Read the book: «Учись учить английскому: упражнения», page 23


8.      I have improved my English recently (lately).

9.      My income has increased this year.

10.      We have risen our prices this year.

11.      They have run their first marathon this month.

12.      I haven’t said any word today.

13.      Have you seen her this month?

14.      We have sold our cars several times.

15.      They have sent me money many times this winter.

16.      He has set me on feet three times.

17.      She has informed me about it two times today.

Exercise 40

Перевести на английский

1. Это заинтересовало меня.

2.      Я прерывал его речь несколько раз.

3.      Ты еще не представлял меня.

4.      Мы не изобрели еще машину времени

5.      Они приглашали нас много раз.

6.      Он раздражет её с их первой встречи.

7.      Она чешет нос с завтрака.

8.      Он присоединился к нашим странам с Великой Отечественной Войны.

9.      Он тряет эту яблоню с обеда.

10.      Она светится с первой нашей встречи.

11.      Он не стреляет с последней войны.

12.      Я показываю им свой творчество в течение четырёх лет.

13.      Ты закрываешь свою собаку на пять часов каждый день.

14.      Мы поем эти песни в течение двух часов.

15.      Они тонут в финансовых зыбучих песках в течение года.

16.      Я сижу здесь в течение двадцати минут, но никто не прошёл мимо.

17.      Ты шутит в течение последних двадцати минут.

Exercise 41

Раскрыть скобки

1. How long we (jump) here?

2.      How long they (kick) the ball?

3.      How long these stars (kill)?

4.      How long she (kiss) him on the lips?

5.      How long it (knock)?

6.      I just (sleep) a little.

7.      You ever (smell) this scent?

8.      We just (speak) about it.

9.      They just (spend) all their money.

10.      He just (spell) this word.

11.      She just (stand) there.

12.      It just (be) there.

13.      He just (steel) your car.

14.      She just (sweep) the floor.

15.      It has just (swim) here.

16.      I already (land) here.

17.      You already (laugh) at this joke.

Exercise 42

Перевести на русский

1. Have you ever liked classical music?

2.      Have you ever loved her?

3.      He has already marked his birthday in the restaurant.

4.      She has already married.

5.      It has already melted.

6.      I have already memorized this rule.

7.      You have already mended your car.

8.      We have already milked our cows.

9.      They haven’t moved yet.

10.      He hasn’t killed this bear yet.

11.      She hasn’t named her name yet.

12.      This bear hasn’t noticed me yet.

13.      He hasn’t numbered his cows yet.

14.      She hasn’t offended yet.

15.      She hasn’t offered me tea yet.

16.      Have you ever opened this box?

17.      Have you ever swum in the Atlantic Ocean?

Exercise 43

Перевести на английский

1. Мы когда-нибудь учили кого-нибудь жить?

2.      Они когда-нибудь рвали важные бумаги?

3.      Я никогда не рассказывал тебе об этом.

4.      Ты никогда не думал об этом.

5.      Мы никогда не бросали камни в кого-нибудь.

6.      Они никогда не понимали меня.

7.      Он никогда не развязывал свои шнурки

8.      Она никогда не расстраивала меня.

9.      Это разделило нас в последнее время.

10.      Я упаковал большую часть моего багажа в последнее время.

11.      Ты нарисовал много картин за последнее время.

12.      Мы парковали наши машины здесь в последнее время.

13.      Они проходили мимо этой церкви много раз за последнее время.

14.      Он играл много ролей за последнее время.

15.      Она позволяла ему курить в комнате в последнее время.

16.      Он звонил много раз сегодня.

17.      Он разместил много интересных статей в этой газете.

