Read the book: «The Word Revealed»


The Word Revealed”

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

The Word Revealed


By: Aldivan Teixeira Torres

©2018-Aldivan Teixeira Torres

All the rights reserved


Translator: Kássio Spinoza Lee

Edition: Aldivan Teixeira Torres


This book, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and don’t can to be reproduced without Autor’s permission, resold or transferred.


Short Biography: Aldivan Teixeira Torres, born in Arcoverde-PE-Brazil, develops the series of novels "the seer", poetry, books of the genre self-help, religious, the field of wisdom, among others. To date it has published titles in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Italian. From an early age, he has always been a lover of the art of writing and has consolidated a professional career since the second semester of 2013. He hopes to contribute to the Pernambuco and Brazilian culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those who do not have the habit. Your mission is to win the heart of each of your readers. Besides literature, his main tastes are music, travel, friends, family and the very pleasure of living. "For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and honor of the human being always" is his motto.





Talk with dad

The Beginning of Man's Walk on Earth

The Question of the Curse of Yahweh

The ark and the flood as symbols

God's covenant with men

The smallness of man and the greatness of God

The promise that binds the creature and the creator

The danger of lies

The Tithing Question

Fulfill paper with submission

The circumcision of the spirit

Our God is the God of the impossible

The just and the relationship with the salvation of Yahweh

Loyalty to proof

The choice of man and the choice of Yahweh

The attitude that God wants

The wise and the foolish

The power of an oath

Human injustice and the perfection of God

A universal God

The value of women

Maria's example

The scientific and technological achievements

The prejudice


The Liberty




The forgiveness

Wealth and poverty

Faith and hope


The wisdom




The contempt


An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth

The value of dreams

From the danger of death to being sold as a slave

Yahweh is with the righteous

The just know how to discern the message of Yahweh

God reverses roles

Conclusion of the story

A king of heaven and earth

Yahweh, the God who delivered Israel from slavery

The Commandments of the Old and New Covenant

The essence of Yahweh

The Sanctuary Issue

The pure and the impure



How to live in society

Facing the problems

Why do we suffer?

True worship

God never abandons us

How to achieve success

"Let the finger of God lead you."


Being the author of the story itself

The issue of illness

The Gift of Foresight


The critic

The calumny

The advice

The dark night of the soul

If God is for us, who can be against us? (ROM 8.31)

The consistency of God

Posture before life

How to Be the Man of Yahweh

Putting yourself in the place of the Other

The Power of Prayer

How to enter the Kingdom of God


The Role of Man

The treasure of man

Be more human


The family basis

The incentive


The work of serving the public

Just Be yourself

Flirting, dating and marriage

Caring for yourself


The spiritual life

The past of man

The time of god

The true servant of Yahweh

To health professionals

The intrigue

The hobo

The evolution

The friendship

Suffering for love

An attitude of life

The injured marks

Be an eternal apprentice


Pornography and the banalization of sex

The value of a human being

The sublime role of the master

The greatness in the little things

The pride








The game


Posture at home

The greenhouse effect and its causes

Trafficking of animals and plants

Movement without land, without food, without ceiling


Plastic surgeries for the sake of vanity







Sexual orientation

Scientific research with humans and animals

The use of stem cells, use of artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization

Current public health

Public education




Live the present

The suicide


Drug trafficking

Trafficking in Persons


The mission

Recognize yourself a sinner

The Spiritual Dimensions

The disabled

The value of culture

Do not be afraid

The father and mother as family axes

Reasonableness and proportionality

To despise selfishness

In victory and failure

Be true light



This book is addressed to all mortals. It is a source of wisdom that emanates from the creator who in his magnanimous will allowed the transmission of this knowledge through me. Therefore, to him, all glory and honor!

I also dedicate these texts especially to all skeptics and unbelievers of life. May they inspire themselves and try to be better human beings. In the end, they will discover the way, the truth and the life and will be transformed. So, thank you all!


I thank first of all the spiritual father who loves me as his son. To my family, my relatives, my acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, my readers and all who contribute and encourage literature.

I also remember all those who have passed through my life and for one reason or another have turned away: My school friends, teachers, former co-workers, teachers of life, road companions. To all a big hug and I hope to find them one day in peace and harmony. Stay with God!

"Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my father's house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I'll get you a place. And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will go again and take you to me, so that where I am, you may be also. Where I am going, you know the way.

Thomas said unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goes, and how can we know the way? Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you knew me, you would know my father also; now you know him and have seen him. "


The revealed word is a set of texts revealed by the gift of wisdom provided by Yahweh. The goal is to inform and broaden the vision of each one to read about the most varied previously selected themes.

Reading "The revealed word" is an honor for those humans who have the essence of the spiritual father. With these few lines, they will learn to evolve further. It is also intended for the less favored and those who are sunk in vices. May they take advantage of this blessing and make a firm decision to change their lives. My father and I are waiting for you. Anyway, the book is a destination for all who enjoy the art of reading.

Talk with dad

Somewhere in the outback of Pernambuco, Aldivan Teixeira Tôrres, common: Son of God, Divine, Emanuel, Messiah, seer and little dreamer finds himself in a conflicting state. Everything in his life was directed towards the consecration of desires and powers. Against this, he was opposed to envy, persecution, slander, false friends and his own restlessness. Resulting in a conflict in general circulating through his body, soul and heart. In order to calm down, the time comes to talk to your father at a certain time of day.

He was on the terrace of his residence from where he could see the stars visible because it was night. This very day he was determined to speak frankly with the one who had begotten him in the early days. A conversation between father and son.

Making sure of his sixth sense that there was no one around, he sits on the hard, smooth floor made of cement, sand, water and mortar. Using his powerful mind, he awakens the spirit of Yahweh that dwells in all places. It then begins to communicate:

Father, my father, I need your word. I am still embarrassed and confused about my stay on Earth. Would not it be time to fully reveal ourselves to the world? My spirit persists in this and I ask for your guidance.

There is a moment of silence. In sequence, a white cloud descends from space and slowly descends to the garden of the Aldivan's house. Within reach, one descends from the cloud and begins to speak with the Son of God.

—Diva, my son, I know you and I completely understand you. You are my son, you have divine consciousness and free will. I will accept your suggestion because I love you. If you want to touch the humans, then I will. And so, it shall be done.

—I know father, you made me so great that I can by myself define the future of the universe, people's and mine. I have only consulted you as a symbol of respect and obedience and so that humankind recognizes my humility.

— Yeah, that's fair. I created it. From now on, I give you my gift completely so that you can end the stereotypes. I am sick of fanatics and false prophets who distort my words and commandments, "I am not this God that they paint, only you know my will, my power and my soul deeply. You are my beloved son and our strength will transform the world. We will make people reflect a little more about their actions and life in general.

—Yes, my father. I'm also sick of those who use religion to frighten others and make money. I will not allow these deceivers to feast in heaven because my kingdom is destined for the righteous and the poor redeemed sinners.

—So be it. Fulfill your mission, show our words and conquer the world. As for me, I will always be by your side, all the days of your life. "The gates of hell shall not prevail over thee as I promised.

—I love him.

—I love you as I do. I need to resolve urgent business now.

—Go in peace!

The spirit of Yahweh returns to the cloud and in a matter of seconds wins the space. Now the son of God was fully convinced of his decision. Leaving the terrace, he enters the house, goes through two rooms, returns to his room, sits in the chair next to his desk, switches on the computer and opens the typing program. Ready, "The revealed word" begins to draw itself here.

The Beginning of Man's Walk on Earth

Yahweh God and his children have always existed, are consubstantial with one another in full communion. Already the universe as we know it came about fifteen billion years ago and the planet earth is only about five billion years old.

In the beginning, The Earth was just a ball of gases and dust that swirled around the sun. Over time, the elements were gathering, the temperature and pressure diminished, the earth's crust and water were taking shape beyond the layers to make life possible.

The appearance of the first organisms took place in the sea, being the beings of this time small spheres protected by membrane in point of dividing. With the evolution of time, they have united to other living beings arising the mechanisms of reproduction and photosynthesis. After a long period, colonization of the surface with the emergence of terrestrial plants and animals.

Specifically, mankind has appeared about two million years ago in the region that now encompasses parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, Indonesia and Oceania, and unlike mankind it has never been quite good. Yahweh God created in man the duality light and darkness giving him free will from his creation. He did this by his great love for his creation, created the free man and his image and likeness.

