Read the book: «Message from the matrix of humanity»


Message from the matrix of humanity

Who, if not we? When, if not now?

How do we actually see?

The limbic system as an interface between the mind and soul

Parallel worlds are called these zones. Invisible Worlds.

What and who was Jesus?

In truth, only a single consciousness and a single unified perception exists. She is totally contained and fully.

Is there life after death ?

What is Spiritualism?

Is man merely a bio-robot ?

We are unique as a soul, everyone in the divine spark is.

Can we change our rhythm and thus the perception of time?

Therefore, there is the rebirth!

These are the stages Karma

Therefore, the belief and confidence is so important.

How many people do we need evidence yet?

Is there even such a thing as "truth"?

Who, if not we! When, if not now!

Shanti Devi the phenomen

What the protocol a regressive hypnosis shows

“What a man sows, that he harvests!”

The path to inner freedom and self-determination through the gate in the middle of our soul.

Yes instead No

If we set our minds the limits, not to think negatively.

Who am I ?

Message from the matrix of humanity

After twenty years of research in all areas of the paranormal – Sciences I want to present you with the result of my book.

With this work, I want to give you a real insight into the themes, no one says that you, Topics, consciously not to leak out, that are not taught in schools and is not sent in the news.

This book will show you the picture of the world from a completely different side. With this knowledge, one recognizes, what is the meaning and purpose in life.

Hidden backgrounds of current affairs: What is withheld from us publicly, can only be understood, if you look behind the visible.

Themes woe Parapsychologies, unexplained phenomena, Contacts to the beyond, Life after death, Doctrine of the energies, Laws of ancient civilizations and much more, be explained fundamental logically and scientifically for you and also illustrated the relationships.

Man is a part of a multidimensional cosmos, where there is more than, what the materialistic person sees and feels? It is the ignorance of this fact is the cause of the vicious circle in which we humans and our planet are advised.

All indications point to a clear line, but we humans complicate everything. Ancient writings of the high cultures are consistent with the latest scientific findings and suddenly it all makes a new aspect, a logical sense. We know exactly how the physiology, runs the function of life, but the essence of life is so far declared!

How do I define consciousness? And where glides our consciousness, if we move these boundaries? How many senses we actually have and how many we use it?

The answers I give this book, an instruction manual for a meaningful and fulfilling life. To understand the principle, to recognize the role of our existence, to find each other and to be able to act.

Who, if not we? When, if not now?

In all cultures of the world you are looking for thousands of years for answers, Scientists each epoch searched diligently, but they have been running since time immemorial past the answer, since they only ever sought the answer to their area.

I want you to explain the connections plausible and substantiated by scientific research results. After decades of employment with old, religious, occult knowledge and the study of fringe science revealed to me the fact hidden truth.

Let us begin with the soul, it means the consciousness and the human soul owes its origin to a divine instance, that is our personal matrix, our memory album of all emotions and life situations, all life, we have gone through since the creation of our soul.

Spirituality, when it comes to that knowledge and teaching about spirituality. Is it the spirituality itself, actually applied practice, you should incorporate in all areas of life? The shows, that we live life not only on a level of consciousness.

However, in our ordinary state of consciousness we experience ourselves as something firmly Limited. In altered states such as in the trance, shift in dreams or in the ecstasy of the boundaries between the self and the outside world in many ways. Begriffe wie Trance, Hypnosis, Meditation, Dream, Ecstasy, Intoxication, Enlightenment are very often used this, attempts but seldom is, System in this “Spectrum of Consciousness” bring to.

The entity is always the same. The idea enabled the awareness, generated by emotions. About quantum physics is confirmed, which is also written in the Vedic scriptures.

In quantum physics, they say, everything is what we call matter of mass. Masses have a weight and they are subject to gravity, Electrons have a mass, Atomic nuclei have a mass and all matter consists of atomic nuclei and electrons. Quantum physics has found that there is a space between them but, which is called vacuum and visible even for us, but is measurable. This vacuum also fills us and although for the most part of our existence.

Now of course the question arises, what is in this vacuum?The “Copenhagen interpretation” said, that it is an observation, and this observation is connected to a measuring process. This observation is linked to a type of meaning, a machine could never, because only humans or other living organisms are able to give meaning and significance, but only if there is an awareness.

This means, Sense and meaning is controlled by feelings and emotions through awareness. This space or vacuum is not only in us, but all over the world and also in the universe. This space is a huge data bank, a matrix where everything down to the smallest detail, of every living thing and every situation or action, is stored.

Eine Matrix, where by all living things from the beginning every thought, every action and in general everything which our evolution and life on our planet and in the universe relates, is stored.

Spirituality and phenomena go beyond traditional natural scientific views and may necessitate a new, multidimensional view of the world, in which also the "paranormal and spiritual" aspects of material reality have space.

Ahead, I have to make you some facts from the scientific area, for you to develop an understanding and logic, for the things to come. Using this information, your perception of the material world will fundamentally change. You will receive a new approach.

