Read the book: «Prophecies by Nostradamus», page 7


Linkage with other quatrains: 3.95.

Decoding of the number 1.61. If 6 to flip in 9, 1000-19=981, 8+1=9, then we get 991 – the year of putsch.

Quatrain 6.8 "Brain drain" from Russia

Ceux qui estoient en regne pour sçauoir

Au Royal change deuiendront appouuris:

Vns exilez sans appuy, or n'auoir,

Lettres & lettres ne seront à grand pris.

Those who were in the realm for knowledge

Will become impoverished at the change of King:

Some exiled without support, having no gold,

The lettered and letters will not be at a high premium.

In the second line it is predicted that with the change of the king there will be a strong impoverishment. In 1991 as a result of the coup, Boris Yeltsin became president of Russia. This led to a rapid impoverishment of the population. The new government were not need scientists. They lost the support of the state, some even believed that they were prevented from working. On the other hand, after many decades of isolation, the Iron curtain opened – the opportunity to go abroad appeared.

The United states and other capitalist countries are interested in obtaining ready scientists, without the costs of their education. They are also interested in weakening Russia's scientific potential and defensive capacity. Our specialists were invited to work, and for them provided conditions for development.

In the 1990s, mass emigration of scientists began into the United states, Israel, Western Europe. The number of researchers who have gone abroad in these years is not known exactly and is estimated at between 20,000 and 500,000 people. At Russia their number fell by half. Internal processes contributed to this: people left science for other areas of activity.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.61.

Probable decoding of number 6.8. If 6 flip in 9, 1 is put at end 981, 8+1=9 we will get 991 – the year of putsch.

Quatrain 3.95* Boristhenes

La loy Moricque on verra deffaillir,

Apres vne autre beaucoup plus seductiue,

Boristhenes premier viendra faillir,

Par dons & Langues vne plus attractiue.

The law of More will be seen to decline:

After another much more seductive:

Boristhenes first will come to give way:

Through gifts and tongue another more attractive.

The 1 line – Thomas More created the theory of utopian socialism, which was partially realized in Russia after the revolution, but was not effective. By the time of Yeltsin's appearance, the people were pretty tired of poor socialism, and after watching foreign films, many dreamed of a chic capitalistic life.

The 3 line. His advent was received by the Russians with great optimism. The election campaign, organized by experts from the United states, was very successful (seductive). Many went to the polls and voted for Yeltsin.

"Chic capitalist life" had come very quickly. Six months after the introduction of VAT and other draconian taxes, many enterprises curtailed their activities to a minimum or closed. Hyperinflation deprived the population of all savings. As a result of privatization, all that were built by the people during 70 years turned out to be in the hands of a handful of oligarchs and, for them really started a luxurious capitalist life.

All the rest were given a voucher. The people, having gulp "chic life" quickly realized that their had fooled him, and regretted socialism, but everything was already divided. Not only the people turned out to be poor, but the country, as they say, "went around the world with an outstretched hand." The IMF loans began. Only after resignation of Yeltsin the life in the country a little bit improved: lost savings partially compensated, payment of salary, pensions and benefits get better.

*Comment on the site "We and the Future", Viktor Kuzmich, Messages: 169.

The first five letters of the name Boris, indicated by Nostradamus, coincide with the name of Yeltsin.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.93, 1.61.

Probable decoding of number 3.95. If 39 swap 93, 5 flip in 2 then we get 932-1=931 – the year of birth.

Quatrain 7.33 Army under Yeltsin

Par fraude, regne, forces expolier,

La classe obsesse, passages a l'espie:

Deux faincts amis se viendront t'allier,

Esueiller haine de long temps assoupie.

The kingdom stripped of its forces by fraud,

the fleet blockaded, passages for the spy;

two false friends will come to rally

to awaken hatred for a long time dormant.

