Read the book: «Prophecies by Nostradamus», page 8


Quatrain 6.75 Gaspard de Coligny

Le grand Pilot sera par Roy mande,

Laisser la classe, pour plus haut lieu attaindre:

Sept ans apres sera contrebande,

Barbare armee viendra Venise craindre.

The great Pilot will be commissioned by the King,

To leave the fleet to fill a higher post:

Seven years after he will be in rebellion,

Venice will come to fear the Barbarian army.

Gaspard de Coligny (16.02.1519-24.08.1572) admiral of France from 1552, count, leader of the Huguenots.

1-2 lines about resignation Admiral in 1559. Before that, being in Spanish captivity in 1557-1559, he changed the Catholic faith to Protestant and became an assistant to the Prince of Conde in the Huguenot wars.

3 line. About 7 years later in 1567 the Huguenots took up arms-rebelled. Under the leadership of Conde and Coligny they fought quite successfully. After the death of Conde in 1570 Gaspard led the army began to attack Paris. Charles IX had to conclude the peace of Saint-Germain. Coligny became the king's closest aide.

However, the hatred of the Catholics was very great, and in 1572 the St. Bartholomew's day they killed him.

4 line is related to the previous only in time. In 1570, the Grand vizier Mehmed Sokolli presented Venice claims to Cyprus. As a result of the war, which lasted 3 years, the Ottomans won. They received a large indemnity.

Decoding of number 6.75. If 6 to turn over in 9, 9+1=10, then will 1075. The permutation of numbers gives 1570 – the year of the beginning of the Ottoman-Venetian war for Cyprus.

Quatrain 2.25 Mortal outrages

La garde estrange trahyra forteresse,

Espoir & ombre du plus haut mariage,

Garde deceue, fort prinse dans la presse,

Loyre, Son, Rosne, Gar, à mort outragez.

The foreign guard will betray the fortress,

Hope and shadow of a higher marriage:

Guard deceived, fort seized in a hurry,

Loire, Saone, Rhone, Garonne, mortal outrages.

Perhaps, St. Bartholomew's night was predicted here – the mass extermination of the Huguenots by Catholics, which began in Paris at night on 24.08.1572.

1 line, possibly about participation of the Scottish guards in the massacre. The initiative of the Italian advisers to queen Catherine de 'Medici and duke of Alba is not excluded.

2 line. A few days before the tragic events, the wedding of Henry of Navarre (protestant) and princess Margaret of Valois (catholic) took place.

4 line. A wave of religious terror swept across many regions of France.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.91, 4.47.

Decoding of the number 2.25. 200-25=175, in reverse order 571+1=572 – the year of St. Bartholomew's night.

Quatrain 3.91 King sick

L'arbre qu'estoit par si long temps seché,

Dans vne nuit viendra à reuerdir.

Cron. Roy malade. Prince pied ettaché,

Craint d'ennemis fera voile bondir.

The tree which had long been dead and withered,

In one night it will come to grow green again:

Cron. King sick, Prince with club foot,

Feared by enemies he will make his sail bound.

This prophecy is probably about the events after the St. Bartholomew's night in August 1572. According to the description of Pierre de L'Etoile a dry hawthorn bloomed in the cemetery of the Innocents in Paris, the day after the massacre of the Protestants. Huge crowds of people came to see this miracle.

After the events of that night, King Charles IX of France fell seriously ill and 1.5 years later, in 1574, died of tuberculosis. The Prince, probably Francis Alanson, the king's younger brother, organized a conspiracy to seize power. The conspirators, extradited by the prince, were executed, and François was pardoned.

Feared by enemies is the fear of Protestants after a brutal massacre. The word voile translates not only as a sail, but has other meanings.

Quatrain 4.47[1] Charles IX

Le noir farouche quand aura essayé,

Sa main sanguine par feu, fer, arcs tendus,

Trestout le peuple sera tant effrayé,

Voir les plus grands par col & pieds pendus.

The savage black one when he will have tried

His bloody hand at fire, sword and drawn bows:

All of his people will be terribly frightened,

Seeing the greatest ones hung by neck and feet.

