Read the book: «The suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament of Jesus the Christ, Volume 6, Clement», page 3



He again persuades them to compose their divisions.

THUS has the humility and godly fear of these great and excellent men recorded in the Scriptures, through obedience, made not only us, but also the generations before us better; even as many as have received his holy oracles with fear and truth.

2 Having therefore so many, and such great and glorious examples, let us return to that peace which was the mark that from the beginning was set before us;

3 Let us look up to the Father and Creator of the whole world; and let us hold fast to his glorious and exceeding gifts and benefits of peace.

4 Let us consider and behold with the eyes of our understanding his long suffering will; and think how gentle and patient he is towards his whole creation.

5 The heavens moving by his appointment, are subject to him in peace.

6 Day and night accomplish the courses that he has allotted unto them, not disturbing one another.

7 The sun and moon, and all the several companies and constellations of the stars, run the courses that he has appointed to them in concord, without departing in the least from them.

8 The fruitful earth yields its food plentifully in due season both to man and beast, and to all animals that are upon it, according to his will; not disputing, nor altering any thing of what was ordered by him.

9 So also the unfathomable and unsearchable floods of the deep, are kept in by his command;

10 And the conflux of the vast sea, being brought together by his order into its several collections, passes not the bounds that he has set to it;

11 But as he appointed it, so it remains. For he said, Hitherto shalt then come, and thy floods shall be broken within thee.

12 The ocean impassable to mankind, and the worlds that are beyond it are governed by the same commands of their great master.

13 Spring and summer, autumn and winter, give place peaceably to each other.

14 The several quarters of the winds fulfil their work in their seasons, without offending one another.

15 The ever-flowing fountains, made both for pleasure and health, never fail to reach out their breasts to support the life of men.

16 Even the smallest creatures live together in peace and concord with each other.

17 All these has the Great Creator and Lord of all, commanded to observe peace and concord; being good to all.

18 But especially to us who flee to his mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ; to whom be glory and majesty for ever and ever. Amen.


He exhorts them to obedience, from the consideration of the goodness of God, and of his presence in every place.

TAKE heed, beloved, that his many blessings be not to our condemnation; except we shall walk worthy of him, doing with one consent what is good and pleasing in his sight.

2 The spirit of the Lord is a candle, searching out the inward parts of the belly.

3 Let us therefore consider how near he is to us; and how that none of our thoughts, or reasonings which we frame within ourselves, are hid from him,

4 It is therefore just that we should not forsake our rank, by doing contrary to his will.

5 Let us choose to offend a few foolish and inconsiderate men, lifted up and glorying in their own pride, rather than God.

6 Let us reverence our Lord Jesus Christ whose blood was given for us.

7 Let us honour those who are set over us; let us respect the aged that are amongst us; and let us instruct the younger men, in the discipline and fear of the LORD.

8 Our wives let us direct, to do that which is good.

9 Let them show forth a lovely habit of purity, in all their conversation; with a sincere affection of meekness.

10 Let the government of their tongues be made manifest by their silence.

11 Let their charity be without respect of persons, alike towards all such as religiously fear God.

12 Let your children be bred up in the instruction of Christ:

13 And especially let them learn how great a power humility has with God; how much a pure and holy charity avails with him; how excellent and great his fear is; and how it will save all such as turn to him with holiness in a pure mind.

14 For he is the searcher of the thoughts and counsels of the heart; whose breath is in us, and when he pleases he can take it from us.


Of faith: and particularly what we are to believe as to the Resurrection.

BUT all these things must be confirmed by the faith which is in Christ; for so He himself bespeaks us by the Holy Ghost;

2 Comeye children and hearken unto me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is there that desireth life, and loveth to see good days?

3 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips that they speak no guile.

4 Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

5 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers.

6 But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

7 The righteous cried, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him out of all his troubles.

8 Many are the troubles of the wicked; but they that trust in the Lord mercy shall encompass them about.

9 Our all-merciful and beneficent Father hath bowels of compassion towards them that fear him: and kindly and lovingly bestows his graces upon all such as come to him with a simple mind.

10 Wherefore let us not waver, neither let us have any doubt in our hearts, of his excellent and glorious gifts.

11 Let that be far from us which is written, Miserable are the double-minded, and those who are doubtful in their hearts;

12 Who say these things have we heard, and our fathers have told us these things. But behold we are grown old, and none of them has happened unto us.

