Read the book: «Classics of a fantasy», page 4


Chapter 6


Members of Spaseniye joint-stock company, future participants of flight on

to the first rocket, gathered in a country mansion of lady Hinton that

to discuss important questions of the forthcoming travel.

At a preliminary meeting scientists did not come to the full agreement.

The general meeting was organized in the hall of ancestors. If severely looking

from dark canvases proud knights could listen, they, likely, jumped out

from the gilded frames also escaped, – about such wild, improbable for

them things it was told here.

Guests sat at the long oval table laid by a white cloth

Elizabeth’s times. An ancient tea service with gold stains on blue

background, color candles in bronze high candlesticks, roses in vases,

gilded biscuit barrels decorated a table. As statues, stood at an entrance severe

footmen in gray liveries.

– It is given the floor to professor sir Abraham Kinbruk! – loudly

Stormer who undertook duties of the chairman unusual announced


The English astronomer, yet not the old, stout man similar in the

tail-coat suit on the diplomat, slowly rose, softly smiled and

threw a meeting an inquisitive look. For any audience, since

the international astronomical congresses and finishing aristocratic

salons, at it prepared different styles and methods of a statement

material. “It is necessary to be at loss for words on ears, – laughing, he said in a circle

friends. – Not any word will get into the ear aggravated by diamond


– Lady and gentlemen! – there began Kinbruk and made a pause, once again

checking mood of audience. – Responsibility of the task assigned on

us, forces to be especially careful. I frankly have to tell,

that our scientific knowledge about whether there can be a person on others

planets, are very incomplete, limited. My scientific colleagues assume,

that in solar system there are two planets available for

human existence, is Mars and Venus. Alas, I cannot

to divide with them this confidence. In comparison with our Earth the planet

Mars receives twice less light and heat. If you landed on

Mars, that Sun would seem to you rather small disk.

The Martian day would seem you twilight of Earth. You would suffer from

cold weather. Perhaps, you would pine from thirst because on Mars it is not enough

waters. In eternal cold you would wander about fruitless sandy deserts

continents and to hollows of the dried-up seas. However, I doubt that wandered

.You just would choke with a lack of oxygen. It there very much

it is not enough.

If you want to present even more clearly living conditions on Mars, I will bring

to you such example. The highest of the mountain tops, known on Earth, Everest

rises by eight thousand eight hundred eighty two meters. Ours

the English climbers, the best in the world, could reach only height

eight thousand six hundred four meters. Any expedition did not reach to

tops. Ice-covered steep slopes of mountains, furious mountain wind, a frost – everything was

it is overcome. But people receded before a lack of oxygen. They

choked. With the lowered atmosphere pressure blood went from ears. Everyone

the movement was torture.

As the person at height of two Everestov – has to feel on

to height of sixteen kilometers above sea level? Such mountains do not exist

on Earth. But tried to rise by similar height in open gondolas

stratosphere balloons. Brave aero navigators perished from suffocation already at height

to ten – twelve kilometers. On Mars air is as rarefied, as over

The earth at the height of sixteen kilometers. And there it is also cold. Even still

more cold. At disembarkation to Mars you would be expected by really terrible destiny.

– I do not fly to Mars! – resolutely lady Hinton told.

– There is Venus, – the astronomer continued. – Venus is located closer to

To the sun, than Earth. But on Venus, milords and the lady, absolutely not


– It still needs to be proved! – the second astronomer noticed, without lifting


– To my respectable colleague professor Dzhilber it will be provided

an opportunity to state the theories, – Kinbruk continued, having flashed points in

party of the opponent. – I claim: on the basis of the last scientific

data, are not found in the atmosphere of Venus also an oxygen trace. Anything, who

would dare to land on Venus, the destiny of a mouse under glass waits

cap from which air is extorted.

– Incorrect comparison. Even if on Venus there is also no oxygen, air

there nevertheless is, – Dzhilber did not restrain again.

– Ives that and in other case an outcome one – death from suffocation, – objected


Lady Hinton removed a cup.

– I do not fly also to Venus.

– So. And other planets? – Stormer asked.

– About them out of the question. On Mercury you alive would burn down from

heats, other planets, on the contrary, are too cold; they are too far from

Sun, heat source.

– In a word, we have no place to land? – Stormer asked.

– Yes. In all solar system, in the whole Universe one Earth

it is adapted for human life.

– What will quite be coordinated with the Scripture! – the bishop exclaimed.

