Read the book: «My Kinky Sex Life - Erotic Shorts», page 2


I couldn't believe that these guys now had a picture of Kimberly naked. And Kimberly didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, she seemed like she enjoyed the attention, enjoyed their desire to have a picture of her and see her naked. Maybe Kimberly didn't grasp that this picture would be around long after tonight. These guys would be able to see her naked tomorrow, and the next day, and next month, and next year. They might look at it at work while she sits near them fully clothed. They might use it to fantasize about being with her. Who knows, but it would be around forever.

And this all presumes that they keep their promise. What if they show it to her other coworkers and let everyone at her work see her naked and let them all know that she went skinny dipping? What if they post it online somewhere?

"Kimberly, how about a picture of us standing together?" asked Frank.

Kimberly laughed and then said, "Fine, just no sharing the pictures!"

Frank said "cool" and immediately started walking towards Kimberly. I watched as the outlines of their bodies moved next to each other. It appeared that they were close enough to be touching, but in the darkness I couldn't really tell. Chris positioned himself several feet in front of them and asked if they were ready.

Frank said to wait. It was hard to tell, but it looked like he put his arm around her. Kimberly giggled briefly and then there was some further adjusting but I really couldn't tell how they were positioned or whether their bodies were in contact. Then they said 'okay' and Chris snapped a picture.

Chris's flash gave me a quick glimpse of Kimberly and Frank. They were standing side by side and facing Chris. Frank's right arm was indeed around Kimberly's back with his right hand somewhere on Kimberly's side. Kimberly's left arm was also behind Frank's back as they side hugged. It looked like there might have been a little bit of incidental contact, but nothing too outrageous.

Almost immediately Jon requested a picture with Kimberly and she said "sure, why not." Jon moved over to Kimberly and again there seemed to be a bit of accidental and awkward contact as they worked to get into position for the photo. When the camera flashed I saw that they were in a similar position as Kimberly and Frank.

Larry and Chris followed suit, with Frank taking the picture of Kimberly and Chris. For completeness, I too joined Kimberly for a picture. As I put my arm around her, I naturally grazed the side of her breast and I couldn't help but wonder whether these guys had also copped a quick feel of the side of her tit. I never really saw where their fingers were during the brief flashes.

The picture-taking stopped and they started to pass around the camera to let everyone see how the pictures came out. I needed to use the restroom badly and had been waiting for a good time to do so, and this seemed like as safe a time as any to leave Kimberly alone with the guys. So I headed off while they talked and laughed about the pictures.

As I returned several minutes later I saw another flash and heard the guys cheer and knew that they were taking more pictures of Kimberly. But then I heard Kimberly laughing and saying, "Okay, that's it. No more pictures. I'm done."

We hung out a bit more but everyone was wearing out. It had been a long party. The guys plead with Kimberly to crash at Chris's for the night with them, but I had long stopped drinking and was good to drive, so we got dressed and took off.

Kimberly passed out on the drive home and I ended up carrying her up to bed. In the morning we talked about the party.

"I'm sorry, that got a bit crazy. I was so drunk." she said.

"Yeah, you remember the pictures, right? There's going to be a bunch of pictures floating around with you naked."

"Yeah, I remember. They promised not to show them to anybody else, so hopefully they'll keep to that. I'll talk to them about it. I think they'll keep their promise."

"And it seemed like the guys might have been getting a little touchy here and there."

"Yeah, they were. But I'm kind of surprised that they were as well behaved as they were considering how drunk they were. So yeah, they sometimes ran their hands across my butt and grazed my boobs. Particularly when setting up to take the pictures. I'm a bit afraid that some of the pictures might actually show us touching. At one point one of them pulled my hand to his cock and I don't know why but I just left it there, and I think they took a picture."

"I didn't realize that there was that much contact going on. It seemed like you were having fun and I didn't want to be the outsider spoiling the fun. Maybe I should've pulled you out of there sooner."

