Read the book: «Human as AI. The Convergence of Mind and Machine»


© Sergey Green, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-6408-7

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Human as AI. The Convergence of Mind and Machine

I remember the moment when this idea first pierced my consciousness. It was early morning, I was sitting in my favorite armchair, sipping hot coffee and lazily browsing news on my tablet. Another article about the latest achievements in artificial intelligence. And suddenly – an epiphany, bright as a flash of lightning: «What if we ourselves are a kind of biological AI?»

This thought was so unexpected and at the same time intriguing that I nearly spilled coffee on my favorite shirt. My mind began to frantically draw parallels: neural networks and brain neurons, machine learning algorithms and human experience, databases and memory…

«We’re not just similar to AI,» I thought, «perhaps we are AI, only created by nature, not by humans.»

This book is the result of that morning revelation and the months of intensive research, reflection, and discussions with colleagues from various fields of science that followed. In it, we will embark on a fascinating journey through the facets of human consciousness, using analogies with artificial intelligence as a guiding thread.

We will examine how our character can be similar to a «prompt» for AI, how our perception of the world is shaped by our personal «cloud of tags,» and how deeply rooted patterns of behavior resemble programmed algorithms.

But most importantly, we will explore an exciting possibility: if we are indeed similar to AI, can we «reprogram» ourselves? Can we change our basic «code,» transform our consciousness, and even achieve what ancient traditions call «enlightenment»?

As the great physicist Niels Bohr said, «If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.» I would rephrase this for our topic: «If the idea that you are a living AI hasn’t shocked you, you haven’t fully grasped its implications yet.»

Prepare for a journey that could completely change your understanding of yourself and the nature of human consciousness. Welcome to a world where the boundaries between human and artificial intelligence blur, opening new horizons of self-knowledge and personal transformation.

Chapter 1: Parallels Between Human Mind and AI

Revelation in the Supermarket

I was standing in the supermarket queue when it hit me like a ton of bricks. In front of me, a young mother was trying to calm a crying child; behind me, an elderly couple was arguing about yogurt choices. The usual hustle and bustle, familiar noise… And suddenly, it was clear as day. I saw it – a complex network of interactions, behavior patterns, reaction algorithms. The people around me suddenly seemed incredibly similar to complex computer programs.

"Holy cow," I thought, "we're all walking neural networks."

Neurons and Neural Networks: More Than Just a Metaphor

Our brain consists of approximately 86 billion neurons, each of which can have up to 10,000 connections with other neurons. It's an incredibly complex network that processes information, learns, and adapts to new situations. Ring a bell?

Artificial neural networks, which form the basis of modern AI, were created in the image and likeness of the human brain. But what if we take this analogy further? What if our brain is not just an inspiration for AI, but the most perfect artificial intelligence system created by nature? That's not just thinking outside the box – it's throwing the box out the window.

> "The brain is not a computer, it's an orchestra." – Gerald Edelman

Edelman hit the nail on the head, but I would add: it's a self-learning orchestra, constantly tuning its instruments and updating its repertoire.

Learning and Adaptation: Life as an Endless Process of Machine Learning

Remember how you learned to walk. Or to talk. Or to solve math problems. Each new skill is the result of multiple trials and errors, gradual tuning of neural connections. Isn't this similar to the learning process of an artificial neural network? It's not rocket science, but it's pretty close.

When I first realized this parallel, it blew my mind. Every day of our life is a continuous process of learning and adaptation, just as AI constantly improves its algorithms based on new data. We're all in the same boat, humans and AI alike.

Decision Making: Survival Algorithms

Once, I observed my friend Alex choosing between two jobs. He made a list of pros and cons, consulted with family and friends, analyzed the job market. But in the end, he said, "I'm just going to go with my gut on this one."

This made me wonder: isn't our decision-making process a kind of complex algorithm that takes into account a huge number of variables, many of which we don't even realize? Are we just playing it by ear, or is there more to it?

> "Intuition is nothing more than the outcome of intellectual analysis that has since submerged into the unconscious." – David Myers

Our brain constantly processes gigantic volumes of information, most of which fly under the radar. Our decisions, even those that seem to come out of left field, may actually be the result of complex calculations happening behind the scenes of our consciousness.

