Read the book: «The Colors Of A Optimistic World», page 26


Motivation: Bye piggy hound … take off, but right!

That's how you fraternize with your inner bastard:

Good intentions such as eating healthier food, exercising more sport and working less are often made with the best intentions and are meant to be absolutely serious - and yet they cannot always be put into practice on a permanent basis in everyday life. Especially now in the cold season, when the weather is increasingly inviting you to watch television on the couch, it is doubly difficult to stick to your own goals. The motto is therefore now: Make your inner bastard a friend, so that in the future he will work with you instead of against you.

#1: Acceptance instead of hostility

The human being is a creature of habit and it is completely normal that it is difficult for you to break out of your comfort zone. Accept this instead of criticizing yourself for it. Not self-criticism, but self-motivation takes you further - so always proceed in a friendly and motivating manner with you, just as a supportive fitness coach from the outside would do.

#2: Arguments instead of obedience

If you notice that the inner bastard intervenes in the implementation of your goals, this is your opportunity to question your motives once again. Why do you want to achieve this goal? How important is it to you? In short: question your intentions and find convincing arguments for it. Whoever succeeds in convincing the inner pig dog, stands a good chance of working hand in hand with him in the future.

#3: Sense of reality instead of dreams of desire

Stay on the ground with your goals, because nothing is more demotivated than if your goals are unrealistic and thus attainable from the outset. A challenge is good, but pre-programmed failures expose the inner bastard immediately. If you want to run a marathon in two months, but have never been jogging before.

#4: Reward instead of punishment

Find an ally for your goals, e. g. a training partner, with whom you arrange to meet for sports. This increases the pressure, but at the same time you have a comrade-in-arms who gives you positive feedback and reflects that you are on the right track. Appropriate fitness apps can also activate the reward center in the brain in the same way.

#5: Planning instead of running

Be as concrete as possible in your objectives. If you want to do more sport, then decide directly on which days of the week, how long and which training unit you want to do. Find a way to make it easy for you to stay on it. So, for example, register in a gym where training is possible in any weather and at any time of the day.

And: Develop an emergency strategy. How do you want to proceed when a training session actually fails. Do you want to catch up with the unit or will you train longer next time? That way, you remain able to act even in the event of setbacks.

#6: Pull through instead of argue

And if the bastard just doesn't want to rest, if all the plans and arguments don't help discussions, then only one thing helps: Make it easy! Don't think about it for long, but just do it and hold on. Because: Once you have consistently implemented a new behaviour for a certain period of time, it becomes a habit and you can rely on your inner pig dog to support you in continuing your behaviour at the latest from this point in time.

Prevention: Health insurance contribution - fitness studio on prescription?

The recently passed prevention law promotes and supports health programmes in fitness studios in a new way and thus brings some advantages for the sports enthusiastic fitness studio member!

The law to strengthen health promotion and prevention, in short the prevention law, has been in force since 2016. It is intended to strengthen health promotion and prevention both in the immediate everyday life of citizens and to support individual health promotion services. The main aim is to improve people's movement habits and put this idea on a legal basis. In the future, the health insurance funds - which benefit immensely from a healthier population - will be made more obligated to achieve this goal, and all insured persons can ultimately benefit from this.

New status for fitness studios

According to the new law, fitness studios are given a much higher priority than before, as they are becoming the most important partner of health insurance companies in their efforts to improve the health and exercise habits of the population. Fitness studios promote regular physical activity and thus contribute to the reduction of the so-called avoidable diseases of civilization (such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, various cardiovascular diseases, etc.), the cause of which can often be found in individual lifestyles with little physical activity. According to the new law, the health insurance companies now have the obligation to provide these services for health promotion for the insured and must therefore work more closely with the existing sports providers.

Increased benchmarks and new cooperations

Whereas by 2015, the annual health insurance fund had to pay only 3.17 euros for a health-promoting prevention measure, the new law has more than doubled this contribution and increased it to 7.00 euros, bringing the total volume for this area to around 490 million euros per year. The advantage for the fitness industry is obvious: due to the increased compulsory expenditures of the health insurance companies, the health insurance company can be expected to cooperate more closely with fitness studios in the future, to promote and subsidize quality-assured course concepts and thus increase the number of health-promoting courses financed by the health insurance companies accordingly.

Most fitness studios have been offering courses for a long time, which promote health and thus make a preventive contribution to improving the lifestyle. If these movement concepts now correspond to the quality criteria of the health insurance companies and are therefore considered "quality-assured", they can be financed by the health insurance companies and also explicitly recommended as concepts for the improvement of health behaviour.

Three criteria determine whether a course can be financed by the health insurance fund: The qualification of the trainer, the certification of the fitness centre and the implementation of a standardised course programme in accordance with the guidelines. If these conditions are met, the corresponding range of exercise activities can be subsidised by the health insurance fund and made available to you as a member of the fitness studio at a reasonable price or free of charge.

