Read the book: «Unlimited Confidence», page 2


The only proof of the effectiveness of the following principles can only be the result if you apply them. I can tell you as much as I want about the book, but only the results of real changes in your personal experience and life can convince you.

Will this book really help me?

I really respect your intellectual ability, because I don’t make such statements without reason, I don’t make unfounded opinions, and I hope that you will accept my words and believe that I have written a book that is worth reading. The only proof of the effectiveness of the principles written in the book is to get real results only if you faithfully apply them in real life. Therefore, it is very important to do exactly what is written in the book, this is done only by activating the heart and feelings (emotions).

I can tell you as much as I want about the benefits of the book, but only when you experience it yourself, when you make real changes in life, when you test the book and see the results, you can see for yourself.

Most, if not all, at least once in their life, attend special courses, trainings or educational seminars (offline) or read various bestsellers, watch, listen to audio / video lessons (online), and, worst of all, marathons (especially three-day, how can you change a person in three days? it is unreasonable), (one of us – because of imitation, the other – from despair). God commanded to pray five times a day and that’s not all, the most interesting thing is until the end of life, so there is no stability anywhere and in anything.

They inspired us, we even started to change something in our life, but after a few days or a few weeks everything was still the same. Why? Most of these books, all trainings and seminars are not about achieving sustainable change (they are not about how to achieve balance). Applying their solutions is like decorating moldy bread with sweet icing. No matter how beautiful, tasty and appetizing it may be, sooner or later you will feel the mold hidden in it and you will definitely discover the secret hidden inside. Positive thinking is a beautiful icing, and moldy bread is faith that keeps us from achieving real results.

If you need a beautiful and inspiring fairy tale with a subtle shade of positive thinking and colorful examples from life, which simply takes up shelf space and takes invaluable time from the reader, then this book is just for you. This time everything is very serious and it was sarcasm.

This book is not only about positive thinking (self-esteem), but also about correct thinking (correct assessment). There are three types of general thinking (self-esteem): positive (wrong, but harmless, useless), negative (wrong, harmful) and adequate, based on real truth (right, infinitely useful).

This book is about achieving boundless confidence, doing the right thing, true happiness, realizing dreams, goals and plans. If you are limited to books about positive thinking, for which there is only place on the shelf, which takes up the reader’s precious time, a beautiful, publicized, inspiring fairy tale, then this book is not about that. If you are looking for a book that is serious, truthful and accurate, and is not limited to ephemeral (unstable, volatile, temporary) positive thinking, you will find a lot of useful information here for yourself.

You have a proven formula «Be happy», which is not limited to positive thinking, but a formula «Success and Victory» on the way to «Truth», time-tested and experience, which will help you achieve the desired results. This book requires your time and attention, careful reading and serious attitude, but in the end, every minute spent on it will be justified and will produce real results.

I am very pleased to have the honor to share my knowledge with you. If you’re ready, let’s start our journey into a happy new life!

The best statement for me is «I hope for the best, everything will be fine if God wishes!»

And the next books will be about making both lives truly happy (remember: the first life is the cause, and the second, eternal life, is the consequence of the first life). Live without sorrow, achieve happiness in both worlds, live a decent life and die without regrets. Do you want this?

Whether you choose only first life or only eternal life, then this book will give you the right idea of Islam and other religions in general. In my eschatology, the two worlds are one and must be in harmony (balance and harmony), that you must love both worlds at the same time, and, most importantly, understand that one is the cause and the other is the effect. Because you are doing good deeds for the sake of Eternal life, but remember: «You do it only in the first life – only in this world and you get the result in the future, eternal world!»

Man was created for happiness in both worlds. Even if this life was taken away from you (you were born sick, you have a difficult fate, etc.), then you will still be happy in Eternal Life.

If after all these words a war breaks out inside you and you are against all these ideologies, then this book is just for you. And this time it’s no longer sarcasm, let’s get started, otherwise I noticed that my book has a hypnotic effect!