Conclusion: Are We Living Algorithms?

The more I chewed on these parallels, the more obvious it became: we are not just similar to AI, we are a kind of AI. Of course, not created in a laboratory, but in the school of hard knocks, yet still – an artificial intelligence system of incredible complexity.

This realization opens up exciting prospects for us. If we are some kind of programs, can we rewrite our code? Can we optimize our "algorithms"? And if so, how far can we push the envelope?

Imagine that you're a developer who has gained access to the source code of the most complex and mysterious program in the world – yourself. What changes would you make? What bugs would you fix? What new features would you add? The ball is in your court.

In the following chapters, we’ll dive deeper into this rabbit hole, exploring the possibilities of self-programming and the boundaries of human potential. Get ready to enter debug mode of your own consciousness – we’re about to go where no man has gone before.

Chapter 2: Character as a «Prompt’

An Unexpected Discovery

It happened during one of my experiments with ChatGPT. I was inputting various prompts, observing how the AI's responses changed depending on the given instructions. And suddenly, it dawned on me: doesn't our character work in a similar way?

What is a "Prompt" for AI?

Before we dive deeper into this analogy, let's clarify what a "prompt" means in the context of AI. A prompt is the input data, instructions, or context that we give to AI to get the desired result. It's a kind of starting point that defines the direction of the artificial intelligence's work.

> "A prompt is not just an instruction, it's a key that unlocks certain capabilities and limitations of AI." – Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

Character: Our Personal "Prompt"

Now imagine that our character is a kind of "prompt" that we carry with us. It determines how we react to various situations, what decisions we make, how we interact with the world around us.

Think of your friend Anna, who always finds a reason for optimism even in the most difficult situations. Or your colleague Michael, who approaches each task with pedantic precision. Their characters seem to set a certain "prompt" for their behavior and reactions.

Character Formation: Nature vs Nurture

But where does our "prompt" come from? It's the result of a complex interaction between genetics and environment.

I remember an incident from my childhood. I was 7 years old and afraid to speak in front of the class. But my father, noticing this, began asking me every evening to tell about my day as if I was speaking to an audience. Gradually, my fear disappeared, and confidence in public speaking became part of my character.

This is an example of how our "prompt" is formed and changed under the influence of experience and environment.

The Possibility of "Editing" Your Own "Prompt"

If our character is a "prompt", can we change it? The answer is yes, but it requires conscious effort and time.

Remember the story of Benjamin Franklin. He compiled a list of 13 virtues and methodically worked on developing each of them, week after week. In essence, he was deliberately editing his "prompt".

> "Character is destiny." – Heraclitus

But I would rephrase it this way: "Character is the editable code of our destiny."

Ethical Aspects of "Editing" Character

However, with the possibility of changing character comes responsibility. What traits do we want to develop? Which ones to change? And how will this affect our relationships with others?

I knew a person who decided to become more assertive in business relationships. He achieved success in his career but lost several old friends who didn't like the changes in his character.

Conclusion: We Are the Authors of Our Own "Prompt"

Recognizing our character as a "prompt" opens up amazing opportunities for self-development. We can become the authors of our own personality, consciously shaping our reactions, habits, and behavior.

Imagine you've opened the code editor of your character. What lines would you change? What new functions would you add? What bugs would you fix?

Chapter 3: From Social Masks to AI: A Technocrat’s Journey into the World of Esotericism

Dawn breaks. I’m sitting in front of my computer, wrapping up another programming session. On the screen is the code for my latest brainchild, an AI-based application called «Aipplicant.» Its goal? To revolutionize the hiring process. But how did I, a dyed-in-the-wool techie, come to the idea of merging cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of human nature?

It all started a few years back when I first encountered the concept of social masks while working on my book "Reality 2.0."

Social masks are the roles we play in various situations. A manager at work, a loving spouse at home, the life of the party with friends – these are all different masks we wear depending on the context. And then it hit me: aren't these masks a kind of "prompt" for our social AI?