Perhaps the Yeltsin's period is predicted here. At this time Russia is disarming, the defence industry is curtailing. The country is formally passing from the socialist to the capitalist system. In this regard cold relations with the United states are moving into the "warming" stage. American presidents visited Russia 5 times, of which 4 times – Clinton. The agreements are concluded on "bilateral" disarmament. As a result, the imbalance of armaments is in favor of NATO.

Decoding of the number 7.33. 700-33=667. If 66 flip in 99, 1 is put at ahead, it will be 1997 year.

Quatrain 10.72* Two kings

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois

Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur

Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,

Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

The year 1999, seventh month,

From the sky will come a great King of Terror:

To bring back to life the great King of the Angoulême,

Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

This prophecy is the most discussed and intriguing, insofar as it clearly indicates the year and this is our time. It also speaks about resurrection, i.e. reincarnation. The Christian religion denies the rebirth of a soul, but in the Eastern countries this is beyond doubt.

Many interpreters associate this prophecy with the President of the Russian Federation since 31.12.1999, Vladimir Putin (born 7.10.1952, Leningrad).

"The year 1999, seventh month". In July old style (August 9 new style) 1999, Yeltsin introduced his successor to the world.

"From the sky will come a great King of Terror". If 999 to flip, you get 666. This number of the Antichrist was predicted in the book "Apocalypse" by John the Theologian. Presumably, 666 is the encrypted name of Nero, the first incarnation of this Antichrist.

"To bring back to life the great King of the Angoulême". The word d'Angolmois is the name of the city Angoulême in Middle French. Henry II, king of France from the Angoulême branch of Valois, died on 10.07.1559. Again 10 and 7, coincidence or hint Destiny?!

A quote from the Epistle to Henry II: "Since your merits, humanity and piety before God are so great that you alone are worthy of the title of most Christian king."

In the last line, as in quatrain 5.41, there are the words bon regne – good governance.

Decoding of the number 10.72. If 2 to flip in 5, then 1000-75=925. Let's rearrange the numbers – 952, 1 put in front – 1952, 7 – day, 10 – month: the full date of birth V.V. Putin.

Quatrain 6.33 Prophet's warning

Sa main derniere par Alus sanguinaire,

Ne se pourra plus la mer garentir;

Entre deux fleuues craindre main militaire,

Le noir l'ireux le fera repentir.

His last hand through 'Alus' sanguinary,

He will be unable to protect himself by sea:

Between the two rivers [should] be wary of a military hand.

The black and irate one will make him rue it.

The first two lines, perhaps, about the refusal of French President Hollande to transfer Mistral assault ship to the Russian military, despite the fact that the advance payment for them was paid. The reason for the refusal was the military conflict in Ukraine.

The third line is probably about Mesopotamia – the territory between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates, where now locate the countries of Iraq, in part Syria, Turkey, Iran. Now in this region, the conflict erupted between various Islam's groups. Russia took an active participation in this. Nostradamus warns of the danger of direct military intervention in this conflict. Half of the world can be plunged into the chaos of World war III. Russia's interference in the Syrian conflict complicated the country's already extremely tense international situation.

The fourth line, in my opinion, does not need comments.

Only 2-3 quatrains from ~ 1000 contain a warning. Consequently, in these rare cases there is no ultimate predetermination, and there is the opportunity to change the course of events.

Terrorism is nothing compared to the World War III. Of the two evils choose the lesser.

Let the word of the Prophet be not – in the voice of one screaming in the wilderness: "Between the two rivers [should] be wary of a military hand."

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.76.

Probable decoding of number 6.33. If 3 consider as 300, 6 flip in 9, then 300-93=207, 1 is put before 7 it will be 2017 year.

The predictions about France

Nostradamus was a Jew who was born and lived in France. Apparently he considered himself a Frenchman and loved his homeland. Most of his prophecies were about his native country. The prophet foretold all French kings, beginning with Henry II. For many centuries France has been among the leading countries of Europe. And now it is one of the leading countries in the world. Its capital, Paris, is one of the most beautiful European cities. Nostradamus sometimes calls the French as Gauls or cocks. Gaul is the Roman name of France. In Latin, the word Gallus means "cock". It became the symbol of France.

