Read the book: «Classics of a fantasy», page 5


Chapter 7


Hans left Vinkler’s house and went to a huge horseshoe. It

it was visible from everywhere.

Finger walked on the ice-covered road and thought:

“The horseshoe is similar to a tuning fork. Yes, it is not lower than the Eiffel Tower, can

to be above. The fork scratching clouds…”

The dense cloud closed a horseshoe half.

“Three hundred meters… The horseshoe costs on the mountain which has not less

five-six thousand meters of height above sea level. Quite good tower. But for

what is it built? Vinkler did not explain. I will try to guess…

Maupassant once complained that the Eiffel Tower pressed his brain of the

platitude. At that time it was, of course, a worthless construction. It

built as “nail” of the World Parisian Fair. And still, if

Maupassant was an engineer, he would like respect and respect to D’Eiffel

to tower. For those times it was miracle of construction art. On

To the Eiffel Tower astronomical and meteorological laboratories,

physical office and powerful radio station. Possibly, and the horseshoe is created

for the similar scientific purposes.

Clouds slowly floated on the West. The top of a horseshoe was accurately drawn

on the clear blue sky. Having thrown the head up, Hans sharp-sightedly peered in

horseshoe, but suddenly stumbled and fell. Someone’s laughter, guttural, melodious

dialect. Hans was faced by Indians in the blankets full of holes thrown on

half-naked body. Hans smiled. Indians smiled in reply, having bared

white teeth. Indians showed a hand on top of a horseshoe and on ice under

legs. Yes, yes. Hans stood gaping. With consciousness of the fault nodded and

rose. Indians passed and several words, possibly shouted following

warning about something. Four Blacks carried by a huge log on shoulders.

“Mechanization!” – Hans grumbled. It stepped aside and, having leaned to

to wall of the timbered lodge smelling of a fresh pine directed again

eyes on horseshoe top. The ends of forks were connected thin as thread,

platform. Over it there passed antenna wires.

“Well certainly, it is meteorological observatory and radio station.

For flight it is necessary to study atmospheric conditions of Stormer-city…”

Suddenly Hans saw the black point falling down. It moved with most

tops, along a strip, without separating from it.

“Here it that! It appears, a horseshoe not only radio – and a meteorological station,

but also laboratory for test of the falling bodies”.

The black point reached to the bottom, got on a curve, flew on

to it, from dispersal flew up on the second strip of a horseshoe, rose up,

departed down, again up and so continued to shake as a pendulum “with

damped oscillations”. When at last the point stopped in the middle

curves, Hans saw that it is a trolley. Perhaps, there, inside

there are people. It is good to rock on such swing! Yes it and

it is necessary. Weeds on the rocket – too take-off and falling. Take-off from Earth in

“sky”, falling from “sky” on the planet… “Yes, we have to study influence

zero gravity on an organism…” Hans already almost ran to a horseshoe. But it all

still was far. He saw how the cabin left the person and almost run

went to office which was occupied by Collins.

Having been out of breath, Hans ran up to the massive concrete basis of a horseshoe.

The trolley already crept up as an elevator cabin. Hans Wsbezhal on a planked footway on

concrete platform also examined a horseshoe curve. Couple of rails. Radius

curves – fifteen meters. If height is three hundred meters, then take-off and

falling have to proceed the whole fifteen seconds. Not bad. But, devil

take! With a height of three hundred meters curve radius fifteen are

the overload because of centrifugal force on a curve in forty turns out

time. Will flatten out, perhaps…

Under the platform rang out, roared, and Hans saw how one strip

huge horseshoe drives off from another. Radius of a curve increased to

sixty meters. “That is another matter. Now the overload will be all in

ten times. Approximately the same that is tested by us when sliding sledge with

abrupt hill”.

Again rumble and noise of motors of a construction. Radius was reduced to twenty

meters. “If only to me not to be late to roll down with this flight…” Hans

hurried to enter the building over which elevator cables lasted. Showed

to the metis in a cervine jacket the blue ticket. The metis nodded and silently waved

hand towards an elevator cabin. Hans entered, the cabin trembled, and rise


Hans as if rose in the balloon. Before it” opened again

weigh Stormer-city. Soon because of the ridge the ocean seemed. On

the North, the East and the South the Andes were piled up.

