Read the book: «The Colors Of A Optimistic World», page 14


23. Step to boost your mindset for success: Focus on your success

Many people tend to think of all the horror scenarios and obstacles that could prevent their success as soon as they have set themselves a goal, instead of thinking of success. That means you focus on your failure. The problem here is that we attract exactly what we focus on. If you often think about your possible failure and your failure, you move away more and more from your success and demotivate and demoralise yourself. Therefore you should let negative thoughts about your failure and failure, after you have already faced your fears and doubts, simply pass and focus on your goal! Visualize as often and as precisely as possible how you have already reached your goal and feel what positive emotions the achieved goal triggers in you. This keeps you on the road to success and keeps you motivated and convinced that you can really make it. You should concentrate entirely on your goal and work consistently and purposefully to achieve it. Thus you focus on the essentials on your path to success and do not run the risk of losing your way and being distracted or even discouraged. Focus on your goal until you have achieved it and strengthen your belief in it as well and as often as you can. Also, make sure that you only deal with topics that increase your awareness of success and inspire you. Avoid demotivating reading or incriminating films, because everything we consume destructively has a demotivating and weakening effect on our subconscious. Watch positive films about successful stories, read books about success and do everything that makes you positive and motivated and helps you focus on your success.

24. Step to boost your mindset for success: Learn from successful role models

On the way to your goal, it makes sense to take an example from already successful people. Look for role models and closely observe their success strategies. Surround yourself with people who have already achieved your goal and learn from them. What's their secret? How did you achieve your desired goal? You too can reach your goal without having to reinvent the wheel. Use strategies that already work and the knowledge of successful people and integrate this knowledge into your approach. In this way you can shorten your path and rely on proven methods of others. Furthermore, role models increase our faith and motivation because they have already realized what we want. The great thing about this is that our role models are also people, and they, like us, had to overcome and accept adversities and challenges in order to achieve your goal. Just read the biography of your role model. Look at pictures and videos of your role model and pay attention to how your role model behaves in certain situations. How does this person appear? How does she speak and gesture and how does her voice sound? How's her facial expression? Now visualize that you are now slipping into this person and seeing the world with your eyes. Identify yourself with your role model. How do you act now? What are you now doing in the body of your role model to achieve your goal? Often this change of perspective, through the eyes of our mission statement, brings us a completely new feeling and new solution strategies that help us in the detailed setting and implementation of our goals and dreams.

25. Step to boost your mindset for success: Consider your resources

An important aspect is the alignment of your goals with the resources you already have to achieve them. What strengths do you have that will help you achieve your goals? What weaknesses do you have that could jeopardize your success and on which you should work? What values do you have and are they compatible with the achievement of your goal? Only if you can stand absolutely behind your goals can you achieve them. How easy or difficult is it to achieve your goals based on your individual weaknesses and strengths? But the most important thing is your motivation to achieve your goals. If your motivation for achieving your goals is very high, there are a few weaknesses you cannot stop you from achieving your goals. However, it is much easier for you if you can achieve your goals without much effort and can draw on your strengths to support you. Therefore it is advisable to focus on these goals, for which you bring along a very high motivation and which fit authentically to your personality. Also check which emotions your goals trigger for you. Based on your feelings, you have a reliable navigator that clearly reflects your conviction, motivation and values in relation to your goals. You should feel comfortable with the idea of the goals you have achieved and be able to represent them with complete conviction, then you know that you are on the right track. However, since our energy is limited, we must always bear in mind that we do not overtax ourselves and that we do not want to achieve too much at once, because sometimes there is the danger that our energy is not sufficient because we have set ourselves too much, which often results in us breaking off from exhaustion because the puff is out. You should also make sure that your goals are not mutually contradictory or even mutually exclusive, because if, for example, you have set yourself the goal of becoming self-employed and at the same time never having to work again, then it is rather unlikely that you can achieve one of these goals, let alone both. In such a case it is rather meaningful itself first the one goal and then the next. and so on to undertake.

