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Read the book: «Her Baby, His Proposal»

Teresa Carpenter

Now, holding the tiny being that belonged to her, opening the blanket to count fingers and toes, Jesse experienced a new level of awe, even if baby Allie did sleep through the whole examination. “She’s beautiful.”

“Prettiest baby in the hospital,” Brock agreed. “She takes after her mama.”

He tucked a burnished red curl behind her ear. “How are you doing?”

“My baby’s here.” She flashed him a half-shy glance. “You’re here. I’ve never been better.”

Dear Reader,

I read my first romance when I was twelve. I was shopping with my mother and I begged and pleaded for her to spend fifteen cents to buy me this pretty pink book in a special display at the front of the store. An attractive couple faced off on the cover and the back teased me with the prospect of a marriage of convenience. My mother gave in, and I’ve never looked back. In fact, my latest story, Her Baby, His Proposal, is a marriage-of-convenience story. What an honor if it catches the imagination of a young reader.

Harlequin Romance® celebrates life, family and the power of love. I admire and respect this genre of fiction because no matter the hardship or loss the characters suffer, they choose to fight, to survive and to triumph.

Teresa Carpenter

Her Baby, His Proposal
Teresa Carpenter





From bump to baby and beyond….

Whether she’s expecting or they’re adopting, a special arrival is on its way!

Follow the tears and triumphs as these couples find their lives blessed with the magic of parenthood….

Look out for more bumps and babies coming soon to Harlequin Romance®.

Next month:

Adopted: Outback Baby

by Barbara Hannay

With her baby grandson in need of her care and her former sweetheart back in town, Nell finds, at the age of thirty-nine, she may finally become a wife and mother….

Teresa Carpenter believes in the power of unconditional love and that there’s no better place to find it than between the pages of a romance novel. Reading is a passion for Teresa, a passion that led to a calling. She began writing more than twenty years ago and marks the sale of her first book as one of her happiest memories. Teresa gives back to her craft by volunteering her time to Romance Writers of America on a local and national level. A fifth generation Californian, she lives in San Diego within miles of her extensive family and knows with their help she can accomplish anything. She takes particular joy and pride in her nieces and nephews who are all bright, fit, shining stars of the future. If she’s not at a family event, you’ll usually find her at home reading, writing, or playing with her adopted Chihuahua, Jefe.
















Hey Babe,

It’s been fun but it’s over. I can’t be a father. Like you keep telling me, I haven’t grown up yet myself. Have a happy future. Good luck with the kid.


P.S. I used Tracy’s computer to set up online banking for you and took the money you owed me. Your password is goodbye.

JESSE Manning pulled the sticky note off the unopened early pregnancy test and crushed it in her fist.

Message received.

With a sick feeling of dread she rushed to Tracy’s computer, booted up and logged on to her bank account. He’d cleaned her out.

He’d left her. Taken her money and left her alone and possibly, probably, oh-God-she-prayed-she-wasn’t pregnant.

Dragging in a deep breath, she swept her red hair behind her ears and tried to regroup.

She hadn’t owed Tad any money. As always he’d owed her. A half-hysterical laugh escaped her tear-clogged throat. How ironic that he was the one who had always chided her for keeping her money in a shoebox rather than the bank. And when she finally followed his advice, he wiped her out in one swipe.

On top of that Tracy had hit her up this morning for $150 because she was short on the rent. Tad’s fond farewell along with Tracy’s shortage left Jesse reeling, emotions and finances both strained to the breaking point.

She called the bank to see if she could reverse the transaction. They advised her to put the complaint in writing and contact the police regarding the theft.

She would, too.

No more protecting Tad, no more making excuses for him. He’d gone too far this time.

His desertion didn’t surprise her. His timing could have been better, but in reality, they’d been over for a long time. But this time he hadn’t just taken from her, he could potentially have stolen from his child.

She’d made a break a year ago when she’d left him and the Midwest behind for a new beginning in San Diego. Her mistake was in believing he’d changed when he’d shown up on her doorstep three months ago.

Her spirits sank further as she realized he’d stolen her dream along with her money. Again. She wanted to teach, and had been saving for tuition and books while she gained California residency status.

Now she’d have to start saving all over again.