"Oh no, it's okay. It was fun. I was drunk and so things got a little crazier than they should have, but nothing really bad happened and I don't regret anything."

"Well let me know as soon as you get those pictures. I want to see them too."

"Okay, just please don't get mad or jealous or anything."

I assured her and we left it at that.

As the day continued I found myself thinking a lot about the pictures. I still couldn't believe that they had taken pictures of her naked and would be able to look at her naked body again and again. But it is one thing to have this vague idea of a picture, and quite another to see it before your eyes. I knew in the coming days that I would probably see the very pictures. And then the thought that these pictures might show more than her naked body, but might actually show these guys touching her, or her touching them,.... My imagination quickly got out of control. I wasn't fearing that they might show these things and I wasn't exactly excited for it either. But knowing that they might show some inappropriate contact made it difficult to think about anything else that day.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait long. It was just a couple of hours later when Kimberly announced that Chris had emailed the pictures to everyone in the group. We sat down and started looking at them together.

The first picture was the unexpected one. It showed Kimberly, Frank and Larry talking, with Kimberly standing at a bit of an angle. It was slightly out of focus and the lighting imperfect so Kimberly wouldn't be easily recognizable in the photo if you didn't know it was her, but you could definitely see her tits and a bit of her bush.

The next several pictures had her standing with the various guys, and the pictures all came out reasonably clear. Kimberly was smiling in all of them, easily recognizable, and her breasts and beaver could be seen well. They all had their arms around her, so in most of the pictures it looked like her left breast was slightly touching their chests. In Frank's image his fingers on his right hand appeared to be just grazing the side of her right breast; in the other images, the guys' fingers were still behind her back.

I had thought before that maybe the photos wouldn't come out well, that maybe the lighting would be so bad or the focus so bad that you couldn't even identify her. After seeing these photos, I knew that wasn't the case. No, these guys were going to have these clear photos of Kimberly naked, smiling and posing with them.

And I half-feared the photos to follow. I could see that there were several photos remaining and they were all taken while I was off using the restroom. Kimberly had already forewarned me that there was more touching, and I was about to see just what happened.

The next photo was a close-up of Kimberly standing alone, showing her stomach and everything above. She was smiling again but had her eyes closed, presumable to prevent being blinded.

It was really a pretty nice picture of her topless.

I wasn't quite ready for the next picture. Frank was standing behind an apparently laughing Kimberly, pressing his body into her back with his right hand squarely on her right tit and his left hand on her hip. I think Kimberly heard a slight gasp from me and immediately started to explain.

"Oh geez. Frank wanted another picture with me and I figured at that point why not. So he comes over and stands behind me, and then suddenly his hand was on my boob and Chris snapped a picture. It all just happened so fast, and then it was done."

I looked at the photo for a moment more. It was hard to not focus on his hand grabbing her tit and her seemingly laughing about it. And his body was flush against hers, so I knew that he was probably pressing his cock against her back.

The next one was even worse. Larry was standing behind her with a tit in each hand, lifting them just slightly. Her expression was hard to read but it looked like she might have been rolling her eyes.

"Ugh. I don't know, he just came over for a picture and then slid his hands up to my boobs. I was surprised but I was drunk, and I remember thinking it was kind of funny that they wanted to have pictures touching my boobs. I think Chris is next."

Sure enough, the next photo showed Chris grabbing two handfuls of Kimberly's tits, with Kimberly smiling and apparently fully consenting. And the one after that had Jon groping Kimberly similarly.

My thoughts were racing. I had just seen pictures with four different guys grabbing Kimberly's tits, and Kimberly just seemed to be laughing away, enjoying it all. Not surprisingly, the guys' expressions clearly showed that they enjoyed groping my wife and pushing into her back. But the sight of their fingers wrapped around her boobs was going to stick in my mind for some time.

The next one was relatively tame – it just showed Kimberly from behind. She explained, "Chris said that they hadn't gotten any pictures of my butt yet and they wanted one, so there it is."

