Episode duration 15 min.
2023 year
1098 Daily Easy English Lesson PODCAST—worth a shot
About the podcast
Today’s English expression and dialog: I’m so lonely. Where can I meet someone? Do you go to church? No. Nice people there. It’s worth a shot~ GET FREE LESSONS: I’m on iTunes and everywhere else they have podcasts! Coach Shane? I'm from the USA, I make videos and podcasts for ???/??? students and my teaching focuses on ???????? ?????????????, listening ??? ???????? ???????. My lessons will help you MASTER English. Support me! ???? ???, ????? ????????? ???????. Master your English listening, comprehension and pronunciation.???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ? ??????? ????????. A course 100% focused on speaking American English. Join ??? 365—the best of both DDM and PIRF together. Join ????????????? Three specific course for Beginners, Intermediate AND Advanced people Where to join? AND HOTMART!! ??? ?? Newsletter & FREE lessons! Buy me a coffee OR help buy some diapers for Mikey and Jimmy! We’re on PATREON, too. And we give nice gifts! PLEASE support my sponsors: (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!) Get the best NOOTROPICS for your mind and body. #coachshane #esl #englishpronunciation #americanpronunciation #americanenglish #actionenglish #lme #LetsMasterEnglish #ddm #pirfectenglish #pirf #coachshanepodcast