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Read the book: «Backfire»



Tracy Murray had thought she’d be safe disappearing in the wilds of Alaska after her testimony put away a gang leader. But the gang symbol tattooed on an attacker’s arm means the clock has run out. She’s been found—and she knows the killers won’t let her escape alive again. She can’t fight an entire gang alone—she needs help. But when she finds herself relying on widowed firefighter David Warren, a new struggle emerges. Fleeing Alaska and cutting all ties could be the only way to survive…but it would mean leaving her heart behind.

Mountain Cove: In the Alaskan wilderness, love and danger collide

“Shh… Tracy, it’s okay.” He hugged her tighter and ran his hand down her red hair.

A tenderness he hadn’t felt since his wife had been still alive kindled inside him. David wanted to release Tracy. He needed to release her, but she needed him right now.

She shook her head, her face still pressed into his shoulder. “No, it’s not going to be okay.”

David eased her from him and gripped her shoulders to look into her tear-reddened but still beautiful silver-blue eyes. “I’m so sorry about what you came across today, but Jay is going to be all right. And the police are searching for the guy who did this.”

“You don’t understand.” Shaking her head, she moved away from him.

“Why don’t you tell me, then? Is it the man who shoved Jay over today that has you upset and scared? Or is there something more?” The question sounded too personal, but he couldn’t think of any other way to say it.

“Yes, there’s more.” Tracy stared into the fire.

“I’m listening. Tell me.”

“I was the key witness in a murder trial. The killer on the mountain might be here for me.”

ELIZABETH GODDARD is an award-winning author of over twenty novels, including the romantic mystery The Camera Never Lies—winner of a prestigious Carol Award in 2011. After acquiring her computer science degree, she worked at a software firm before eventually retiring to raise her four children and become a professional writer. In addition to writing, she homeschools her children and serves with her husband in ministry.

Elizabeth Goddard


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And we know that in all things

God works for the good of those who love Him,

who have been called according to His purpose.

—Romans 8:28

This story is dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—who gave the ultimate sacrifice when He laid down His life to save us. And to all the first responders, search and rescue volunteers and firefighters, who give their time and energy, face dangers of the worst kind, to help others. I pray God’s grace and many blessings for you. Last, but never least, I dedicate all my stories to my husband and children, who give me the time and space I need to create stories, with a special dedication to my daughter, Rachel, a real princess.


Many thanks to all my writing friends who have encouraged me along the way, and a special thank-you to Teresa Haugh for providing me with the important details to keep this story true to the southeast Alaska setting. I can’t thank my agent, Steve Laube, enough for believing in my work early on, and to my editor Elizabeth Mazer—thank you for making each story the best it can be!



Back Cover Text


About the Author

Title Page

























Dear Reader




Mountain Cove, Alaska

Tracy Murray knew she had little time. A storm brewed in the distance.

But Solomon’s urgent bark pulled her up the rising trail, indicating that there was someone in danger.

She sucked more air into her lungs that were already screaming from her workout.

Any other season on this trail—spring, winter, fall—she’d have to be concerned about the avalanche danger. But not during the summer, and because the season was so brief in Alaska, Tracy had every intention of enjoying the outdoors. Out for a run with her search-and-rescue golden retriever, summer abounded around her in the form of wildflowers and sundry small wildlife scurrying in and out of the flora.

Tracy had been heading for Keller Falls, four miles up the trail, until Solomon had taken off. She’d let him run free and hoped to practice a few commands. Up until a moment ago he’d run beside Tracy, surprisingly ignoring his natural instinct to chase forest animals, but then he’d taken off. With his continued excited and urgent barks, she knew that he had caught a human scent and was sending his vocal cue to alert Tracy that something was wrong.

Dread replaced the serenity she’d found on the trail.

Solomon was an air-scent search dog, wilderness search-and-rescue certified, and Tracy was still training him for both cadaver and avalanche certification. They’d already participated in several searches in the region as part of the North Face Mountain Rescue team. But Tracy hadn’t taken her dog out looking for trouble today. No. She’d been looking for peace.