The elevator stopped. Hans left a cabin on the open area. Faugh!

Here is even colder. And what furious wind! But eagle outlook. On

to the wide platform which from below seemed the thread connecting “legs”

huge tuning fork, anemometers, barometers were installed a weather vane,

thermometers… Wind burns down the person. It is rather to the box! The fat man meets. Nods

head, as to the old acquaintance. Vinkler already warned by phone.

Of course, it is possible to examine and go down.

In the middle of the room there is a trolley above the hatch, ready to falling. Door

it is open. Hans looks inside, enters: the door behind it slams.

Here is warmer. On a ceiling – an electric bulb. There are no windows. A floor is covered

linoleum. The wall at a door is forced by boxes in which are located

experimental animals, birds, insects. The same boxes stand at a wall

at the left. At a wall opposite to a door – scales. To the fourth wall it is attached

hammock. Near a hammock stand three the deep convenient screwed on a floor

chairs with belts, as by planes, in a corner – spring scales the person

designs, on an iron core – the dial with the arrow noting

change of weight.

“Scales are spring, – Hans notes. – It is clear: cups of ordinary scales

will not change the situation, whatever freight lay on one and another

to cup as both bodies equally lose the weight. Only

spring scales can note loss of weight when falling”.

In a deep chair the fat, hardly holding in it person sat with

the shining bald head. It was faced by the high well-fad shaven doctor.

The bald fat man panted and looked at the doctor the scared eyes as

the patient waiting for operation.

Finger greeted the doctor and showed the blue ticket.

– You allow me to take part in experience? – Finger asked.

– Please! – the doctor answered and continued to convince the fat man of full

safety and harmlessness of flight. – You will lay down on a hammock, so to you will be

more conveniently. I will sit down near you in a chair and I will watch your pulse and

blood pressure. About is not present, at all not to warn

any danger. Just we will make various scientific observations,

that then to draw from them the conclusions. We generalize scientific observations and

we transfer them to the chief engineer who considers everything for the

technical calculations and designs: what acceleration is admissible at

flying away, what most expedient ways of protection from pushes

and so forth.

– Means, pushes are possible? Perhaps, and very strong? – scaredly

the fat man asked.

– It is no more, than in the tram, – his doctor hurried to calm. At

Finger’s help the doctor laid the fat man in a hammock and strongly tied him

heavy body belts.

Hans took seat in a chair, having fastened belts and askance looking at the

neighbor. The fat man puffed, was nervous, muttered something. Doctor also

fastened itself belts to a chair and undertook the lever.

– Prepare! We fly.

– No! Stop! I do not want! – the fat man began to yell.

But was already late. Hans felt how at him heart fades.

Unprecedented ease spread on all body. Hans raised a hand.

the slightest effort as if it did not lift, and lowered a hand. Even it is even easier.

Because, lowering a hand, nevertheless it is necessary to strain muscles. As in water. No,

as in weightless air if also the body became air. Second

flew after a second… The doctor felt the fat man’s pulse. Hans listened to

to beating of the heart. It is a little as though slowed down, and generally all in

order. It is a pity that there is no window… The arrow of a big stop watch approached to

to fifteen.

– Now there will be a curve. Keep more strong! – the doctor warned.

And suddenly the body began as if with lead to be poured. From legs to a back,

to the head. Became heavy so that it was difficult to breathe. Hands, legs are held down.

It is impossible to raise the heads. The fat man cries out… But here lead pours out from

bodies. Moment of the normal state. And again seconds of zero gravity.

The trolley goes down from the second strip, and again invisible weight presses

body and breast. Unpleasant feeling! It is good that with each scope

“pendulum” these feelings last less and weaken. Here and end. Stop.

Stopped. The fat man hoarsely swears. On his forehead cold sweat acted.

The door of a cabin opens. The doctor hurries to untie the fat man. That is enraged

so what cannot speak, only stares and does such terrible

grimaces as if wants to eat the doctor alive. A bomb takes off from a door.

