Read the book: «There is always money! Boost your financial intelligence!»
Cover designer Southern Railway System (1921)
© Vladimir S. Lavrov, 2020
© Southern Railway System (1921), cover design, 2020
ISBN 978-5-0051-9712-2
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Introduction. How does your financial intelligence actually work?
Curiously, financial intelligence, which is the subject of so much fuss when it comes to money, is really just one facet of your powerful intelligence. That is, it does not exist apart from other types of intelligence. Accordingly, in order to understand how financial intelligence works, you need to understand how intelligence works in general.
What is intelligence in general?
Intelligence is the ability to solve various life tasks, find a way out of difficult situations and achieve the desired results. Moreover, the results achieved always correspond to the level of development of one or another facet of your intelligence. Good health and athletic performance are indicative of high bodily intelligence. Success in career and communication speaks for high emotional intelligence. Family happiness and charismatic attractiveness speak of high sexual intelligence. And financial success and an abundance of free time speak volumes about high financial intelligence.
Achievements in one area of life do not automatically lead to achievements in other areas of life. However, there are always certain chains of sequences and patterns, when one facet of intelligence strengthens another, connected with it, and contributes to success in related areas. For example, learning success (cognitive intelligence) strengthens analytical and creative intelligence, while creative success in turn strengthens speech and cognitive intelligence.
Perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination, planning, speech and actions are the main tools of the intellect, with the help of which it, in fact, solves the tasks before you. The way you relate to certain situations, what you think, what you remember, what you pay attention to, what you dream about, what you plan, what you talk about and how you act – all this does not just characterize you as a person, but is a reflection your intelligence. The higher it is, the easier, faster and more correctly you solve certain life tasks.
How are things going with financial intelligence? Financial intelligence is the ability to solve various monetary issues and achieve the desired results in the field of money. At the same time, financial intelligence is born at the junction of the interaction of emotional and sexual intelligence, which, in turn, are based on bodily intelligence:

Interaction of intelligences
We will not touch upon bodily, emotional and sexual intelligence in this book. This is a topic for a separate book. We will only touch on financial intelligence. But keep in mind that it does not function by itself, but in active interaction with other parts of the intellect.
At the same time, financial intelligence is a skill that lends itself to training and can be easily measured by key indicators (cost of an hour of time, rate of monthly income, delta size1 and total asset value). By and large, training financial intelligence includes changing attitudes towards money, raising financial expectations (financial thermostat, financial goals, financial plan), transforming thinking strategies and pumping skills that are responsible for growth in key indicators (for example, systemic decision-making skill in uncertainty or systemic problem solving skill).
Financial intelligence is based on a financial program and a financial scenario based on a certain attitude towards money and financial expectations. Financial expectations can be completely different, and the attitude towards money can be negative, conditionally negative, neutral or positive. The financial scenario can be negative (financial dependence scenario), positive (financial security scenario), natural (financial independence scenario), and absolute (financial freedom scenario). Financial programs also four: this is a bankruptcy program (when a person spends more than he earns and lives in debt), a poverty program (when a person spends everything that he earns), a delayed poverty program (when a person spends everything that he earns, but not immediately) and a program wealth (when a person sets aside part of their income and creates investment capital).
At the same time, financial intelligence has the same 8 tools at its disposal as intelligence in general. It is with their help that he solves all the financial problems facing you. So ask yourself:
– perception: how do I react to life circumstances? Is it aggressive or calm? Do I avoid or overcome difficulties?
– thinking: what do I think about money? How do I think about money and opportunities – positively or negatively?
– memory: what do I know about money? What is my memory clogged with?
– attention: what am I focusing on? Is it abundance or scarcity? Is there enough money in my reality or not enough?
– imagination: what am I dreaming about? What picture in my imagination about money am I painting?
– planning: what am I planning? What’s my enrichment plan? How do I plan to manage my time and money?
– speech: what am I talking about money? Who and what do I communicate with?
– actions: what am I doing to increase my value to society and earn more?
In addition to these tools, financial intelligence has 16 main markers by which you can track its development :

Markers for the development of your financial intelligence. Where are you now? And where would you like to be in a year? What kind of life do you choose for yourself? The same as the majority? What if you could improve your financial intelligence and be among the 10% of the richest and most successful people on the planet? How would your life change then? Think about it!
After looking closely at this table, you will immediately understand a lot. If you have a negative attitude towards core values, this will prevent you from attracting good money into your life and keeping it. If a poverty program is running in your head, it will prevent you from living the life of your dreams. If the cost of an hour of your time is below the norm, if you have no assets, if you invest money and time in the wrong things that rich and successful people invest in, what do you want? How can money come into your life?
Train your thinking! Upgrade your financial intelligence! How? To get started, print a Pivot Table with 16 financial intelligence markers and hang it up in a prominent place to remind yourself of the most important things in your life! Use this chart to improve your life! And don’t stop there! Go on and on! Learn everything about money, financial intelligence, financial literacy and mindset transformation! In this book, you will find a number of practices that will help you pump your financial intelligence and reach new levels of income.
Fear nothing! You will definitely succeed! Your rich brain is sure to win the battle against the poor brain if you side with it! The main thing is never, never, never give up! Change your attitude towards money, set ambitious financial goals, overcome difficulties, increase the value of your hour, increase the total value of your assets, and never stop learning! If you are serious, then you will definitely succeed!
P.S. Initially, the book was written in Russian and only after that it was translated into English. Due to the specific differences between Russian and English, the author could allow minor inaccuracies in the translation. Do not judge strictly, for the English language for the author is not native. If possible, treat indulgently with possible mistakes and wrong words in the text. Remember that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes! Try to understand the essence of what the author wanted to say. Then you will get the most benefit from reading this book.
Lesson number 1. Cost per hour
Time is the most important and invaluable resource that cannot be bought, stopped, extended or prepared for future use. It just flows, but a lot depends on the efficiency of its use, both in work, and in creativity, and in business, and in relationships.
Therefore, it is important to immediately understand how much your time is worth. And then – to understand how to dispose of them wisely.
The cost of an hour of your time is one of the main indicators of the level of development of your financial intelligence (other key indicators of the level of development of financial intelligence are the scale of financial goals, delta size, and total cost of capital). The higher your financial intelligence, the higher the cost per hour of your time (as well as the scale of financial goals, delta size and total cost of capital).
To determine how much one hour of your life is really worth, take your monthly income and divide it by the number of hours you spend working. If you work for an employee in a government organization, then this is usually the standard 170—180 hours per month (provided that you live close to work and do not spend a lot of time traveling). If you work in a commercial structure or build your own business and devote more than 8 hours a day to work, then add the required number of hours to the standard working time, and then add to this amount the time you spend on the road to work and home, and then calculate the real cost of your time using the formula:
monthly income / working hours per month = the real cost of an hour in your life
Let’s say 30,000 rubles. / 180 hours = 166 p. in hour. Or 100,000 rubles. / 80 hours = 1250 p. in hour.

The cost of one hour of your life
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