Instead her much-loved pet had likely found something. Or rather, someone.

Avoiding the steep and hazardous drop on the right side of the trail, Tracy kept running toward Solomon’s sound-off. It surprised Tracy how far Solomon had gone on his own in the wilderness, but he’d obviously picked up a human scent that he intended to follow.

Though certified, Solomon was often eager to conduct a search even when he wasn’t tasked with one, which frequently ended in false alarms—finding someone who wasn’t lost. But if this was something more this time, at least she wasn’t alone if she needed to call for help. She wasn’t the only one who enjoyed an early morning run on this trail. Another runner had taken off on the trail ahead of her, and she’d run into David Warren heading the opposite direction on the trail, too.

He’d nodded and she’d nodded and they’d both given each other wide berth. Kind of funny now that she considered it. Living in Mountain Cove for two years, Tracy had worked with the firefighter on several search-and-rescue missions, but he seemed aloof. A few years older than Tracy in his late thirties, the man still attracted plenty of female attention with his rugged appearance and strong, lean body. His smile was the kind that turned heads and could make a woman weak in the knees.

Despite all that, he wasn’t married, didn’t have a girlfriend, and Tracy knew why—he was too cold on the inside. Even if he wasn’t, she’d have kept her distance because of his profession. Tracy wanted to avoid any reminders of the night that had changed her life forever. Any reminders of what had sent her into hiding.

Make that who.

And that was one reason she’d chosen to live in Mountain Cove. Surrounded by temperate rain forest in Southeast Alaska, the chances of seeing a wildfire were next to zero.

She shook off the unwelcome thoughts and focused in on Solomon’s alerts. His barks came from the area to her right, which was nothing but a steep ridge. Her heart sank. She’d purposefully avoided that ledge. How had Solomon found his way down? Or had he fallen?

God, please, no.

“Solomon!” Tracy crept to the edge and peered out over the rocky, jagged escarpment, part of the gorge that originated at Keller Falls. Where was he?

The drop was steep, terraced with granite or bedrock in places, and it was on one of those natural terraces that Solomon stood barking. Fear gripped Tracy. How could she bring Solomon back up?

“Solomon! Come,” she called.

The position of his ears and tail signaled that he’d found someone who was injured or scared. Solomon peered up, his brown eyes somber, and when he saw her, he lay on the small space—a signal to mark the spot. But where was the injured person?

Then, just beyond a bush growing from the ridge, she spotted a body. Tracy’s pulse thundered in her ears. The breath rushed from her—it was the man who’d run ahead of her. But Solomon hadn’t signaled that he was dead.

And then the man lifted a hand and called out to her. He wasn’t dead after all, but he’d taken a fall. How had he survived?

Tracy could barely hear his cry for help.

“I’m calling for assistance,” she yelled down to him. “Just hang in there!”

A chill slid down her spine. The sense that someone watched crawled over her. Phone in hand, she called for help for the fallen jogger while she scanned the woods behind and around her.

A man stepped out of nowhere and Tracy gasped—then let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was David.

But the sense of unease didn’t disappear.

And she still had a feeling she was being watched.

* * *

Breathing hard, David bent over his thighs before gasping out, “I heard the dog, wanted to see if there was a problem.” David wiped the sweat from his eyes, sucked in a few breaths to slow his breathing after he’d sprinted up the trail then cut through the woods.

Phone to her ear, Tracy stared at him with those big silvery-blue eyes of hers, the terror slowly fading away to shock and concern. What was going on?

Scrunching her freckled nose, she glared at her phone. “Lost the signal. Oh, I don’t have time for this.”

“What’s wrong?”

A deep frown crossed her features as she shoved the thick red hair from her face. “I’m so glad you’re here. A runner fell. He’s down there.” Urgency in her voice, Tracy paced as she pointed to the steep, rocky drop. “He needs our help.”

David peered over the edge and spotted Solomon—how had the dog made it down there?—and just beyond he saw the hiker. The man was still alive? Apprehension lodged in David’s gut. How long had he been there?