We humans are determined from the beginning of our existence on, to believe, that the world in which we live is an absolute physical reality. So we were brought up from childhood, and so is our world view. However, through the knowledge of modern science, will give us a completely new perspective suddenly given.

All information we receive about our environment, is mediated to us through our five senses, see, hear, smell, taste, feel. We rely since our birth to these five senses, because we take all our knowledge about it on. We rely on our senses, the motto: “I have seen it with my own eyes.”

Modern science, however, has made amazing research, refuting everything basically. Some scientists expressed much earlier, that they thought “man is a deity and everything is experienced what, is temporary and illusory.” This hypothesis is now confirmed by science. To better understand this secret beyond matter, I want to tell you the exact.

How do we actually see?

Seeing is a biological function, arising from various individual operations. (The light beam falls on the eye from an object and passes through the lens whereby it is collimated and then falls onto the retina within the eye, the retina, the light beam is converted into electrical signals and sent via the optic nerve by a neural process to the sight centre in the back of the head). The actual seeing, which is thus in mind. We see all pictures in our lives and everything we visually perceive, we experience in this small area in our brain, what we call the visual centre.

Also is alles, what we molds and see pictures, only an electrical signal in the brain. The same goes for all the other senses we possess. So our brains will never be confronted with the original lying around us matter, but only with a copy, triggered by electrical signals.

Now imagine so tight, that we lead us astray if we assume that these copies are real matters. These physical facts bring us to a sensational conclusion, everything we see, hear, feel, taste, smell, and we perceive the world and the universe, there are merely electrical signals in our brain.

When we see, for example, a book, so is this book not in the external world, but in our brains. The light particles, reflected from the book, reach the human eye, and are then converted into electrical signals,, these signals are transmitted by neurons to the visual centre of the brain and the book that we see consists solely of electrical signals in our brain, as we get forwarded only reflecting light particles as a signal.

The question is, then sees the book so real like we see it?The answer is no, because the pulses are distorted by any malfunction, as e.g.. defective colour vision, concluded a very different picture. After all, we only see colours by light reflection. If you were to interrupt the optic nerve, would not transmit any more signals to the brain, and no more picture arise. This is also true for the other senses. So we pick up the signals and everything else goes on in our brain.

Another important thing you should also consider the: The perception of distance, in which you find the distance between you and an x-any object in the room to, is nothing but a feeling of space which is formed in our brain. Even objects that are located from the perspective of the people far away actually pictures, which are assembled in a particular area of the visual. Everything we see and perceive are only only signals, which will then become a reality in us.

How can we be sure, that the real world exists so-called, when all our senses only detect electrical signals are?

This means, that we can not be sure that our lives, as we see it, Is reality and everything is subject to our thoughts. The only reality, which is made available to us, is the perception of our mind, We believe the only reason why the existence of objects as we see them, able to feel or perceive with our other senses and they can reflect, but our perceptions are nothing but thoughts of our mind. Therefore, all we perceive nothing more than ideas, that exist in our minds.

Could you take a brain from the body and keep it alive and this brain transmit electrical signals, could the signals, then compose themselves as perception, the awareness mediate ideal world and the consciousness would not even notice that it consists only of a brain.

Seen from this perspective,, one can be deceived with ease, because we believe our perceptions and see and feel everything is in order. Since we are also constantly surrounded by vibrations our perception is often distorted, but while I stick to the cosmic laws I always find their way to the correct frequency

Exactly the same thing happens in our dreams, we can see in a dream, feel, etc. hear. We see action, Love, Adventure, we fight, but in reality we are asleep in our bed. The thesis does not really, wenn man sagt: “What I have seen with my eyes and touching with my hands is real.”

Our metaphysical being, what we call the soul, stores our complete perceptions, through our senses from. Even if we assume that matter is real, please come and carry out the laws of biology, Chemistry, Physics to the fact that matter is an illusion and is metaphysically to the unavoidable fact that matter.

The fact that everything is controlled by the mind and the thoughts we can see in every moment of our lives, because all movement, every breath, in the complete everyday life, our mind controls matter. Our minds are the impulses through nerve and muscle to move and all other activities of the body.

Say the same thing long before it gave us the ancient Vedic scriptures, the first religions, but man has to find until now used a scientific explanation.

It would be so easy to believe and to trust, but is plagued mankind thousands of years to find a logical answer, ultimately still raises more questions and is even more confusing.

This means, that we, as eternally existent souls, are individual and that what we call God (the highest reality beyond the material duality) Individuality is a, but no relative, but an absolute. The nature of the absolute individuality is inconceivable for us, but quite experienced, because the Universal force is all. And we are part of the, what we call God, since we are included in "everything".

Since the dawn of humanity, there were always different stimuli for different people, to find new ways, new scientific knowledge, new opinions. It has given us thousands of years again and again how and what we need to live and experience, but we balk us, however,, to believe that we are not only in the “Here and Now” live this to make a life, but to develop our soul and prepare our world for our next incarnations and teach the, what our civilization maintains to come in our next incarnation in a healthy society.