An important fact also concerns the fact of creation. Yahweh God, my father, at first did not just create a man and a woman in a mythological paradise. The creation was multiple, generating a man and a woman in each ethnicity and race. In the future, these beings eventually found themselves begetting mongrel descendants. From the beginning, man had the liberty and the intelligence necessary to break the world. So, it is meaningless to place as the beginning of creation and a woman trapped in a paradise and much less blame the woman or a snake for the onset of sin even because the notion of sin is relative, varying from person to person. Duality is undeniable. However, some enlightened beings have evolved so much that they have gone so far as to negate their negative side. They are the famous saints, but not the ones elected by men, but by my father who weighs the hearts and knows all. My father will certainly give just the right reward to men for their work on earth. Each will have the place it deserves.

My brothers, I also wanted to tell you not to get carried away by rumors or preconceptions. Everything we see today, except the cultural and scientific-technological revolution, existed before the example of ignorance, intolerance, fear, shame, social rules, distinct sexual choice among other factors. From man erectus to modern man there has been an evolution in contexts already mentioned, but in others the situation remains the same. The same example can be used for the environment in which we live. Many times, we admire ourselves with phenomena never seen before by us. However, these same phenomena have already occurred in times past and the ancients have noticed it. That is why the saying is true: "Nothing on earth is created, everything evolves and copied in alternating cycles. "This is the basics I wanted to tell you breaking beliefs and stereotypes.

The Question of the Curse of Yahweh

My name is Aldivan Teixeira Tôrres also known as seer, Divine, son of God, little dreamer and man of the cave. I am the spiritual son of the Lord just like other people while Jesus is the bodily child. We both, the father, the holy spirit, the beings of light including men and angels of this world represent the good. This benign force is at the disposal of anyone and can make the impossible possible. Just have faith in our name.

I want to clarify some important points about the curses attributed to the being and holy name of my father. First, Yahweh does not judge or condemn anyone. Everyone in this world is solely responsible for their actions and the consequences of their choice. Therefore, crimes, falsehoods, sufferings, arguments, accidents, the unexpected, and destiny are completely independent of my father's will. Despite being supreme in everything, he has left us completely liberated in our faculties. Second, Yahweh God always believes in the human being and however much he is at the bottom he always expects a reconciliation and forgiveness. I also believe in humanity and I love it even with all its faults.

In short, God does not curse or swear badly to his children, however bad they may be. If you read something about it, disregard it because it does not come from it. My father is a perfect being and full of love to give to his children. So, do not fear brothers! Stay in the path of goodness and in case they are far away make a change of life because there is nothing better in the world than to have peace and happiness on earth and after death. In fact, death itself does not exist. We are transformed and glorified in him who builds us and redeems us. Amen!

The ark and the flood as symbols

A long time ago the earth suffered a great universal catastrophe indisputable from the scientific point of view and reported philosophically in various cultures. Our planet was covered with water and most of the terrestrial beings succumbed. However, one question remains: What does Yahweh God have to do with this?

Analyzing this important historical phenomenon, I have something to say: The God that I believe and love that is designated as my father is not selective. For him, all humans are equal, what sets them apart is their values, intelligence and ability. So, he would in no way have chosen a human to survive to the detriment of others because he has characteristics of kindness, wisdom, and justice. He too was not responsible for the flood because of human sin. God the Father in his wisdom created the earth and other stars independently so that everything that happens in this environment is only the consequences of natural events of which he has no responsibility at all.

How, then, can we see human legends on this subject such as the epic of Gilgamesh and the biblical account? They should be seen as a sign. Noah is the righteous one who, because of his works, is chosen by God to be saved from a Universal Martyrdom which can be interpreted in the plant-harvest relationship, which is inclusive, that is, as long as man follows the precepts of the creator chosen for a salvation, help that is open to every human being.

Yahweh is not a hangman God who judges you or who keeps pointing out your sins. He wants to be discovered little by little and if you brother opens up to his light and believe in his name he can turn your life into joy. Because he is willing to understand you, to support you and to help you in all that is necessary by making you a Noah, the man saved from the tempestuous forces of fate. So be it!

Age restriction:
Release date on Litres:
09 April 2019
110 p. 1 illustration
Copyright holder:
Tektime S.r.l.s.
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