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Read the book: «All She Wants for Christmas»

Stacy Connelly

All She Wants for Christmas
Stacy Connelly

Table of Contents


Title Page

About The Author


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen



Stacy Connelly has dreamed of publishing books since she was a kid, writing stories about a girl and her horse. Eventually, boys made it onto the page as she discovered a love of romance and the promise of happily-ever-after.

When she is not lost in the land of make-believe, Stacy lives in Arizona with her two spoiled dogs. Stacy loves to hear from her readers at

Thank you to Susan Litman and Gail Chasan for giving me this chance and for all the hard work that went into my first book.

To the Loaded Pencils - Karen, Dana, Teri, Pam and especially Betty (for assigning the short story that eventually became this book). Thanks for letting me be one of the “piñatas” all these years.

To Kris - For asking when my book was coming out years and years before I was published!

To Kathy - I’d need a whole book to list all the reasons why!

Chapter One

“Got some bad news, boss.”

Clay Forrester looked up as his assistant ducked beneath the painter’s scaffolding and played hopscotch over the electrical cords crisscrossing his office. Wallpaper swatches hung from a wall streaked with paint samples. Drop cloths protected his leather couch and chairs, but a fine layer of construction dust covered his mahogany desk. “What is it, Marie?”

Marie Cirillo opened her mouth just as the electrician started a high-powered drill. For a brief moment, the earsplitting electrical squeal seemed to emanate from his assistant. Clay choked back a laugh as she shot the construction worker an exasperated look.

The drilling stopped, and Clay asked, “Has anyone ever told you that you have a promising future as a ventriloquist’s dummy?”

“You know, walking in here, I felt bad having to tell you this, but I’m feeling better about it now.” She smirked. “Doug Frankle’s sick.”

His smile faded. “Our office Christmas party is in less than two hours, and our Santa is sick?”

The company party was being held two weeks before the holiday so it wouldn’t interfere with family gatherings and vacations. The event was the culmination of a long, difficult year, and Clay was determined nothing would go wrong.

“Tell me we have a backup,” he pleaded.

“His wife dropped off the costume if you want to substitute,” Marie offered, with a cheeky grin.

Unfolding his six-foot frame from his leather chair, he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Do I look like a fat old man with a beard?”

“If Christmas was for the naughty instead of the nice, you’re exactly what Santa Claus would look like.”

“Very funny.” Pulling out his wallet, Clay tossed two one-hundred-dollar bills onto his desk. “Go steal some supermarket Santa.”

“You dare to bribe St. Nick?” Marie gasped in mock horror.

“Why not? Good ole St. Nick has been putting the thumbscrews to overworked parents for years. Accepting a bribe would be a step up from consumer extortion and emotional blackmail.”

“You know, for a guy about to host a holiday party, you don’t sound very festive.” As the electrician left the office, mumbling something about splitters, she added, “You really haven’t been yourself since—” She shut her mouth so quickly, her teeth clinked together. That his outspoken assistant even tried to curb her tongue was proof of her worry.

“Since my father died,” he filled in for her. “You can say it, Marie.”

She stepped closer. “You’ve changed, Clay. Back when your father was running the company—”

“He’s not running the company anymore. I am.”

Marie drew back slightly. “That’s right. And you’re doing a damn good job. So don’t you think it’s time you start living in the present again?”

“What do you think I’ve been doing?”

“You’re locked on the future and where you want the company to go, as if you can erase where it’s been.”

Clay flinched at the reminder of where the company had been—held tight within his father’s hands. Only after Michael Forrester passed away had Clay realized how ruthless and relentless those hands could be.

“This is business, son,” his father had once explained. “And business is all about the bottom line.”

Growing up, Clay had accepted that statement, the same way he’d accepted that his father often missed the big game or the science fair, phoning in an excuse and leaving Clay and his sister to pretend to understand. It was business, after all, and business came first.

But not to everyone, Clay thought grimly as he recalled a confrontation several weeks after his father passed away. He’d been leaving for the day when an older man wearing a beatup trench coat stopped him in the lobby. Taking one look at the man’s bloodshot eyes and unkempt hair, Clay had assumed some bum had wandered in from the streets. Until the man called him by name.

“Where are your promises now, Forrester?” the man had demanded. “All the lies my grandchildren were foolish enough to believe about how you would ‘turn the company around’? With a little more time, the loan would have come through, and I would have turned it around. But thanks to you, I never got the chance. You went behind my back, bought out the company from my own family and sold it off piece by piece until there was nothing left. Nothing.” His voice had broken on the word, and he’d pushed past Clay to rush out onto the sidewalk.