Pulling his own phone out, he looked for the bars. “Got ’em. Use my phone to call for help. I’ll climb down to him.” David was assistant chief of the Mountain Cove Fire Department and a paramedic. He spent most of his time as a firefighter answering EMS calls rather than fires, and he had too many SAR certifications to count. He was well qualified—he just wished he was better inventoried. Out on his morning run, he had no medical equipment or emergency supplies. All he could do was assess the man’s injuries and reassure him while they waited for help to arrive.

Reaching over, Tracy pressed her hand against his arm, uncertainty in her eyes. “Be careful. You don’t even have your climbing gear.”

He’d gone on enough free-soloing climbs—free climbing with no ropes—to know this ridge wouldn’t be a problem for him. “Don’t worry. When you reach someone, tell them we’ll need a helicopter to hoist this man out. That fall had to have severely banged him up.” If he wasn’t mortally wounded.

David suspected the latter but wouldn’t voice his concerns because Tracy was already on edge. She’d seemed unusually distressed. In their previous interactions, the experienced search-and-rescue volunteer was always in control of her emotions. Was there more to this than she’d admitted?

Before he climbed down to the injured jogger, he needed to know. “Did you see what happened?”

She shook her head. “Like you, I followed Solomon’s bark. He took off ahead of me.”

David eyed the dangerous ledge, deciding on the safest and quickest path to the man. He started down, with one last glance up to Tracy, and noticed her looking behind her as though she expected someone to jump out of the woods.

Gripping the rocks, he paused and called up. “Tracy.”

His short, snappy tone got her attention.

She peered down at him. “What?”

“Did you reach anyone?”

“I’m on hold.”

“Figures. Are you going to be okay?” He should be more concerned about the fallen runner, but he couldn’t shake the sense that something had scared Tracy. Or was he just being an idiot?

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

He shrugged and continued down.

Tracy had caught his attention the first time he’d met her a couple of years ago. She’d just moved to Mountain Cove, she’d explained after he’d run into her coming out of his brother Adam’s bicycle shop. Collided, more like, and he’d had to assist her off the ground—her and the new bike she’d purchased. He should have offered to buy her coffee or something. Any normal red-blooded male would have. With her thick, red mane and deep, striking eyes, he hadn’t stopped thinking about her for weeks after running into her.

Maybe he was just lonely. Starved for female companionship. But he didn’t think that was it. There was just something about Tracy. But getting involved wasn’t for him anymore. Yeah, he saw how happy two of his siblings—Heidi and Cade—were now that they had each finally gotten married. Cade and his wife, Leah, had had their first child two months ago, naming him after their late father, Scott Daniel Warren. And Heidi had married Isaiah, a family friend, SAR volunteer and a coworker at the avalanche center that their father had founded. David’s siblings had done well for themselves.

He’d known that kind of happiness once. But he’d lost it; let it slip through his fingers. He didn’t deserve it again. His wife had died in a fire when he, a decorated firefighting hero, had failed to save her. How could he have let that happen?

He didn’t deserve happiness. Not after that. And after Tracy had snagged his thoughts with one run-in, he knew to keep his distance from her on their search-and-rescue missions and training events. And even when he saw her in town.

He reached Solomon and petted the dog, giving him plenty of reassuring verbal rewards.

“I’m on my way down,” he called to the injured man. “Hold on.”

The trim man looked to be about average height, healthy except for the way he lay twisted at an angle a few feet below the narrow ledge where David and Solomon now stood. He likely had a few if not many broken bones and possibly had internal injuries, as well. David was astounded he had survived, and if the rescue helicopter didn’t arrive soon, he might not make it.

Carefully gripping the rocks, David inched his way down.

Finally he reached the narrow terrace and looked down into dark gray eyes filled with pain and fear. “My name’s David. I’m a firefighter and paramedic. Lie perfectly still. Help is on the way.”