Charles IX (1550-1574) was a French King starting from 1560, from the Angouleme branch of Valois. Due to the the infancy, his regent was the mother Catherine de Medici until 1563.

The 3 line – probably this is a prophecy about St. Bartholomew's Night. On the night of August 24, 1572 in Paris, before the day of St. Bartholomew, the mass extermination of Protestants by Catholics occurred. Then a wave of murders of Huguenots swept through other cities of France. The exact number of victims is unknown ~ 30 thousand people. The official responsibility for this bloodshed was taken by Charles IX himself.

The 4 line. Many of the richest and most notable Huguenots of France gathered in Paris for a wedding. The wedding of the sister of King Margarita (Catholic) and one of the leaders of Protestants Henry of Navarre took place 6 days before the tragic events. Many of them were killed that night. Two days before the massacre there was an attempt to assassinate Admiral Coligny, a leader of the Huguenots.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.52, 6.63, 10.95.

Decoding of the number 4.47. If 4+1=5, 4 and 7 to swap, then we get 574 – the year of death.

Quatrain 6.83 Francis Duke of Anjou

Celuy qu'aura tant d'honneur & caresses,

A son entree en la Gaule Belgique,

Vn temps apres fera tant de rudesses,

Et sera contre a la fleur tant bellique. G ij

He who will have so much honor and flattery

At his entry into Belgian Gaul:

A while after he will act very rudely,

And he will act very warlike against the flower.

Francis Duke of Anjou Alanson (1555-1584) was the youngest son of Henry II and Catherine de Medici. In 1579 he took the side of the Flemish rebels against the protectorate of Spain. He was given the title of Duke of Brabant and so on. He gained popularity in Belgium.

In 1583 he brought in the troops from France aiming to take Antwerp by force. The townsmen revolted against him and he suffered a crushing defeat. In the next year year he died of tuberculosis.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.11.

Decoding of the number 6.83. If 6-1=5, then we get 583 – the year of Antwerp adventure.

Quatrain 4.41 Margaret of Valois

Cymnique sexe captiue par hostage,

Viendra de nuict custodes deceuoir:

Le chef du camp deceu par son lignage,

Lairra le genre, fera piteux auoir.

Female sex captive as a hostage

Will come by night to deceive the guards:

The chief of the army deceived by her language

Yield to the beauty, it will be pitiful to see.

Margaret of Valois (14.05.1553-27.03.1615) daughter of Henry II and Catherine de ' Medici, wife of Henry of Navarre from 1572. The marriage was more formal than actual. She outlived all her brothers and sisters, had no children. She known for numerous sexual relationship.

In 1586, Margaret was arrested on the orders of her brother Henry III and was detained in the castle of Jusson for about 2 months. Then she managed to free herself and become the mistress of the castle. The guards swore to her. According to some reports, she was helped by the duke of Guise, with whom she was in an affair. He and Henry III were killed in the next 2 years. Margaret lived in this castle for 18 years.

Decoding of number of 4.41. If to rearrange the numbers-414, to put 1 in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-414=586 – the year of captivity.

Quatrain 1.85 The brothers d'Guise

Par la response de Dame, Roy trouble,

Ambassadeurs mespriseront leur vie,

Le grand ses freres contrefera double,

Par deux mourront ire, haine, enuie.

The king is troubled by the queen's reply.

Ambassadors will fear for their lives.

The great one will encroach on his brothers doubly,

two of them will die through anger, hatred and envy.

The assassination of the brothers d'Guise by King Henry III in 1588 is predicted here. The first line apparently refers to Catherine de 'Medici, who had a great influence on her son. At Blois, where the king was, the Astates general were convened. The de Guise brothers arrived there. Henry de Guise was the recognized leader of the people, which caused envy and anger among the unpopular and exiled king. Both brothers were killed by order of Henry III.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.36, 5.9.

Quatrain 1.36 The murder of Guise

Tard le Monarque se viendra repentir,

De n'auoir mis а mort son aduersaire,

Mais viendra bien а plus haut consentir,

Que tout son sang par mort fera deffaire.

Too late the king will repent

that he did not put his adversary to death.

