Read the book: «The Most In Depth Self Discovery Book – Ever»


© Nishant Baxi, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4498-5435-3

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1:

The Basics
Chapter 2:

The Reformer and The Helper

Chapter 3:

The Achiever and The Individualist

Chapter 4:

The Investigator and The Loyalist

Chapter 5:

The Enthusiast and The Challenger and The Peacemaker

Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:

The Controller, Promoter and Analyzer

Chapter 8:

The Supporter, Promoter/Supporter and Promoter/Controller

Chapter 9:

The Controller/Analyzer, Analyzer/Supporter and Centric

Chapter 10:
A Quick Look At Polarities
Wrapping Up
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Learning the way we work (as well as other people) is a very important aspect when it comes to living an effective life.

We were created unique and though we are like other people, we are also unlike other people. If we were just like everyone else, then everyone will be a carbon copy of one another with no individuality or artistic sense. Mankind will be boring – even monkeys and other animals have different species which evidences diversity.

You and I are diverse, unlike one another. We cannot be like others – we can only be ourselves.

But do not just be content with being yourself – be a better you!

That is why the Enneagram of Personality is such an important subject to undertake.

With the diversity of mankind, it is more important to learn how to understand other people and understand how they work. Don’t try and change yourself to fit into their mold nor try and change them to fit ours – it is not what we are called to do.

This book is a culmination of years of study, analysis of human psychology and personal experience rolled together.

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What works for one may not work for another and likewise you may or may not agree with some of the results whether it is pertaining to you current predicament or not – it is just for self-discovering purposes with no intention to offend nor ridicule.

There is no right or wrong type.

Please do not get worked up when your result appears because life is a process of discovery and a constant journey. You might be different 10 years down the line… you will never know.

Besides, if anything else matters… know that living an effective life involves interactions with other people which is often really difficult because we do not understand them.

Suffice to know for now, that reading this book will open your mind if you let it – take notes if necessary and above all, have fun with it!

Get ready to unlock the mystery and your true potential at the same time!

The Most In Depth Self Discovery Book – Ever!

Go Deep In Understanding Yourself To The Core And Seeking Your Origins

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Chapter 1:

The Basics


Enneagrams are a fascinating tool. Discover its humble origins, its role in psychology and how it helps people.

This chapter talks about:

– The origins of enneagrams

– Who started it and how it has evolved

– Why it is important for understanding others

– Its popularity in personal development circles

– What are the 9 different types – reformer, helper, achiever, individualist, investigator, loyalist, enthusiast, challenger and peacemaker.

Personal development as you know it will change once you discover your type. Read on to find the beauty in every different type!

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Where To Start

The Enneagram is typically known for its accuracy in predicting the various types of human personality. The first inception of the enneagram begun with George Ivanovich Gurdjieff – an Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher. Although the enneagram model has been known since ancient times, it was Gurdjieff who make the model publicly known.

Only in recent decades that the enneagram gained more prominence in the field of personal developmental studies through these two individuals – Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo.

It is not really a typology that is perpetuated among academic circles

– especially in the field of psychology. However, it has a strong following among personal development circles because of its unique structure for finding out how people work.

Simply put, if you do not know yourself, it is very hard to begin understanding others.

Once you know yourself, you will be able to do some guesswork on how other people work, hence saving you a lot of frustration when dealing with people who are from different “types’.

The test is fairly accurate if the person taking the test answers them authentically.

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The enneagram consist of 9 different points, each point is connected to another point in a form of connectivity and association. Each point also affects the adjacent point which you will learn in the chapters to follow.

Below is a diagram of the chart and how you can understand the differences between all the different types and their placements. In the next chapter, you will learn how you can take a few tests and see how they work together to discover your type as well as a sub-type.

The exciting part of self discovery is about to begin! Which of the 9 types will you be?

This chapter talks about:

– Websites where you can take the test

– Where your type is and how it is affected by the one adjacent to it and connected to it by the lines

– The effect of “wings’…

– What are sub-types?

– All the different combinations of types and sub-types added together to form your unique personality

In order to live an effective life, understanding your fixations, ego, holy ideas, temptations and other factors your type tends to lean

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towards – it is important to know them deep down, otherwise you will not be able to live true to yourself.

The Different Consciousness Levels

First of all, please take the test from either one of these 3 sources:

After taking all some (or all) of these tests, you’ll discover how you can easily identify 2 things:

– You will know which of the 9 “types’ you are. You will be named among one of these types:

– The Reformer

– The Helper

– The Achiever

– The Individualist

– The Investigator

– The Loyalist

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– The Enthusiast

– The Challenger

– The Peacemaker

– Note that among these 9 types, there is always a possibility that you could be leaning “left’ or “right’ towards one of the other accompanying types. In other words, you could be a pure achiever, an achiever with a helper “wing’, or an achiever with an individualistic “wing’.

– Each type is also mildly affected by other types they are connected with (See the diagram again for a better idea)

For example, a helper will feel stressed when a challenger is around but at ease when “helping’ an individualist. Likewise Loyalists are stressed around achievers but comfortable with peacemakers. This adds further environmental dynamics to all the types involved.

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– There’s also one more component called a subtype. It is also called an instinctual energy by some. What this means is, along with their type, a natural sub-type exist for all people and this instinctual level manifests itself it 3 forms:

– Self-preservation

– Sexual

– Social

Self-preservation sub-types are people who may internally place emphasis and externally express the need to protect themselves. The sexual sub-types (not sexual bodily…) are more to intimacy and forming close bonds with their partners and the social sub-types are typically those who function at their best when in large groups.

At the end of the day, with the 9 types and 3 sub-types, you will typically end up with at least 27 combinations (not including the various wings and stress points).

Remember that when you take the test, you must remain calm, collected and not under stress. Do not ponder on the answers for too long – if you take too long, you are over analytical and your answers will be marred by your biasness. Do not answer socially acceptable or idealistic answers either – do understand that one type is not superior

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or inferior to the other… the key point is to understand who you are and be yourself – a better you but not a different you.

Let’s go into detail about each type and how to deal with each of them!

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Chapter 2:

The Reformer and The Helper


The “Martin Luther’ of today, reformers are typically people who seek to change things and build upon the imperfections to make things more perfect.

This chapter talks about:

– What a reformer is all about

– Why are reformers good to have around

– What is most difficult about reformers

– Dealing with them and bringing out the best

– Who they get along with

– Who they don’t along with

Championing the cause of change, whether for the better or worse is part and parcel of a reformer – learn to love them, accept them for who they are and bring the best out of them!

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You can always count on them to lend a helping hand. These people live to serve and they enjoy doing it in the process!

This chapter talks about:

– What a helper is all about

– Why are helper good to have around

– What is most difficult about helpers

– Dealing with them and bringing out the best

– Who they get along with

– Who they don’t along with

Living in service and contribution to others is the core structure of a helper – learn to accept them, understand them for who they are and bring the best out of them!

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Release date on Litres:
08 April 2020
66 p. 27 illustrations
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