Quatrain 4.31 Maid of Orleans

La lune au plain de nuict sur le haut mont

Le nouueau sophe d'vn seul cerueau l'a veu,

Par ses disciples estre immortel semond,

Yeux au midy, en sens mains corps au feu.

The Moon in the full of night over the high hill,

The new sage with a lone brain sees it:

Through followers (she) will gain immortality,

Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.

This is the quatrain about execution of the Maid of Orleans (~1412-30.05.1431), She was well known in France and abroad. This girl at the head of the army was able to win a number of victories over the British in the Hundred Years War. This was a turning point in the war. France soon freed itself from the occupiers.

The first line is probably the indicated night and place before the execution. A high place was erected for the fire in the Place de Rouen, so that it was clearly visible.

The second line is about Joan of Arc, who in her prison, could only mentally imagine this place.

Third line. In 1456, a new investigation and a posthumous court denied all charges and found Jeanne innocent. In 1920 she was canonized, i.e. gained immortality.

The 4th line describes the execution by burning.

Decoding of the number is not required. The Prophet knew this year. If 1 to put in front, then will be 1431 – the year of the burning of Saint Jeanne.

Quatrain* 9.23 Francis Count of Enghien

Puisnay ioüant au fresch dessous la tonne,

Le haut du toict du milieu sur la teste:

Le pere Roy au temple sainct Solonne,

Sacrifiant sacrera fum de feste.

The younger son playing outdoors under the arbor,

The top of the roof in the middle on his head,

The father King in the temple of Saint-Solonne,

Sacrificing he will consecrate festival smoke.

The quatrain describes the death of Francis Count of Enghien on 23. 02.1546, at the age of 26. Despite his youth, he managed to prove himself in Italy as a capable military leader. In honor of the upcoming Easter holiday, King Francis I made a pilgrimage with his courtiers to Sologne and stayed at the castle of La Roche-Guyon.

At the walls of the castle, the Count of Enghien, Prince Henry and several other young people staged something like a game, a struggle, which, perhaps, turned into a fight. A heavy forged chest fell from the castle window onto the duke, and after 3 days he died. The king closed the investigation and announced that it was an accident, but Nostradamus considers it a victim.

The last two lines are about the celebration of Easter at the Cathedral of Saint-Solinne in Blois.

Decoding of the number 9.23. 23 – day, 2 – month of death. If to flip 92 in 65, 3+1=4, then rearranging 654 we get 546.

*The idea of decoding belongs to A. Penzensky.

Quatrain 8.44 Birth of Henry IV

Le procree naturel dogmion,

De sept a neuf du chemin destorner

A roy de longue & amy[i] au my hom[e]

Doit a Navarre fort de Pav prosterner.

Natural Ogmyon will be born,

Seven to nine will turn off the road

To the king for many years of friendship in his house,

Navarre obliged to worship to the staunch from Pau.

The 1 line. In Celtic mythology Ogmyon symbolizes Hercules. Henry IV was a hero on the battlefield, showed steadfastness, courage, defeated his enemies and became king of France.

The 4 line. Henry of Navarre Bourbon was born 13 December 1553 in the city of Pau, became the king of Navarre from 1572.

The 2-3 lines. In 1561 (7 years) his father gave up of Henry for a parenting in the royal family. For many years he grew up and was brought up with the children of queen Catherine de Medici under one roof. Then he married her daughter Margarita, but this marriage was not successful.

Connection with other quatrains: 6.42 – Ogmyon.

Decoding of the number 8.44. If numbers to rearrange – 448, 4 to consider as 400, then 400-48=352. 2 to turn over into 5 and return the initial order – 553, 1 to put in front it will be 1553 – the year of birth.

Quatrain 4.8[2] Battle of Saint-Quentin

La grand cité d'assaut pront & repentin,

Surprins de nuict, gardes interrompus:

Les excubies & veilles saint Quintin,

Trucidez gardes & les portails rompus.