– In the Bible it is told that the Lord created Earth for dwelling

the person, and the Sun, the Moon and stars for lighting of Earth. I cannot

to assume that life could exist on other planets that on

them reasonable beings lived. It would bring chaos in all our

religious representations. Really god created not one Adam, but tens

and hundreds of thousands on different planets? And whether there was a fall on one

To the earth or and on other planets? And whether it was necessary to a God’s window

to reincarnate, descend repeatedly in an image of the person on different

planets to die and revive to expiate an original sin? Absurdity!

Heresy! If even on other planet we could also exist that

it is impossible whether we have the right to leave Earth? It is told in the Writing:

“The earth of an esa and to the earth of an otydesha”. To the earth, but not to some Mars! Ours

ashes have to be based in our earth!

– I will not treat anywhere! – lady Hinton declared.

Stormer impatiently fidgeted on a chair. This speech of the bishop could harmfully

to affect affairs of the company. Still professor Kinbruk spoiled business by the

performance. Who could expect such dirty trick? Once he paid! And

here still the bishop with the inappropriate sermon…

– You terminated, professor Kinbruk? It is given the floor to professor

To Dzhilber!

Dzhilber raised the face inclined over a table.

Gray-haired, old, with a big nose, the drooped moustaches and young people,

derisive eyes, the astronomer Dzhilber started talking unexpectedly thin


“Chirps as a canary!” – Amelie thought.

– “Platon to me the friend, but the truth is dearer!” – there began Dzhilber with Latin

proverbs. – At all my respect for the colleague, dear professor

To Kinbruk, I have to tell that he is not right. And it is not right twice. He spoke

about care, responsibility. We, scientists, have to have one

responsibility – before the truth. Care and courage – it is eternal

the conflicting sisters. But they are reconciled by strict mother – need. Not

whether professor Kinbruk believes that modern climate of Earth very much

promotes health and longevity of the ladies who gathered here and

gentlemen? Whether it finds that the terrestrial atmosphere now

is more favorable, than the atmosphere of Venus? Where the respectable society which gathered

at this table, risks to choke rather? As you can see, when will come

need, care forces to be courageous, forces to go

on risk.

But whether this risk is so high? Professor Kinbruk very much exaggerated. I

I do not dare to polemize with lord bishop. It, of course, is right that

to the Lord many efforts would increase if also other worlds were

are manned. But we and have enough efforts, and we will speak so far

only about them.

Stormer breathed a sigh of relief.

– Yes, I claim that Mr. Kinbruk exaggerated and sinned

against the truth. My respectable colleague missed one very important

circumstance – atmosphere density on planets. Our atmosphere

reflects more than a half of sunbeams in heavenly space. Mars

almost everything reflects them. Therefore temperature of Mars is much lower terrestrial,

what is confirmed by the last measurements and a certain size

polar ices of Mars. The atmosphere on Venus almost all beams of the Sun

rejects in heavenly space. Therefore temperature of Venus only

is a little higher, than on Earth. On Mars it is cold. But also on Earth is

cold places. Remember at least as saved once Byrd on Youzhny

pole. Saving groups made the way on catarpillars in ices

Antarctic at a frost in seventy one degrees. It is more, than in

to stratosphere. And anything. Were not afraid of a frost – saved lives. Oxygen on

Mars it is not enough. Without habit will breathe more difficult. But professor Kinbruk

did not tell about one – as losses of an organism will be considerably there

it is less. Because bodies weigh almost three times less there, than on Earth.

Mr. Pinch will easily lift one hand of the boss, respectable there

Mr. Stormer. You will feel extraordinary ease in the

body. During the walking, a raising of weights muscle work will be facilitated three times. And

means, and the need for oxygen will be less. For me is not subject

to doubt that on Mars there is vegetation. Means, can be and

animals and people, though, perhaps, and not similar to terrestrial.

– What they can be? – Amelie became interested.

– Hypothetically, proceeding from a planet environment, I can take on

courage to represent to you the Martian. As living beings

test on Mars “burden of Earth” three times smaller, it is possible that they

have also growth three times bigger. For the same reason and their muscles can

to be considerable smaller. Their legs and hands are thinner. Lack of oxygen

has to cause increase in volume of a thorax. Even at us on Earth,

as showed measurements, at inhabitants of high mountains the thorax is wider, than at

inhabitants of valleys. Mars is more ancient than Earth. Inhabitants of Mars therefore have to possess

more developed brain, and consequently, and the large volume of the head.

