Read the book: «Gerbil: The star of the rodents», page 2


Loner or group?

When gerbils are not being kept as pets, they live in colonies. If you're considering keeping multiple gerbils, you'll find how social these animals are and that they also sleep together.

These animals also work together in emergency situations. Unfortunately, when keeping pets, it often happens that the animals unexpectedly fight. This is especially the case with young animals. Experts recommend separating them by gender. Also, it is generally easier to keep a pair of gerbils than a whole group.

However, if you are planning to buy several gerbils, I advise you to choose young ones, since older mice have a harder time getting along with other, unfamiliar mice. When keeping them, it is also important to ensure that the gerbils require sufficient space. For example, each mouse needs its own retreat.

In principle, the socialization of Mongolian gerbils is not easy and it can even happen that the mice fight and injure each other when defending their territory. I therefore recommend anyone who has never kept gerbils before to only buy two mice at first.

Which gerbil is right for me?

When you buy a gerbil from a pet store, you usually only find Mongolian gerbils. However, not all mice of this species are the same and differ in age as well as sex. There are only small differences between the sexes in gerbils.

The male animals are a bit larger and have correspondingly larger scent glands, but they can be kept and cared for just like the female animals. However, if you keep gerbils in a group, make sure that all animals are of the same sex. When kept in groups, younger animals are also recommended, as they get used to each other more easily.

I also recommend that you take your gerbils to the vet beforehand, as it's common for pet stores to misidentify the sex. These animals can get pregnant as early as three months, which could end up being a nasty surprise for you.

These criteria also apply to any other species of gerbil, not just the Mongolian gerbil.

How old do gerbils get?

A Mongolian gerbil lives an average of five years. With proper care, some can live up to seven years, but this is very rare. Since these animals are susceptible to diseases, regular health checks are necessary. At the vet, for example, the feces are examined.

At the same time, this means that senility cannot occur in gerbils as young as two. If signs of aging appear, it is because the mouse is sick and needs treatment.

Can you stay alone?

It is not a problem to leave gerbils alone for a few days as long as they have enough food and fresh water. However, you should not leave the animals alone for more than three days. I would also recommend adding two water points in case one accidentally spills over, which can happen.

Cage: right location and size?

You should keep in mind that the cage is the habitat for the gerbils. This must be large enough so that the animals can let off steam, have a place to sleep and also opportunities to hide or retreat. The cage should be at least 60 × 60 × 120 cm for two gerbils, larger is of course better. When it comes to the height, it should always be remembered that the bedding and the running wheel also take up space.

When it comes to location, gerbils like to be in brighter, quieter places. However, you should definitely avoid direct sunlight, as this leads to overheating of the animals. The humidity should not be too high either. It also goes without saying that you should not smoke or light incense sticks or scented candles in the room where the mice are.

Litter and toilet?

Suitable bedding for gerbils is hemp, corn or z. B. Linen bedding. Small animal litter is also a possible alternative. In addition, the animals need straw and hay so that they can build their nests and tunnels. I would also recommend adding dirt in one spot as gerbils like to dig in it. When littering, it is also important to ensure that it has a minimum height of 25 cm. Cat litter should be avoided at all costs, as it cannot be ruled out that gerbils will eat it.

As for the toilet, gerbils are known to sometimes do their business all over the cage. However, you can still place a bowl of sand in the cage, as this is often used as a toilet by the rodents.

Basic equipment in the cage?
House, hay rack, feeding place, drinking bottle, toys

Gerbils don't need much to feel comfortable in their cage. For this reason, you don't have to spend a lot of money for the basic equipment. In addition to a terrarium, the most important things are a water bottle or water bowl, a bowl for food, bedding and something to play with. In addition, it is recommended to put in houses in which the gerbils can hide.

Although this is not absolutely necessary, it contributes to species-appropriate husbandry. Especially if you keep more than one gerbil, it's important that each has a sanctuary.

These animals also have to build and dig a nest, so hay should not be missing in the cage. There are so-called hay racks especially for this. As for food, you can also skip a bowl and just spread it around the cage, as gerbils instinctively dig and dig for food.

Also, if there is enough space in the cage, I would recommend providing bathing sand for the mice as they like to bathe in it. It is perfectly sufficient if you fill a simple glass container with some sand and place it in the cage. However, you should be aware that mice sometimes do their business in the sand.

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