Medical recommendations

Another new feature of the prevention law is that in future doctors will be required to make recommendations for prevention, e. g. to provide information on quality assured short offers in fitness studios. This is intended to motivate and guide people who would not have found access to the gym in other ways to a more active, healthier lifestyle.

In summary, then, it is possible to state that: That the new law will significantly support and advance the provision of subsidised and thus favourable exercise programmes for health promotion in fitness studios. Access to and information on these programmes will also be simplified in the future, inter alia by means of appropriate medical recommendations.

The positive aspects of self-love - Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem
Appealing and likeable - How to make a good impression

How can you make others likeable and likeable? This does not require a great deal of witchcraft, but rather very important basics. Some of them are very simple and others a bit more complicated, but everyone can learn. I'll introduce you to the best tips now.

Perhaps you've heard before that we make a decision within the first few seconds or even tenths of a second about who we like and who we don't like. That puts a lot of pressure on you, of course, but it shouldn't be. Because you can't and don't have to appeal to everyone. It's perfectly normal that not every person can relate to you. Because you can't make sense of every person. Nevertheless, of course we would like to be well received by most people and there is some good advice for that.

The magic formula common to all tips and recommendations is this one: Make your counterpart feel comfortable in your presence! And how exactly do you achieve this by giving sympathy. Because if you give up sympathy, you get some back.

Tip 1: May your fellow human beings

Sympathy is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I. e. if we believe that another person likes us, then we automatically automatically behave in a much more friendly and direct way towards this person. With the effect that this person probably really likes us more.

If, on the other hand, we believe that our counterparts do not like or fear rejection, then we unconsciously behave in a reserved and cooler way towards this person. And in this way, they run the risk of getting more frequent and stronger.

So sympathy has a lot to do with your thoughts and beliefs. Of course, people who love themselves, like themselves and are at peace with themselves have a clear advantage here. Because if you don't think it's possible that someone else might like you. Then, of course, you will always go in all social interactions with this expectation and attitude. And unconsciously contribute to the fact that other people really don't like you so much.

If you want to change that, then start appreciating and loving yourself.

Tip 2: Let your counterpart know that you find him/her likeable

People like people who like them, too. We feel flattered when we experience that an opposite person likes us and react accordingly benevolently. You're probably also aware of this effect that you suddenly look at a person with completely different eyes after hearing that he or she thinks you're good.

Tip 3: Be a good listener

You don't have to do anything great to make other people like you. You don't have to have insane narrative skills and the best stories. It's much more important than telling a story, it's listening. So be a good listener, because people love to talk about themselves. There are studies which show that the greater the proportion of our speakers, the more valuable we are in assessing a consultation or conversation.

Tip 4: Interested questions

Because of this, you will of course make sure that your partner can tell you even more about yourself. You also show your interest in each other's lives and also show him that your full attention is with him. Of course, the whole thing should not end in an interrogation, so if possible ask questions about topics your partner likes to talk about, such as hobbies, passions, traveling, etc., please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tip 5: Emphasize your similarities

It's not about foolishly talking to others after the mouth, but if the other one was perhaps now in the USA and you were already in the USA. Then this is not only a good topic of conversation, but also makes each other more likeable. Because Gleich and Gleich likes to join us!

Tip 6: Make a compliment

Again, do not mucilage or talk to others after the mouth. But everyone is happy about a sincere compliment. It's also a great icebreaker, e. g. as a conversation starter. Just come up to someone and say,"Hey I like your glasses, they look great on you. I've been looking for a while, too. Where did you buy them?". You can then start a conversation about this. By the way, this also shows that you are self-confident and do not feel threatened by others, because you are able to praise their successes and achievements without feeling worse.

7. Tip: Smile, smile and smile

A smile always has a pleasant effect and so you can gain sympathy without giving a sound of yourself. Just ask yourself in which company you would like to stay. In the company of someone who looks grouchy and grumpy all the time. Or in the company of someone who smiles and shines all the time.

8. Tip: look your opponent in the eyes

Eye contact is also absolutely essential, because it signals to you that you are really there with the attention. That you're not yawning or searching the room with your eyes. Instead, you really concentrate on your counterpart, you really listen to him or her. It also signals that you are self-confident again, because you don't look down with your eyes completely intimidated. That means you're able to keep eye contact for a long time.

Tip 9: Ask for advice

The very fact that you ask the person about something impresses most people. You will then feel important, valued and interesting. And they respond to that not only with an answer, but also with sympathy for you.