But he will soon come to agree to far greater things

which will cause all his line to die.

In 1585 the war of "Three Henrys" began between the king, the Catholic Henry Guise and the Protestant Henry of Navarre. Henry duke of Guise claimed the throne, although he did not have a hereditary right, but he had much more popularity among the people than the king. Henry of Navarre had a legitimate hereditary right to the throne and fought for it. He was supported by the Protestant of England and Germany and fortune favored him. The king tried to lessen the religious tensions and to establish peace, but he could not do it.

In 1588 Paris rebelled against the king, and he fled to Blois. The Duke de Guise solemnly entered the capital. The people met him as the new king. In December Henry III convened the General States and invited the de Guise brothers to join them. They both were killed by order of the king.

Decoding of the number 1.36. 600-13=587. 587+1=588.

Quatrain 5.9 The Duke will be in a trap

Iusques au fond la grand arq demolue,

Par chef captif l'amy anticipe,

Naistra de dame front face cheuelue,

Puis par astuce Duc a mort attrappe.

The great arch demolished down to its base,

By the chief captive his friend forestalled,

He will be born of the lady with hairy forehead and face,

Then through cunning the Duke overtaken by death.

The last line gives grounds to assume that this is a prophecy about Henry d'Guise, who illegally claimed the French crown. In 1588, the King lured the duke to his castle and ordered the guards to kill him. Prior to this, Guise received a note from an unknown friend who warned that he would be killed tomorrow, but did not believe it.

Earlier, in the same year, the daughter of d'Guise Louise Margarita was born. Like at her father, her hair reached the middle of her forehead.

Decoding of the number 5.9. If 1 to put in front, 9 to consider as 900, then 900-15=885. By swapping these numbers we get 588 – the year of birth of the daughter.

Quatrain 3.51 Paris conspires a great murder

Paris coniure vn grand meurtre commettre

Blois le fera sortir en plain effect:

Ceux d'Orleans voudront leur chef remettre,

Angiers, Troye, Langres : leur feront grad (forfait.

Paris conspires to commit a great murder

Blois will cause it to be fully carried out:

Those of Orléans will want to replace their chief,

Angers, Troyes, Langres will commit a misdeed against them.

The 1 line: Henry III of Valois was not popular among the people. He did not have a heir. Given this, Henry of Guise decided to seize the crown of France and organized a conspiracy against the king. In May 1588, the Paris people revolted against Henry III. He was forced to flee to the royal castle in Blois. Orleans was one of the Huguenots (Protestant) centers. Listed in the last line of the city, apparently, particularly affected during this religious war.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.52, 1.36, 9.45, 4.47.

Decoding of the number 3.51. If 5 to flip in 2 then 300-12=288. 2 flip in 5, 1 put in front we get 1588 – the year of conspires.

Quatrain 1.52 Henry III

Les deux malins de Scorpion conioints,

Le grand Seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle,

Peste а l'Eglise par le nouueau Roy ioints,

L'Europe basse & Septentrioanle.

Two evil influences in conjunction in Scorpion.

The great lord is murdered in his room.

A newly appointed king persecutes the Church,

the lower (parts of) Europe and in the North.

The 1 line. After the assassination of Guise brothers, the king lost the support of the Catholics of the country, but he acquired the sympathy of Henry of Navarre. Paris and considerable part of France were captured by the Catholic League. To fight with it, Henry III needed a strong ally. In the castle of Plessis-le-Tour on April 30, 1589 the two kings entered into an alliance to fight together against the League. In July they besieged the capital.

The 2 line. Presumably, the sister of the murdered d'Guise, the Duchess of Montpache, persuaded the fanatical monk Jacques Clement to kill the king. On August 1, 1589 this monk came to Henry III, under the pretext of a secret report from Paris. He hit the king with a poisoned knife. Clement was killed immediately at the crime scene. The king before his death declared Henry of Navarre Bourbon his heir, since there were no heirs in the Angouleme branch of Valois.