Near a cabin Blacks and Indians crowded. The fat man amused them. Fresh

air returned it a speech power, and he shouted, swore, comically swung

hands. The color audience laughed loudly as children in a buffoonery, and these have more and more

angered the fat man. He damned also “Noah’s Ark”, and the Nov, and all who

invented this chertova piece. He prefers that it was fried alive,

but will not cross a threshold of “ark”.

– Money back! – he shouted.

– You know the charter of society: money does not come back at all.

You can only sell the shares if you find the buyer, – told

goodness knows where from the appeared in time commercial director Collins.

– I do not want to look for buyers! Let then vanish. Would be gone and

all of you here together with “ark”! Where my airplane? – and he walked to

to airfield. Collins considered excessive to hold him.

– What there is with it it? – Collins asked the doctor.

– Anything special, – the doctor answered. – These billionaires, no offense

be told them, there were nervna as hysterical young ladies. There is its table.

Work of heart: before experience – seventy four, after experience – seventy two.

Pressure in arteries: before experience – hundred thirty, after experience – hundred

sixty. Small falling of pulse and some increase

arterial blood pressure. I think if to make over it

observations in an office of its bank, throughout day during exchange

fevers such fluctuations in work of his heart could be noted


Collins thought, without listening to the doctor, and then interrupted him:

– And you know, we should refuse these experiments with ours

shareholders and future participants of flight. Here such individual not

only itself will run away, but also another will stir up. There is enough. For Zander at us

already there is a sufficient material. You the doctor, and you will be able to define,

having examined the person whether he is fit for a travel.

– I am afraid that to us such ruins which are more suitable for will come in large numbers

crematorium, than for flights on rockets.

– Do not tell trifles! – strictly Collins noticed. – Absolute

safety of rocket flights for us not only advertizing, but also the purpose.

Zander’s care – to make the rocket convenient and safe as a cradle

child. And he will make it, otherwise it would not cost that money which we

we spend for all these experiences.

Having abruptly turned, Collins floated in the long-skirted fur-coat to

to office.

This day Hans perekatatsya on all roundabouts, tried on himself

“attractions” of an extraordinary amusement park. He studied effects of dizziness

on a st-sirsqui roundabout, feeling feelings of take-off, descent, a list,

turn. He decided to break the endurance record at increase in weight and

forced to rotate itself at reckless speed. Many tried to compete

with it, but he won against all the tsvetnokozhy and white rivals. However,

it great was unsteady, descending from a roundabout.

Especially the room in the form of the rotating cylinder surprised him. It

span round its pivot-center and circled. Here it was studied so

the called “Coriolis acceleration”. When it approached room walls,

where the centrifugal effect was stronger, all his body as if was poured

lead. And was to turn the head enough as it seemed that all room

fell down or up as if cabin walls during strong rolling. It

there was very unpleasant feeling. It depended on how explained to it

subsequently the doctor that the center which is located in a head brain of the person

at long rotation of the room gives feeling of balance. Person as if

forgets about rotation, and at turns of the head of it it turns out

impression of new rotation.

At walls centrifugal force directed sideways was five times more

gravity, and Hans involuntarily “climbed on a wall”. He felt attacks

seasickness. With great difficulty he managed to put the head directly and

to pass from a wall to the center of the room where all unpleasant feelings immediately

left it.

In this room it made vsevozmozhneyshy experiences: tried to write on

the little table standing in the middle of a floor to sit down, to rise. The body did not obey

it. It as if had others body, not повинующееся to it, or other

the world, with other laws of the movement and balance. But for it it was not

sport, as for Blotton. No, he persistently trained himself. He knew that

in the rocket, at the real flight, to it together with Vinkler and Zander

it is necessary to work, work in these extraordinary conditions whereas

all passengers will be on the back, not capable to anything, except

complaint and moaning. He thought not only of “Noah’s Ark”, but also about

future flights on “the” rockets. And he stoically transferred everything

trials on which put itself.

Subsequently in this room he had to spend not one day.

