Read the book: «The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony»
© Rami Bleckt
© Publishing Company «Blago-Darenie»
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"Rami is a professional psychologist, astrologer, yoga instructor and Ayurveda practitioner, with vast practical experience and knowledge. This book is not merely an academic research, it is a result of many years of Rami's practice as a lecturer and a consultant. He managed to adapt ancient Eastern science of Gunas to the practical application in the modern world, and to deliver it to the present-day readers in a clear and simple form. As well as Sattva Guna is a key to the mind and psychological healing, Rami's book is significant for those who are seeking practical and spiritual approach to understanding of the mind and emotions."
Professor David Frawley, the author of many bestsellers, world-wide recognized Master of Oriental Astrology and Auverda
The book "Three energies" by Rami Bleckt, PhD, is highly valuable for the readers. It makes it possible to get in touch with practical application of the following principles of ancient wisdom. The readers can see the world through the prism of the author's view and perceive something they have never seen before. This material is a world of Universal laws of Love, Harmony and Justice in action. The practical experience of the author turns dull theory into vibrant reality, and inspires us to follow, apply and hands out Rami's life philosophy. This will help all readers to become happy and teach how to make others happy around them as well."
V. Tuneev [BV Gosvami], one of the best experts of the ancient Indian philosophy and psycology
I would like to express my deep gratitude to all Teachers, through whom I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of how truly the highest knowledge is.
The English version of this book was published only due to the tremendous work that my friends have done, Zulfat Khismatulin – he translated this book and Patricia Raferty – she edited the book.
Many thanks to them!
I hope that their belief that this book will bring a lot of good into lives of readers, will come true.
Also I would like to thank Shmuel Rabin, Julia Verba, Elena Skomorohova, Boris Shitikov, Olga Shiryaeva, Elena Korotaeva and Sergei Medvedev for their great help. The book would not have become a reality without their assistance.
Special thanks to my wife, Marina, for she, by just using some of our lecture notes, has written several important chapters instead of me.
Also, would like to further thank Professor David Frawley, for the important recommendations that he has given me and for the wonderful introduction that he wrote.
Inspiration for writing this book
Life itself is neither good nor bad: it is a reservoir of both good and bad, depending on what you make of it.
Michel de Montaigne
In September 2006 we travelled around South India. It was extremely interesting. We undertook a full panchakarma course (cleansing the body of slugs and toxins) and met incredible people – astrologists, yogis, gurus (spiritual teachers)… But the most amazing of all was that we met one well-known Ayurvedic doctor. He was 80 years old and looked incredible, full of happiness and peace.
All his life he studied and practiced Ayurveda and became very successful. Many awards and photographs with government letters of appreciation were around his office. He would look into men’s eyes, check their pulse, sometimes press different pressure points on the body and then give a correct diagnosis of the condition of different internal organs. Then he would give recommendations about diet and lifestyle. Some of us were given special Ayurvedic medicine. The doctor spent more time with the youngest member of the group, and found several very serious diseases, about which the young man knew. Other (Western) doctors had recommended a surgery for this young man. This Ayurvedic doctor told our young friend that if he followed the prescribed instructions, he would be cured in a few months. He prescribed some kind of herbs from the Himalayas which needed to be taken after boiling for several hours. The young man followed all the instructions and as a result the benign tumour, gastritis and urine-genital problems disappeared. The Ayurvedic doctor gave him not just herbs but also the knowledge by which the herbs miraculously worked. If one follows this system from birth then there will be no need for any medical treatments.
After few days we met one famous astrologer that prominent politicians and businessmen come to consult with. Meeting him was possible only due to a recommendation from a Maharaj we knew. Meeting this Master was of great significance for me because he agreed to become my teacher. Over the next few days he taught me many important lessons. He amazed all of us by his deep understanding of life and different karmic situations and also by his psychic abilities. He also spoke about the knowledge with which the inauspicious influence of planets can be neutralized and even how to become liberated from the laws of karma. For ordinary people such knowledge can eliminate disease and suffering and shed light on how one can be happy, healthy and harmonious.