The lack of light has to cause increase in organs of vision. And at us

some deep-water fishes possess huge eyes. A sound in

the rarefied air extended worse. This circumstance

causes development of auditory organs.

– High, thin, with a barrel-shaped breast, the big head, huge

eyes and ears… Фи! – Amelie exclaimed.

– Everything in the world is conditional, Ms.! – Dzhilber answered. – Believe, as you,

even you, – it gallantly added, – it is probable, will not cause delight at

Martian Apollo. Yes! There is one more advantage of life on Mars,

which will be estimated especially by women. Year is almost twice longer there, than on

To the earth. And, having lived forty terrestrial years on the Martian account, you can on

to tell conscience that to you only twenty.

– And I will look twenty-year-old or forty-year-old?

– Here I find it difficult to tell it to you. I am afraid to upset, but I think that

forty-year-old. Though, maybe, and vital processes will proceed there

in a slowed-up way.

– I believe that on Mars it is not so bad. A little coldishly…

– But it is possible to live.

– Ellen! You laid a fur coat? – lady Hinton interrupted.

– And Martians will not kill us? – again asked Amelie. Lady Hinton already

glanced at it with displeasure.

– Will not kill. The biggest – will be put in the museum as rare

copies, – with a smile Dzhilber answered.

– As for Venus, – it continued, – I already told that: there not

such conditions, as on Earth. But climate, perhaps, not really pleasant. Not

I know whether fall by the Martian Adam, but on Venus was made

people, likely, strongly made angry god.

– Why you so think? – the bishop became interested.

– John Milton assures of the poem “The Lost and Returned Paradise”

lips of an angel that the axis of our Earth before Adam’s fall stood

perpendicularly to the plane of a terrestrial ecliptic and on Earth was all the year round

identical spring climate. The terrestrial axis was inclined in punishment for

fall of the first person, and climate of Earth worsened. And as

inclination of an axis of Venus bigger, than a terrestrial axis, it is necessary to make

conclusion that venerianets even more made angry god, than our primogenitors.

Venerable professor Kinbruk claims that on Venus it is perfect

there is no oxygen, and approves it on the ground that spectral

the analysis of traces of oxygen it is not revealed. It is incorrect. Physicist

The Michigan university by Artur Adel it was established that

concentration of carbon dioxide in only one upper atmosphere

Venus it is enormous in comparison with terrestrial. If there is a carbonic acid, then

there has to be also an oxygen. Venus has to be similar to a huge greenhouse, and

life on Venus, maybe, accepts especially violent and intensive

the forms surpassing what we have on Earth.

– And animals on Venus are? – asked Pinch.

– If there is an oxygen, moisture, warmly, then why not to be also an animal?

– What water on Venus? – the bishop asked. Dzhilber crafty


– It depending on for what needs. In old times the father

Kirkher was interested whether water on Venus for commission of a ceremony is good

baptisms. Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question to you

in the affirmative. In all other relations, I believe, water nothing not

differs from terrestrial.

– I do not agree with my dear colleague, – without having asked permission at

the chairman, Kinbruk began to say. Stormer tried to stop it, but

the scientist did not stop. Fortunately, in the heat of a dispute Kinbruk forgot about audience

also began to pour the terminology clear to nobody, except devoted.

Between scientists the dispute erupted. Zander listening already with impatience


– I would ask to give us rather your resolutory data. Venus, Mars

or neither that nor other planet?

– Whether and everything is equal to you? – Stormer who did not get used that asked

somebody interfered with conducting a meeting.

– By no means not all the same, – Zander answered. – If we fly to Venus,

the minimum initial speed of flight of the rocket has to be eleven

whole the four tenth kilometer per second; if to Mars – eleven

whole six tenth. Flight to Mars occupies not less than hundred ninety

two days, to Venus – ninety seven. All calculations depending on

it change.

– But I did not tell about the third opportunity, – Dzhilber told, – about

opportunities., anywhere not to land. If you really managed

to establish that circulation of substances about which told me dear

Leo Zander, and to these you would provide yourself food on vaguely long

term, it would be the best exit. You could install in the rocket

both climate of Riviera, and lighting according to your desire, even in each cabin

different – to tastes of inhabitants. You could make attempt to land

on the planet and to depart from there if life on it is unsuitable.

In a word, you would be masters of the situation and would not depend more on Earth

and sky.