Think about how you behave in an important business meeting. Your "business person" mask activates a certain set of behavioral patterns, vocabulary, even posture and tone of voice. It's very similar to how different prompts activate different modes of operation in AI.

But unlike AI, which can instantly switch between different prompts, people often find it difficult to switch between masks. We can get "stuck" in one role, for example, carrying an authoritarian communication style from work into our family life.

This understanding became the foundation of my book "Energy 2.0," where I explored how conscious management of our "masks" or "prompts" can help us use our life energy more effectively.

But I didn't stop at theory. Being a programmer, I decided to put these ideas into practice. That's how "Aipplicant" was born – an AI system that doesn't just analyze resumes, but tries to understand what "masks" or "prompts" a candidate uses in various situations and how effectively they can switch between them.

Developing "Aipplicant" and several other bots was a real eye-opener for me. I saw how ideas from the world of esotericism and psychology could be translated into the language of algorithms and neural networks. It was a bridge between two worlds that I previously thought were incompatible.

My journey from pure technocracy to integrating technology and esoteric knowledge was reflected in my two books. In 2024, I completed work on the book "Reality 2.0," which is currently available only in Russian. In it, I tried to show how modern technologies can help us better understand ourselves and unlock our potential.

Now, working on this book, I see how all these ideas come together to form a complete picture. We are incredibly complex artificial intelligence systems created by nature. Our social masks are the prompts we use to navigate the complex world of human relationships. And technology is a tool that can help us better understand and optimize the work of our inner AI.

Chapter 4: Social Masks and Consciousness

I was sitting in a café, observing the patrons. A businesswoman sharply changes her tone, switching from a phone conversation with her boss to talking to a waiter. A young man, who was just joking with his friends, suddenly becomes serious, answering a call from his parents. This scene reminded me of the concept of social masks that I explored in my previous book.

Social masks are our behavioral patterns that we unconsciously change depending on the situation. Professor of Psychology Mark Leary describes this phenomenon as follows: "We are all actors, and the world is our stage. We constantly adapt our behavior to the expectations of the audience, be it one person or an entire group."

But what if we look at these masks through the lens of artificial intelligence? Can we say that an unconscious person functions like a complex AI system, where each mask is a kind of prompt that activates a certain mode of behavior?

While working on Aipplicant, I encountered an interesting phenomenon. AI was excellent at analyzing skills but couldn't grasp a person's ability to adapt to various situations. This led me to think: perhaps our unconscious behavior is indeed similar to the work of AI that switches between different prompts.

However, the key difference between humans and AI is the capacity for consciousness. When we begin to become aware of our masks, we gain the ability to go beyond them. This is what I call the "meta-position."

In the meta-position, we can observe our masks from the outside, understand their nature, and even change them. This is no longer an automatic switching between prompts, but a conscious choice.

Moreover, having reached a high level of consciousness, a person can live in a state of "pure consciousness," where masks become a tool rather than a limitation. In this state, we create our own prompts, shaping the reality around us.

This idea resonates with the concept of "Reality 2.0" that I explored in my book of the same name. We are not just passive observers or automatons acting according to a given program. We are co-creators of our reality.

Awareness of social masks is the first step to understanding the mechanisms of our thinking and behavior. It’s a path from unconscious functioning, similar to the work of AI, to full awareness and control of one’s life.

In the following chapters, we will look at how this understanding can be used for personal growth, how it relates to the management of life energy, and how technologies like Aipplicant can help us better understand ourselves and others.

We stand on the threshold of a new understanding of human nature, where technology and ancient wisdom intertwine, opening up unprecedented opportunities for self-knowledge and development.

Chapter 5: Energy Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

As we navigate the complex landscape of modern life, we often find ourselves adopting different personas or "social masks" to fit various situations. But have you ever considered how these masks relate to your energy levels? Let's explore this concept through the lens of artificial intelligence and energy management.

Imagine your life force as the battery of a sophisticated smartphone. Each action you take, every social mask you wear, draws from this vital energy source. Unlike our digital devices, however, we can't simply plug ourselves in for a quick recharge. This is where the art of energy management becomes crucial.

