
The First and the Last

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The First and the Last
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John Galsworthy

The First and the Last: A Drama in Three Scenes

PERSONS OF THE PLAY KEITH DARRANT, K.C. LARRY DARRANT, His Brother. WANDA. SCENE I. KEITH'S Study. SCENE II. WANDA's Room. SCENE III. The Same. Between SCENE I. and SCENE II. – Thirty hours. Between SCENE II. and SCENE III. – Two months.


It is six o'clock of a November evening, in KEITH DARRANT'S study. A large, dark-curtained room where the light from a single reading-lamp falling on Turkey carpet, on books beside a large armchair, on the deep blue-and-gold coffee service, makes a sort of oasis before a log fire. In red Turkish slippers and an old brown velvet coat, KEITH DARRANT sits asleep. He has a dark, clean-cut, clean-shaven face, dark grizzling hair, dark twisting eyebrows.

KEITH. Who's there?

LARRY. Only I – Larry.

KEITH. Come in! I was asleep.

The sound of LARRY's breathing can be heard. Well, Larry, what is it? LARRY comes skirting along the wall, as if craving its support, outside the radius of the light. Are you ill? LARRY stands still again and heaves a deep sigh.

KEITH. What is it, man? Have you committed a murder that you stand there like a fish?

LARRY. Yes, Keith.

KEITH. By Jove! Drunk again! What do you mean by coming here in this state? I told you – If you weren't my brother – ! Come here, where I can we you! What's the matter with you, Larry?

LARRY. It's true.

KEITH. What in God's name is this nonsense?

Come, Larry! Pull yourself together and drop exaggeration! What on earth do you mean?

LARRY. It's true, I tell you; I've killed a man.

KEITH. Be quiet!

LARRY lifts his hands and wrings them.

Why come here and tell me this?

LARRY. Whom should I tell, Keith? I came to ask what I'm to do – give myself up, or what?

KEITH. When – when – what – ?

LARRY. Last night.

KEITH. Good God! How? Where? You'd better tell me quietly from the beginning. Here, drink this coffee; i