It did various observations over a deviation of a current of liquids,

air stream, movement of insects, small animals Not smaller interest

caused in it and the rotating glass sphere. It was similarity

“the interplanetary dwelling”, arranged especially for behavior researches

the person and animals under the influence of centrifugal force. The sun shining with

clear sky, filled a sphere with the warmth giving life to plants

put on “equator” of a sphere of the room. Rotation of the room created on

sphere walls the centrifugal force exceeding Earth attraction, and plants

grew here not up, as usual, and sideways, from walls to the center of a sphere. It

watched their growth, development.

Here rabbits, hens, cats were located in cages. All of them,

apparently, did not notice singularity of the side situation. Walls

sphere for them were “bottom”, the earth. Rabbits jumped on cages, peacefully ate

cabbage leaves, carrots, hens rushed, brought chickens. The water standing

“steep wall” in relation to the earth, did not spill from cups, grain

did not wake up. When Hans stood in the center of a sphere, all animals and

plants were in relation to it in vertical position as if

he looked at inhabitants of this small world from above, lying on steep

to the rock. But as it approached “equator”, his body also

adopted gradually steep provision. And, standing near cages, he saw

the table standing on a floor in the middle of a sphere as if this table was

it is strengthened on a wall of the ordinary room.

As all situation of a sphere rotated together with it, it not

tested dizzinesses and even ceased замечав rotation of the room.

Only extraordinary position of a body when it moved on sphere walls,

reminded him of it.

In a sphere there was only the tenth part of normal amount of oxygen, but

Hans did not feel a lack of air. Oxygen was emitted with plants

the greenhouse occupying sixteen square meters.

Plants absorbed the carbonic acid emitted to them and animals.

Here the foundation of “circulation of substances” which had to were laid

to give to future heavenly travelers all necessary for life if their flight

will drag on or on other planets there will be a lack of the atmosphere and food.

Finger and a metal sphere which comprised “a piece examined

interplanetary space”. In this sphere the double door with the camera conducted,

as in a caisson, and it was possible to enter it only in special suits,

like diving. Zander worked over these suits much. It was necessary

to create special laboratory for test of various materials which

would provide, on the one hand, almost absolute not heat conductivity, and with

another – sufficient durability.

– And it is impossible to freeze in such suits, being in world

space? – Hans asked.

– Coloring of clothes and action of sunshine can give from minus

two hundred to plus hundred and more degrees Celsius, – the laboratory assistant answered. —

Therefore fears of cold of interplanetary spaces are exaggerated.

– And it that for tanks? – Hans asked.

– Test of a surface of the rocket for reflection and absorption of beams, —

the laboratory assistant answered. – Let’s enter in this cylinder. – They entered. – Now

here it is dark and quite cool. The cylinder is turned to the sun by the

the shining, polished surface which reflects sunshine.

Let’s turn the cylinder a black opaque surface now. – The laboratory assistant turned

the lever, the cylinder began to rotate on a longitudinal axis so that to Hans and it

the satellite had “to go on one place” until the cylinder stopped.

Did not pass also two minutes as Hans felt, what became much warmer.

– You feel how the Sun heats? And on the Earth’s surface

a half of sunbeams is reflected the atmosphere. Now you look.

The laboratory assistant rummaged around in the dark and again turned the lever. Above opened

window through which the sunlight rushed. Temperature began quickly

to raise.

– The ray of sunlight is collected by a concave mirror and directed to a back wall

rockets. Turning the rocket a black or brilliant surface, we can

to change temperature in it from twenty nine to seventy seven degrees

Celsius. Applying mirrors, it is possible to melt metals. But it is possible “to fill” and

world cold. Having such wide temperature scale in the hands,

Zander designed in principle Tsiolkovsky the solar engine. Two

reported the cylinder in turn address on solar, on

shady side. In the Sun liquid in the cylinder evaporates,

which presses on the piston, in a shadow – liquid and steam are cooled.

– You needed to examine laboratories where models were tested

rocket engines, the placed in an oak frame, six laboratories on

to domestic service of passengers of the rocket.

– Whole six!