Tip 10: Admit small mistakes and weaknesses

This sounds paradoxical, because most people think they have to be perfect and liked. But the opposite is the case, we are all not perfect and have these small mistakes, weaknesses and peculiarities that make us human and sympathetic. Just imagine you're listening to stories of two women telling pretty much the same things. But one tells all the time about her (everyday) routines, successes and how well she gets everything under one roof and how perfect her life is. The other woman also gets everything on the line and with which runs it also super, but she tells then between in between in it that she can not resist e. g. chocolate simply or that she is already quite a clumsy one and runs more often times somewhere against a wall. Which of the two women do you find more likeable? It is precisely these small mistakes and weaknesses that make us likeable.

Tip 11: Be authentic

You see some of these tips are very easy to implement and others may require you to develop a positive self-image of yourself. For all tips and tricks, however, it is absolutely essential that you don't bend or warp. It's that you always stay authentic and that you stay "you". Because people like people who are authentic. We are attracted to such personalities because we know that we can trust them. It's hard to like a human being if we don't know exactly what to expect and how this person feels and feels.

If you have understood that you are likeable and loveable, other people will see it too!

Tips for learning to love yourself

Being able to love oneself is the prerequisite for a happy life. Here are some tips on how to do this.

I also belong to the kind of mice who believe that self-love is selfishness. I can't explain it to myself - why. It had been so natural to me for a very long time and this is not true in the front and back. I have known and knew since childhood on the phrase "Love your next as well as yourself". It has long been proven that we cannot love others if we cannot love ourselves. Just to have a look at what stands in our way and which tips you can do. We consider this to be selfish, i. e. something you shouldn't do, because it is seen as negative. The German-American psychoanalyst Erich Fromm says quite clearly,"Selfish people cannot love even themselves. So these are two completely different shoes. One thing is still very important, we are so happy to be in the victim role, i. e. we like to flee so much into the victim role because we are always to blame for others. For example, our "parents have..., our teacher has..., my supervisor has... etc." and that's why I consider myself a failure, so I am not able to love myself. But that's not the way to play it. There are two protagonists in self-love - you love yourself, it's all about you, someone else has no say at all. It is only between you and your consciousness and your inner self. Or whatever you want to call it now. If you realize that, we know we can do something. Then we can use the levers and make a difference. That's what this is all about.

I really want to put this sentence above all else because I think it is the most meaningful sentence of all - treat yourself as you treat your best friend or best friend. What happens if something happens to your girlfriend that she's so sorry about? Then you go and comfort her and say to her "this can happen - we are all just people. You know what I cooked a nice dinner for us. Come to me and we'll talk about it and then the whole thing will be forgotten ". There we have some nice tips such as bath tubs, a back massage or anything else we can think of to comfort this friend or friend and say "It's not so bad - just look at life". But how do we deal with ourselves when something has happened to us, the thumb goes down like that. Maybe something like "I didn't deserve it any better, or is it clear I'm a failure". Here we draw quite different registers with ourselves. And this must end! When situations arise again, where you think you have to finish yourself off. Then please hold your breath and think about what I would say to my girlfriend if it happened or to my boyfriend. Seeing what's done. It's a great way to deal with yourself and is incredibly helpful. This of course also includes being able to forgive oneself, being able to treat oneself to something. Of course, I also know this when my desk or diary is full or whatever. Then I rarely get the idea of doing something good for myself. That I'm having a wellness day or an extended walk on the beach at this moment, for example, that's only been happening recently when I was thinking about it. But otherwise, it's always something off the desk. I myself am not always valuable enough and that has now come to an end. For example, I also know this one when I read a recipe and I think you cook it when this person comes to visit. Total rubbish - meanwhile I cook it just like that in the everyday kitchen for me and my husband. Because we're worth it. And also to pay attention to my body in general, i. e. sports and doing something like this, that is also part of being worthwhile to oneself. For me this is body, mind and soul. We're made up of so many fragments that are valuable. And then the question to yourself - "Can you be good alone? Being alone with yourself, are you valuable enough to be able to endure yourself as company?". That's another very important point, because does the TV always have to be running or do you prefer to be together with others or something? Just to have a look - just be alone and see what I feel really good or what I need. Just to stop for a moment, because this time is also precious and important. It also helps to increase self-esteem and to make self-love possible and to give room for it. And not to get high on anything that doesn't do you any good. Always a look... which is good for you!

That we should control our thoughts is the beginning of action. The way we think about ourselves is a very big key. I could also sometimes imagine that it would also sometimes obstruct us to have goals. So say, if I have the promotion, then I'm worth it because then I've achieved something. And only then will I be happy and good enough. Total rubbish - you're worth it now, you're precious and special. There's not a second time in the world like this. You are unbelievably special and you're worth looking at, and not just when I've done this and that or when I have a family or something. We all have our patterns in mind where we want to go and that it is only then the right time for you to be worth it. That's just not true, it's NOW. And always remember that there are these two doers, you and you-you and your self. You love yourself - that's what I think is a crucial point.