The great city by prompt and sudden assault

Surprised at night, guards interrupted:

The guards and watches of Saint Quentin

The guards killed and the portals broken.

It's probably a prophecy about the battle of Saint Quentin in 1557. This city in the north of France is named after the holy martyr Quentin. Several big battles are associated with this city, which is called the guard of Paris. One of them was on August 10, 1557 during the 8th Italian War between the Spanish and the French. The city on the shore of the Somme, with a population of ~ 8 thousand people, was protected by old fortifications. Part of his garrison Duke of Guise took for the Italian campaign. Admiral Coligny, Governor of Picardy, entered the city on the night of August 3 with 300 infantrymen and 600 cavalrymans. Coligny could not hold the city, and by the end of August Saint Quentin was surrendered.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.25, 4.12.

Decoding of the number 4.8. If 1 to put at ahead, 8 to consider as 800 then 800-41=759. 9 flip in 6, 6-1=5, by swapping numbers 755 we will get 557 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 4.12 Defeated of the French 1557

Le camp plus grand de route mis en fuite,

Gueres plus outre ne sera pourchassé:

Ost recampé & region reduicte,

Puis hors de Gaule du tout sera chassé.

The greater army put to flight in disorder,

But then no one will be chase,

The army will change camp, the legion will be reduced,

Then it will be chased out completely from the Gauls.

This is another prophecy about the battle of Saint-Quentin in 1557, in which the Spaniards defeated the French. The French lost almost all the guns, many noble nobles were captured. The army retreated to La Fer. 1 league before the city, the Spaniards stopped the persecution. Paris was not protected and the path to it was open. The Spaniards planned a campaign on it, but first it was necessary to take Saint-Quentin. While the city was take, Paris made ready for defense. The victorious Spaniards could not organize the supply of the 50 thousandth army and the army was disbanded.

Decoding of number 4.12. The numbers rearrange – 142. If 2 to flip in 5, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-45 = 955. Turn 9 over in 6, 6+1 = 7 – 755 on the contrary will be 557 – the year of the battle.

Quatrain 9.25[2] Invasion of the Spanish 1557

Passant les Ponts venir pres des rosiers,

Tard arriue plustost qu'il cuydera,

Viendront les noues Espagnols a Besiers,

Qui icelle chasse emprinse cassera.

Crossing the bridges to come near the Roisiers,

Sooner than he thought, he arrived late.

The new Spanish will come to Béziers,

So that this chase will break the enterprise.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the Spanish invasion to France in 1557. The word rosiers can mean the name of the settlements, however, it is written with a small letter, so it's more likely that the rouses are implied. This indicates daylight saving time. At the end of the summer of 1557, a Saint Quentin battle took place. The city defence was led by Admiral Coligny. The Spanish surrounded the city from all sides. The 20 thousand-strong French army under the command of Montmorency moved to help the people under the siege. The superior forces of the Spanish gained a quick victory.

The 4 line: The remnants of army took refuge in La Fère. The Spanish stopped the pursuit 5 km before the city. Many French nobles were captured. The way to Paris was open. By this time duke of Guise had returned from Italy and gathered an army to protect the capital. The enemy ran out of money and the Spanish army was dissolved.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.8.

Decoding of the number 9.25. If 9 to flip in 6, 600-25=575, 7 and 5 to swap, 1 to put in front, then we get 557 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 7.25 Army exhausted

Par guerre longue tout l'exercice expuiser,

Que pour soldats ne trouueront pecune:

Lieu d'or d'argent, cuir on viendra cuser,

Gaulois aerain /airain/, signe croissant de Lune.

Through long war all the army exhausted,

so that they do not find money for the soldiers;

instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather,

Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon.

Spain won a crushing victory over the French in 1557 at the Battle of Saint-Quentin. They suffered minor losses and could take Paris. But the army was weakened, the hired soldiers fled, robbing the captured city. Philip II of Spain went bankrupt and could not pay the salaries of the soldiers.