Exercise 44

Раскрыть скобки

1. She (plan) to visit him.

2.      He (plant) tomatoes many times.

3.      I (play) this game six times.

4.      You (wake) me up two times this night.

5.      We (wore) these costumes three times.

6.      How many times they (win) this year?

7.      How many times she (write) to you?

8.      How many times you (be) there?

9.      How many times we (polish) our car?

10.      How many times tears (pour) from her eyes today?

11.      He (prepare) for his exam for two weeks.

12.      She (present) me birthday presents for fifteen years.

13.      It (preserve) our house for twenty years.

14.      I (press) this button for fifteen minutes and nothing has happened.

15.      You (prevent) me from it for 5 years.

16.      We (print) this book for one year.

17.      They (beat) this carpet for twenty minutes.


Exercise 45

Перевести на русский

1. He has become the boss.

2.      She has begun a new life.

3.      It has happened several times this week.

4.      This dog has bitten fife people recently (lately).

5.      She has blown on the dandelion.

6.      It has broken the tree.

7.      I have brought good news for two weeks.

8.      You have built your house since 2012.

9.      We have burnt it since two o’clock.

10.      They have bought milk here since last year.

11.      He has caught a taxi here since eleven o’clock.

12.      She has chosen a new flat since 2012.

13.      It has come.

14.      I have produced it since last year.

15.      How long have you programmed it?

16.      How long have we promised him to go to the theatre?

17.      How long have they protected you?

Exercise 46

Перевести на английский

1. Как долго он снабжет тебя овощами?

2.      Как долго они тянут в разных направлениях?

3.      Это только что произошло.

4.      Он только что порезал себе палец.

5.      Она только что вскопала свой огород.

6.      Я только что сделал это.

7.      Я только что дорисовал картину.

8.      Ты только что выпил моё молоко.

9.      Мы только что поехали.

10.      Они только что наказали сына.

11.      Я уже нажала эту кнопку.

12.      Ты уже запомнил эту ситуацию.

13.      Мы уже получили твоё письмо.

14.      Они уже узнали её.

15.      Он уже записал это.

16.      Она уже понизила цены.

17.      Уже пошёл дождь.

Exercise 47

Раскрыть скобки

1. I already (refuse) your offer.

2.      You not (regret) about it yet,

3.      We not (remind) him of it yet.

4.      They not (remove) their furniture yet.

5.      He not (repair) the house yet.

6.      She not (eat) yet.

7.      It not (fall) yet.

8.      He not (feed) his dog yet.

9.      She not (feel) this pain yet.

10.      These dogs not (fight) yet.

11.      I not (find) my passport yet.

12.      We not (repeat) the new rule yet.

13.      You ever (reply) to her letters?

14.      She not (report) yet.

15.      You (overcome) all your human foibles yet?

16.      You (mistake) today?

17.      You ever (rescue) anybody during your life?

Exercise 48

Перевести на русский

1. Have you retired yet?

2.      You have scared my cat.

3.      Somebody has just screamed in the street.

4.      The waitress has already served the main course.

5.      Have they settled their conflict yet?

6.      He hasn’t shaved this week.

7.      They have met many times.

8.      Her behavior has never shocked me.

9.      I have never smelt this scent before.

10.      Why have you smiled?

11.      Who has smoked here?

12.      I have just found my lost ring.

13.      It has snowed since the very morning.

14.      Have you ever spelt this word?

15.      My friend has just flown.

16.      My mommy has just spilled milk on the stove.

17.      My girlfriend has never spoiled food.

Exercise 49

Перевести на английский

1. Моя подруга только что побрызгала духами себя.

2.      Сегодня он начал новую книгу.

3.      Где ты остановился?

4.      Она забыла всё.

5.      Почему ты остановился?

6.      Что ты предложил?

7.      Этот костюм подошел тебе?

8.      Почему ты простил её?

9.      Он никогда никого не снабжал.

10.      Он поддерживtn нас с прошлого года.

11.      Молоко замёрзло на балконе сегодня.

12.      Ты только что удивила меня.

13.      Наши враги уже окружили наш город.

14.      Ты включил свет в ванной комнате?