Both teachers looked effulgent because they had applied this knowledge in their lives; despite their old age they radiated health and happiness. They inspired me to write this book in a way that people living outside of India can access this knowledge. In the past, Indian sages had this knowledge but nowadays few people know about it and even fewer realize how important and practical this knowledge is. I have seen so many times the phenomenal changes in people’s lives when they start using this knowledge: eradicating different physical and psychological diseases; eliminating problems from their personal lives; achieving social success; developing powerful intuition; progressing rapidly in spiritual life. The most important transformation is the overwhelming contentment that develops independent from external circumstances. If you want these miraculous changes in your life too you should read this book at least once.
Foreword by Pr. David Frawley
Yoga is not just a physical discipline but contains a wonderful practical philosophy of life and healing. For this it is connected to Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional natural healing system of India, and to Vedic astrology, India’s science of the stars and of karma.
Yoga philosophy has contributed many profound insights to world spirituality. Yoga sees the universe as a play of two primary forces, the power of consciousness or what is called the Purusha in Sanskrit, our inner being, and the forces of nature or what is called Prakriti or the primary power of creation. One of the main insights of yogic thought is its understanding of all the forces of nature according to three gunas or primary qualities. The term guna means what binds the soul as the forces of nature easily become powers of attachment to the external world of time and space and draw us away from resting in our deeper eternal nature of the Purusha.
Each of the three gunas called Sattva, Rajas and Tamas has its particular qualities and roles in the cosmic order:
Sattva, which means the quality of truth or being, is identified with light, mind, consciousness, goodness, virtue, harmony and balance. Rajas, which means turbulence and agitation, is identified with energy, life, emotion, manifestation, assertion, disequilibrium and change. Tamas, which refers to darkness, is identified with matter, inertia, the unconscious, dullness, resistance, entropy and stability.
All three qualities have their necessary place in the world of nature starting with the three great cosmic forces of light (sattva), energy (rajas) and matter (tamas). Everything in the universe consists of various interrelationships and intertransformations of these three powers of light, energy and matter, as the great scientist Einstein revealed in his equation E=MC2 or energy equals matter times the speed of light squared. The forces of nature are constantly moving back and forth between all three qualities, which are not separate states but related modes of nature’s workings.
All three qualities also have their place in our own human nature as body (tamas), vitality (rajas) and mind (sattva), which make the three levels of our functioning. The body is the material component of our being, the mind our inner light, and our vital energy or life-force (prana in Sanskrit) the energy between the two ones. These three forces are not separate but rooted in each other and mixed together. Body, life-force and mind are part of a single continuum and constantly influencing one another.
Here Yoga introduces another important aspect of this science of the guans. The mind itself is the natural domain of sattva, requiring light, harmony, balance and clarity for its proper function. This means that when we take the standpoint of the field of the mind, then tamas and rajas, or the influences of the body and vital energy, can become factors of disturbance, with the bodily influences having the capacity to dull the mind, and the vital energy having the ability to disturb it. Rajas and tamas become ‘doshas’ or factors of disease at a psychological and spiritual level. Rajas and tamas allow factors of agitation and dullness, or wrong imagination and wrong judgment that cloud how our intelligence works. This in turn leads to the main difficulties, maladies and pain that life can bring us, as well as preventing us from gaining the wisdom (sattva) to handle with all these.
For this reason, yogic thought always emphasizes the development of sattva guna as its primary principle of inner growth and development. Yoga urges us to resort to those types of foods, impressions, ideas, expressions and associations that promote sattva guna and avoid those that promote rajas and tamas. The prime principle of spiritual development through Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine and the proper understanding of karma in Vedic astrology is this science of the three gunas and the need to promote sattva guna as the prime value for the human mind and soul.