Ignoring the pregnancy test—she had neither the time nor the strength for that right now—she ran a brush through her hair, then reached for her mascara before running to catch the bus. She wouldn’t be sorry Tad was gone, wouldn’t regret the loss of a man too shallow to see she was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Working the tables at the Green Garter, a bar and grill not far from the 32nd Street Navy pier, she brooded on Tad’s disappearance and the thin state of her bank account. So, when Stan told her he was short-staffed, she wearily agreed to a double shift.

“Hey, red,” a voice called out, “we need another round over here.”

Clenching her teeth at the stale, hated nickname, Jesse nodded to indicate she’d heard. She caught her manager’s eye from behind the bar. His grin was really big, a reminder to smile at the customers.

Dutifully she showed her gritted teeth.

No surprise that by the time she started her second shift a headache beat behind her brown eyes. A gnawing low in her belly reminded her she hadn’t eaten since leaving for the grocery store that morning. She’d meant to grab something at home, but she’d been running behind, and Tad’s note had distracted her. Despite the hollow feeling, she lacked any desire for food.

She knew she should eat, to keep up her strength and give her a dose of energy. Lately she’d allowed herself to become run-down. At least, that’s all she’d thought her problem was until she realized she’d missed a period.

But she refused to think about the unlikely pregnancy right now. She blamed stress for her lack of appetite as she pushed the concept of a baby away along with the reminder to eat. The very notion of food made her queasy.

Which made serving the bar’s specialty—greasy burgers and fries—no easy task. The combined scents of alcohol and sweat didn’t help. Long before ten o’clock she regretted taking on the extra shift.

She’d be on until three, and the long, energy-sucking night stretched ahead of her. The Lord knew dodging the groping hands of randy sailors could be considered an aerobic sport.

“Jesse, order up.”

Hoping to settle her stomach, she grabbed a sip of cola and went back to work.

Looking for a drink and some downtime, Navy Chief Brock Sullivan entered the Green Garter. Country rock boomed loud enough to prevent thought, and the savory tang of grilling meat and onions filled the air.

His stomach growled at the mouth-watering scent. Just what he needed.

In a glance he noted the presence of friends, troublemakers and a brown-eyed, redheaded waitress. When it came to making the choice between the Garter and Mac’s Place on 31st, the view made the difference. Pretty and friendly, if a little young, the waitresses here had it all over Mac’s Place.

Set to ship out in six days, he’d spent his duty hours drilling foreign procedure into his crew, including advising them on what was needed to put their personal effects in order for a stint overseas. He’d then spent four hours taking care of his own business.

“Brock,” a voice hailed him from across the dim room.

He acknowledged the call with a wave but shook off the offer to join his fellow chiefs. Instead he chose to sit alone at his usual table in the corner.

He wanted a beer, a burger and an hour or two of bother-free time to himself.

Sprawled back in his chair, he watched the redhead approach. Call him a sexist, but he did admire a long-legged woman in a short black skirt. A white dress shirt, open to show a hint of cleavage, topped the skirt. A green garter worn high on her right thigh teased a man with the notion of peeling it from her body.

Too bad Jesse was too young for him, or he’d be tempted to spend a few hours of his remaining leave tangling the sheets with her. Seeing if her passion matched her fiery hair.

She reminded him of a time of youth and promise. Of another world and another woman, both lost to him long ago. Sherry rarely touched his thoughts after sixteen years, and when she did he lived with the guilt and her ghost for days.

“Evenin’,” the redhead greeted in a husky, slightly weary tone. She blinked as if trying to bring him into focus. “What can I get you?”

One glance at her too-pale features immediately took his mind off the rest of her body. Something was wrong, real wrong. So white the pink on her cheeks and lips stood out in garish lines, she actively swayed on her feet.

“Hey.” He instinctively reached out a hand, holding her steady with a hand under her elbow. “Are you okay?”

“I just need to sit.” She licked dry lips, but he saw perspiration beaded her delicate brow. The hand clutching her order pad rested on her abdomen. “Dizzy.”

“Sure. Here.” He stood to help her. But before he got fully to his feet, her head wheeled and she crumpled into his arms. “Well hell.”

“Jesse,” an insistent, gentle voice called to her. “Jesse. Come back now.”

