Read the book: «Ретроспективный анализ развития государственно-частных партнерств в сфере дорожного строительства», page 6


16. Kabashkin. V.A., Nersesjan L.G. Finansovyj krizis i perspektivy gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v Soedinennyh Shtatah Ameriki i Kanade. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnyj Innovacionnyj Centr, 2010, 128 p.

17. Sborshikov S.B. Teoreticheskie zakonomernosti i osobennosti organizacii vozdejstvij na investicionno-stroitel'nuju dejatel'nost' [Theoretical laws and features of the organisation of influences on investment-building activity]. Vestnik MGSU [Proceedings of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering], no 2, 2009, Pp. 183–187.

About author: Shakhov Oleg Fedorovich – Ph.D., Deputy Governor of Tula Region, Administration of Tula Region,

For citation: Shahov O.F. Retrospektivnyj analiz razvitija gosudarstvenno-chastnyh partnerstv v sfere dorozhnogo stroitel'stva [The retrospective analysis of development of state-private partnership in sphere of road building]. Vestnik MGSU [Proceedings of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering], 2012, no 1, Pp. 133–137.

© Шахов О.Ф., 2011