Read the book: «Unlimited Confidence», page 5


About hypnotists

Hypnotists put on a show and feel like magicians because they force a person to act against his will. You may have heard of gypsy hypnosis or shamanic trance. Hypnosis was used by gypsies for theft, and shamans for medical purposes in order to exorcise demons (that is, to suppress psychosis in truth). They did not know what they were doing themselves, but they say that this is not education but experience, although neither gypsies nor shamans know how the human brain works, but they know how to hypnotize. Indeed, they have real experience, but not knowledge, that is, the skill that shamans used to exorcise demons, to heal diseases or gypsies to steal with hyponization, and it really worked. According to modern science, both methods are based on the «Dominant Theory» hypothesis of the brain. The truth is that the force that pushes a person to hypnosis is hidden in him at the level of unconscious consciousness. Without realizing this, a person unconsciously «hypnotizes himself», convincing himself that he can or cannot do something if we are talking about self-hypnosis. Although hypnosis is usually involuntary, it is impossible to hypnotize some people against their will, for example, I know a hypnotist who could not remove the ring given to him by his mother at the time of death. Because hypnosis is not higher than love and heart. Hypnosis is just a bridge over which you can quickly convince a person of anything. I have given the example of hypnosis as an example of a psychological principle that will be of invaluable benefit to you.

You can hypnotize him by making him believe that he is an artist, his unconscious will say: «I am an artist», but if you give him a pencil and he starts drawing, a big war will break out inside him: «I’m an artist, but how can I not draw?». The unconscious must form a new belief in order to change again. He may think that he has lost his mind, or someone has hypnotized him. If he calms down and comes out of hypnosis, he is no longer a zombie. And now how to get out of hypnosis for us, how to remove the trace in the brain left by the external environment?

The parent is a hypnotist, a child susceptible to hypnosis. The teacher is a hypnotist, a student amenable to hypnosis. If a child or student is not affected by hypnosis, if they do not believe, then they will begin to «hypnotize themselves», look for education in social networks and the Internet, search for knowledge on their own and cannot find a place in life, parents and teachers pamper children and so spoil their lives, simply because they do not know how to work with children, because they do not understand how to raise them correctly. Parents and teachers should be psychologists and educators, and most importantly, they should be able to properly hypnotize their children and students.

The most impressive example is the practice of healing, when a self-confident healer confidently heals his patients under the guidance of a supposedly higher power. Anyone who has probably heard of the placebo effect (in faith healing) will hear enough that this medicine will help you, but in fact the body has the ability to heal itself and this property is given by God. Both the placebo (dummy medicine) and the self-confident healer are just coincidences, in fact, the body was self-healing. This is why it is so important that medicine can distinguish between true and false drugs and treatments through experimentation. Lies and deception can be illustrated by a variety of endless information in our lives. There are many of them, but little use. Useless and harmful information (80%), really useful information (20%). What good is a thousand books if you don’t have the right information at the right time? With the rise of digitalization, marketers know you are a digital zombie, so get out of this hypnosis before it’s too late, start studying yourself, recognizing such hypnotic attacks, and addressing the problem immediately! Ask how? Learn to hypnotize yourself!

As soon as a person believes the information (despite the fact that it is a lie, without verifying the truth), he begins to act accordingly. Even if they are false, facts supporting his beliefs are collected unconsciously (unwittingly), and the mind (voluntarily) begins to support them. From this we can conclude that if a person receives information that does not correspond to the truth (the words of the Creator – the Koran and the laws of nature – science), all his subsequent actions and reactions (perception), thinking will be based on false beliefs. This idea does not mean not to be original. Just do not think that the whole truth (useful, useless, harmful) is the truth. This is only true for you, created by your own mind, but not true at the level of creation. And we only need to believe in the laws of life, nature created by God, to believe in the word of the Creator. This is the truth. Only truth can free a person from bondage. I’ll cover this in the next section.

If a person consciously decides to change his faith, if he starts to change it, no one can convince him otherwise. Changing faith, though, requires a lot of experience and emotionally useful information and knowledge.