He hadn’t tried to stop the man, hadn’t said a thing. What was there to say? That time wouldn’t have made a difference? That no bank would give a struggling company a loan? That his father had been the one to decimate the man’s business?

It was only later, on the long drive home, that Clay realized that he had no idea who the man was. That his business could have been any one of dozens.

Slowly, he was reversing the company’s philosophy, from tearing down troubled companies to building them back up. His first move had been to give Kevin Hendrix, the CEO of Hendrix Properties, some practical business advice and infuse the company with capital, saving it from certain bankruptcy and assuring them both an impressive profit. He’d built on that success, certain he could change the company and his father’s legacy.

“I’m trying to do what’s right,” Clay finally said to Marie. “And in case you’ve missed it, not everyone agrees.”

Marie waved aside his comment. “Albert Jensen thinks only the bottom line counts.”

Clay’s smile twisted. “He wasn’t my father’s right-hand man for nothing.” And while he didn’t give a damn what Jensen thought, Clay couldn’t escape the knowledge that his father would have disapproved.

Shaking off the dark thoughts, he said, “Look, no more business tonight. We’ve got a Christmas party to save. Go find someone to play Santa, and I promise to enjoy myself at the party.”

“Sorry, Tiny Tim, but no can do,” she responded.

“Oh, come on!” he exclaimed. “Don’t tell me I’ve insulted your Christmas spirit.”

Marie laughed. “Not quite. The caterers called. Their delivery truck broke down. I’ve got two dozen red-and-green cheesecakes to pick up.”

“So it’s a toss up between Santa and dessert?”

“Exactly. And I’m saving the cheesecake.” She tossed the words over her shoulder as she strode from the office. “See you tonight.” And then, as if to assure them both all was forgiven, she turned back, with a challenging glance. “And it better be in a red velvet suit.”

You’ve changed, Clay. The accusation echoed in his mind long after Marie left. It was the same one Victoria had hurled at him the night she stormed out of their apartment—and out of their marriage.

She’d been furious that he’d missed some party. “I was working,” he’d argued, the excuse uneasily familiar. And even though he and Victoria had lived like strangers for the last months of their relationship, at one time she’d known him very well. Well enough to make sure her pointed comments hit their mark.

“For a man so determined not to walk in his father’s shoes, you’re covering some well-worn ground.”

As much as Clay wanted to argue, the proof was there—in the forgotten parties, the late dinners, the missed holidays.

Ever since the divorce, he’d kept his life simple, with no one to disappoint, no one to let down. No one…

The office door opened again, interrupting his thoughts. The electrician reentered, toolbox and several wires in hand. “Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Forrester.”

The office remodeling had taken so long, Clay had grown accustomed to the ever-present construction workers. With a sigh of frustration, he asked, “I don’t suppose you know where I can find a Santa Claus?” Hearing how stupid he sounded, he vowed he would fire the electrician on the spot if the man said “The North Pole.”

Setting his toolbox on the floor, the man said, “There’s been a Santa in the lobby all week. In front of that flower shop.”

“You’re kidding.” Clay walked by the flower shop on his way to the elevator every day. How had he missed a fat man in a velvet suit? Maybe Marie was right. He had focused too much on work lately. He glanced at his watch. Floral Fascinations closed at six. He still had a few minutes. “Thanks for the tip.” Grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair, he said, “Are you almost finished for today?”

“I’ll be done in a few minutes.” A shower of sparks flared from the Christmas-colored wires. Clay shook his head and left his office, with the man’s curses following him out the door.

The reception area was empty. Marie was already en route to rescue the stranded cheesecakes. A small stack of files lined the edge of her otherwise bare desk. For all her teasing remarks, she was an amazing assistant. He couldn’t have managed this last year without her. No doubt the files were ones he needed first thing Monday morning.

As Clay stepped inside the elevator car, he vowed to put work aside. He needed a night to relax, and the party promised to be a good time. He’d invited the employees to the elegant Lakeshore Plaza Hotel ballroom. He had caterers and a band lined up, gifts to raffle. All he needed was a substitute Santa.

Moments later, the elevator bell chimed, and the doors slid open to reveal the elegant gray and white marble lobby. Green garlands trailed down either side of the black granite water feature. Red bows and mistletoe decorated the floor-to-ceiling marble columns. Piped-in music played Christmas carols.