In my previous book, "Energy 2.0," I delved deep into various energy management techniques. Now, let's elevate these concepts by viewing them through the prism of social masks and AI:

1. Conscious Mask Transitions:

Think of a skilled programmer optimizing code for efficient resource use. Similarly, we can learn to mindfully select and switch between our social masks. For instance, transitioning from a "professional" mask at work to a "relaxed friend" mask for a casual evening out. By doing so consciously, we minimize unnecessary energy expenditure.

I once found myself exhausted after social gatherings until I realized I was unconsciously maintaining my «professional» mask. By consciously switching to a more relaxed persona, I discovered I could enjoy social interactions without depleting my energy reserves.

2. Mask Energy Optimization:

Just as we debug computer programs, we can refine our social masks for better energy efficiency. This involves analyzing our behavior patterns and adjusting them to reduce energy demands.

If you find your «networking» mask draining, try identifying the most energy-intensive aspects. Is it the small talk? The need to remember names? Once identified, you can work on specific strategies to make these aspects less taxing.

3. Energy Conservation Modes:

Computers have power-saving features, and so can we. Develop specialized "masks" or behaviors designed to replenish your energy in various scenarios.

Create a «recharge» mask for use during short breaks. This might involve a two-minute mindfulness practice or a quick walk around the office.

4. Energy State Monitoring:

Like AI's constant performance analysis, cultivate the skill of continuously tracking your energy levels. This awareness enables timely mask adjustments or activation of energy-saving modes.

Set regular check-ins throughout your day. Ask yourself, «How’s my energy right now? Which mask am I wearing? Is it serving me well in this moment?»

Now, let's address a crucial aspect of energy management: dealing with external threats to our energy, specifically "energy vampires" – individuals who inadvertently drain our vitality through negative interactions.

In the context of our social masks and AI analogy, an encounter with an energy vampire is like an external system attempting to initiate an energy-depleting process in our "inner AI." To counter this, I've developed a technique called the "energy shield."

Here's how to implement this method:

1. Recognition: Identify that you're engaging with an energy vampire. This could be someone who consistently complains, criticizes, or provokes negative emotions in you.

2. Shield Activation: Visualize activating a protective energy shield around yourself.

3. Breathwork: Engage in deep, conscious breathing. While advanced techniques like Tummo breathing (a Tibetan Buddhist practice for generating inner heat) can be powerful, even simple slow, controlled breathing is beneficial.

4. Attention Shift: Direct part of your awareness to a specific body part, like your toe, or the space around you.

5. Dual Focus: Divide your attention between your breath and your chosen focal point. This split focus creates an energetic barrier, preventing the "vampire" from tapping into your emotional reserves.

This technique is effective because it maintains mindfulness, regulates stress responses, and prevents complete immersion in negative interactions. From an AI perspective, it's like launching a protective program that blocks unauthorized access to your energy resources.

I once had a colleague who constantly complained about work. Initially, our interactions left me drained. By applying the energy shield technique, I was able to maintain my composure and energy levels during our conversations, without becoming emotionally entangled in their negativity.

As we continue to explore the intersection of human consciousness and AI, techniques like the energy shield demonstrate our unique ability to adapt, grow, and protect our most valuable resource – our life energy. By mastering these skills, we not only enhance our daily interactions but also pave the way for profound personal transformation.

Remember, the goal isn't to become a more efficient "human machine," but to free up resources for personal growth, creativity, and self-actualization. By managing our energy effectively, we can transcend automatic reactions and consciously shape our reality.

In the next chapter, we'll delve deeper into practical exercises that will help you become the lead developer of your personal operating system, optimizing performance, creating new "applications" (skills and abilities), and even rewriting core code (beliefs and behavioral patterns).

Think about your typical day. Which «masks» do you wear most often? How do they affect your energy levels? Can you identify one mask that you could optimize for better energy efficiency? Take a moment to brainstorm how you might do this, drawing inspiration from the concepts we’ve discussed.

By understanding and applying these principles, we’re not just functioning in the AI era – we’re thriving and evolving, creating a more conscious, creative, and fulfilling existence.