15.      Сколько денег у тебя было сегодня?

16.      Он уже вернулся.

17.      Зачем ты рисковал?

Exercise 50

Раскрыть скобки

1. Why you (give) him your key?

2.      They (rob) our supermarket today.

3.      The cat (rub) against my leg since morning.

4.      They already (ruin) her castles in the air.

5.      Where you (go) today?

6.      They (talk) for two hours.

7.      You ever (taste) this dish?

8.      This monster (terrify) us since 2012.

9.      She never (thank) me.

10.      My son already (grow).

11.      He just (tie) his horse to a tree.

12.      This present perfect already (tire) me.

13.      I already (train) you to use this tense.

14.      This year I not (travel) yet.

15.      Which doctor (treat) you?

16.      You just (hear) a strange noise?

17.      Why you (trick) me?

Exercise 51

Перевести на русский

1. Why have you turned here?

2.      Where have you hidden my passport?

3.      She has already typed the letter.

4.      Have you undressed the baby yet?

5.      She has already knitted a new sweater for me.

6.      I haven’t unfastened my seatbelts yet.

7.      What have you known about her biography?

8.      We haven’t united yet.

9.      Have you ever unlocked this room?

10.      Have you unpacked your things yet?

11.      Have you ever used this camera?

12.      My purse has just disappeared somewhere.

13.      How many interesting people have you met today?

14.      How many interesting places have you visited this year?

15.      How long have you waited for me here?

16.      Have you walked in the park today?

17.      Have you already overcome your fear of speaking English?




Exercise 1

Я проанализировал ситуацию.      I have analyzed the situation.

I haven’t analyzed the situation.

Have I analyzed the situation?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I analyzed the situation or the problem (task…exercise)?

What have I done?

What have I analyzed?

Who has analyzed the situation?

Я побывал в Америке.      I have been to America.

I haven’t been to America.

Have I been to America?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I been to America or to England (Russia…Australia)?

What have I done?

Where have I been?

Who has been to America?

Я принес молоко.      I have brought milk.

I haven’t brought milk.

Have I brought milk?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I brought milk or bread (fruit…salt)?

What have I done?

What have I brought?

Who has brought milk?

Я извинился за это.      I have apologized for it.

I haven’t apologized for it.

Have I apologized for it?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I apologized for it or for that (the incident…the act)?

What have I done?

What have I apologized for?

Who has apologized for it?

Я построил дом.      I have built a house.

I haven’t built a house.

Have I built a house?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I built a house or a garage (a palace…a tower)?

What have I done?

What have I built?

Who has built a house?

Я спросил ее об этом.      I have asked her about it.

I haven’t asked her about it.

Have I asked her about it?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I asked her or him (them…it…) about it?

What have I done?

What have I asked?

Whom have I asked about it?

Я сжег старые письма.      I have burnt old letters.

I haven’t burnt old letters.

Have I burnt old letters?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I burnt old letters or papers (newspapers…journals…)?

What have I done?

What have I burnt?

Who has burnt old letters?

Я купил мяса.      I have bought some meat.

I haven’t bought any meat.

Have I bought any meat?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Have I bought any meat or any vegetables (fruit…milk…)?

What have I done?

What have I bought?

Who has bought any meat?

Exercise 2

Он искупался в ванной.      He has bathed in the bath.

He hasn’t bathed in the bath.

Has he bathed in the bath?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he bathed in the bath or in the swimming pool (river…ocean)?

What has he done?

Where has he bathed?

Who has bathed in the bath?

Он стал знаменитым певцом.      He has become a famous singer.

He hasn’t become a famous singer.

Has he become a famous singer?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he been become a singer or a dancer (artist…man)?

What has he done?

What singer has he become?

Who has become a famous singer? (What singer has he been?)

Он вскипятил немного молока.      He has boiled a little milk.

He hasn’t boiled a little milk.

Has he boiled a little milk?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he boiled a little milk or water (tea…coffee)?