The three gunas provide us a wonderful and practical system for both classifying our activities and learning to promote those actions that lead us to higher awareness. Its emphasis on sattva guna is the basis of the yogic recommendation of a vegetarian diet, for example, and on ahimsa or non-violence as a prime behavioral principle. Indeed nonviolence is the foundation of sattvic living and thinking, meaning that we should not wish harm to others in any way not just to avoid violence but to foster peace and light within ourselves.
Yoga provides a system of values, exercises, emotional states, mental conditions, and practices of mantra, pranayama and meditation according to the three gunas. Even Yoga asanas are designed to promote sattva guna or the quality of peace and stillness at a physical level. Ayurveda, Yoga’s complementary medical system, similarly provides us with a detailed classification of foods, herbs and therapies according to the three gunas. Vedic astrology provides an understanding of the influences of the planets according to the three gunas. An understanding of the gunas is central to all the Vedic sciences.
It is important for students of Yoga or of any spiritual sciences to learn, and apply this system of the three gunas in their own daily lives. However, there are few books that deal with the subject of the gunas and show us how to use them in a practical way. Most examinations of the gunas are content to list a few common characteristics of the gunas and do not go beyond that. It often leaves the students in doubt how to apply the gunas really in a meaningful manner.
In this regard Rami Bleckt has brought out an important new book on the gunas in the Russian language that brings them into a clear perspective for the modern reader. His book serves a vital need and offers many useful tools of self-healing, self-understanding and self-realization that can be of great transformational value for their lives and for their awareness. Rami is a trained psychologist, yoga teacher, Ayurvedic teacher and astrologer, who brings to this study much experience and knowledge. It is not just an academic presentation but the result of many years of personal practice, teaching and counseling. He has learned how to adapt this eastern science of the gunas to life in the modern world and can relate it to the reader accordingly in a clear and simple manner.
As developing sattva guna is the key to the mind and, therefore to psychological healing, his book has a great relevance for all those looking for a more practical and spiritual approach to dealing with the mind and emotions. How we feel in our minds cannot be separated from the food we eat, how we use our senses, our breathing patterns and our associations. In this way the science of gunas can add many new dimensions to psychology in all of its forms. All psychologists should examine this approach and see how our emotional well-being can be changed by shifts in behavior that are in our control to develop and do not necessarily require drugs or chemical interventions.
As an author of thirty books in the yogic field over the last more than twenty years, it is heartening to see this deep knowledge spread to a larger audience in different countries in the world. I hope that the book meets with a heartfelt reception and that through it many more individuals can benefit from the tools of yogic knowledge, which are of relevance to everyone. We must thank Rami for his service and can only wish that he continues with additional contributions to the cause of the greater well-being for all.
Sattva guna has not only the ability to heal but to promote world peace and understanding. This is the need of our times. We cannot have peace unless we have a life-style that promotes peace. Peace must be rooted in our moment by moment action and awareness and in all our interactions with the world. It cannot be just an occasional concern or a mere political expediency.
Sattva leads us to Sat, which is the principle of pure existence allied with Chit, pure consciousness, and Ananda, Divine love and bliss. Trough promoting Sattva we prepare ourselves to become a vehicle of the higher powers of the universe. May this publication increase that wonderful quality of sattva guna for all those who delve into its pages!
Professor David FrawleyAuthor: Yoga and Ayurveda, Ayurveda and the Mind etc., Santa, Fe NM USA (HYPERLINK ""), June 2008
Major problems that face us cannot be resolved on the same level of consciousness on which they were created.
Albert Einstein
This book is about how to attract the energy of happiness, health, success and harmony into our lives, and how to simultaneously eliminate the energy of destruction, diseases and unhappiness. Everything in this world consists of different energies; modern science has also come to this conclusion. Thousands of years ago enlightened sages taught how to attract correct energies into one’s life. The term Ayurveda is currently associated with an ancient medicine that can improve one’s health through the use of herbs, massage, cleansing procedures and diet. Although this is correct, it is also a limited perspective that is convenient for advertising and business purposes. Today, only few know that Ayurveda is primarily a system of psychology that can free one from diseases quickly and simply at various stages of development.
