Basis of Esperanto


Basis of Esperanto

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About the book

<p>This book contains a brief introduction to the international language, Esperanto, conceived by a Polish physician, Dr. Ludwik Zamenhof, in 1887. Since then many people throughout the world have demonstrated that this language can be practically applied to various areas of human endeavour. </p>

<p>En tiu ci libro oni prezentas mallonge internacian lingvon Esperanton, kiun elpensis en la jaro 1887 pola kuracisto d-ro Ludwik Zamenhof. Gis nun multaj homoj en la mondo pruvis, ke tiun ci lingvon oni povas praktike apliki en diversaj branckampoj de la homa vivo. </p>

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Book Włodzimierz Opoka «Basis of Esperanto» — download in pdf or read online. Leave comments and reviews, vote for your favorites.
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Release date on Litres:
26 July 2019
Copyright holder:
OSDW Azymut
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