Quotes from the book «Blow job. Bloody sex»

My name is Anton, I’m 30 years old (with a  tail), I live in Moscow. I am an artist. Besides that I write pictures, I have a small business, my own gallery. In the past year or two, I began to feel some fatigue, the pictures began to come out less and less from under my hand. After reflection, I came to the conclusion that the city was the fault. A  huge metropolis, forcing people to accept its fuss and crazy pace. All the time, some business, some (often unnecessary) meetings. And I decided to find a place where I  could hide from everyone, secluded and write, write… On the Internet, I quickly found a house in a village called Korovino, where there was a “pristine nature”, a forest, a river. The house was located in the Tver region, the hosts were in place. Without thinking long, I got into the car and drove off. It was the middle of summer. Outside the window, magnificent landscapes of the socalled “middle strip” rushed past. I was tempted to stop and capture some particularly beautiful view. Moreover, I had an easel with me. But the meeting is a meeting and it was necessary to go. And the day inexorab

But you have not seen all the beauties. What a river we have! Far away there is a  lake. And the forest? In September, we gather here so many mushrooms. And white, and boletus, and butter. Take a walk, Anton, look. Now this is all yours. Yes, tomorrow my husband comes with a son-in-law, they’ll bring the documents home. And the day after tomorrow you can go to the area and make out a purchase. – Yes, perhaps, it would be the best way. After supper we left the house to breathe air. We sat on a bench, looked at the starry sky and peeled sunflower seeds. Then I was shown a summer shower, where you can wash yourself. The landlady

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Release date on Litres:
09 November 2017
11 p. 1 illustration
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