26. Step to boost your mindset for success: Don't overtax yourself

Make sure that you do not overtax yourself and want too much at once. Adapt your objectives to your realistic possibilities to avoid demotivation halfway down the line. If you would rather take small steps than all at once, then you will have a lot of staying power. Furthermore, a good structural plan with intermediate goals gives you security and helps you to keep control and not to give up on a suddenly seemingly insurmountable long way to the goal. To move forward, it is sometimes necessary to take a step backwards or small steps. You should enjoy achieving your goals and you should want to, but not have to. Only if you want to achieve your goals and look forward to achieving them, you will pursue them with ambition. It is very important for your success that you do not set your goals too high or even unrealistically, or want to achieve too many goals at the same time or that your goals stand in each other's way. Keep an eye on your realistic resources and plan enough rest periods, as well as fun and enjoyment, then you will reach your goals more easily and stay relaxed and relaxed without overexerting yourself.

27. Step to boost your mindset for success: Do not work hard but ingeniously

The secret of success is not to work particularly hard and hard, but to work wisely and ingeniously. Proceed strategically and plan your work steps efficiently. This saves you a lot of time and energy and keeps you in the fast lane. When planning, always consider periods of rest and relaxation, but also physical activity such as sports and enough time to eat a balanced diet. Only if you are fit and healthy are you also fully efficient. It is therefore very important that you allow enough time for exercise, sleep and a balanced diet. Successful people take this into account in their lifestyle because they have long understood that they can only be fully efficient and successful if they are fit and healthy. What does physical fitness and a healthy diet have to do with success? That's a lot! Only if you are physically fit and balanced and provide your body with healthy nutrition and sufficient drinking are you able to perform at peak performance and be successful. Sufficient sleep is also enormously important, in order to master its everyday life the next day again spraying before energy, without overtaxing itself thereby or overloading. It is therefore far smarter in the long run not to work hard and hard until nothing works, but to orient your planning from the outset in such a way that all important areas that contribute to your well-being and success are sufficiently taken into account.

28. Step to boost your mindset for success: Set yourself intermediate goals on the way to a big goal

If your dream is very big, it makes sense to set smaller stage destinations. This helps you to maintain your motivation and to achieve partial successes already on the way to achieving your goal. This strengthens your self-confidence and your faith in yourself. Goals that can be implemented quickly and easily are short-term goals. However, if you have set goals that require a longer preparation time and many steps, these are long-term goals that should be divided into intermediate goals. Intermediate goals prevent you from overtaxing yourself or losing motivation halfway through, because the goal you have set is still so far away. If you set intermediate goals, you can celebrate smaller and smaller successes again and again and move continuously towards your big final goal. Smaller goals are easier to achieve and thus quickly bring success, therefore short-term intermediate goals almost drive to action and motivate to continue through a rapid success and to tackle the next intermediate goal until finally the big final goal is successfully realized.

29. Step to boost your mindset for success: Set clear time limits

After you have defined the 5 most important goals that you want to achieve, it is very important to give your goals a clear time limit, which means that you define precisely when you want your goals to be achieved. This sets a more concrete focus on the achievement of goals in your consciousness and subconscious and helps you to implement your goals realistically. Apart from that, your success is now measurable and thus verifiable. In addition, you have probably already established that you always need exactly as much time for a task as you are planning yourself. For example, if you plan to clean your house in 5 hours, you will need exactly 5 hours. But if you have to clean your house in 3 hours, you will do the same. So we tend to take as much time to complete a task as has been set because you program your subconscious for a certain period of time. You can use this effect to achieve your goals by setting precise deadlines for the implementation of your goals and thus aligning your subconsciousness with the achievement of your goals up to a certain point in time. Plan the time span for your activities realistically but by no means too long, because we tend to really need the estimated time. Just try it out and plan a little less time for your activities. Usually one completes its activities faster in such a way automatically. Of course, you can also set time limits for achieving partial goals for the implementation of large goals, which gives you an even better ability to monitor your success and thus also a high incentive and many experiences of success if you find that you have come one step closer to your big goal again and have achieved what you have set out to achieve.

30. Step to boost your mindset for success: Reward yourself

In order to make the achievement of your goals even more attractive for you and to drive yourself, it is recommended to consider rewards for the individual subgoals that you grant yourself if you have successfully achieved a subgoal. There are no limits to your imagination. For example, you could treat yourself to a wellness day or an evening with friends or buy yourself a nice piece of clothing, whatever you like, the only important thing is that you reward yourself for your partial successes and spur yourself on to reach your goal piece by piece. Write the respective reward for achieving your goals behind the corresponding goal on your list and look forward to your path to success, which is so much more fun for you, by looking forward to the realization of your goals and now also to your rewards. Already the expectation of success stimulates the so-called reward system in our brain, which helps us to continue pursuing our goals. When we feel that our efforts are worthwhile, we become even more committed and it is easier for us to hold out.