What has he done?

What has he boiled?

Who has boiled a little milk? (How much milk has he boiled?)

Он начал новый проект.      He has begun a new project.

He hasn’t begun a new project.

Has he begun a new project?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he begun a new project or a book (program…picture)?

What has he done?

What has he begun?

Who has begun a new project? (What project has he begun?)

Он заказал билеты.      He has booked the tickets.

He hasn’t booked the tickets.

Has he booked the tickets?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he booked the tickets or the room in the hotel?

What has he done?

What has he booked?

Who has booked the tickets?

Он поломал старый дом.      He has broken the old house.

He hasn’t broken the old house.

Has he broken the old house?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he broken the old house or a building (room…toys)?

What has he done?

What has he broken?

Who has broken the old house? (What house has he broken?)

Он позвал ее.      He has called her.

He hasn’t called her.

Has he called her?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he called her or them (cats…dog)?

What has he done?

Who(m) has he called?

Who has called her?

Он подул на горячий чай.       He has blown to the hot tea.

He hasn’t blown to the hot tea.

Has he blown to the hot tea?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Has he blown to the hot tea or coffee (milk…cacao)?

What has he done?

Where has he blown?

Who has blown to the hot tea? (What tea has he blown to?)

Exercise 3

Ты признал свою вину.      You have confessed your blame.

You haven’t confessed your blame.

Have you confessed your blame?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you confessed your blame or mistake (problem…difficulty)?

What have you done?

What have you confessed?

Who has confessed the blame?

Ты пришел вовремя      You have come on time.

You haven’t come on time.

Have you come on time?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you come on time or been late?

What have you done?

Who has come on time?

How have you come?

Ты ответила мне: «Да».      You have answered me “Yes”.

You haven’t answered me “Yes”.

Have you answered me “Yes”?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you answered me “Yes” or “No”?

What have you done?

What have you answered?

Who has answered me “Yes”?

Ты упал на пол.      You have fallen down on the floor.

You haven’t fallen down on the floor.

Have you fallen down on the floor?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you fallen down on the floor or on the grass (sofa…carpet)?

What have you done?

Where have you fallen down? (What have you fallen down on?)

Who has fallen down on the floor?

Ты прибыл вовремя.      You have arrived on time.

You haven’t arrived on time.

Have you arrived on time?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you arrived on time or late?

What have you done?

How have you arrived?

Who has arrived on time?

Посмотри! Ты порезал свой палец.      Look! You have cut your finger.

You haven’t cut your finger.

Have you cut your finger?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you cut your finger or you arm (leg…nose)?

What have you done?

What have you cut?

Who has cut his finger?

Наконец-то ты убрал свою комнату!      You have cleaned your room at last.

You haven’t cleaned your room.

Have you cleaned your room at last?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you cleaned your room or your flat (house…garden)?

What have you done?

What have you cleaned?

Who has cleaned your room? (What room have you cleaned?)

Наконец-то ты отнес свой велосипед в подвал!       You have carried your bicycle in the cellar at last.

You haven’t carried your bicycle in the cellar.

Have you carried your bicycle in the cellar at last?

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Have you carried your bicycle in the cellar or in the attic (garage…balcony)?

What have you done?

What have you carried?

Who has carried your bicycle in the cellar?

Exercise 4

Кот съел рыбу.      The cat has eaten fish.

The cat hasn’t eaten fish.

Has the cat eaten fish?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has the cat eaten fish or meat (bread…cooked cereal)?

What has it done?

What has the cat eaten?

Who has eaten fish?

Эта собака укусила его.      This dog has bitten him.

This dog hasn’t bitten him.

Has this dog bitten him?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has this dog bitten him or her (cat…mouse)?

What has it done?

What has this dog bitten?

Who has bitten him?

Этот орангутанг избил свою самку.      This orangutan has beaten its female.

This orangutan hasn’t beaten its female.