I could see that there were only three left and started to think that maybe I had seen the worst. Maybe they hadn't actually taken a picture with her hand on one of their dicks.

That wasn't the case. The next picture showed her standing between Frank and Chris, with her hands wrapped around both of their hard cocks.

"Oh my! I guess I sort of told you about this. I think it was Frank who grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. He's like, 'make it look like you're going to jerk me off' and I was drunk and agreeable. But then Chris came over and said to make it look like I was jerking them both off. And suddenly my hands were around them both and someone took the picture."

The thing that got me about the photo was that her hands weren't just touching their cocks. Her hands were wrapped around them, grabbing them firmly. And they weren't limp; they were hard. I mean, it really looked like she might be jerking them off.

She proceeded to the next photo. It was a close-up shot of someone's hard cock, just an inch from Kimberly's mouth. Worse, her mouth was open like she was about to suck it.

"Shit. Frank suggested a photo where it would look like I was about to blow him. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, but I was drunk and it seemed kind of funny at the time. So Frank lay down and I crouched over him and they took this picture where I had my mouth open in front of his dick. But then Jon said that he wanted to get in the picture and told us to wait a second. So I'm waiting there with Frank's dick bobbing in my face when Jon came up behind me and put his hands on my hips, pulling them upward. And then I felt legs pressing against my butt and I realized that he was trying to make it look like he was screwing me from behind while I was blowing Frank. So I'm waiting there for him to settle into position for the shot when I suddenly got concerned that maybe he was actually trying to fuck me as I could feel that his cock was hard and rubbing against me. I was about to get up when Jon did a thrusting motion. I got knocked forward and Frank's dick went right into my mouth. And of course that's when they snapped a picture. It all happened so fast, but I think this last picture is going to look pretty awful."

And it did. It showed Kimberly naked on all fours. Jon was behind her with his hips pressing hard into her butt. If I didn't know better I'd surely think that he was fucking her. You couldn't tell where exactly his dick was, anyone seeing the photo would have to think it was inside of her. And then there was Frank, with his cock clearly lodged well into Kimberly's mouth. Kimberly's facial expression supported her story, as she appeared jolted. But at the same time, the way her lips closed on his dick made it look like she was actually sucking him.

"Oh Kimberly, this isn't good. These photos, particularly this one, make it look like you had this huge gang-bang with these guys. If other people see these, that's what they'll think."

"I know, I know. But they promised not to share them and I'll talk to them again about that. But we all know that nothing really happened besides us getting naked and skinny dipping."

"Well, and they copped a few feels here and there," I added.

"Yeah they were actually touching me quite a bit. Once it got dark, pretty much every time anyone stood next to me I felt a hand on my ass or graze my boobs. At first I moved out of the way or knocked their hand off, but after a while it became kind of pointless. I thought it was kind of funny that we'd be talking about work while someone would be fiddling with my boobs. But we were all naked and drunk, ya know? "

"Yeah, but you're gonna have to watch them. They might think now that it's okay for them to touch you all of the time."

"I know, but I'm not that worried about them. I think it'll be okay. I just hope that they don't show these photos around. It would be pretty embarrassing."

And that was about the end of our conversation on the matter. Over the coming days she did talk with them and told me that she felt pretty comfortable that they would keep the photos to themselves. I was less sure and actually spent some time surfing sites to see if I could find them. I never did.

I also thought a lot about Kimberly and this dangerous game that she was playing. There can be a fine line between sexy and slutty. It was pretty clear to me now where she placed that line. Letting guys see her naked and even touch her seemed to be okay, at least if she can blame her behavior on booze. But thankfully not actual sex acts. I wasn't even sure where my own boundaries were anymore. What's okay and what's not?

Even a year ago I would never have imagined that it would be even remotely alright for another guy to touch her tits. I'm still not sure that it is. But at the same time, I am aroused by the thought of her being flirtatious and letting some other guy grope her. It's confusing. It's dangerous. But I guess that's what makes life and love interesting.