Last line about King Henry II of Gali: the crescent was his symbol.

Decoding of the number 7.25. Reverse it – 527, flip 2 in 5 – 557, put 1 in front and get 1557 – year of battle.

Quatrain 2.79 Will subjugate proud people

La barbe crespe & noire par engin,

Subiuguera la gent cruelle & fiere:

Vn grand Chyren ostera du longin,

Tous les captifs par Seline baniere.

The beard curly and black of weapons

Will subjugate the cruel and proud people:

The great Chyren will exempt from far away

All of captives under the banner of Selin.

The first line is probably about Philip II, king of Spain. He had a black and curly beard. Of course, many rulers had beards at that time. Line 3 is clearly about Henry II (Chyren-Henryc), who fought with Philip for the possession of Italy.

Cruel and proud people perhaps are the Moriski, whom the Spanish king converted to Christianity and subjugated to himself. It is also possible that these are Italians. Under the peace treaty in Kato Cambresi 1559, almost all of Italy, with few exceptions, came under the rule of Philippe II.

3-4 lines are obout the liberation of all the French from Spanish captivity in 1559 by Henry II, after the conclusion of the peace. Numerous French nobles were captured by the Spaniards at the Battle of Saint-Quentin in 1557 and were there for almost 2 years.

Possible decoding of number 2.79. If 2 to consider as 2000, 9 to flip in 6, then 2000-76=1924. 1924+1=1925. Turn 2 over in 5, the numbers to rearrange and get 1559 – year of the liberation of captives.

Quatrain 1.35 Henry II

Le Lyon ieune, le vieux surmontera,

En champ bellique par singuliere duelle,

Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera,

Deux classes vne, pour mourir mort cruelle.

The young lion will overcome the older one

In a field of combat in single fight:

He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage;

Two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death.

Henry II (1519-1559) – was a king of France starting 1547 from the Angouleme line of Valois. This quatrain is the most famous prophecy by Nostradamus, that came true during his lifetime. It brought him fame and favor of the Queen. Henry's widow made him a court astrologer and physician. Nostradamus warned the king of the danger of knightly contests. But Henry did not attach importance to it, and the prediction came true.

Lines 1, 2: in honor of the wedding of the daughter Elizabeth and the Spanish king, Henry arranged a three-day knight tournament. On the second day of the holiday, he decided to take part personally. He had a duel with the Earl of Montgomery, who was 11 years younger. The spear of the Earl broke down on the helmet of the enemy. The splinters of the spear pierced through the helmet into the forehead and eye. After several painful days, Henry II died on July 10, 1559 from blood infection.

This quatrain is marked * as deciphered by the prophet's contemporaries.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.63, 10.55, 4.47, 1.52, 10.95.

Decoding of the number 1.35. If 1 to consider as 1000, 1000-35=965, 6-1=5; then by swapping the numbers we get 559 – the year of tournament.

Quatrain 3.55* The death of Henry II

En l'an qu'vn ?il en France regnera,

La court sera en vn bien fascheux trouble:

Le grand de Bloys son amy tuera,

Le regne mis en mal & doute double.

In the year that one eye will reign in France,

The court will be in very unpleasant trouble:

The great one of Blois will kill his friend,

The realm placed in harm and double doubt.

The 1 line: In 1559 Henry II king of France accidentally lost his eye at the knight's contest.

The 3 line: The wound was fatal, and a few days later he died. His adversary, the guard officer Earl de Montgomery was born in Lorges, not far from Blois. There was no hostility in the contest. It was a part of the entertainment wedding program. Montgomery became the instrument of Fate. The king asked to not punish him. Later, the earl took an active part in religious wars on the side of Protestant. After being captured, he was executed by the the order of Catherine de Medici. So the Queen avenged her beloved husband.

Lines 2, 4: Weak and painful Francis II, became the new king. In fact Catherine de Medici ruled the country. With her husband alive she was removed from reign. The unrest began in France, the Huguenots revolted in the south.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.35.