In “Ashtanga-Hridaya Samhita” (one of the main Ayurvedic texts written by enlightened sages thousands of years ago) it is stated that there are six stages of illness:
1. Psycho-physiological (gunas).
2. Energy-informational, Ethereal (imbalance of energy, sensory and knowledge acquiring channels).
3. Neuro-endocrinal (aggravated doshas).
4. Endo-toxic (accumulating of the products of weak metabolism, toxins).
5. Manifested, symptomatic (appearance of clinical symptoms of diseases).
6. Terminal (death of an infected organ).
It is understandable that in the first two stages a disease can be cured easily, at stage three and four it is also curable, at the fifth it is difficult to cure and at the sixth it is incurable.
Modern medical systems usually deal with stage five and even stage six. Most Ayurvedic clinics function at stage three and four and the majority of purgative programs deal with stage four.
A well-known Russian researcher and author of the series, “Diagnostics of Karma”, S. N. Lazarev, by seeing a person’s energy field can successfully diagnose at the stage two. But his system would not help a person who is blocked at the first stage due to a predominance of ignorance and passion (Tamas and Rajas). For accuracy I should also mention that Ayurveda also describes the karmic stage which underlies all of the above six stages; it can be seen on the energy-informational, ethereal field of a person. How to change the karmic stage will be explained in the second chapter of this book.
This book explains the first stage and to some extent the second one. On these levels everything can be changed and improved and if one applies this knowledge, depression and disease will be forgotten.
I remember how amazed I was when I discovered that in ancient India and China people were astonished when someone became ill and doctors would be disgraced – “How could he let it happen?” The main duty of a doctor at that time was to visit his patients to develop a personal relationship with them through discussing various philosophical and metaphysical topics. He would also advise on lifestyle, diet and social interaction.
Interestingly, the Russian language originated from Sanskrit and belongs to the Indo-European group of languages, and has preserved within it many Sanskrit words and terminology. For example, the Russian word for “doctor” developed from the Sanskrit word “to talk”. In ancient times practically all Ayurvedic doctors were spiritually highly advanced. Famous doctors of ancient times, founders of their own schools and systems were prominent spiritual practitioners and gurus. This was happening outside of Vedic civilization as well. Slavic people turned for help to Magi (healers and priests), Rambam is a famous Jewish scholar, and Avicenna is a known Arabic scholar of medicine and philosophy.
Unfortunately this knowledge is generally written in a complicated way that many find it difficult to understand for a modern man. What I accomplished: after reading many books, and attending multiple seminars on this subject, I have compiled all this information in a simple language. I have seen how this knowledge has helped many people regardless of their spiritual orientation. I am confident that it can help all of you!
The first part of this book is based on my introductory seminars and is suitable for those who have limited understanding of this knowledge. We deliberately left the style of writing very close to the speaking style to make the subject more accessible. Our experience is that educated people can easily understand it. We have been pleased to receive warm feed back from people who are new to this knowledge as well as from those who have studied and worked in the field of eastern medicine and psychology for many years.
Even if your goal is not spiritual and you just want to be happy, healthy and successful then this knowledge can help you to achieve your goals in a practical way.
The scientific view on the subject discussed in this book
“Science is making highly significant developments that have and will have a vast impact on our lives and which have the ability to completely alter our perception of the human psyche, pathology and perspectives of healing. Some of these major developments challenge traditional psychology and psychiatry and the Cartesian/Newtonian paradigm, which is the foundation of Western science. They can radically change our understanding of human nature, culture, history and reality itself.”
Dr. Stanislaw Groff, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Psychiatric Research Centre, Maryland
Modern science has come to a conclusion that refutes the materialistic view on life: matter is not material in it’s essence. The essence, the finest particles do not weigh anything. They are something else and more – information, movement, vibration, sound beyond the range of the human ear.
The characteristics of an object are determined by it’s inner structure.
Many modern scientists, particularly physicists, came to the conclusion that all matter consists of only waves and nothing else.