Disoriented, she tried to place where she lay. The Green Garter, of course, but why was she on the floor? Why was her head spinning? What happened?

“Stand back, give her room. Jesse? Open those pretty brown eyes.”

She recognized the voice but found it impossible to place. Forcing her eyes open, she looked directly into a light overhead. Flinching, she closed her eyes again, tried moving her head away from the glare. Cloth rustled under her. Someone had placed a jacket under her head, a jacket smelling of musk and man, the scent telling her exactly who stood over her attempting to revive her.

Brock Sullivan.

“That’s my girl. Come on, sweetheart, open your eyes.” The minty scent of toothpaste told her how close he was bent over her.

Too close. Soon he’d realize she was awake, and she’d have to open her eyes and face him.

Navy Chief Brock Sullivan. Always polite, always respectful, always the one the sailors went to in a crunch. A true gentleman, except for the hungry eyes.

Sometimes when he looked at her, she felt he wanted to eat her up.

More than once she’d thought if she weren’t currently with Tad, she’d be tempted. Though Sullivan was over thirty, he was a fine specimen of manhood—over six feet, muscular but lean with it, and shoulders wide enough to carry the world.

She’d be crazy not to be tempted, especially when she looked into those true-blue eyes.

She’d heard the young crewmen talking about him. They always spoke of him with respect edged with fear. She got the impression he was strict but fair. He helped them out of tight spots but expected them to learn from their mistakes. And pay for them.

How embarrassing to fall flat at his feet. Maybe if she stayed very still, he and the others gathered around would leave her to expire of mortification on her own. Yeah, she thought as she listened to the advice being jockeyed back and forth, that was her best course of action. She had a good chance of the earth opening up and swallowing her whole. This was California after all.

Where was a good earthquake when you really needed it?

“She’s not responding,” another voice stated. “Time to call 911. She needs to go to the hospital.”

No. She couldn’t let them call 911. She had all of $39.80 in her bank account. She couldn’t afford the cost of an ambulance or a hospital.

Forcing her eyes open, she looked right into Sullivan’s vivid blue eyes.

She blinked once, twice.

“Hey,” he greeted her in a voice both gentle and calm. “Welcome back. You were out for a couple of minutes. How do you feel?”

Because she saw real concern in the depths of those incredible eyes, she tried for a smile. “Peachy.”

“Do you hurt anywhere?”

Hurt? Other than her pride? She took a minute to take stock. Her head throbbed, the nausea still churned her stomach and an ache beat on her left side below her waist. Too many sodas. So she’d cut back, switch to water and go back to work. “I’m fine. I missed lunch is all. I just got a little light-headed.”

“Lunch, huh?” He quirked a dark brow. “It’s ten o’clock. Does that mean you missed dinner, too?”

“Maybe.” She frowned, disliking being caught in a weak moment. “I’m fine now.”

To prove it, she tried to sit up. Immediately her head and stomach protested and the burn in her side flared again. Biting the inside of her lip, she tried to hide the hurt, continuing to move through the discomfort even as worry niggled at the back of her mind.

“Whoa, take it slow and easy.” He instantly offered support, his hands warm and strong on her back and upper arm.

Weak and hurting, she leaned heavily on him as she climbed to her feet. The effort cost her in pain and strength. In pride. Gratefully she settled into the chair her manager pulled forward. Stan had hovered behind Sullivan the whole time he tended to her.

She realized Stan had been the one to suggest calling 911. Pulling her shoulders back, she sat up straighter to show everyone she was fine. She couldn’t afford to be sick.

She focused on Stan. “I’m sorry for the trouble. I’m okay now. There’s no need for the hospital.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, black dots began to dance in front of her eyes. The same dots she’d seen before she fainted. Light-headed, she leaned forward in the chair letting her hair fall around her face to hide her condition from the men.

The black receded a bit, enough for her to feel the clamminess of her skin, the sweat breaking out on her brow.

No, not again. She fought off the dizziness, taking deep breaths. She needed to get back to work. She couldn’t faint again.

A gentle yet insistent hand on her hair pushed her head down between her knees. Immediately she felt the blood flow back into her head. But the ache in her side intensified, and she clutched herself.

“Okay, that’s it,” Sullivan said. “I’m taking her to the emergency room.”