Kneeling beside him, David assessed the fallen man’s wounds the best he could, but with a possible spinal injury, David avoided moving any part of his body. Blood oozed from a gash in the man’s head, coagulating in his light brown hair. David removed his own jacket and then his T-shirt, using it to apply pressure to stanch the flow. He could do at least that much. He cringed to think of what was going on inside the injured man’s body.

“It’s pretty bad, isn’t it?”

“You’re going to make it.”

God, let my words be true. Save this man, help him.

The man closed his eyes.

“What’s your name?” David had to keep him awake, keep him talking, if he could.

“Jay Woodall.”

Maybe David couldn’t offer much physical assistance, but emotional and mental encouragement was just as important.

Clouds brewed in the distance, forecasted to bring a torrent, and David could already smell the rain. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled, warning of the storm’s imminent approach and leaving David unsettled. They didn’t usually get thunderstorms. He sure hoped that helicopter got here soon. He didn’t want to see Jay suffer any more by getting soaked and chilled on top of his injuries.

“Why?” Jay’s croak resounded with the shock of his trauma.

Recognizing the man’s emotional distress over his predicament, David frowned. Was he asking why God would allow him to fall? David had enough of those questions himself. Questions he’d never resolved since he’d lost Natalie. He feared it might take a lifetime to find the answers, or worse, that he never would. He fought to keep from railing at God on some days. But he shoved his inner turmoil aside to focus on the here and now and the man who needed his help.

David might not be able to answer those kinds of questions, but maybe he could help in other ways if he knew more. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“Someone...pushed me over. Tried to kill me.”

The news stunned David. Did Jay know the person who’d done this?

David glanced up the rock-faced cliff and spotted Solomon watching. From here, David couldn’t see Tracy. He wished Solomon would find his way back up to her.

Was Jay’s attacker still up there? If so, Tracy was up there alone with a dangerous man—a man who’d attempted murder.


Tracy ended the call.

Help was on the way, but would it get here before the storm? Wind whipped around her and the trees swayed. A sound caught her attention from the thick woods behind her. Woods she’d enjoyed only moments before. But now the dense tangle of trees had turned dark and sinister, as though hiding a secret.

Or a killer.

She rubbed her arms to chase away the chill that crawled over her. She was being ridiculous. If only David hadn’t sprung from the woods like that and startled her. Her heart still pounded from the scare he’d given her. That was all this was about. There wasn’t a bogeyman standing in the shadows. She didn’t have to be afraid anymore. The only people who had any reason to want to harm her were thousands of miles away and had no idea where to find her.

She peered down the ledge. David was with the injured man, holding his hand and offering gentle reassurances. She couldn’t hear what they said from there, but could tell the man, broken as he was, had relaxed somewhat.

Maybe David wasn’t as cold as she’d thought. From here, she could barely make out his chuckle. Probably telling the man a funny story or joke to get his mind off his injuries. Glancing up at the sky, she tried to gauge whether help would arrive before the storm. She knew how difficult it could be to execute rescues in stormy conditions, but this man would die without immediate help. As the sky grew darker, so did the woods.

Again that sense that someone was watching slinked over her and kept her on edge. Tracy hated her paranoia, but she had good reason.

Tracy looked behind her again, watching her surroundings to reassure herself no one was there. Normally she had the comfort of knowing that Solomon could protect her if there was anything to worry about. But how to get the dog back from where he’d traveled down the ledge? She called him, using the command he should quickly respond to, but he wouldn’t move from his perch. She had no idea if he simply wasn’t able to make the climb—though she hadn’t seen him try—or if he was committed to the fall victim.

There was nothing for it. Tracy would have to climb down to him. She was an experienced climber herself and had paid attention to David’s path down, but she couldn’t see herself going all the way to the fallen jogger without climbing gear. Again she searched for the path Solomon had taken, but saw nothing, at least from this angle.

She eased herself down and, her feet and hands gripping the rock face, pressed herself into the granite, taking in quick breaths. She hadn’t ever done this solo—without the ropes in case she fell. But it wasn’t that difficult. Solomon had picked his way down without climbing somehow, so she knew she could, too.