And, sure enough, a red-suited St. Nick stood outside the flower shop. After a quick greeting, Clay cut to the bottom line. “I have a holiday party tonight and a sick Santa. How about a hundred dollars to fill in?”

He pulled the money from his wallet and watched the man’s eyes widen above his snowy beard. Looking far more greedy than jolly, the man protested, “I already got another gig lined up.”

Recognizing the negotiating tactic, Clay pulled a second bill from his wallet. “Does it pay two hundred dollars and include a meal catered by one of Chicago’s finest restaurants?”

Santa snatched the money from Clay’s hand.

Holly Bainbridge flipped the hanging sign to Closed, slipped out of the flower shop, and locked the door behind her. Six o’clock. She had a half an hour to get to the foster home. Pocketing the keys, she turned and was surprised to see Clay Forrester talking to the storefront Santa.

Working in the same building as Forrester Industries, even if it was thirty some floors below his skyscraping offices, Holly knew his company’s reputation as an avaricious giant, gobbling up small businesses. And she’d seen for herself how ruthless Clay Forrester could be. Months ago, she’d watched, unnoticed, as he stared down some poor old man whose company he had destroyed. Forrester hadn’t bothered to say a single word; his features—and his heart—could have been carved from the same stone that filled the lobby.

Holly had dealt with that kind of ruthlessness before, with the kind of hardball businessmen who cared more about turning a profit than turning foster children out of their home. Fury filled her, but Holly buried the useless emotion and the ache of tears that accompanied it.

She watched Forrester hand the Santa a piece of paper. Was he donating to charity? Perhaps the holiday spirit had the power to touch even the most cynical hearts. Forrester smiled, but the twitch of his lips reflected the look of a man who accepted victory as his due.

Holly waited until he strode away before approaching. “We’ll have to hurry to get there on time, Charlie,” she told the costumed Santa.

A bad feeling crept into her stomach the second he glanced toward Clay Forrester’s departing figure. “Uh, Miss Bainbridge, something’s come up. I’ve got another party to go to.”

She couldn’t believe it. “I have half a dozen kids waiting for Santa, and you’re going to disappoint them?”

“Sorry, Miss Bainbridge.”

Sorry. People always said they were sorry. But apologies didn’t make heartaches heal any faster or hurt any less. She had promised the foster kids at Hopewell House a Santa, and she was not going to disappoint them! Especially this year, when the group home would soon be closing its doors for good.

Determined, Holly marched toward the elevators where Clay Forrester stood waiting. A bell chimed, and the gilded mirrored doors slid open. The rapid tattoo of her boots striking the marble floors increased as she ran toward the elevator. She squeezed through the doors, with inches to spare.

He glanced at her with a touch of curiosity as the elevator rose. Holly had seen the handsome businessman before; a woman would have to be blind not to notice six feet of black-haired, blue-eyed perfection. But she’d never had the chance to study him up close. Never noticed the straight, serious eyebrows, the stubborn jaw, his sculpted, sensuous mouth…

“Mr. Forrester…” Flustered by the huskiness in her voice, Holly stopped speaking.

He looked again, charting a course from the top of her dark hair, to her sweater and jeans, to her ankle boots. By the time his lingering gaze made its way back to hers, curiosity had turned to interest, and somehow the elevator reached high enough altitude to steal the breath from Holly’s lungs.

“I’m sorry. Do I know you?”

It should have put her at an advantage, knowing who he was when he didn’t know her. Instead, Holly felt insignificant. “Holly Bainbridge. I work at the flower shop, and you stole my Santa.”

“Excuse me?”

She flushed. If only he weren’t so darn good-looking, maybe she could complete an intelligent sentence. “Charlie promised me he would make an appearance tonight.”

“He did mention another job, but—”

His words cut off as the elevator jerked to an abrupt halt. Holly gasped, losing her balance and falling against Clay. He caught her body with his as the elevator went dark. She couldn’t see a thing.

But she could feel. Oh, yes, she could feel. The imprint of each finger grasping her upper arms. The slight catch in his breath as her breasts grazed his chest, the quickening of his heartbeat. His rock-solid chest beneath her hands. And his belt buckle, hard and cold against her stomach, a sharp contrast to the rest of him, which was definitely hard and warm.

Awareness skittered along nerve endings, and her own heart beat double time, nearly drowning out the sound of their combined breathing.