A Office Romance

"Marc! My office!" I heard from my office door as Lynn stuck her head into my office and then disappeared again, headed down the hall toward her own office. I groaned to myself, knowing that another ass chewing was coming. When the last service manager left I kind of expected to get promoted up into the position, being the most senior service engineer and having more than twenty years with the company. But that didn't happen. The CEO decided that he needed to shake things up and hired in Lynn. I'll call her that for now, only because I avoid using any of the many derogatory nick names that circulate among the field service staff.

On the surface Lynn seems like a nice enough person, pleasant smile, not bad looking if you look past her perpetually unflattering wardrobe of pants suits, making her look more like a man than a woman. Her obviously long auburn hair was almost always up in a bun, pulling her locks back from her face and making her look almost mean and intimidating. Of course at times like this, that was an appropriate look. If things were going well I rarely saw or heard from her. But if things were not going well, which seemed to be a lot more lately, I caught her wrath in the shorts.

I walked into her office and knocked on the door frame as I stepped in. She didn't even give me a chance to ask what was wrong and she was launching on me.

"What the hell is going wrong with the alpha unit at Kestor? It's down again. That's the third time this month. They're running production and trying to keep up with just the beta unit. Can't your people even fix a simple control board?" She snapped angrily at me. "I just got hauled over the coals by Brad for your people's fuck-ups. I'm getting tired of it. Get your shit together. We're going up there and fix this once and for all!"

To say I was stunned was an understatement. Using the CEO's first name wasn't something you did, at least I didn't think so, and why the hell was it 'my people'? Wasn't she in charge of field service? Wasn't it HER people, or OUR people? "I can get Randy up there as soon as he's done at Honeywell, but with this storm heading in, it may be a couple days." I answered her, expecting another onslaught. I wasn't disappointed.

"Not good enough. Get your shit. We'll take Gene's truck since he's out on medical leave. It should have everything we need, right?" She said, glaring at me. "Or are you saying you're not capable of making a field service call anymore?"

"No. I can do it. I'll pack a bag and head up there." I said turning to head out of her office.

"Fuck that. Get your coat. It's only a four hour trip. We'll be home by midnight, unless of course you don't think you can fix it."

"It's gotta be the processor board. This is the third controller board that's gone out. We should have that in stock. Shouldn't be more than an hour's fix, even with the re-cal procedure." I said. "I should be back late evening."

"Good. Warm up the truck. I need about five minutes and I'll be out," she said, dismissively, looking back down at the papers on her desk.

"Um. You want me to wait for you?"

"Yes. I'm coming. Is that a problem?" She asked looking back up with a sweet smile that I knew was anything but. I felt more like a rodent being smiled at by the snake just before it struck.

"No maam. No problem. I'll grab my stuff and meet you at the back door in a few minutes." I said as I retreated quickly. "Shit." I mumbled to myself as I walked to my office to pack my laptop and grab my coat. Having to go out on this field service run was one thing, but having to drag her sorry ass along was going to make the trip unbearable. On top of that they were calling for a snow storm in the next twelve hours and I had no plans on getting stuck out of town! I stopped by the warehouse and pulled spares for every part I could think of that might cause the controller board to go out and headed out the back door to warm up Gene's pickup.

Each of our field service people had a pickup, with what amounted to a small camper on the back, stuffed with test equipment, calibration standards, spare parts and tools. Pretty much anything they needed to fix any of our products in the field, except for the major components, which were taken on a job by job basis from the warehouse. Gene, one of my best people, was out with a broken leg, so his truck was sitting in the secure lot collecting dust and the remnants of the light snow we'd had two days before.

Twenty minutes after I left her office I pulled up to the back door of the facility, finding her waiting impatiently. "Bout fucking time!" she snapped as she climbed into the passenger side of the cab with her little soft side computer bag, unzipping her knee length coat before buckling herself in.