This offer, probably, was pleasant to all.

Zander grinned and asked words. Stormer strictly looked at him

and solemnly proclaimed:

– It is given the floor to the engineer Zander.

– All this discussion, – there began the engineer, – with my point of view, it seems

overdue. You are going to fly in the most near future. You hurry

me with flying away. You hurry me with completion of work. What would be if

I would design the rocket suitable for flight to Venus, and to me would be

the task to fly to Mars or to soar in space without landing is given!

It is impossible to remake the rocket, it would be necessary to build new.

– But you put several types of the rocket?

– From a bookmark before construction not one month proceeds. In ready or

almost in finished form there is only one. And if you want to fly,

on it it is also necessary to make a trip.

Stormer flushed.

– In other words, – he told, – you, without us resolved an issue about

route and in compliance with it constructed the rocket?

– Anyhow I could arrive? Really you believe that I expected

at this meeting to meet something new to me? All mentioned

I was forced to study questions in the most attentive way still to

first drawing of the rocket. All latest astronomical literature, all

last achievements of astronomy. At last, your task – to be guided

to Venus.

– If so, then I do not understand why it was necessary to invite us, —

Kinbruk quite sharply told.

– Well, at least to tell future participants of flight

some data on astronomy, – with a smile were told by Zander. And not only

for this purpose. I cannot assume all responsibility. As if

we are circumspect were, whatever precautionary measures

undertook, our travel after all is risky.

Stormer angrily began to patter fingers on a table. That for tactless

person this Zander! It is good still that it is not heard by other participants

joint-stock company. It would frighten off them.

At the word “risk” of lady Hinton and Ellen made the involuntary movement.

Zander noticed it and immediately hurried to calm women.

– And trips in the train are accompanied by risk, – he noticed. – Not

I think that flight in the rocket represented big risk. But in a case

landings to the planet us, of course, expect many surprises. And I am very much

he is grateful to professor Kinbruk who informed you in advance about

some inconveniences existing on the specified planets. In

astronomical questions your authority will be believed, certainly, more,

than me.

– But where you land us, devil take it? Forgive, the milady, for

involuntary exclamation, – Stormer told.

All waited with breathless attention that Zander will tell.

– Anywhere. I believe that to us it is the more favorable and safest exactly anywhere

not to land.

– O… a ryzhok in anything? – Marshal with bitter irony which not asked


– And therefore I also tried to create such interplanetary ship, on

which there could be a circulation of substances. The rocket will have

greenhouse in five hundred meters of length which has to give us necessary

for food vegetable products and oxygen for breath.

– To eat one wild strawberry? – asked Amelie. – I agree.

– For fans to eat more densely we will take products of month on

rub, on five. If I manage to carry out completely the invention,

which I finish now, perhaps, these one three-months

terrestrial stocks, apart from a greenhouse, will be enough for us at least for two-three

ten terrestrial years.

– You believe that you in the rocket to us will be sufficient for saturation

homeopathic doses?

– I am not going to cut off a ration on one gram.

– Then, so you are going to repeat an evangelical miracle of saturation

five thousand people five fishes and three bread?

– Yes, if you want, a miracle.

– But in what it consists?

– In “extending” time in the rocket as rubber. While

in the rocket there will pass days, on Earth – months and, perhaps, years.

Round eyes of Stormer left orbits. That would be the last straw, that

Zander went balmy from mind!

– You, it seems., a little bit…

– Went crazy? – Zander facilitated Stormer’s task.

– I understand Mr. Zander, – Dzhilber told, rubbing the forehead. —

Means to slow down a current of time really exists. It

means – to accelerate the movement. But, Mr. Zander, to create

such difference between a current of time on Earth and in the rocket, are necessary

speeds close to velocity of light.

Zander nodded.

– I do not claim that I will manage to solve this problem, but, it seems to me,

I am close to its decision, – he told.

– Radiant energy? Radio waves? Intratomic energy? – threw

Zander’s questions.

– It is a secret so far, – he answered. – And if I manage to seize

really huge speeds, then we will be able to visit even not

on one planet and personally to be convinced whether life is possible on them.

– Still! – Kinbruk exclaimed, derisively smiling. – Flying with

velocity of light, you in one and a half seconds would fly by by the Moon, and eight with

a half of minutes would be enough for you to reach the Sun.