There are two types of waves – corked, which refer to matter, and free, which refer to radiation or light. These scientific statements prove the ancient theory which explains that the foundation of the material Universe is simply a movement and there is no other foundation for the Universe except movement.
Anyone familiar with the latest scientific advancements knows that light is a rhythmical vibration or activity (irregular movements).
Light, activity and stability are three main types of movement which are not only the components of all substances but provide the foundation for the environment within which these substances exist.
According to modern science the characteristics of atoms and molecules depend only on their structure and in final analysis they are nothing more than different combinations of these three types of movement.
By studying physics and chemistry we can take any object and analyze its’ components from the perspective of movement – rhythmical movement, non-rhythmical movement and an absence of any movement.
In the chemical synthesis of any compound, for example DNA, if we add a radical in one place and take out one atom in another, the characteristic of the substance changes. Thus it is the movement that can be considered as the foundation of the substance of the objective Universe.
The conclusions of Eastern psychology and modern science are similar and affirm that movement appears to be the foundation of the physical Universe. The path is now open for accepting essential ancient teachings which define the foundation of the Universe is mental, and everything that appears to be a combination of mental and physical phenomena, in reality is a result of a psychic experience or purely mental phenomenon.
“Whatever modern physics has discovered until now is described in full in ancient Indian Vedic texts, without any (mathematical) formulas. There were and still are two ways of perceiving the Nature of things. On the one hand it is represented by Western science, which requires proof, experiments, etc. On the other hand is Eastern science – the knowledge received from an outer esoteric source, for example, in the process of meditation. Esoteric knowledge is not taken, it is given to people. At some point the esoteric path was lost and then another way was developed, extremely difficult and slow. In the last thousand years we have come to the knowledge that has been known in the East for over 5000 years.”
Director of International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics Professor A. E. Akimov
Despite the fact that not all of the colleagues agreed with this scientist, his statement is interesting. Certainly the further science progresses, the more it validates what was understood thousands years ago.
This book is dedicated to the “gunas”, the three main energies of the Universe, which determine the path of our lives.
In ancient ages, enlightened sages knew about these three energies and the three different types of movements. The excerpts from the book by I. K. Taimni “Glimpses into the Psychology of Yoga” are given below:
“The physical world, observed in it’s objective aspect of atoms and molecules, is a field of activity of three types of movement, which by their endless variety of combinations develop a flow of material manifestations. If we analyze how the gunas manifest in different aspects of life we see that they have their roots in their own fundamental and special natures, which depend on three types of movement – harmonious, chaotic and static.
Movement and nothing else is the structural foundation of the gunas. Actually, there are only three main types of movement. Movement can be rhythmical or non-rhythmical. The latter type is found in molecules moving in gas or liquid. Such movement is described by the Sanskrit word kriyā (which means an activity) and corresponds to rajas (passion). Movement can be rhythmical or harmonious, for example, light or sound. This is called prakasha meaning a vibration or light; light is a typical example of a vibration, enlightening a mind, where the movement of electrons is a “locked light”. Even sound vibrations evoke cognition of an object – the emitting sound can enlighten the mind. The third type of movement is a fixed condition and is called sthiti or stability. When we carefully study matter the “absence of movement” also can be considered to be a main type of movement which corresponds to tamas (ignorance), as prakasa corresponds to sattva (goodness).
One who has some knowledge of physics and chemistry can take any material object and analyse its composition in terms of rhythmical, non-rhythmical and static movements. Take water for example. What is the composition of water? Its’ mass consists of the chaotically moving molecules H2O. It is kriya. Each molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, united together and separated by a fixed distance. That is sthiti. In each hydrogen and oxygen atom electrons spin with the speed of light, which we know as “locked light”. That is prakasa. Therefore, any object can be represented as a unique combination of these three fundamental types of movement or, using terms from yoga psychology, as a unique transformation of the gunas. The distinctive qualities of all objects depend on certain unique combinations or structures and change when the structure changes. In this way, only movement can be considered as the base and substance of the objective Universe. In this instance occultism and science are in agreement…”