“No,” Jesse protested. She tried to sit up, but his hand in her hair kept her from raising her head. Her gaze fixed on the dirty tile floor, she argued against any need for medical attention. “It’s just a headache.” She tried to convince him as she had herself. “Some aspirin and a burger, I’ll be fine.”

She pushed against the weight of his hand and this time he let her up. Biting her lip at the discomfort in her side, she glared into his blue eyes.

“You have no right to manhandle me. I’m not going to the hospital, and you can’t make me.”

Her irritation bounced off him like bubbles off stone.

“Okay.” He crossed his arms over his impressive chest. “Show me you can walk to the bar unassisted, and I’ll leave you alone.”

Jesse gauged the fifteen feet between her and the bar. Not so far. So she was a little light-headed. She’d still make it. She had no choice. She needed this job, which meant she had to make it to that bar.

Standing, more of a chore than usual, she caught her balance. Beginning by placing one foot in front of the other, she took one step, then the next. Sullivan kept pace with her. She’d blast him with a killer look, but she couldn’t spare the energy.

As Martina McBride proclaimed this one was for the girls, Jesse ran the gauntlet of eyes. The Green Garter catered to the Navy crowd. From ensigns to master chiefs, she had the attention of them all. This must have been what it felt like to walk the plank.

Except these men and women weren’t her enemies. She felt their concern, their sympathy. Somehow that made it worse.

Swaying, she caught herself on a table, holding her side with the other hand. A young man jumped up to help her, grabbing her elbow to steady her. Frantically she shook her head, trying to pull away. She had to do it on her own.

Too late.

Sullivan moved in. He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her toward the door. “Lean on me.”

His strength was too seductive to refuse. Knowing she’d fought as long and as hard as she dared, she accepted his support. Forcing down a burger wouldn’t cure her problem.

“Wait,” she pleaded when he led her outside to his black SUV, “I need my purse and coat.”

Stan appeared a moment later with both items. “Is she going to be all right?”

“I’ll let you know what the doctor says.” Sullivan lifted her into the front seat.

Stan handed through her purse and coat. “You need me to call anybody for you?”

Thinking of Tad’s goodbye note, she shook her head. He’d made it clear where he stood and it wasn’t beside her.

She stole a glance at Sullivan’s set profile. So strong, so sure, so confident he probably hadn’t made a mistake in his entire life. How could he understand her life had been one mistake after another? That every day she struggled to hold everything together.

Yes, going to the hospital made sense. If she had the money to pay for medical treatment, which she didn’t. Time for her to confess that truth to her companion.

She cleared her throat. “Listen, Chief…? Um, sir?” Exactly what did she call the man?

He glanced at her from the corners of his eyes. Looking back at the road, he held his right hand out toward her. “I’m Brock Sullivan. You can call me Brock.”


BROCK. Right, okay, proper introductions were good.

“I’m Jesse.” She placed her shaking hand in his. Immediate warmth and a gentle, steady grip enveloped her fingers.

“Nice to meet you, Jesse.” He released her to return his hand to the wheel. “But if you’re thinking of trying to talk me out of taking you to the hospital, save your breath.”

“You could take me home. I’ll be fine, I promise.”

He shook his head. “Jesse, you passed out. People don’t pass out for no reason. And you’ve been holding on to your side with a death grip. Something’s wrong. I’m not leaving you alone until you’ve seen a doctor.”

“I don’t have the money, okay?” she blurted, shame curling in her belly. “I can’t afford to pay the emergency room fees.”

The matter-of-fact look he turned on her spoke volumes, questioning her worry of money over her health. “I’ll cover the fees. You can pay me back.”

He made it sound so easy, so reasonable. Which somehow made her feel worse. “I can’t let you pay for me.”

“Why not?”

Wonderful. Now he wanted her to explain her irrational feelings. Not easy to do when she didn’t understand them herself.

All she knew, all that made it through the throbbing in her head, the rolling in her stomach, the pain that seemed to be everywhere, was it should be Tad with her.

And that truly was irrational. She’d received more compassion from this stranger in the past hour than she ever had from Tad.

Old habits died hard.

She’d only been in San Diego for a year, so she was by no means an authority on Navy etiquette, but she had learned one thing. A seaman’s reputation mattered. The Navy supported family values and frowned heavily on sailors having their fun but not living up to their responsibilities.