The 3 line. The Catholic League refused to recognize such a heir to the throne. Henry IV began the struggle for the throne. Catholics demanded him to adopt Catholicism but he refused. Over the past nine years, Henry had already made apostasy three times. Because of his inconstancy in faith, he lost the confidence of his allies – Protestant and Catholics, too. He explained his apostasy by the phrase, which became winged: "Paris is worth of mess."

The 4 line. This line can be understood as the reconciliation of France and Spain or as the expansion and unification of France due to the addition of the feudal estates of Henry IV. In 1595 Henry IV declared war to Spain which resulted in signing of the Vervince peace treaty in 1598. After several decades of wars in France, peace came.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.35, 6.63, 10.55.

Decoding of the number 1.52. If 2 consider as 2000 then 2000-15=1985; by swapping 9 and 5 we will get 1589 – the year of alliance.

Quatrain 6.11 The seven branches

Des sept rameaux a trois seront reduits,

Les plus aisnez seront surprins par mort.

Fratricider les deux seront seduits,

Les coniurez en dormant seront morts. F iiij

The seven branches will be reduced to three,

The elder ones will be surprised by death,

The two will be seduced to fratricide,

The conspirators will be dead while sleeping.

Probably this is a prophecy about the children of the French King Henry II and Catherine de Medici. They had 10 children. However, one daughter was stillborn, and the son of Louis and daughter Victoria died in infancy.

The 1 line. Seven children lived up to the adult age. The eldest son Francis II, suddenly became ill, died at the age of 16, leaving no offspring. The eldest daughter, Elizabeth, the Queen of Spain died in childbirth the age of 24. The second daughter, Claude, lame and hunchbacked, died at the age of 27, also in childbirth In 1574. Charles IX died at the age of 23 . There is an assumption that he was poisoned by one of the brothers.

The three branches are Margarita, who outlived all the brothers and sisters; Francois of Alençon, the only brother who never became a king, and Henry III, the last king of the Valois dynasty. None of the sons of Henry II had not heirs, and the Bourbons came to replace Valois. However, the genealogy continued with descendants from the daughters Elizabeth and Claude.

The 3 line. Perhaps Francois of Alençon and Henry III, who ordered the murder of Henry d'Guise.

The 4 line. Bartholomew's night can be assumed, although during the reign of the Valois brothers there were many conspiracies, and they were disclosed.

Decoding of the number 6.11. 600-11=589. If 1 to put in front we will get 1589 – the year of end Valois branch.

Quatrain 9.21 King killing

Au temple haut de Bloys sacre Salonne,

Nuict pont de Loyre, Prelat, Roy pernicant:

Cuiseur victoire aux marests de la Lone,

D'où prelature de blancs abormeant.

At the tall temple of Saint-Solenne at Blois,

Night Loire bridge, Prelate, King killing outright:

Crushing victory in the marshes of the pond,

Whence prelacy of whites miscarrying.

In May 1588, the people of Paris rebelled against the king. He had to leave the capital and move to the castle of Blois, which was on the banks of the Loire. Henry Guise triumphantly occupied Paris. The people welcomed him as a king. He was almost at the throne. "Villain king." The power of Henry III was hung by a hair and it was necessary to take drastic measures. The king summoned the Sejm and invited Guise to to take part in it. On December 23, 1588 Henry d'Guise arrived at the meeting of the states. In the so-called "black room" the King's guards attacked him. With a few dagger blows they killed Guise and his guards. The next day, the brother of Henry of Guise – Louis, Cardinal of Lorraine was also captured and killed. After that the Guises lost their former power. The king entered into an alliance with the Protestant Henry of Navarre. The Catholics of France turned away from Henry III.

Decoding of the number 9.21. If 9 to flip in 6, 1 to put in front, then 1600-12=1588 – the year of murder.

Quatrain 9.57 Charles de Bourbon (cardinal)

Au lieu de Drvx vn Roy reposera,

Et cherchera loy changeant d'Anatheme,

Pendant le ciel si tresfort tonnera,

Portee neufue Roy tuera soy-mesme.

In the place of 'Drux' a King will rest,

And will look for a law changing Anathema:

While the sky will thunder so very loudly,

New entry the King will kill himself.