– Yes, – the laboratory assistant answered. – A question here at all not in conveniences, and in

need. We have to neglect nothing and all are obliged

to provide. In usual conditions we do not notice much, about much

simply we do not think, and about such “trifles” without which it is possible to be gone

in “sky”, or, on the contrary, which can do huge harm if them

not to eliminate.

Chapter 8


– Zander arrived! We go to it! – Vinkler told. Hans raised the head

over the book. He was excited. Hans worked with Zander not one month. But

for the first time the engineer-inventor invited him to himself.

– What for?

– Probably, wants to get acquainted with you closer. Perhaps, to charge

some work, – Vinkler answered, and his eyes cheerfully smiled.

– Well, we go.

In Stormer-city Zander lived in a separate lodge with an attic. On a call

Vinklera was heard at first desperate bark of a sheep-dog; the door was opened, and

the old servant severely muttered:

– There is no house! – but, having recognized Vinkler, smiled as to the old acquaintance, and


– Ah, it you! You enter. Wait, I will only take away a dog.

Finger guessed how there lives Zander. The office which is filled up seemed to Hans

drawings, models and all other accessories of the inventor. But it

was mistaken. The small office of Zander where it accepted visitors, was

it is arranged more than simply. A desk, two chairs before it, near

table – the small rotating shelf with books, and only. Only thing

the big portrait under glass in dark oak was decoration of the room

to frame, hanging on a wall behind the owner. On a portrait it was represented

bearded old man unknown to Hans wearing spectacles. Under a portrait – book

shelf from the same oak where several tens of books stood in a row in

covers with a gold stamping. Sharp eyes of Hans were read on backs

covers of “Ziolkowsky”. On a table – the desk set, a lamp, a blotting pad – and

anything else. Finger was a little disappointed. Vinkler subsequently

explained to him that Zander usually works in an attic where at it

the library and small laboratory are located. But in this sanctuary it

lets nobody, and Vinkler managed to look only once

the room and that in absence of the owner.

The owner met them friendly, seated in chairs and, having had a talk about that,

about this, suddenly asked Hans an unexpected question:

– Whether you will tell me that such bipolar equation of a hyperbole?

Finger studied mathematics and somehow answered. Zander nodded and

asked a new question which nonplused Hans. Followed it

others – from the field of chemistry, astronomy, biology. It was real

examination. Hans was confused – he expected it least of all and therefore as to it

it seemed, not always answered truly and it is sensible even on well familiar

questions. Really it will fail at this examination? But Zander was,

apparently, it is satisfied. He nodded meaning that test

it is over, and told:

– You know more, than I assumed. But you should know immeasurably

it is more than what you know if you want to become my same assistant

as Vinkler.

Would he like to become! Hans was ready to work day and night that

to seize all necessary knowledge.

– You got used to be engaged independently? – the new question was asked. —

Vinkler will help you, but he will not be able to devote to it much time.

– And, addressing already Vinkler, Zander continued:

– I think, to our Hans Finger will be reasonably useful to live

month – another in a glass sphere. Observations will not take away from it too

it is a lot of time, and there it will be able to increase the mathematical knowledge. Without

mathematicians in our business it is impossible to step also to a step.

Zander talked some more minutes to Vinkler about affairs and got up.

The audience was ended.

– Well? Did not expect such bath? – Vinkler when they left from asked

houses. – You should sit in solitary confinement.

Month-other in solitary confinement! This prospect at all not

smiled to Hans. He wanted to get acquainted somewhat quicker with the city, from it

strange laboratories, extraordinary constructions. It not all


– To all time will come, – Vinkler consoled it. – Today you will carry out

put more “on freedom”, tomorrow, well, since morning you will bypass, you will examine

what did not see yet: laboratory where experience action of various

substances, other laboratory in which ways of cooling are tested

working part of the rocket – walls snuffled or дюз. For tomorrow it is enough.

– What will I do in the conclusion?

– Oh, your existence will be very peculiar! You on yourself have to

you will be to test and on you it will be checked whether the person can exist

in the conditions of artificially created circulation of substances. As soon as you

you will enter a sphere and you will receive the necessary explanations, a hermetic door

will slam for you. But there is phone, and we will be with you

to keep in contact. You will take with yourself necessary books, textbooks,


– But what I will eat there?