She sent up a quick prayer and continued to make her way until Solomon was only a few yards below her. When fear crept in, she imagined she had the necessary ropes and gear to keep from falling and continued on.

The next thing she knew, hands gripped her waist. “You’re almost there,” David said. Relief flooded her as David assisted her the rest of the way. She could have done it without him, but it was a comfort to know he was—literally—watching her back. But why had he felt it necessary to leave the fallen runner?

When she turned her back to the rock face she’d just scaled, David stood mere inches from her.

Much too close.

“What...what are you doing? Why did you leave him down there alone?”

“I needed to check on you, too.”

“I’m a big girl. I know how to take care of myself.” His nearness and concern confused her. Putting space between them, Tracy knelt next to Solomon and hugged him to her. “Good boy.”

“The man’s name is Jay Woodall, by the way.”

David studied the ledge above as if looking for that same bogeyman she had feared moments before. Or maybe more help.

“Oh, now I can see how Solomon found his way, David.” Tracy pointed to a place a few yards to the right that connected with the trail farther down. There were enough rocks and outcroppings for the dog to stair-step his way. “Solomon and I could go back up and wait for the SAR team coming on foot. We can show them the easier way down, while you wait with Jay for the helicopter.”

“No. You and Solomon should stay here, where I can see you.”

“David.” Tracy stood as he turned to face her. “What’s going on?”

“Somebody pushed Jay over.”

The news punched her gut. Tracy gasped and cupped her mouth, stepping back.

“Watch it.” David caught her and pulled her away from the ledge. He gripped her arms. “I don’t know why someone would do that, but we can’t know if they’re still lurking in the woods somewhere and waiting for their chance to finish the job.”

“You have a gun, right?” Tracy expected he carried some form of protection with him when in the woods in Alaska, as did most people. Bears were the main threat. Tracy had her bear spray, but somehow it didn’t make her feel secure if she had to face off with a killer of the human variety.

His features twisted into a half frown, half smile. “Yeah, even when I’m jogging. But don’t worry. I can’t believe anyone would do something like this and hang around for long. We’d see him for sure.”

Tracy nodded. Solomon could warn them, as well. Jay was fortunate that she and Solomon had been on the trail when they were. People often told her Solomon’s breed didn’t make for a good guard dog, but he’d saved her life once. She’d trust him again.

“I want you to go down and wait with Jay,” David said a moment later. “I’m going to check the trail and make sure it’s safe for the incoming SAR team.”

“I’m not as good a climber as you. I don’t think I could make that.”

“It’s not that far. I’ll go down first and if you can ease down a few inches I can almost reach you.”

When David moved to scale the cliff the rest of the way to Jay, Tracy grabbed his arm. “David.”


“Thanks for coming back to check on me.”

“Of course.”

His gaze lingered on hers longer than necessary. She wasn’t sure why, but unfortunately, she liked it. What was it about him?

Then he turned his attention to the climb down. She couldn’t have known when she woke up this morning that the day would end with her taking refuge on a small terrace in a cliff face with Solomon, a fallen jogger and David Warren, hiding from a would-be killer.

* * *

Tracy waited with Jay while David climbed up to make sure it was safe by the trail for the incoming SAR team. The guy had courage and was all about protecting others.

He leaned over the ledge and looked down at her now to let her know he had finally returned. The clouds chose to release their burden at that moment, lashing them with a relentless fury and forcing her to drag her eyes away from the ledge.

At least the rain woud keep her from looking up every other minute, terrified that the next person she saw would be the man who’d shoved Jay over the ledge.

How was it that she had to face off with a killer twice in her life? She wanted to question God about the insanity in this world. Wanted to condemn David for leaving her. Solomon, too.

As it was, she feared Jay was quickly losing his battle with death. But she was thankful David had returned. She never thought she’d ever be so glad to see him—a man she’d avoided.

She looked up again and saw David. His gaze held hers as the rain pounded all of them and he shouted, “I’m coming down.”