– Really, – Dzhilber started talking, – if you flew with

speed a little smaller, than the velocity of light, that time in the rocket

it would be slowed down in comparison with terrestrial. So far on our rocket will pass near

years, on Earth there can pass ten or even hundred years.

The conversation quickened. Except astronomers and Zander, nobody understood how

time flow quicker, more slowly, but a thought extremely can

interested all. Just imagine, so it is possible in some way

to operate also terrestrial time, forcing it to flow quicker,

more slowly.

– When I return to Earth in one or two months, I will find my Otto

the decrepit old man, and itself I will remain it is also young, isn’t that so, mister


– And if terrestrial affairs develop adversely, we could put

the basis on some planet to new mankind, – Shnirer told,

the staying all evening in silence. – To create a new civilization, without

cars, without the equipment.

“Hundred years in two years! – Stormer thought. – During this time long ago will die

all my envious persons, enemies and judges, and case of me will decay in archives

vessels. Perfectly, devil take it! And if all this dies, we will slow down

flight – we will accelerate a current of time not too to lag behind terrestrial affairs,

also we will return to Earth to the most favorable to us the moment”.

– I would prefer to return to Earth and to find there triumphing

“Mohicans”, – he told. – But if, over expectation, it was necessary to us

to land on some planet, it would be very clever to us to undertake for

organization of this newest mankind. I offer such project.

We will take with ourselves in the rocket, so to speak, all quintessence of necessary

practical knowledge. In the most compressed look we will state all necessary

knowledge: mathematics, astronomy, medicine, biology, botany,


– I am afraid that terrestrial botany, the zoology and geography are not enough there

will be useful, – Dzhilber told. – On other planets you should create

other botany and geography.

– So, I suggest to capture with myself all “earth salt” in compact

look, – Stormer continued. – Experts could order

to make such abstracts, to everyone in the area and to print books

the most small print on the thinnest, but strong paper or to take

microbooks. I gave botany, geography for example. I think, however, as

terrestrial botany, geography, history will not be superfluous. Unless to immigrants

to Venus it will not be interesting to know about Earth But I pass to most important

parts mine of the project. New mankind on the new earth, certainly, so

it has to be divided into classes, as well as on our planet. But division

it has to be sharper. People of our circle have to borrow there

dominant position Descendants of any servants, mechanics and other

service personnel which we will take with ourselves have to become

our slaves We will create a caste “wise”, “devoted”, slaves have to

to be illiterate, dark people. And we will rule over them therefore

that without our knowledge they will be helpless and powerless Only we one

let’s know how to build houses, cars…

– Cars? Again cars? And there cars? – Shnirer screamed. – You want

to ruin new mankind? To transfer this infection, this plague to new

earth? Cars is a damnation of a Satan which finished terrestrial mankind

before a real crash! By no means, not under any circumstances I not

I will agree to this madness! Classes can remain – they are even necessary.

Only slavery could provide leisure, necessary for reflections

to philosophers of antiquity. Let there will be slavery, but the slavery softened

patriarchal relations. Life close to the nature! Natural

economy! Any cities! We, Germans, in the person of unnaturally expanded

communities of Berlin created the tool which destroyed the state when it

the tool – Berlin – fell into hands of extremists, that is antigosudarstvenno

the adjusted people at large. Any factories and plants! Any cities!

Farms, meadows, herdboys, streamlets… Philosophy of contemplation and morals…

– Christian! – the bishop inserted.

– Yes, Christian, – the philosopher agreed. – It is very convenient for us.

And, you know, I would leave these terrestrial stories, geography on Earth. We

would create a modern history – about the highest beings, nisshedshy from “sky” on

earth. We would have an authority of divinity. We will be wisely and graciously

to operate our slaves. They will graze our herds, to cultivate ours

vineyards and on Sundays together with us to praise us and

to supreme. Peaceful life on a nature bosom. Any working questions,

strikes, revolutions! Golden Age! Paradise on the earth!

– And – any banks, commercial affairs? Etto., boringly! – told


– Without commerce life does not make sense. But we will bring this

the amendment, the baron, – Stormer told, addressing Marshal, – and I hope that

dear professor Shnirer will agree to this compromise. Private

property, I hope, you do not deny, mister Shnirer? And if is

private property…

Between bankers and the philosopher the dispute erupted. Nobody noticed how

Zander rose and left gallery of ancestors. Destiny of the future social

the device on the new earth had no relation to rocket flight. Besides

all these logomachies, in his opinion, were alien anything practical


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