Intro (yes, this is just an intro)

I think that all (especially useful) books have a soul like a living organism. Because they are written by thinking people. Thinking is one of the basic properties of the soul that the body lacks.

The book should not only be outwardly decorated with form and design, but above all the book should contain letters, words, ideas that inspire thought. Many people hesitate to write a diary or book because most of us are impatient and don’t like to think. Therefore, patience and perseverance should be the main qualities of human nature.

A quality book takes months and years to write. Every day a writer collects and writes, reflects and composes, then it all turns into a book. I think everyone should have their own book of life. Because reading and writing is a great motivation for the brain than just listening, of course, if there is only a desire for this, if we pay attention to it.

I have compiled this book from various short words that I have collected since I was 12, using whatever comes to mind or using external information.

As a primary way to avoid the temptation of the devil from among humans, I gathered ideas and personal experiences, compiled Useful Knowledge based on the latest «scientific evidence,» and wrote a book using Concepts of Faith, which is Islamic philosophy.

I wrote this book to help you live a productive life by sharing my personal experiences and observations from many years of contact with many people. Because I like to study myself (life / life after death) and other people too.

Have you ever been told that you need something to live a happy and correct life: «Don’t think bad!». The counselors are right in telling you to «be energetic» and «think positively,» but they have failed to correctly explain to you the meaning of boundless confidence and true happiness. We all know from childhood that simple desires are not enough to succeed and live a fruitful life. Because we were brought up to believe that nothing can be solved without action.

From the moment you are born, your body grows and your soul develops. You always asked your parents «What is this?». Because you were interested to know everything. As you grow and develop, according to your age, you will find a place in your life, regardless of your parents and call it «destiny» as most of us call it. This is the (correct?) Notion of confidence that is ingrained in our brains, and we are finally beginning to be called a human. What does it mean to you to be human?

And what did they tell us about how to achieve success (dreams, goals)? Of course, we were told: «You are required to make a firm decision to change your life, to have the will and hard work, then you will achieve what you strive for, what you want,» and we really began to feel more confident. But unfortunately, the next day or the next week, most of us forget our good intentions and go back to old bad habits, and our dreams remain dreams. It is interesting that in the «new year» our decision to start a new life, to disappear by mid-January. This is why many of us promise to change, but over time our determination to start a good life begins to fade. Why? Because a person is unstable and forgetful, he is so formed. Many people think that creation is not how it works; in fact, the problem is not with creation. We were created by perfect babies, but the temptation of evil … (being, the essence of man himself tempts / Satan tempts from among people) does not stop. So being, the essence of man is not ideal, but it requires it.

It’s not enough to make a decision to be successful and live a more productive and happier life because it doesn’t get to the heart of the problem – it’s a fallacy. Only when we correctly assess our situation and truly understand the environment can we change ourselves for the better.

Willpower alone is not enough, because the essence of the problem is «getting useful information». In the flow of information, a person quickly and easily remembers useless information, and you will have to pay attention to useful information.

I have met with people of different professions and social strata, and I can assure you that the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of their actions, successes and failures has nothing to do with their level of intelligence or will to succeed, decision making, etc. Those who fail do not have the right attitude (faith, opinion, understanding) to themselves, the environment, reality (life). Therefore, they begin to consider their family, profession, life in general (the world) «wrong», and themselves (perceptions, thoughts) «right.» As a result, they lose touch with real life and, worst of all, with reality, that is, with truth. Truth is the words of the Creator, scientific proof and the spiritual meaning of life.

The unhappy, whom we call «sinners» or «bad people», do not look at the truth within themselves and the life around them from the point of view of the truth, so they begin to believe that it should be so, everything is wrong. Blind faith…

Litter bin

Man is the only being that speaks to himself. During the day, you constantly talk to yourself and collect information about the reality (life) around you. You act like a programmer who enters information into a computer, with the only difference that you are both a programmer (desire) and a computer (brain). Your five senses are a programming tool, if you do not look at yourself and at life correctly, you lose touch with the truth (God and His laws) and live life as you want to be yourself, after that you begin to see only imaginary. In this case, there is a danger of losing contact with the Creator and becoming a slave of a person or society.