Decoding of the number 3.55. If last 5 flip in 2 and consider as 2000 then 2000-35=1965, 6-1=5, 9 is put at end we get 1559 – the year tournament.

Quatrain 6.63* Catherine de Medici

La dame seulle au regne demeurée,

L'vnic estaint premier au lict d'honneur

Sept ans sera de douleur explorée,

Plus longue vie au regne par grand heur.

The lady left alone in the realm

By the unique one extinguished first on the bed of honor:

Seven years will she be weeping in grief,

Then with great good fortune for the realm long life.

*This quatrain was interpreted by contemporaries of events as a prophecy about Catherine de Medici (1519-1589) – Queen of France from 1547 until 1559, wife of Henry II. The first 3 lines of quatrain are a prediction about the widowhood of the queen. After the death of Henry II a broken spear with the inscription: "This causes all my tears and my pain" became of Catherine's emblem. As a sign of mourning she always wore black clothes, although before it, mourning clothes was white. She was called the "Black Queen".

The 4 line: Under Henry’s reign his favourite Diane Poitiers had a great political weight. Having widowed, queen gained great political influence during the reign of her three sons. When her sons were young, she was a Regent. Catherine did not participate in the governance.

Catherine de Medici managed to keep the crown for the sons, although Henry Guise and Henry of Navarre laid а claim on it. Religious wars have shaken the country during the reign of her sons. Despite the fact that she had many children, she did not have heirs and the Angouleme branch of Valois was cut short.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.35, 10.55, 4.47, 1.52.

Decoding of the number 6.63. If 6-1=5 then 600-53=547 – the year when Medici became queen.

Quatrain 10.55 Elisabeth of Valois

Les mal'heureuses nopces celebreront

En grande ioye mais la fin mal'heureuse

Mary & mere nore desdaigneront,

Le Phybe mort, & nore plus piteuse.

The unfortunate nuptials will be celebrated

In great joy, but the end unhappy:

Husband and mother will slight the daughter-in-law,

The Apollo dead and the daughter-in-law more pitiful.

As in the quatrain 1.35 the tragic wedding of the French princess Elizabeth Valois (1545-1568) and Philip II of Spain is predicted here.

The 1 line: Many years France was at war against Spain. In 1559 the war was ended by the peace treaty in Chateau Cambresis. One of the conditions of the peace treaty was the marriage of the eldest daughter of the King of France and the Spanish King. She was 14 years old.

The 4 line: During the wedding Henry II was wounded in a knight's duel. Elizabeth was homesick. Philip paid little attention to her, and she spent a lot of time alone. Having given birth to two daughters she died during the unsuccessful birth in 1568 quite young, at the age of 23.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.35, 6.63, 4.47, 1.52, 10.95.

Decoding of the number 10.55. 10-1=9. If 9 to put in end, then we get 559 – the year of wedding.

Quatrain 10.59[2] The rebellion of protestant in Lyon

Dedans Lyon vingt-cinq d'vne haltine,

Cinq Citoyens Germains, Breƒians, Latins:

Par deƒƒous nobles conduiront longue treine,

Et deƒcouuerts par abois de maƒtins.

Within Lyons twenty-five of one mind,

Five citizens, Germans, Bressans, Latins:

Under a noble one they will lead a long train,

And discovered by barks of mastiffs.

This prophecy was interpreted by contemporaries of events as a prediction of the Protestant revolt in Lyons. The organizer was the adventurer Jean du Barry, and Gaspard Coligny – "the silent leader." The conspirators' meeting was held for the first time in January 1560 in Lyons. They planned to capture the Blois castle, the deposition of King Francis II, and then the division of the provinces.

The royal family moved to Amboise. The plot was disclosed, the attack of the conspirators on Amboise was repulsed, and the conspirators were executed. Despite the failure of the plot, the position of the Protestant partially improved: the fire cells was disbanded. Nevertheless, the prohibition of religious meetings and public Protestant worship remained.