– Perhaps, you should sit a little on vegetarian food. You

you will eat those plants and fruits which grow in

to sphere greenhouse. To your services there will be an electric stove, a teapot.

– And water?

– Tomorrow you on everything will receive the answer. All allocations of your organism

will be processed. Allocations of intestines will go to fertilizers;

allocations of a bladder, having passed through the soil, through plants, gases,

refrigerators, filters, will turn into the purest water. Water will be given also

the cooled breath gases emitted by you, plants and “companions on

to the conclusion” – animals. You will have to look after and behind them – to feed,

to give to drink. Plants will give oxygen, they will absorb exhaled by you

and animals carbonic acid. In a word, if calculations are right, you will have in

sphere all necessary. I will visit you. If you it is nasty itself

you will feel, we will stop experience. Create to yourself the notebook or

notebook in which write down the major formulas, data from the theory

jet flights, help data, calculations. It is Zander’s council. Such

the notebook very much will help you.

Hans nodded and asked:

– By the way, tell whose portrait hangs in Zander’s office? His father?

Vinkler burst out laughing.

– Yes, in some way father. It is also the famous scientist-self-educated person

Tsiolkovsky, patriarch of a zvezdoplavaniye. Not “father”, and rather “grandfather”

his numerous followers: Roberta Esnopeltri, Robert

Goddard, Herman Obert, Walter Gomann, Tuberculine test, Debus and our Leo

Zander. I already spoke to you about this remarkable person. Modest

the provincial teacher, he managed to rise by “space” height

theoretical thought. This Columbus of the star worlds theoretically planned in

the main all next way of creation of interplanetary messages. Laid

to people road to the sky. In one thousand nine hundred third it published

work in which stated all theoretical calculations of space flights;

but the Russian imperial government helped nothing to it.

– So it is its works stand on the shelf under a portrait?

– Yes. Zander does not leave them.

This day ended with an effective show: from the mountain platform,

turned to the ocean, the first trial was started up in twelve o’clock in the morning

the rocket without people, with recording automatic devices. It had

two meters of height it was also strengthened almost steeply, with an easy inclination in

side of the ocean.

At experience there were Zander, Vinkler, Hans, Blotton and a little

the engineers working with Zander. Approximately a rocket deviation from a vertical

it was almost not noticeable, and Blotton told:

– And suddenly it will fall to us on the head? Zander, smiling, answered:

– It is a lot of years ago, in the seventeenth century, the monk Mersen and

the military Pti conducted such experiment: they delivered to a down vertically as

it seemed to them, and shot, observing whether the kernel on the earth will return. They

several times repeated this dangerous experiment. But as at them it did not appear

there is enough art to force a kernel to hit them directly the head,

they considered themselves to have the right to conclude that it hung in mid-air where and

long time will stay, undoubtedly. Not only at that time, but also now

it is seldom possible to find the gun which is perfectly calibrated for such experience

and it is difficult to establish it absolutely vertically. Well, and now depart.

I launch the rocket.

All departed and became silent waiting. In the dark sky stars flickered.

The new moon shone almost over the head, and it seemed that the rocket

goes to a lunar travel. Burst explosion. Thunder peals,

reflected by rocks, shook air. The fiery strip cut through

space. For a moment the mountain platform as though contacted the sky

golden bridge. Then the comet created by people picked up the tail,

turned into an asterisk and grew dim in height. Zander looked on

the dial of a chronometer and, counting seconds, spoke:

– Upper bound of the troposphere… Went beyond a stratosphere…

Return flight.

Next morning the whole flotilla of motorized vessels was sent for searches

the rocket which fell to the ocean. But Hans as he wanted it, could not

to take part in searches. Having examined several laboratories with Vinkler and

far without having got acquainted with all “shops” of grandiose

“the zvezdo-flight plant”, Finger took away chosen for him by Vinkler

books, a commonplace book, a recording feather also went to the glass

prison where had to spend not one day.

The free excerpt has ended.

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11 July 2019
400 p. 1 illustration
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