Has this orangutan beaten its female?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has this orangutan beaten its female or a visitor (that orangutan…man)?

What has it done?

Who(m) has this orangutan beaten?

Who has beaten its female?

Очень злой медведь появился в нашем лесу.      A very angry bear has appeared in our forest.

A very angry bear hasn’t appeared in our forest.

Has a bear appeared in our forest?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has a bear appeared in our forest or garden (zoo…city)?

What has it done?

Where has the bear appeared?

Who has appeared in our forest?

Моя кошка поймала мышку.      My cat has caught a mouse.

My cat hasn’t caught a mouse.

Has my cat caught a mouse?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has my cat caught a mouse or a fish (dog…bird)?

What has it done?

What has the cat caught?

Who has caught a mice?

Собака попила воды.      The dog has drunk some water.

The dog hasn’t drunk any water.

Has the dog drunk any water?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has the dog drunk any water or beer (tea…coffee)?

What has it done?

What has the dog drunk?

Who has drunk any water?

Тигр атаковал льва.      The tiger has attacked the lion.

The tiger hasn’t attacked the lion.

Has the tiger attacked the lion?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has the tiger attacked the lion or the man (bird…mice)?

What has it done?

What has the tiger attacked?

Who has attacked the lion?

Эта кошка избежала наказания.       This cat has avoided punishment.

This cat hasn’t avoided punishment.

Has this cat avoided punishment?

Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.

Has this cat avoided punishment or a promotion (praise…meat)?

What has it done?

What has this cat avoided?

Who has avoided punishment?

Exercise 5

Мы почувствовали радость.      We have felt joy.

We haven’t felt joy.

Have we felt joy?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we felt joy or sorrow (grief…cold)?

What have we done?

What have we felt?

Who has felt joy?

Мы высоко оценили вашу доброту. (appreciate)      We have appreciated your kindness.

We haven’t appreciated your kindness.

Have we appreciated your kindness?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we appreciated your kindness or politeness (decision…step)?

What have we done?

What have we appreciated?

Who has appreciated your kindness?

Мы подрались с ними.      We have fought with them.

We haven’t fought with them.

Have we fought with them?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we fought with them or with him (her…you)?

What have we done?

Who have we fought with?

Who has fought with them?

Мы одобрили его решение.      We have approved his decision.

We haven’t approved his decision.

Have we decision his solution?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we approved his decision or behavior (plan…project)?

What have we done?

What have we approved?

Who has approved his decision?

Мы нашли выход из этой ситуации.      We have found the way out of this situation.

We haven’t found the way out of this situation.

Have we found the way out of this situation?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we found the way out of this situation or of the building (encirclement… recession)?

What have we done?

What have we found?

Who has found the way out of this situation?

Мы пристегнули наши ремни безопасности.      We have fastened our seat belts.

We haven’t fastened our seat belts.

Have we fastened our seat belts?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we fastened our seat belts or a stamp (handle…labels)?

What have we done?

What have we fastened?

Who has fastened our seat belts?

Мы взлетели над городом.      We have taken off over the town.

We haven’t taken off over the town.

Have we taken off over the town?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we taken off over the town or the village (forest ..mountain)?

What have we done?

Where have we taken off?

Who has taken off over the town?

Мы сделали попытку уладить это щекотливое дело.      We have attempted to settle this delicate matter.

We haven’t attempted to settle this delicate matter.

Have we attempted to settle this delicate matter?

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Have we attempted to settle this delicate matter or a difficult task (attempt suicide… to solve the crisis)?

What have we done?

What have we attempted?

Who has attempted to settle this delicate matter?

Exercise 6

Она вскопала огород.      She has dug up the kitchen garden.

She hasn’t dug up the kitchen garden.

Has she dug up the kitchen garden?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she dug up the kitchen garden or the yard (garden…field)?

What has she done?

What has she dug up?

Who has dug up the kitchen garden?