“What happened?” she asked when she found her voice.

Holly felt the slight shaking of his chest a split second before laughter filled the small space. Jerking away, she demanded, “What’s so funny?”

“I’ve got the Three Stooges remodeling my office, and my guess is that Larry just blew a fuse.”

Adrift in the darkness, without his touch to anchor her, she reached back for the elevator wall. “The building’s lost power?”

“With the luck I’ve had recently,” he said wryly, “all Chicago’s probably lost power.”

A faint electronic hum punctuated his words, and after a tense moment hanging in space, the car resumed its ascent. Giving a sigh of relief, Holly closed her eyes and sank against the side of the car.

“Are you okay?”

Opening her eyes to find Clay standing inches away, Holly thought the elevator might have fallen after all. She certainly felt like she’d lost touch with solid ground, her heart hovering somewhere in her throat. She grasped hold of the handrail to keep from swaying closer. “I’m—I’m fine.”

He searched her expression as if looking for the truth, and Holly purposefully held his gaze instead of allowing her attention to slip to his lips, hovering above her own.

In a voice deeper than moments before, Clay said, “I’m sorry about the Santa thing.”

His words dimmed the rush of attraction as Holly imagined using that brush off with the disappointed children. Hey, kids, sorry about the Santa thing.

The casual crushing of hopes and dreams reminded her of her ex-boyfriend’s easy defection. Even after she’d trusted Mark enough to share the truth about her painful childhood, he’d let her down in the worst possible way. “Sorry, Holly, but I don’t even know if I want kids of my own, let alone raise someone else’s kid.”

Those words, spoken by the man she thought she loved, the man she thought she wanted to marry, had instantly dragged her into the past. Into her old insecurities about her self-worth.

She wasn’t like other people. She didn’t have biological ties to bind her to another living soul. She wasn’t Bob and Carol’s daughter or Jimmy’s little sister.

Holly had truly thought she’d escaped those stigmas, until Mark’s insensitive remark brought them all back. Now she couldn’t escape the fear that her rootless past might haunt her yet again. What if the system decided a nobody like her wasn’t good enough to be a foster mother?

“Look, maybe there’s something I can do,” Clay offered.

It took a second for Holly to refocus on the conversation and realize he was talking about the Santa-less Christmas party. “I don’t know what,” she said, not putting much hope in the offer as the elevator bell announced their arrival at the top floor.

“Let’s call Charlie.”

Slipping through the doors the moment they opened, Clay didn’t look back as his long strides carried him into the reception area. Completely focused on what he wanted, he didn’t wait to see if she followed. Holly gazed at the button for the lobby. It would be so easy to push the button and slip away from Clay Forrester, hopefully leaving her disconcerting attraction behind….

“I don’t have his number,” she said as she stepped off the elevator and into the plush office. Her heels sank into the patterned carpet, and she glanced at the leather chairs and a circular work-station. Double doors barred the way to Clay’s inner sanctum.

“Okay.” Her words barely slowed his stride. “I’ll call the hotel where my party’s being held and tell Charlie to go to yours instead.”

His determination knocked the legs out from under her earlier anger. After all, Charlie was the one who’d broken his promise, but Holly couldn’t forget that Clay’s money had been the deciding factor. As always, money talked, and Holly went through life unheard.

“What time does your party start?” she asked.

Clay twisted his wrist to check his watch, and Holly caught a glimpse of gold and the expensive wink of diamonds. “In an hour and a half.”

An hour and a half before they could reach Charlie—if he showed on time—then the ride from the hotel to Hopewell House…Holly shook her head. “That would be too late.”

The children at Hopewell House were no strangers to disappointment, a feeling Holly recalled all too well from her own childhood. But how she had wanted their last Christmas together to be one to remember!

“Too late?” Clay echoed. “Where are you supposed to be tonight?”

“At a party at Hopewell House.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a group home for foster children.”

He stared at her. “You mean to tell me that I stole Santa Claus from a bunch of foster kids?” Regret etched a line between his eyebrows as he sank back against the reception desk, and Holly had the odd desire to make him feel better.

“I’ll think of something.”

Maybe the two women who ran the group home had kept Santa’s arrival a secret. Perhaps she could arrange for a different Santa to entertain the kids. It would have to be soon, though, before the children were separated and placed in new homes. Before Hopewell House closed forever.

She was turning to leave when Clay called out, “Wait.”