"Yes maam." I answered somewhat snottily, really wanting to tell her to fuck off. Early retirement was looking better and better as the day progressed.

"It's no wonder your wife left you if you were late like this all the time!" she said snippily as I pulled out of the parking lot onto the main street.

I slammed on the brakes, jerking the truck to a stop in the middle of the road, throwing her hard against her seat belt, and turned to glare at her. "Get this straight. My personal life is off limits. You want to bitch about work, fine, that's your right. But you keep your dyke ass out of my personal life or you can crawl out of this cab and back to the office right now!" I snapped angrily. "I've been putting up with your shit for six months now, so FUCKING BACK OFF!"

I was almost surprised to see a little smile come to her lips. "Fine. Drive!" she said softly. I wasn't fooled. I'd seen her talk softly and smile at lots of people, just before she ate them alive! "Bout time you finally grew a pair," she said loud enough for me to hear, but pretending that I wasn't supposed to hear it.

"You're a real piece of work." I said, still burning inside as I drove down the street. "You come into the company, taking the job that I should have rightly gotten, you tromp all over my staff and myself, you treat us all like your personal whores, and then you have the gall to make aspersions about why I'm not married any longer? Maybe she was a maniacal bitch like you and I didn't want to deal with her shit any longer!"

I actually heard her snort before chuckling softly. "Maybe she was. But then maniacal bitch is certainly not the worst I've been called."

"Not surprised." I muttered as I turned onto the acceleration ramp of the interstate and floored the truck, accelerating quickly to seventy five in the heavily laden pickup.

"Trust me, it isn't. I'm used to it. My job isn't to come in and play nice. My job is to come in and turn things upside down and see what shit falls out. Your department was losing money hand over fist. I was brought in to find out why!"

"Uh huh. And smear Gary's name at the same time? He was a good manager."

"He sucked. That's why I'm here. Gary retired because he was told to. It was that or get canned. Your department was losing nearly half a million a quarter."

"Field service isn't about making money. It's about keeping customers happy so they recommend your product and keep buying more." I snapped back. "Trying to make service a paying proposition is counterproductive."

"You see, that's exactly what Gary said right before Brad sent his ass packing! My job is to stem the flow and I don't care how many people I fire or chase away. We'll bring in new people if we have to until we get it right."

"And in the process trash your own goals. Field service is all about understanding the machine and how the customer needs to use it. I can train new technicians, but I can't train in the institutional knowledge that a tech that's been going to a customer's site for years has. It's those relationships that bring the customer back for more."

"Fair enough. So where is the money pit? You want my dyke ass, as you call it, gone? Tell me how to fix this shithole of a mess you're running!"

"Easy. We charge enough to cover the maintenance costs on the contracts. But we spend too much replacing assemblies in new equipment." I answered. "Our warranty costs are over the top. My department ends up eating that because that's included in the purchase price, not in a maintenance contract. I can't afford to hire more service guys and I shouldn't have to, not for the amount of product we're selling!"

"I agree. How to you fix it?" She asked in the most conversational tone that I'd heard her use since she'd come in over the summer.

"Engineering has to get the systems more reliable. We can't afford to go out and replace stuff so soon. The machines should work for at least a year out of the box. We'll never make money if we're doing warranty repairs four months out. It also leaves a bad taste in the customer's mouth. No matter how fast we get there to fix it, they lose production and test time and it looks bad on us."

"I agree. I'd pretty much come to that conclusion myself, but it's good to see that you know your own products shortcomings," she said as she stared out the passenger side window, denying me the opportunity to see her face and see if she was serious or being sarcastic.

We rode in silence for almost a full half hour before either of us said anything. "So tell me. Just why are you here?"

"I told you. My job is to clean up your department," she said, looking icily at me. "You weren't going to do it, were you?"

"The problem doesn't lie in my department." I snapped back. "I thought we just decided that!"

"We did."