“What about the rocks? Won’t it be too slippery? Maybe you should wait,” she called up.

“I have gear this time. SAR is here.” He shot her a smile and gestured with the climbing ropes before he started setting an anchor. But then he frowned. Called down to her. “How’s Jay?”

Tracy’s heart lurched. “Not doing very well, I’m afraid.”

He made it about halfway then called down to her again. “You pray, Tracy?”

She’d prefer he paid more attention to rappelling in the rain than trying to reassure her.

She wished she had a hood. Something. Rain splattered her face when she called up. “Yes, of course.”

“Well, good, then. Because we have that, if we have nothing else. And it’s what truly matters.”

Tracy had seen the Warren family in church; heard they were heroes and Christians. But she hadn’t known the depth of that conviction until now, when David gave her a glimpse of the man he really was on the inside.

And then he was right next to her, holding her steady in the pouring rain.

He pulled the pack from his back and took out a big sheet of plastic. “Here, take this for a minute. I’m going to hold this over you and Jay to cover you.”

He also tugged out a thermal blanket. “Now, cover Jay. At least we can keep him from getting any wetter. Keep him warm.”

Tracy nodded and did as David asked.

Jay’s eyes blinked open. “Why did this happen?”

“I’m sorry... I don’t know. But there is a helicopter coming. It’ll be here soon, Jay. You’re going to be just fine.” She didn’t want to ask if he was in pain because she knew he was. “As soon as the helicopter gets here, the SAR team will position you in the rescue basket and the medics will take care of you.”

God, please let the rain stop, just long enough for us to get Jay to safety. Airlifting someone injured could be treacherous on a good day, much less in a rare thunderstorm.

Why had this kind of weather unleashed now, with Jay straddling this world and the next?

“What happened, Jay? Why’d someone push you off a cliff?” Tracy cringed. Should she really be asking him? It wasn’t her business. Those questions were for the authorities.

Still, it creeped her out to think that Jay’s would-be killer had been lurking in the woods. Maybe if she understood what had happened, she wouldn’t be so scared.

“Saw him on the trail. Stopped to catch my breath. Just making conversation. Then he tried to kill me.” Jay coughed. “Probably thought he succeeded. That’s what I get for being too friendly.”

Tracy had nothing else to say but that she was sorry, and she didn’t want to say that repeatedly. Nor did she like the sound of his cough. Maybe he shouldn’t even be talking. She opened her mouth to tell him that he should rest now when he spoke again.

“He had an interesting tattoo. I’ve been thinking about getting one...and I asked him about it. Maybe that’s what sent him into a fit. How crazy is that?” He squeezed her hand.

But it was as if he squeezed her heart. Tracy couldn’t breathe. Images of the worst night of her life filled with flames and smoke and death accosted her. Somewhere outside her memories, David asked if she was okay, but she couldn’t escape the images.

“Tattoo?” she finally managed to ask. “What...kind of tattoo?”

Jay closed his eyes. Was he unconscious again?

“Jay, please, I need to know. It could help us identify the man who did this.”

She held her breath, afraid she would never get the answer. Fearing what the answer might be all the same.

The pounding rain slowed to a trickle, giving them a reprieve. In the distance she heard the whir of the rescue helicopter.

The plastic David held shifted. “Tracy,” he said. “I need you to climb back up to give us room to get Jay on the rescue basket and into the helicopter.”

Still reeling over what Jay had said, she couldn’t respond.

“It’s safe, Tracy. Others are up there. The Mountain Cove PD is on the way, too.”

He lowered the plastic. “Tracy? Are you okay?”

“Sure. Give me a sec.” She squeezed Jay’s hand, trying one last time. “What kind of tattoo, Jay? Please, it’s important.”

He looked at her then, the pain in his face almost intolerable. “Numbers and a scorpion with flames on the wrist. I should have known better, but I thought it was cool. Asked what the numbers—”

Tracy didn’t hear more, having already gone into a shock of her own.

No, it couldn’t be...

How had he found her?

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