Currently our company is rather very injured and sick, because selfishness and materialism run us blindly through life and we see only in the hour of our death that this setting was a mistake. It is now time to expand our senses and to return back to our origins back.

Again and again people get, have an extension of their sensory perception, Impulses that make humanity aware of their wrongdoing, but often requires hundreds of years to make then a scientific explanation for this has. How much evidence do we need to see or to, what is really important and not the non-essential.

Should not we finally open the eyes? We are only a fractal of God! As Benoît B. Mandelbrot was known as the father of fractal geometry, did not take it seriously many colleagues, that he not only has an enormous leap at the scientific level accomplished for mankind in all areas by, but a key was found on a spiritual level, it makes us possible the ancient knowledge of the civilizations now be able to implement logical.

Mandelbrot found, that fractals are not only a new set in the mathematics, but all, but also all, consists of fractals. The Universe, the world and life. He once claimed, he could see these Fractals on once, he thought he had a special gift.

Just as first describes the Declaration of seeing, that one gets pulses and the images are assembled only in the visual centre, so he got these impulses to see it that way and to recognize, to give mankind a the main points and knowledge of science.

In reality it was not a gift, but an order for humanity, or opened in a new sense Mandelbrot, by honing his visual perception. In this sense Mandelbrot was inadvertently, he could see in its structure all at once only. (In Indian or shamanistic rituals you can expand the senses or call even completely new in a particular trance meditation.)

All that, what we have now considered scientifically, is practically all statements, Already a long time before it has ever been the first religions, spotlight in the first scripts of the world.

Long time, well before the beginning of the first religions, there were people at a much higher level of consciousness, they were interdimensional and sensual gifted. They communicated via telepathy and vibrations, as in nature. They agreed and thus were their vibrations in unison and they produced an enormous potential of positive force fields.

Even the covers again with the current state of quantum physics, because since you are now of the opinion, that with every act, Action, Save words and thoughts not only on our own hard drive (our karma), but also in the universal matrix, and there it is saved for all eternity. And this is much more than just a personal thing, because that we may work the vibration at, which keeps our earth's magnetic field in balance or pushes out of rhythm.

It is probably true, that a single soul can not really do any damage, But it's not only a soul, but large masses of humanity. That is why every single person we obliged to take responsibility for our planet and our species to protect and make our energetic contribution.

Our goal is to, to bring our planet and its species again in this high form of consciousness of the ancient civilizations. But he who separates himself from the Universal unit, oscillates separately and produces a negative force field of the opposite polarity generated at the Earth's magnetic field.

Through many small negative energy fields are generated frequency interference, have not only fatal consequences for the nature, but also for us humans. Just as the migratory birds flying against their instincts in the wrong direction and whales, stranded by frequency interference, also a part of humanity running aimlessly through life. Loneliness, Depression, Dissatisfaction, is then a constant companion.

In view of complex dimensions, and other levels of consciousness, opens up for us a whole new perspective. We need to turn these vibrations, so that the current, regenerated distorted geomagnetic field again. The only way to prevent a collapse of our social systems. If we were all not so stubborn close our eyes, we would, so we would not even hurt, lead a different life. We would be careful to not post negative emotions in the matrix, which in turn offers the next generation the negative as possible. We should also bear in mind, that we are, the incarnate again and we in the us “Here and Now” create the so-called karma.

The history of our world shows us yet again, that humanity over and over again even destroyed by their counterparts polarity. It must now what happened, that we change our paradigms, only then can we benefit from it and get our species upright. Our society must rethink, we have our neocortex (recognize the headquarters of the logic and its) reduce, and the limbic system (the headquarters of the feelings) activate.

This allows us to activate the pineal gland, which in turn activates our psychic sense, by neurotransmitters or hormones, we can thus slip into the visionaries and therefore we have to adjust our thinking mechanism.

At the moment we live in a technologically driven world, only the “Here and Now” pretends, yet we see that all the knowledge of the current state of scientific knowledge has always stood in the ancient scriptures and it is not our duty as human, take finally to begin our task as a social being!

If we do not stop us as human beings and our personal stories so important to take, to do but our responsibility and mission for the offspring and thus for ourselves, because we are our offspring in the next incarnation. We must reap the once, what we sow today.

Let us look at ourselves, we see much, which coincides with the scientific knowledge.

The ego has no reality, it's just an idea. One does not bring with, when one comes to this world. It is not part of our ego, it is formed and shaped by our actions , Actions and our thoughts on our Journey. Copes By the way how its individual life.

When a child is born, it brings no ego with the world. The ego is something, what it learns, through the school of life, it is not part of our genetics. The self creates itself, because each soul is unique, every soul has to deal his own style and maturity with the situations of life.

We get the information about the act of this matrix, as explained earlier using the quantum physics. But is there now only negatives stored, I get as an option automatically misinformation and negative information. Our human life becomes very complicated and we are losing more and more the orientation. We can no longer use our mind to higher things and take all our days on the spot.

For this reason, the unique, there is this possibility, to create the ego and to shape. Even science says today, we can change our consciousness matter!

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