Brock deserved to know what he was letting himself in for. Only fair she give him that consideration.

“I can’t let you pay, because I think the doctor is going to tell me I’m pregnant.”

The words hung heavy in the air between Brock and Jesse.

Even in profile she saw his brows rise, then settle into place. Otherwise he showed no reaction to her announcement except to say, “Then you can’t afford not to see the doctor, can you?”

“I guess not.” Jesse cringed down in her seat, hugging her middle. Fear and denial had been her constant companions since the first niggling suspicion of pregnancy had occurred to her.

Sure she wanted kids. Someday in the future. When she had a career, a husband, a home.

Now was not good.

Now was a no-future, no-benefits job, a deadbeat, former boyfriend and a cramped apartment with an unreliable roommate.

“I heard you tell Stan there was no one to call. Does that mean the father isn’t in the picture?”

“Not anymore,” she confirmed, no longer worried about her dignity. “He left me a goodbye letter this morning.”

“Maybe if he knew—”

She raised a hand to stop him. “He taped the note to the home pregnancy test I bought last night. He found the test in my purse when he took my tip money.”


She pursed her lips. “You’re flattering him.”

“So why were you with the guy?”

“Once upon a time, long, long ago, I loved him.” She laughed wearily. “What’s funny is I made the break. Moved all the way to San Diego to get rid of him.”

He sent her a pointed look. “You must have gotten together at some point.”

She closed her eyes and leaned her throbbing head against the soothing coolness of the glass window. Her left hand braced her on the seat. “He showed up a few months ago. Swore he’d changed. I held him off, but he really seemed different. He talked me into going to a party on Halloween. We were having a good time, drinking. It seemed like a good time to try again.”

The silence struck her, and she opened her eyes to focus on his strong profile silhouetted by the lights from the dash. What was she thinking?

“I’m sorry,” she told him, “TMI.”

His gaze left the road to sweep over her. “TMI?”

“Too much information.” She looked out her window, at the lights flashing by. “It was all a big mistake. And now I’m all alone.” She trailed off to a whisper, more thought than spoken.

Who could blame her for ignoring all symptoms and the possibility of pregnancy for as long as possible? She’d become so good at pretending, she hadn’t considered what her run-down condition meant to the baby. A new kind of fear cut like ice. She began to shudder as she prayed her ignorance and neglect hadn’t harmed her baby.

His large, warm hand settled over hers on the seat. “You’re not alone tonight.”

He kept his promise. Brock never left Jesse alone. Not in the waiting room, not in the emergency room, not for a moment. Not until he was asked to step outside the cubicle while the doctor conducted his exam did Brock leave her side. Even then he only left after she indicated she’d be okay without him.

Dr. Wilcox, an older gentleman with white hair and a Vandyke beard, gently poked and probed, asked a few more questions, extremely personal questions she was happy Brock wasn’t around to hear.

Of course, once a girl revealed she’d been left high and dry at her most vulnerable moment, she had few secrets left worth keeping. Answering when she last had a period, when she last engaged in intercourse were small potatoes after that.

Staring at the overhead light while the doctor completed his exam, Jesse bit off a humorless laugh. She’d already volunteered that last information to Brock.

Yeah, she was definitely on her stride today.

“You can sit up now,” Dr. Wilcox told her. After explaining she was dehydrated, he had a nurse hook her up to an IV. He then called Brock back to join them.

“Ms. Manning, I can confirm you are pregnant.”

The doctor continued to speak, but she didn’t hear another word as her mind, her heart, her soul dealt with the reality of a child growing within her.

In a single instant love filled her to overflowing, full tears flooded her eyes and her hands, cradled over her child, began to shake. She forgot every moment of denial, regretted every harsh thought as joy and wonder replaced doubt and fear.

A sense of belonging, deeper than any she’d ever known, forged an unbreakable bond between her and her baby. Silently she vowed never to let her child down.

“Ms. Manning, are you listening?” Dr. Wilcox demanded.

Jesse blinked and focused on him. “Excuse me?”

Brock reached for her hand and squeezed. “You should start over, Doctor.”

“You’re going to have to take better care of yourself.” His chastising look included Brock before the doctor turned his attention back to Jesse.