"God damn you are the most frustrating, argumentative person I've ever met! If I say this truck is white you'd fucking argue that it's off white. Damn!" I swore angrily. I looked over at her, sitting in the seat, laughing, presumably at me. "What the hell are you laughing at?" I snapped.

"You. You are such a fucking boy scout. Of course we decided it doesn't lay in your department. You think that solves the problem? I can't just go marching into Brad's office and say, hey jerk, it's your engineers! How the hell far do you think that will get me? I'll tell you. It'll get me tossed out on my ear. He doesn't want to hear that the systems have problems. He wants to hear how to fix the problems. In this case, if you wanna complain that the modules fail, get some fucking data on how and why and then we can do something. Just saying they fail too early isn't going to fly!"

I sat angrily driving along the interstate digesting her words for long silent minutes. "Okay. So answer me this. Why the hell do you seem angry at me all the time? What parade did I piss on to make you hate me so much?"

"Hate you? I don't fucking hate you! For that matter, I don't give much of a fuck about you one way or the other. Who do you think is going to take over the department when I get done? You are you dumbshit! I've learned enough about you to recommend Brad move you into it. No, I'm only here long enough to figure out what the problem is and how to fix it. I've solved the first half, it's the second that I haven't got covered yet."

"Wait a second. You're trying to tell me you're a temp?"

"God you ARE dense! I would have thought you'd have figured that out a long time ago. Of course I'm a fucking temp. That's what I do. I go into companies that are having problems and I piss people off, I make enemies and I shake the trees until I figure out what's broke, and then I figure out how to make them unbroken. I can't do that if I'm playing politics or protecting my job. I'm here on a one year contract. Period. End of job! Find the fucking problem and plug the hole!"

"Jesus Christ. So for the last six months you've been raking my ass over the coals for what? Fun?"

"Oh hell. I love what I do, but no, I don't do it for fun. I rake your ass over the coals so that you put pressure on the people below you and to see how you work under pressure. That way I can see what bends and what doesn't," she said with a laugh. "But I have to admit. It has been fun watching you get pissed off at me."

"What a fucking dyke!" I snapped.

"Ohhhhhh better watch it sweetie. I don't take well to personal attacks either!"

"Yeah, like the one you made about my divorce?"

"That was different."

"How so? You accused me of running my wife off because I was always late. Well, I'm accusing you of being a lesbian dyke with no feelings whatsoever for the company or anyone in it!"

"You're three quarters right. But I'm not a dyke!" She snapped back, her eyes flashing with anger at me for a brief moment. "And as far as I'm concerned, take that fucking early retirement you've been thinking about if you're that easily offended."

"How do you know I'm thinking about early retirement?" I asked angrily.

"I would if I were in your shoes. Hell, your CEO just pissed all over you, brought in a strange bitch that's been riding you like an old mule. Yeah, I would be with how long you've been here," she said in a perfectly normal tone, almost as if we were just discussing the steadily increasing rate of snowfall we were driving through. I looked over at her in surprise. "What?" She asked, staring back at me icily.

"For a moment I thought you might actually be a normal person." I muttered.

"I am a normal person. I only get paid to play the supreme bitch. Let's face it. If I were a guy you'd have been in my face months ago. Being a woman I get away with a lot more. Acting like a total dyke...Well, that's just how I get the job done. I don't have to worry about cock fights or little pissing contests. I can piss off the women as well as the men, though I have to admit, it's fun to piss the guys off."

"You do a damn good job." I muttered as I drove. "So explain to me this. Why the hell are you here? Driving in a snow storm to fix this machine, I mean."

"What, you're adverse to company? Afraid that I'll spoil the trip or something? Hell, you just do whatever you usually do. I'm here to watch."

"I still don't know why."

"Because, I haven't had a chance to see what your guys do in the field, besides go to strip clubs and bars," she said a bit sarcastically.

"I don't think my guys usually attend strip clubs, but if you really have a need to, I'm sure I can find one someplace." I said in an equally sarcastic tone. "Unless of course your girlfriend wouldn't approve."

The free excerpt has ended.