13 O ye fools consider the trees: take the vine for an example. First it sheds its leaves; then it buds; after that it spreads its leaves; then it flowers; then come the sour grapes; and after them follows the ripe fruit. See how in a little time the fruit of the trees comes to maturity.

14 Of a truth yet a little while and his will shall suddenly be accomplished.

15 The Holy Scripture itself bearing witness, that He shall quickly come and not tardy, and that the Lord shall suddenly come to his temple, even the 3 holy ones whom ye look for.

16 Let us consider, beloved, how the Lord does continually show us, that there shall be a future resurrection; of which he has made our Lord Jesus Christ the first fruits, raising him from the dead.

17 Let us contemplate, beloved, the resurrection that is continually made before our eyes.

18 Day and night manifest a resurrection to us. The night lies down, and the day arises: again the day departs and the night comes on.

19 Let us behold the fruits of the earth. Every one sees how the seed is sown. The sower goes forth, and casts it upon the earth; and the seed which when it was sown fell upon the earth dry and naked, in time dissolves.

20 And from the dissolution, the great power of the providence of the Lord rises it again; and of one seed many arise, and bring forth fruit.


The Resurrection further proved.

LET us consider that wonderful type of the resurrection which is seen in the Eastern countries: that is to say, in Arabia.

2 There is a certain bird called a Phoenix; of this there is never but one at a time: and that lives five hundred years. And when the time of its dissolution draws near, that it must die, it makes itself a nest of frankincense, and myrrh, and other spices into which when its time is fulfilled it enters and dies.

3 But its flesh putrifying, breeds a certain worm, which being nourished with the juice of the dead bird brings forth feathers; and when it is grown to a perfect state, it takes up the nest in which the bones of its parent lie, and carries it from Arabia into Egypt, to a city called Heliopolis:

4 And flying in open day in the sight of all men, lays it upon the altar of the sun, and so returns from whence it came.

5 The priests then search into the records of the time: and find that it returned precisely at the end of five hundred years.

6 And shall we then think it to be any very great and strange thing for the Lord of all to raise up those that religiously serve him in the assurance of a good faith, when even by a bird he shows us the greatness of his power to fulfil his promise?

7 For he says in a certain place, Thou shalt raise me up and I shall confess unto thee.

8 And again, I laid me down and slept, and awaked, because thou art with me.

9 And again, Job says, Thou shalt raise up this flesh of mine, that has suffered all these things.

10 Having therefore this hope, let us hold fast to him who is faithful in all his promises, and righteous in all his judgments; who has commanded us not to lie, how much more will he not himself lie?

11 For nothing is impossible with God but to lie.

12 Let his faith then be stirred up again in us; and let us consider that all things are nigh unto him.

13 By the word of his power he made all things: and by the same word he is able, (whenever he will,) to destroy them.

14 Who shall say unto him, what dost thou? or who shall resist the power of his strength?

15 When, and as he pleased, he will do all things; and nothing shall pass away of all that has been determined by him.

16 All things are open before him; nor can anything be hid from his counsel.

17 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.


It is impossible to escape the vengeance of God, if we continue in sin.

SEEING then all things are seen and heard by God, let us fear him, and let us lay aside our wicked works which proceed from ill desires; that through his mercy we may be delivered from the condemnation to come.

2 For whither can any of us flee from his mighty hand? Or what world shall receive any of those who run away from him?

3 For thus saith the Scripture in a certain place. Whither shall I flee from thy spirit, or where shall I hide myself from thy presence?

4 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there; if I shall go to the uttermost parts of the earth, there is thy right hand: if I shall make my bed in the deep, thy Spirit is there.

5 Whither then shall any one go; or whither shall he run from him that comprehends all things?

6 Let us therefore come to him with holiness of heart, lifting up chaste and undefiled hands unto him; loving our gracious and merciful Father, who has made us to partake of his election.

7 For so it is written, When the Most High divided the nations; when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations, according to the number of his angels; his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, and Israel the lot of his inheritance.

8 And in another place he saith, Behold the Lord taketh unto himself a nation, out of the midst of the nations, as a man taketh the first- fruits of his flour; and the Most Holy shall come out of that nation.

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Release date on Litres:
01 July 2019
60 p. 1 illustration
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Public Domain
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