Она посоветовала мне поехать в Швейцарию.      She has advised me to go to Switzerland.

She hasn’t advised me to go to Switzerland.

Has she advised me to go to Switzerland?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she advised me to go to Switzerland or to The USA (Russia…Australia)?

What has she done?

What has she advised me?

Who has advised me go to the Switzerland?

Эта девочка нарисовала (карандашом) большого крокодила.      This girl has drawn a big crocodile.

She hasn’t drawn a big crocodile.

Has she drawn a big crocodile?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she drawn a big or a small crocodile?

What has she done?

What has she drawn?

Who has drawn a big crocodile?

Она восхитилась этой картиной.      She has admired this picture.

She hasn’t admired this picture.

Has she admired this picture?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she admired this picture or this boy (scenery…film)?

What has she done?

What has she admired?

Who has admired this picture?

Она проехала на своей машине через всю Сахару. (to drive)      She has driven by her car through the Sahara.

She hasn’t driven by her car through the Sahara.

Has she driven by her car through the Sahara?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she driven by her car through the Sahara or Siberia (Canada…England) ?

What has she done?

What has she driven across?

Who has driven by her car through the Sahara?

Она допекла его. (to annoy)      She has annoyed him.

She hasn’t annoyed him.

Has she annoyed him?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she annoyed him or them (you…her)?

What has she done?

Who has she annoyed?

Who has annoyed him?

Она накормила ее собаку.      She has fed her dog.

She hasn’t fed her dog.

Has she fed her dog?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she fed her dog or cat (child…husband)?

What has she done?

Who(m) has she fed?

Who has fed her dog?

Она зааплодировала громко.       She has applauded loudly.

She hasn’t applauded loudly..

Has she applauded loudly?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.

Has she applauded loudly or quietly?

What has she done?

How has she applauded?

Who has applauded loudly?

Exercise 7

Эти девочки привлекли внимание тех мальчиков.      These girls have attracted the attention of those boys.

These girls haven’t attracted the attention of those boys.

Have they forgotten attracted the attention of those boys?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they attracted the attention of those boys or the police (dogs…men)?

What have they done?

Whose attention have they attracted?

Who has attracted the attention of those boys?

Они простили ее за это.      They have forgiven her for it.

They haven’t forgiven her for it.

Have they forgiven her for it?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they forgiven her or him for it?

What have they done?

Who have they forgiven for?

Who has forgiven her for it?

Они запретили нам курить здесь      They have banned us to smoke here.

They haven’t banned us to smoke here.

Have they banned us to smoke here?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they banned us to smoke or to drink (to play…to stand) here?

What have they done?

What have they banned us?

Who has banned us to smoke here?

Цветы в саду замерзли.      The flowers have been frozen in the garden.

The flowers haven’t been frozen in the garden.

Have they been frozen in the garden?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they been frozen or faded (bloomed…disappeared) in the garden?

What have they done in the garden?

Where have they frozen?

Who has been frozen in the garden?

Они повели себя не очень хорошо.      They have behaved themselves not very good.

They haven’t behaved themselves not very good.

Have they behaved themselves not very good?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they behaved themselves not very good or good (bad…excellent)?

What have they done?

How have they behaved themselves?

Who has behaved not very good?

Эти люди получили очень много денег.      These people have got very much money.

These people haven’t got very much money.

Have they got very much money?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they got very much or little money (little…a little)?

What have they done?

What have they got?

Who has got very much money?

Они благословили нас.      They have blessed us.

They haven’t blessed us.

Have they blessed us?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they blessed or cursed (praised…deceived) us?

What have they done?

Who(m) have they blessed?

Who has blessed us?

Они проанализировали все.      They have analyzed everything.

They haven’t analyzed everything.

Have they analyzed everything?

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Have they analyzed everything or nothing (anything…the project)?

What have they done?

What have they analyzed?

Who has analyzed everything?