Decoding of the number 10.59. If 9 to flip in 6, 0 to put in end, then we get 1560 – the year of rebellion.

Quatrain 5.89 Events 1560

Dedans Hongrie par Boheme, Nauarre,

Et par banniere feintes seditions:

Par fleurs de lys pays portant la barre,

Contre Orleans fera esmotions. F ij

Into Hungary through Bohemia, Navarre,

and under that banner holy insurrections:

All who have lilies in their emblem,

They will rebelling against Orleans.

In 1560, the Huguenot's conspiracy in Amboise against King Francis II was discovered in France. He was led by Prince Conde. The conspirators were executed all but the prince. In 1560 Charles IX began to rule.

3-4 lines. In the same year, in Orleans, the king convened the General States, for the first time after a 76-year break. The States did not gave the king money.

Decoding of number 5.89. 589+1=590. If 9 to flip in 6, then we get 560 year.

Quatrain 3.25[3] King of Navarre

Qui au royaume Nauarrois paruiendra,

Quand le Sicile & Naples seront ioints:

Bigorre & landes par fois larron tiendra,

D'vn qui d'Espagne sera par trop conioints.

He who will attain to the kingdom of Navarre,

When Sicily and Naples will be joined:

He will hold Bigorre and Landes through Foix and Oloron

From one who will be too closely allied with Spain.

The 1 line. In 1562 Henry III became king of Navarre after the death of his father. Subsequently, he became king of France Henry IV.

The 2 line. Sicily and Naples united in 1562.

Listed in the 3rd line the cities belonged to the kingdom of Navarra.

The 4 line. The Kingdom of Navarra was located near Spain.

Decoding of the number 3.25. Let's rearrange 3 and 2 – 235. If 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-35=1965. 9 and 5 flip in 6 and 2, 6-1=5, we get 1562 year.

Quatrain 8.42 Siege of Orleans

Par auarice, par force & violence

Viendra vexer les siens chefs d'Orleans,

Pres sainct Memire assault & resistance,

Mort dans sa tante diront qu'il dort leans.

Through avarice, through force and violence

The chiefs of Orleans will come to vex his supporters.

Near St. Memire, assault and resistance.

Dead in his tent they will say he is asleep inside.

The chiefs of Orleans were Prince Conde and brother of Admiral de Coligny Francois. They were the main initiators of religious wars. They came to Orleans because it was the main city of the Huguenots at that time. Catholic mass was forbidden here, their temples were desecrated.

In 1563 Francois I de Guise, the Duke of Lorraine, led a Catholic army, besieged Orleans. 02.24.1563 in the town of Saint-Mesmin, he was killed by the Huguenot de Mere. The consequence of this was the conclusion of peace – the city remained with the Protestants.

Decoding of the number 8.42. The numbers rearrange – 482, flip 5 to 2 – 485, if 4 to consider as 4000, then 4000-85 = 3915. Turning 9 to 6 and rearranging the numbers, we get 1563 – the year, and 24 – the day of death de Guise.

Quatrain 3.41 Louis of Conde

Bossu sera esleu par le conseil,

Plus hydeux monstre en terre n'aperceu;

le coup volant Prelat creuera l'?il,

Le traistre au Roy pour fidelle receu.

Hunchback will be elected by the council,

A more hideous monster not seen on earth,

The willing blow will put out his eye:

The traitor to the King received as faithful.

Louis Conde (7 May 1530 – 13 March 1569) prince Bourbon was the leader of the Huguenots during the religious wars in France. He was hunchback. In 1560 he organized an Amboise conspiracy against king Francis II. The conspiracy was disclose, but Conde was forgiven. In 1562 he captured several cities in the south of France, starting the 1st religious war. He was defeated and in 1563 made peace. In 1568 he again unsuccessfully attempted to killed of king Charles IX. In 1569 he began the second religious war and was killed by baron de Montesquieu.

Decoding of the number 3.41. If to rearrange the numbers – 431, to put 1 in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-431=569 – year, 3 – month, 13 – day of death (full date).