He caught her hand for a brief second, and a tingle of warmth shot up her arm, even after she pulled her hand from his grasp. Holly longed to wipe her palm against her jeans to dull the sensation. But the sudden intensity in his blue eyes indicated he’d experienced the same flare of attraction. Her mouth suddenly went dry, and she couldn’t look away, the sexual connection far harder to break than the physical one.

“Miss Bain…Holly,” he hesitated. “If there’s anything I can do…”

She shook her head. “I don’t know how much it cost you to buy my Santa, but this isn’t a problem money can solve.”

Holly pulled her beat-up Volkswagen Bug to a stop in front of Hopewell House. Looking at the house, with its cheery Christmas lights and welcoming glow, she took a deep breath.

Normally, she loved volunteering at the group home. With the impending closure, she’d spent every spare moment inside its warm, loving walls. The children never failed to lift her spirits, but tonight she dreaded the thought of entering the two-story brownstone.

After leaving Clay in his office, Holly had gone back to the flower shop. She’d worked her way through the directory listings for costume shops. Most of her calls had gone straight through to voice mail; those that had been answered had ended in disappointment, with all the Santa suits already rented.

Her breath began to fog the windows, and Holly couldn’t put it off any longer. Bundled up against the chilly Chicago night, she climbed from the car, slammed the door, and ran up the walkway to the steps.

The second she set foot on the porch, the front door opened, and Eleanor Hopewell waved her plump hands, urging her inside. “Come in! Come in! You’ll catch your death.”

The sixty-something woman gathered Holly’s knitted scarf and jacket and hung them on waist-high, bright plastic hooks. “The children are so excited!” Eleanor’s faded blue eyes sparkled behind her glasses.

Holly held back a groan. “Eleanor—”

Before Holly had the chance to break the bad news, Eleanor’s sister, Sylvia, bustled into the foyer. “What are you doing keeping Holly in the doorway? Bring her into the parlor! Mary Jane can’t wait for you to hear her songs!”

Flanked by the two women, Holly dragged her feet but still wound up in the parlor. A half a dozen kids, ranging in age from three to seven, looked up as she entered.

“Holly, do you want to hear ‘Frosty the Snowman’ or ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’?” Mary Jane called out, her small hands poised above the piano’s keys.

“That’s not a Christmas song!” a know-it-all voice shouted.

“Is too!” Mary Jane argued. “’Cause there’s a star on top of the tree.”

“Miss Holly?” Holly felt a tug at her sweater and looked down. Bright blue eyes stared up at her from beneath a fringe of blond bangs. She knelt down until she was face-to-face with the three-year-old boy. Longing and hope rushed through her. Would she be given the chance to adopt Lucas? To be more than Miss Holly to this little boy she adored? “Hi, Lucas.”

A look of concern crossed his face. “How can San’a come down the chi’ney now?”

Holly followed the chubby finger he pointed toward the fireplace. Homemade stockings hung from the mantle, and a cheery fire blazed in the hearth. The mention of Santa sent disappointment surging through her. “Lucas, about Santa—”

Eleanor interrupted before Holly could break the news. “Now, Lucas, don’t worry. Santa Claus has to be very clever to get toys to all the good boys and girls. He’ll figure out something.”

Eleanor had no more than said the words when the doorbell rang. The children and the two older women gasped in anticipation. Mary Jane jumped up from the piano. “It’s Santa!”

“No, wait.” The stampede of tiny shoes pounding the wood floors drowned out Holly’s protest. The weight of disappointing the children pressed down on her, and she sank into a chair, not bothering to follow everyone to the foyer.

Holly heard the front door open and Eleanor’s exclamation, “Children, look who’s here!”

Cries of “Santa!” combined with a deep belly laugh. “Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas!”

Holly jumped up. Was it possible? Had Charlie changed his mind? Amazed, she walked to the doorway and watched as Eleanor and Sylvia introduced the children one by one to the bearded man in the red velvet suit. The children gazed up in adoration. Santa spoke to each child in turn, calling them by name and tousling their hair.

Holly frowned. After nearly two weeks in front of the flower shop, Charlie rarely remembered her name. How was it that he suddenly recalled the names of half a dozen children?

When it came to Lucas’s turn, he took one look at the white-haired, overstuffed man and ran in the opposite direction. As the little boy took refuge behind Holly’s legs, Santa glanced her way for the first time.

Holly barely kept an astounded gasp from escaping as she looked into Clay Forrester’s unmistakable blue eyes.

The free excerpt has ended.
