Основной контент книги The sages’ art of living
The sages’ art of living

Volume 77 pages

1999 year


The sages’ art of living


About the book

Our own philosophy can make us happy or frustrated. Everyone has to deal with issues of money, love, sex, studies and work. The answer to these lies in the way of existence. But which way suits one best?

The title of the book ‘The Sages’ Art of Living’ speaks for itself. It reflects the content of 100 pages of freedom and wisdom, which sometimes is so lacking in modern life.

Who am I? Why did I come to this world? What do I want from life? To some, these questions may seem childish or rhetorical, there is simply no time for these in the stream of everyday life. But, perhaps, courage and perseverance to ask precisely these questions may help to master the Art of Life. And this book can guide you in your quest.

"I have written this book to reinforce that ontic call, to recognize it and to live it. So instead of living to die, life becomes living to be. Consequently anxiety, even when you are aware of it, is not experienced.

Thinking about teaching a secure path to young people who do not want to wind up on the scarp heap could turn out to be ideological infantilism. However, after considering the various stages of my existence and paths from which I have matured and gained a rare if not unique experience – at least based on my observations from various meetings with people from a range of cultures and countries – I believe I will have fulfilled my duty if I can make accessible to the young some of my knowledge of the art of living.

The tree must touch the sky and live with the winds and the sun, without ever detaching its roots from the earth that gives it its place and existence: to be the sky whilst still walking the earth".

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Release date on Litres:
09 April 2021
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77 p. 13 illustrations
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