Dreux fr. – the city is 74 km from Paris. 1 line. A King, apparently, is Henry of Navarre, who fought for the throne of France.

The 2 line. The Pope excommunicated him from the church for not accepting Catholicism. Apparently, he was thinking about how to take off that anathema. In 1593 he was forced to accept Catholicism for the sake of the throne. The Pope gave him absolution.

The 4 line. After the death of Henry III the Catholic League captured Paris for 5 years. It chose the elderly Cardinal Charles de Bourbon as its king, who died 9 May 1590. Before his death, the cardinal recognized Henry as the rightful king. After his death Henry of Navarre remained the only contender for the throne of France.

Decoding of number 9.57. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-95=605, 6 to flip in 9, the numbers to rearrange (590), 1 to put in front, we get 1590 – year, 5 – month, 9 – day of the cardinal's death (full date).

Quatrain 9.50[2] Mendosus

Mendosvs tost viendra à son haut regne,

Mettant arriere vn peu le Norlaris.

Le Rouge blesme, le masle à l'interregne.

Le ieune crainte & frayeur Barbaris.

Mendosus will soon come to his high realm,

Putting behind a little the Lorrainers:

The pale red one, the male in the interregnum,

The fearful youth and Barbaric terror.

As in the previous quatrain 9.45, Nostradamus calls Henry IV a Mendozus here. In 1589 he defeated Karl of Lorraine in the battle of Arques-la-Bataille. Many influential people of France joined him, as well as a significant part of the nobility from Picardy, Ile-de-France, Champagne. He did not allow his soldiers to cause any damage to the population of the conquered territories. The cities whose citizens knew about it did not resist him. "Interregnum" period – during 5 years after the death of Henry III and coronation of Henry IV France had no official king.

In March 1590, Henry IV won a new victory at Ivry-la-Bataille. With his heroic example, he stopped the fleeing soldiers.

After this battle he besieged Paris. When the capital and other cities went over to his side, he did not get rid of the Catholic League leaders, but bribed them.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.45, 1.52.

Decoding of the number 9.50. If 1 to put in front, then by swapping 95 we get 1590 – the year of victory over League.

Quatrain 9.45[2] Henry IV

Ne sera soul iamais de demander,

Grand Mendosvs obtiendra son empire:

Loing de la court fera contremander,

Piedmont, Picart, Paris Tyrhen le pire.

Never soul will not stop to demand,

Great 'Mendosus' will obtain his empire:

Far from the court he will cause to be countermanded

Piedmont, Picardy, Paris, Tuscany the worst.

Henry IV of Navarre, Bourbon (1553-1610) was a king of France from 1589, crowned in 1594.

Lines 1-2. Despite the fact that Henry III before his death declared Henry Navarre as his heir only after 5 years of hard struggle he was able to become a king. Several times Henry IV adopted Catholicism then Protestantism. Because of this, he lost the trust and support of both. This weakened his army. Nevertheless, part of the nobility supported him. He was brave and successful in the war and eventually became the king of France.

He managed to defeat the League. The cities listed in the 4th line went to his side.

Nostradamus calls him vicious, ugly, perhaps because of his apostasy. He was even more unstable in relations with women.

Unlike other kings, Henry IV was crowned not in Reims, but in Chartres Cathedral on February 27, 1594. In March of 1594 he finally took Paris. He received indulgence from the Pope Clement VIII. This helped him to reconcile with the Catholic population of the country.

This king was killed in Paris, in his carriage, on May 14, 1610 by the Catholic fanatic Francois Ravallac. Jumping on the carriage-step he gave him a fatal blow. The day before, Henry crowned his wife Maria Medici. There is an opinion that it she plotted his murder in order to rule.

It’s interesting that three Henrys: II, III and IV in succession were killed. Henry II – in the tournament, Henry III and IV – by the religious fanatics. Henry of Guise, who claimed the crown, was also killed. Since that time there has been no Henrys on the French throne.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.52, 9.50.

Decoding of the number 9.45. If 1 and 5 are put at the ahead, then we get 1594 – the year of beginning of reign.