“As well as being dehydrated, you have a kidney infection, and your blood is low in iron. From what you tell me, you’re just over two months along. Still in the first trimester, which is the most dangerous time for the fetus.”

He leveled a stern gaze on Jesse that made her feel no bigger than a gnat and smaller still when he again moved the same stare to Brock who was innocent of any wrongdoing.

“You don’t understand, Doctor—”

He held up a finger, stopping her explanation. “It’s not up to me to understand, young lady. If you want to keep this baby, you need to make some changes. My recommendation is at least twenty-four hours’ bed rest, followed by a month of light activity.”

“A month…” Jesse whispered, appalled at the thought of the time off work.

“Get lots of rest, eat regular meals. I’m prescribing prenatal vitamins and iron. Drink lots of water. Cranberry juice is also good for kidney infection.” He scribbled on a pad as he spoke, then handed her the paper. “I want you to finish the IV, and I suggest you see an obstetrician soon.”

He stood, tucked the pad and pen in his coat pocket. “Good luck, Ms. Manning.” He shook her hand, nodded at Brock and left the cubicle.

Jesse pleated the paper, running her fingers over the crease again and again until Brock reached over and took it from her and placed it in her purse.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

She glanced up at him, aware she owed him an apology for the assumptions the doctor had made and the condemnation he’d shown Brock. He didn’t deserve to be cast as the bad guy when he’d done nothing but help her.

She reached for his hand. Without hesitation he wrapped his larger hand around hers and lowered himself into the chair the doctor had vacated. Her fingers felt very small in Brock’s grip, and it struck her again how strong and capable he was. She’d always be grateful to him for staying with her through this unreal night.

Forcing a smile for his benefit, she said, “Thank you so much for your help. Ever since I fainted everything has seemed surreal.” She met his direct gaze, fearing contempt but finding only sympathy. “Just having you here, seeing a familiar face helped to keep me grounded.”

“If having me here helped, I’m glad,” he said simply.

“You’ll never know how much.” Torturing her lip while uncertainty tortured her insides, she looked away. “I’m sorry the doctor blamed—”

“Stop right there.” He squeezed her fingers. “You are not responsible for what the doctor thinks.”


“Jesse you can’t take on every misinformed person out there. Life is too short for that kind of burden. Let it go.”

“I’m still sorry. And I want you to know you don’t have to stay here with me any longer.”

He made no move to leave. “I’ll stay to see you home.”

Yes, please. She really didn’t want to be in this cold, sterile place alone. Where the people were impersonal and judgmental. But the saline solution in the IV dripped slower than molasses, and she couldn’t ask him to waste any more of his night on her. Especially when she saw the clock read 1:00 a.m.

“You’ve done enough. Besides I’m a big girl. I’ll find my own way home.”

He sat back in the chair, crossed his arms over his impressive chest and leveled a chief’s stare on her. “How? Taking the bus?”

“No.” She checked on the status of her drip, unable to look him in the eye as she lied. “A cab.”

A gentle finger under her chin turned her back to him. “Don’t start messing with me now, Jesse. No way are you paying for a cab when you’re already worried about how you’re going to take time off work for a month.”

Embarrassment heated her skin at being caught. But that didn’t mean he was obligated to stay.

A sweep of his thumb chased the red over her cheek, causing the heat to intensify. For a moment their gazes locked and held. Finally she lowered her eyes before she gave in to his persistence and begged him to stay.

“I’ll be fine,” she insisted.

He stood.

Instantly a flood of disappointment rushed through her. He was leaving. This time she couldn’t even fake a smile.

She swallowed back tears. “Bye.”

“I’m not going anywhere. Except the cafeteria. Would you like me to bring you something? You never got your burger.”

Jesse stared at him, horrified. “Oh my God. All night you’ve been with me. You haven’t eaten.”

He winked at her. “It’s not the first time. I’ll survive. Will you be all right if I leave for a few minutes?”

“Of course.”

“What would you like?”

Her stomach hadn’t settled enough to like the thought of food. “Maybe some crackers if you can find some. And cranberry juice.”

“Sure thing. Why don’t you close your eyes and rest while I’m gone.”

The free excerpt has ended.

Age restriction:
Release date on Litres:
14 May 2019
152 p. 4 illustrations
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