Exercise 8

Переведите на английский язык:

1.      Что ты получил?       1.      What have you got?

2.      Что восхитило тебя?       2.      What has admired you?

3.      Почему твой нос замерз?       3.      Why has your nose frozen?

4.      Что он тебе посоветовал?       4.      What has he advised you?

5.      Я не простил ее.       5.      I haven’t forgiven her.

6.      Она не забыла меня.       6.      She has not forgotten me.

7.      Я не согласился.       7.      I haven’t agreed.

8.      Мы не проанализировали эту ситуацию.       8.      We haven’t analyzed this situation.

9.      Ты достала (допекла) меня.       9.      You have annoyed me.

10.      Я извинился.       10.      I have apologized.

11.      Туча появилась на небе.       11.      The cloud has appeared in the sky.

12.      Она аплодировали мне.       12.      She has applauded me.

13.      Она улетела.       13.      She has flown.

14.      Мы нашли выход из пещеры.       14.      We have found the way out of the cave

15.      Я высоко оценил твою красоту.       15.      I have highly appreciated your beauty.

16.      Она одобрила его действия.       16.      She has approved his actions.

17.      Полиция арестовала этого вора.       17.      The police have arrested this thief.

18.      Они задали ему интересный вопрос.       18.      They have asked him an interesting question.

19.      Он прикрепил эту картинку к двери.       19.      He has attached this picture on the door.

20.      Они подрались.       20.      They have fought.

21.      Что ты почувствовал?       21.      What have you felt?

22.      Зачем ты накормила эту ленивую кошку?       22.      Why have you fed this lazy cat?

23.      Свеча упала. Странно.       23.      The candle has fallen. It’s strange.

24.      Кто съел мое яблоко?       24.      Who has eaten my apple?

25.      Кто выпил мое молоко?       25.      Who has drunk my milk?

26.      Зачем она пересекла на машине Сахару?       26.      Why has she driven through the Sahara by car?

27.      Что ты нарисовал своим карандашом на моей двери? Скажи мне правду.       27.      What have you drawn by your pencil on my door? Tell me the truth.

28.      Внимание. Враг атаковал нас.       28.      Attention! The enemy has attacked us.

29.      Он попытался сделать это.       29.      He has attempted to do it.

30.      Она наконец-то посетила меня.       30.      She has visited me at last.

31.      Блеск золотого кольца на ее руке притянул его взгляд.       31.      The shine of the gold ring on her arm has attracted his look.

32.      Он уклонился от встречи с ней.       32.      He has avoided of meeting her.

33.      Что ты сделал?       33.      What have you done?

Exercise 9

Переведите на английский язык:

1.      Почему ты это сделал?       1.      Why have you done it?

2.      Для чего ты это сделал?       2.      What have you done it for?

3.      Я не копал огород.       3.      I have not dug the kitchen-garden.

4.      Я не резал хлеб.       4.      I have not cut the bread.

5.      Что они запретили тебе?       5.      What have they banned you?

6.      Мы искупались в море.       6.      We have bathed in the sea.

7.      Этот мальчик вел себя очень хорошо.       7.      This boy has behaved very well.

8.      Она благословила меня.       8.      She has blessed me.

9.      Он похвастался.       9.      He has boasted.

10.      Я нарисовал мелом лошадь на доске.       10.      I have drawn the horse with chalk on the blackboard.

11.      Ты не выпил свое молоко.       11.      You have not drunk your milk.

12.      Она пришла, а он не пришел.       12.      She has come, but he has not come.

13.      Она выбрала то платье.       13.      She has chosen that dress.

14.      Я наконец-то поймал ее.       14.      I caught her at last.

15.      Мы вскипятили воду.       15.      We have boiled the water.

16.      Они заказали билеты на самолет.       16.      They have booked the airplane tickets.

17.      Кто-то позвал меня.       17.      Somebody has called me.

18.      Я принес вещи.       18.      I have brought the things.

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