Read the book: «Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!», page 2


– How so? Why isn't i

t Sunday yet? – Aleksandra

complained to her Mother. She just couldn't wait to put on new shoes and a new dress that Mama Cat bought especially for this holiday.

– Will there be a cake? – Michael the Cat was worried about completely different questions, and the mother Cat nodded affirmatively.

Saturday evening was spent in preparation. Mom the Cat and Dad the Cat signed a postcard for a little nephew Teoman, inflated balloons, prepared gifts for him.

Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten argued among themselves who will carry gifts and will be the first to congratulate the cousin. They decided to carry the main gift together from both sides.

Sunday morning was rainy and gloomy. The Kitten Aleksandra came to her parents' bedroom in tears and complained that bad weather would not allow her to put white shoes and white socks on her paws now.

"Now I'm going to get dirty!" – smearing tears on her face, Aleksandra sobbed.

– Don't cry, dear, Papa Cat will take us to the holiday by car, and in order not to get smeared, we will carefully bypass all the dirty and deep puddles. Aunt Yana has a large porch and a beautiful veranda, we are not afraid of rain or wind, because we will be closed from it. The weather will not spoil Teo's holiday and your outfit. Especially since the rain has almost passed, everything will dry up soon. In the meantime, wake up Michael, brush your teeth, wash your face and come to breakfast, and I'm going to cook breakfast for you.