66

Rustak (Al-), city of Oman, 289

Rukh (the world-wide Wundervogel), 16

–– (study of, by Prof. Bianconi), 49

Sá’a (measure of corn, etc.), 203

Sabbah-ak’ Allah bi’l khayr = Allah give thee good morning, 196

Sabúr = Sapor II, 274

Safe-guard (I am in thy = I appeal to thy honour), 158

Sahmhu = his shaft, 100

Sahím al-Layl (Pr. N. = he who shooteth an arrow by night), 261

Sail = torrent, 164

Sá’ikah = thunderbolt, 271

Sailor (Ar. equivalents for), 242

Sáis = groom, horsekeeper (Syce), 9

Sajjádah = prayer-rug, 193

Saksar (Pers. Sag-sar = dogs’ heads), 37

Sa’lab = fox, 211

Saláhitah (Al-), island, 30

Salámát = Welcome!, 232

Sales (formula of), 73

Samak = common fish, 69

Samúm = poisonous wind (Simoon), 88

Sandal (Ar. Na’al), 207

Saráb = mirage, 93

Sarandib = Selan-dwípa (Ceylon), 64

Sásá bin Shays, 274

Satan (his malice weak in comparison with that of women), 144

Sea of Al-Karkar, 101

Sea-stallion (myth of the), 9

Serpent (breaks the bones of its devoured prey by winding round a tree or rock), 29

–– (preserving from sickness), 66

–– (in Ar. mostly feminine), 75

Shakiriyah = Kshatriya caste, 10

Shamardal (Al-) = the Tall One, 221

Shams al-Daulah (imaginary king of Egypt), 241

Shaykh al-Bahr = the Chief of the Sea (-coast), 51, 53

Shaykh of the thieves (one of the worthies of a Moslem capital), 204

Shays = Ab Seth, 283

Shoe (Ar. Markúb, Na’al), 207

Shrouds (carried by the pilgrims to Meccah), 61

Sight comprehendeth Him not, etc., 282

Signs of Allah = Koranic versets, 144

Simoon (Ar. Samúm = poisonous wind), 88

Sindbád (not to be confounded with the eponym of the Sindibád-námah), 4

Sindibád the Sage, 124

Sindibád-námah (Persian romance), 122

Sindibad-námah (quoted), 129; 132; 134; 139; 143; 145; 150; 152; 169; 180; 183; 188; 202

Sírah (small fish, fry, sprat), 216

Siyághosh, see Tufah.

Sold to thee for monies received (formula of Moslem sales), 73

Solomon (his food-tray), 80

–– (his seal-ring), 84

–– (the Apostle of Allah), 99

–– (his Wazír Asaf), ib.

–– (his trick upon Bilkís), 113

Spears and javelins, 263

Stallion (I am not one to be struck on the nose), 262

Steel (Ar. Bulád), 115

Stirrup (walking by the), 234

Stones (precious, and their mines), 18

–– (removed from the path by the pious), 190

Suez (Ar. Al-Suways), 80

Suways (Al-) = Suez, ib.

Swimming (studied in Baghdad), 134

Sword (the enchanted), 230

Tadmurah (founds Tadmur or Palmyra), 116

Talking birds (watching over wives), 132

Tanjah = Tangiers, 106

Target (Ar. darakah), 9

Ta’rísak = thy going between (pimping), 196

Tasmeh-pá = strap-legs, 51

Tawáf (circuit of the Ka’abah), 242

Thousand thousand = a million, 98

Three things are better than other three, 5

“Throwing the handkerchief”, 285

Tin (Ar. Kazdír), 39

Tingis = Tanjah (Tangiers), 106

Torrents (Ar. Sail) a dangerous feature in Arabia, 164

Tortoise (the colossal), 33

Toujours perdrix, 130

Traveller (a model one tells the truth when an untruth would not serve him), 7

Tribes (relations between), 267

Tufah = felis caracal, lynx, 260

Tusks (not teeth), 82

Tyrant (from —, to tyrant = from official to official), 214

Ujb = arrogance (in the Spanish sense of gaiety, etc.), 164

Ulysses (the Arabian), 40

Unhappy thou!, 285

Underground rivers, 63

Upakoshá (Vararuchi’s wife), 172

Usirát (Al-), island, 57

Vengeance (of a disappointed suitor apprehended), 286

Vivisepulture, 41

Wa’ar = rough ground unfit for riding, 140

Wadd, Suwá’a and Yaghús, 282

Wady al-Ward (the Vale of Roses), 276

Walímah = marriage-feast, 74

Walking afoot (not dignified), 227

Wanderer in the mountains = a recluse avoiding society, 158

Wars (caused by trifles frequent in Arab history), 142

Wasm = tribal sign, 163

Water-melons (eaten with rice and meat), 208

Week-days (old names for), 190

Whale (still common off the East African coast), 11

White (colour of the Ommiades), 86

–– robes denote grace and mercy, 250

Wife (Aurat), 30

–– (called “Family”), 75

Will he not care? = he shall answer for this, 245

Windows (looking out of, a favourite occupation in the East and South), 167

Wishes (tale of the three), 180

Witches (and their vehicles), 158


Witness (bear —, against me, i.e. in case of my denial), 286

Wives (and their suitors), 172

Woman (in Hindostani jargon = aurat), 30

–– (her shame extends from head to toes), 118

–– (their cunning and malice), 144

–– (corrupts woman more than men do), 152

–– (knowing enough without learning to read and write), 168

–– (of Kashmír), 156

–– (her female visitors unknown to the husband, except by hearsay), 199

–– (words used only by them, not by men), 233

Ya’arub (eponymus of an Oman tribe), 260

Yá miskín = O poor devil, 219

Yauh! Yauh! = Alas, 235

Yaum mubárak = a blessed day, 215

Zabbat = lizard; bolt, 247

Zughzaghán (Abú Massáh = Father of the Sweeper) = magpie, 182

Zahra = the flowery, 145

Zahwah = mid-time between sunrise and noon, 35

Zalamah (Al-) = “tyranny”, 214

Zanj = Zang-bar (Black-land, Zanzibar), 104

Záwiyah = oratory, 259

Zu al-Autád = the contriver of the stakes (Pharaoh), 118