Quatrain 6.42 Ogmios

A logmyon sera laisse le regne,

Du grand Selin qui plus fera de faict,

Par les Itales estendra son enseigne,

Regy sera par prudent contrefait.

To Ogmios will be left the realm

Of the great 'Selin,' who will in fact do more:

Throughout Italy will he extend his banner,

He will be ruled by a prudent deformed one.

Ogmios, probably Henry IV, who became king of France on 27 February 1594. The Great Celine – Henry II. After him three sons ruled, but not one of them became great. Only Henry IV managed to defeat the Catholic League, expand the borders of the country, stop wars both external and internal.

3 line about the king’s marriage with the Italian Maria Medici, who gave birth to an heir and extended the Bourbon clan.

Decoding of the number 6.42. If 6 and 2 to flip in 9 and 5 (945), 1 to put in front, then rearranging the numbers will be 1594 – the year of coronation.

Quatrain 5.6 Pacific emperor

Au Roy l'augure sus le chef la main mettre

Viendra prier pour la paix Italique;

A la main gauche viendra changer se Sceptre,

De Roy viendra Empereur pacifique.

The Augur putting his hand upon the head of the King

Will come to pray for the peace of Italy:

He will come to move the scepter to his left hand,

From King he will become pacific Emperor.

Presumably, like the two previous quatrains, this one is about Henry IV.

The 1 line. In 1564 Nostradamus was invited by Catherine de Medici to the castle of l'Emperi. Valveran painting is in the castle museum. It depicts the queen, Charles IX and the prophet with a book in one hand. His other hand rests on the head of the boy, Prince of Navarre. In this line he predicted him to be the king of France, which came true.

The 2 line. For a long time Henry IV did not have an heir. Then he married Maria Medici, the representative of the richest Italian family. She gave birth to a long-awaited son, the future King Louis XIII.

The 3 line. The left hand of the king are those who help him rule with country. Henry managed to surround himself with capable ministers and advisers. With their help, the country was enriched, its territory expanded. France became an empire – its colonies in Canada successfully developed.

The 4 line. During Henry’s IV reign, religious civil wars ceased in France, and the long-awaited peace came.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.50, 9.45, 1.52.

Probable decoding of number 5.6. If 5 flip in 2, 2-1=1, 00 is put at the end, we will get 1600 – the year of wedding.

Quatrain 1.91 An army in sky

Les Dieux feront aux humains apparence,

Ce qu'ils seront auteurs de grand conflit.

Auant ciel veu serain, espee & lance,

Que vers main gauche sera plus grand (afflict.

The Gods will make it appear to mankind

that they are the authors of a great war.

In the previously clear sky, sword and spear,

That towards the left hand will be greater (afflict.

Probably, this is a prediction about the death of king Henry IV of France on 14.05.1610. He was a brave warrior, one of the few kings who went into battle with soldiers and inspired them to victory with their heroism. Not long before his assassination, many witnessed an amazing sight: an army was marching in the sky. This king gave peace to the country. For many French people, his death was a great sorrow.

Related to quatrain 5.6 by the phrase main gauche.

Decoding the number 1.91. If you turn 9 over to 6 and put 0 at the end, you get 1610 – the year of Henry IV's death.

Quatrain 9.36[2] Murder of Henry IV

Vn grand Roy prins entre les mains d'vn ieune

Non loin de Pasques, confusion, coup cultre,

Perpet. cattif temps! que foudre en la hune

Trois freres lors se blesseront, & murtre.

A great King taken by the hands of a young man,

Not far from Easter confusion knife thrust:

Everlasting captive times what lightning on the top,

When three brothers will wound each other and murder.

Henry IV was killed on May 14, 1610 (not far from Easter) at the age of 53. His murderer François Ravaglac was of 32 (taken by the hands of a young man). The king was riding along the street in a carriage and got into a "traffic jam" (confusion). Ravaglio jumped on the footboard and gave him several fatal blows with a knife.

The three brothers – three Henrys: Henry III, Henry of Guise and Henry IV were all killed. There was a "war of three Henrys" between them for the French throne.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.36, 1.52.