Since time immemorial, people have been in a hypnotic dream that they do not know, and in order to wake up, they need knowledge and experience based on truth. Only great mentors and teachers knew about this. They realized that humanity is limited by erroneous facts, and sought to direct their potential to great achievements (inner happiness) that go beyond anything we dream of (outer happiness). Therefore, it is very important not to be too confident in life (imaginary), other people, the virtual world. Indeed, a person should rely only on God. One who believes in God is self-confident, because the truth never deceives. We should not say in our thoughts about modern life, about ourselves, about God, that only I am right or only they are right. On the contrary, from now on, we must understand and acknowledge that you are hypnotized by false beliefs, concepts and values (stereotypes, trends, fashion, hype, associated ideologies) that prevent us from realizing our potential. You and I are to a large extent the result or victim of what (the environment) inspires, teaches, or tempts. So you don’t have to believe everything people say, what people write, this also applies to the message on WhatsApp. Most ordinary people may not know that they have unlimited (powerful) potential, and do not try to discover and use it, because they live with harmful truth or false beliefs that «only I know how to live.» They believe in books, parents, teachers, preachers, celebrities, the rich, and do not try to prove their case, because most people are in the «Bondage Consciousness». Their souls can be turned on or off. Where is this happening? At school, on the street or on the Internet (social media). Millions of people in real life believe in the so-called «smart» people, in their fiery words, without hesitation. Do these «experts» (critics, appraisers) really care about us or only think about money? We simply recognize them or, as they say in modern society, we virtually sing with them. We are not trying to make their principles (canons) correspond to reality. We cling to these false values and blind beliefs and limit our minds to false imaginations, not knowing that there is unlimited potential beyond our own existence.

Whether we are happy or unhappy people, information and the environment in general have raised us to the level of our present consciousness. To reach the best possible level, we need to discover and develop unconditional faith in God and in ourselves. Your first task is to wake up from wrong self-belief or self-hypnosis because it prevents you from being the person you deserve to be. The person you deserve to be must be «perfect», you cannot «be God,» but you can be «like God». This is the role that the Creator himself wants, to raise us to his level. Read the following conclusion (statement): To wake up from hypnosis, you do not need to accept the false truth about yourself, about life, about God, because the truth can be a lie, and in general the truth is not always true. In order to wake up, you need to know the truth about yourself, about life, about God, so that a person has love for everything, so that it is not difficult to accept it and boldly believe in the truth about yourself. Antonym of the word «truth» – imagination, consists in the fact that it will never be «true», it will always be «false». Truth and truth have two meanings: the truth is that we mean everything that happens in life (good / evil), everything you do (sin / reward), and how many different things a person says about God (truth / Lying). Remember that truth is reality, whatever it may be. We speak of truth as the words of God and scientific evidence, truth is precious and important not only for an unhappy person, but also for a happy person. Now read this idea again! This is the main factor that determines your ability to improve your life, to be happy, to be an unusual person. In the words of the Great Teacher: «Know God, only God will deliver you from bondage» or «Know the truth, only the Truth will heal you from your sins.»

Many of the information, thoughts, and ideas presented in this book may immediately contradict the belief that you now believe to be correct. Some may even seem strange, irrational, unusual, or unreasonable and can shake your faith. The choice is yours: either believe in this book or oppose it. Your life will change depending on the content and meaning of the information you receive. Before accepting any information, determine whether it is useful, useless, harmful to your desires, dreams, goals. If you are genuinely willing to be happy and build self-confidence, then you need to open your mind. Then you will learn how to correctly perceive, classify, analyze, information. If you really want to be happy and boost your self-confidence, then you’ve found the key to your mind.

In general, my goal in writing this book is not to make you think like me, that is, I want you to learn to think with your own mind, based on the truth, and not as written in the book. The book I wrote may only be true for me, but it is not entirely true. We have already mentioned what truth and truth are. The inner feeling, hope, and confidence in the future that arise when you prove the truth of what you thought was the truth of the past are the «foundation» of boundless confidence. To build a new «constructive», «real» building on the site of the old «false», destructive mansion, it is first necessary to demolish the «false» mansion, including the foundation. In other words, you need to change the original structure of the soil in your brain and cut down all the trees that cause unconscious unhappiness or difficulty in gaining confidence in everything.

You can do this by shaking, shaking, shaking, tugging at the «base» of false facts that prevent you from living a full, fresh, vibrant and internally rich, happy life. It is these principles – «infinite certainty» and «false, erroneous facts» against it that will be discussed in this book.