Even if you don’t install certain spyware on your computer, you still use torrent like a pirate, and you won’t be surprised if you see a lot of viruses or programs (viruses) that you did not install on your computer. You are complaining about where this problem came from on my laptop (computer). In the same way as with the brain, you do not feel that you are voluntarily / involuntarily poisoned with unfamiliar information on a daily basis. This is because you acted without thinking.

If there were no antivirus on your laptop (computer) or smartphone tablet (which, for example, is a shock to me), it would look as if someone is spying on me, phishing, robbing, sending viruses and destroying everything that I have (equipment). In principle, I probably overreact, but our brain is also very sensitive and defenseless, which also requires antivirus, immunity against negative, useless information. In this life there are many spies in the external environment, whom we do not know, who study human psychology through observation, there are bison – who know you better than you, take away your happiness, there are many different viral information that destroy the human brain. Now you need to choose a good antivirus, they have many similar features, but when it comes to choosing, people get confused, look for a 5 star rating and finally choose one. In other words, from a spiritual point of view, there are many (antiviruses), but mostly one of them will definitely not let you down. It is truth!

The truth about God is an unlimited truth, and the truth about me is known only to the Creator.

But our goal is to find out this truth and turn it into truth, and this truth must become reality in life. The purpose of the book is not to be God, but to be like Him and live according to His laws.

You should not perceive all the external truth about life, because you do not know what information is useful, useless, harmful. We talked about this, that the truth cannot always be considered the truth. So take care of your perception, all troubles start from there.

A successful and happy life is the relationship between the surrounding reality (life) and the correct feedback (relationship, reaction to any action or event). In general, a person has 3 different relationships in this life:

– Relationship with yourself

– Relationships with others / with Life

– Relationship with the Creator / created by him by laws

We perceive our situation (positive / negative), external information (useful 20% / useless 80%), and then we program our situation and information that appears or sounds real in our minds. It shapes our way of thinking (thinking system) and behavior, which, in turn, shapes new perception (receiving, applying). o first we accept and then we think and act accordingly. Thus, we create our own beliefs and understanding, our life principles, that is, we accordingly choose the direction and path of our life. Then we make a decision and take further action.

Formula: perception <thinking, feeling <action = faith and understanding <life principle <life direction, choice of path

I hope these ideas (thoughts) will motivate you to use new ways to live a better life and thus perceive, think and act correctly. From many sources, I’ve learned to help myself and others perceive, think and feel right, and manage myself without losing control.

This book contains the Word of God, the Holy Quran which is a true (shining) holy book that can give you, me and millions of people like us, a clear and simple picture of the situations we face in our daily life. There are a number of mysteries in the form of history lessons and examples with scientific evidence. I hope that these thoughts (ideas) will encourage you to accept new ways (methods, experiences), useful ideas and innovations, think about them and be confident that you will live your life in the best and happiest way! Useful information based on facts, a book based on knowledge and experience will definitely benefit!

Indeed, the number of writers is growing. Until the twentieth century, writers often wrote about the outer life of a person, but now writers write more about the inner life of a person. Their distribution is «not good» and «not bad», but is «Normal», why «Not good», because «Competition» and «Competition». All this kills creativity because the whole topic has now moved into imaginary, for example, «How to become famous?», «How to become popular?», «How to be rich?», «How to become happy in one day», «How to achieve success in three hours», “ How to solve the problem of housing and a car in one hour «kills the meaning and essence of books. Why is book distribution «Not Bad»? Because a person thinks, levels of consciousness are developing, science is growing. But does all this really benefit humanity? Does it really work? Is it proven? We don’t pay attention to it. This is because, since the formation of a system of worldly materialism and the worship of matter, which is based on numbers and calculations, should increase, and the qualitative and real advantages – science and truth, spirituality and faith, according to the last Prophet, should decrease towards the end of time.