Probable decoding of number 9.36. If 3 to consider as 3000 and flip 6 in 9, then 3000-99=2901. 2-1=1, flip 9 in 6, by swapping 1 and 0 we will get 1610 – the year of murder.

Quatrain 8.68 Cardinal Richelieu

Vieux Cardinal par le ieune deceu,

Hors de sa charge se verra desarme,

Arles ne monstres double soit aperceu,

Et Liqueduct & le Prince embaume.

The old Cardinal is deceived by the young one,

he will find himself disarmed, out of his position:

Do not show, Arles, that the double is perceived,

both Liqueduct and the Prince embalmed.

Arman de Richelieu (1585-1642) was a Cardinal from 1622 and Prime Minister of France from 1624. In 1642 his protege Saint-Mar organized a conspiracy against the Cardinal. However, Louis XIII did not support the conspirators and took the side of Richelieu.

The last two lines were interpreted as the king’s death in 1643 and cardinal’s death in 1642.

"Embalmed" is also translated as fragrant, and "Liqueduct" is a liquid (rotting). These two lines can be interpreted as the birth of twins from Anne of Austria. One of them became king (embalmed), the other rotted in a mask in prison.

Probable decoding of number 8.68. If 6 to consider as 6000, 6000-88=5912, flip 2 in 5, 9-1=8, we get 1585 – the year of birth.

Quatrain 1.95 Foundling

Deuant monstier trouue enfant besson

D'heroicq sang de moyne vestutisque,

Son bruit par secte, langue & puissance son,

Qu'on dira soit efleue le Vopisque, Celuy.

In front of a monastery will be found a twin infant

from the illustrious and ancient line of a monk.

His fame, renown and power through sects and speech

is such that they will say the living twin is deservedly chosen.

In this prophecy Nostradamus revealed the secret of the birth of Louis XIV. The child found at the monastery was probably the twin of Louis XIV, born on 05.09.1638. Louis XIII is officially considered his father, but he could not have children. Probably the monk, the father of the foundling, is cardinal Mazarin. He was a favorite of queen Anne of Austria.

One of the twins became the great king of France. During his reign, the country reached the peak of its power. The other twin is known as the man in mask. He lived in various prisons for many years and died in the Bastille in 1703. He was buried with an Italian surname "Marchioly".

Decoding of the number 1.95. If 1 to consider as 1000, to overturn 95 in 62, then 1000-62=938. 9 to overturn in 6 and 1 to put in front, it will be 1638 – year, 9 – month, 5 – day of born twins.

Quatrain 10.58[2] Battle of Rocroi

A temps du dueil que le felin monarque,

Guerroyera le ieune Aemathien:

Gaule bransler, perecliter la barque,

Tenter Phossens au Ponant entretien.

In the time of mourning the feline monarch

Will make war upon the young Macedonian:

Gaul to shake, the bark to be in jeopardy,

Marseilles to be tried in the West a talk.

On May 14, 1643, King Louis XIII died. Little Louis XIV could not rule the country. Taking advantage of the situation, the vice-king of the Spanish Army attacked the French city of Rocroi on May 15. In this battle the Spanish Army suffered a crushing defeat.

The 3 line about uprising of common people and wars of the Fronde. Bark is a Catholic church, whose foundations were shaken by a new religious trend – Jansenism.

The last line, perhaps, is about trying to make peace with Spain.

Probable decoding of number 10.58. If 1000-58=942 and to flip 9 in 6, 2+1=3, then we get 643 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 4.93 Louis XIV

Vn serpent veu proche du lit Royal,

Sera par dame, nuict chiens n'abbayeront:

Lors naistre en France vn Prince tant Royal

Du Ciel venu tous les princes verront.

A serpent seen near the royal bed,

It will be by the lady at night the dogs will not bark:

Then to be born in France a Prince so royal,

Come from heaven all the princes will see him.

Louis XIV of Bourbon (1638-1715) was a king of France from 1643, known as Great. He reigned longer than any European monarch – 72 years. He was a supporter of the divine right of kings and said, "France is me." During his reign, France reached its highest peak, power, political, military and cultural influence throughout Europe. His reign went down in history as the Great Age.