Children's Rights and the Philosophy of Childhood: A Generational Dialogue

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The philosophy of childhood is still a young science area. Human being is childhood and adulthood and requires communication, a dialogue. The dialogue philosophy offers an integrative basis in the interdisciplinary context of psychology, biology, pedagogy, sociology, law and religion:

•What is childhood?

•Which natural law does a child have?

•Who carries the responsibility for a child?

•Which stages of childhood development can be differentiated in dialogue philosophy?

•What means the generation concept for childhood and adulthood?

•What is the basic thesis of education?

•Which myth (fairy tale) was paved the way for our state constitution?

•Which parenting conflict remains unsolvable?

•What fundamental rights are missing in the United Nations Convention on the rights of child?

•Which rights and duties can be deduced from the self-understanding of nature?

Towards adulthood being a child means a weaker position and the risk of abuse. In the childhood-philosophical sense, an answer to the risks of being a child and the best possible protection of the child is required. The legal foundation is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. But we do not reach the children with laws. It takes more than just dialogue and parental care. There are controversial arguments in politics and science. The author finds clear answers.

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100 pp. 2 illustrations
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Children's Rights and the Philosophy of Childhood: A Generational Dialogue by Werner Boesen — ebook, download epub, txt, mobi, pdf or read online. Leave comments and reviews, vote for your favorite.


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