31. Step to boost your mindset for success: Plan your goal achievement the other way around

Another very effective way of achieving one's goals is to imagine in detail the state in which the goal has already been achieved and then, from the existing achievement of the goal, to plan backwards until now. This variant provides a different perspective on the way to achieving the goal, as it is based on the goal already achieved. Often you discover new steps and ways to realize your goal. Furthermore, backward planning brings a further advantage. If you plan backwards from the goal you have already achieved to the present, you receive a plan that can be realized in time, because you perceive and plan time backwards in a different way. In addition, the view for the essentials is higher with backward planning and one recognizes unprofitable work steps, which one had planned with the conventional arrangement perhaps out of fear. This will sharpen your vision for what is necessary and give you a realistic picture of the time you need to master your intentions and goals. Consequently, backward planning is a very effective tool to develop a really good, well-founded and realizable target planning, which is indispensable for your success. But make sure you have enough buffer zones in place to keep your approach flexible and adaptable, because the best plan is never static and inevitably requires the implementation of free space and fine-tuning to constantly changing conditions.

32. Step to boost your mindset for success: Integrate your conscious achievement of goals into your everyday life

The conscious examination of your goals should be integrated into your everyday life as an integral part, just like eating and drinking. Consciously take time every day to deal with the achievement of your goals. Visualize daily how you have already reached your goal and direct your attention consciously to your goal. This helps you to maintain your motivation permanently and inspires you to come ever closer to your goal from the positive feelings that the goal triggers in you. Here, too, you will benefit most from your dispute if you conduct it in writing. This allows you to see clearly where you are on your way to achieving your goals and to make corrections and adjustments without any problems. Just as important is conscious action, i.e. daily "doing" in dealing with your goals. Make sure that your goal achievement becomes the daily object of your day and that you make progress every day. There is always something to do or improve and if it is only the conscious visualization and imagination of your goals.

33. Step to boost your mindset for success: Meeting obstacles and adversities calmly on the way

Obstacles and problems are to be expected on every route. Don't let that discourage you. Consider the obstacles as opportunities to grow and become stronger. The realization of a goal naturally also requires a change in one's own orientation. Obstacles and problems on the way to achieving a goal are only clear calls to grow and develop at this point. A change can only happen if the basis develops and changes accordingly. That's why you meet obstacles and adversities in a relaxed and relaxed way and overcome them instead of avoiding them. Focus on developing and growing on challenges and increase your self-esteem and self-esteem by courageously facing new tasks and obstacles. Do not ask yourself "if" you can make it, but "how" and you will find a solution. Welcome joyfully all problems that get in your way and make it your task to continue learning and to continuously find new solutions, in deep confidence in your abilities and solution competences. If you like to look back at situations in your past that you have already successfully mastered, for example when you learned to walk, then the shyness to tackle problems is quickly put into perspective again, because you know that you have already overcome and mastered much more difficult things in your life and have even grown and acquired new skills. So get rid of your fear and face your challenges, you can only win! Don't let yourself be distracted by obstacles and adversities on your way, there is always a solution if you are willing to find it.

34. Step to boost your mindset for success: Combine your goals with recurring everyday activities

If you remind yourself of your goals several times a day, it will be easier for you to stay motivated and on the home stretch. To do this, you can simply combine a day-to-day activity with your objectives. Choose something that you use several times a day. For example, you can stick a note or picture of your destination on your bathroom mirror or, for example, a password that you use frequently with your destination. Do you drink much coffee? Then make your coffee cup the medium of your destination and stick a picture or the word of your destination on your cup, and every time you enjoy your coffee, you automatically think of your destination. You could also use your pack of cigarettes or other items that you use several times a day to focus on your goal. The more often you deal with your goal, the faster you will achieve it. Take advantage of the opportunities that your everyday life offers you and let your goals be taken into account wherever possible. There are no limits to your imagination, it is only important that you do not lose sight of your goals and are reminded of them as often as possible. In this way, the necessary can be meaningfully combined with the useful and you use all possibilities to continuously come closer to your goal. Use the energy of your desire, which can unfold anew each time you recall your goal.

35. Step to boost your mindset for success: To-do lists

In order to be successful, a lot has to be mastered and done, and yet there should be enough room not to lose the important motivation on the way to the goal. That is why it is essential to structure yourself thoroughly and to plan your everyday life well. To-do lists have proven to be very effective in this respect. Write a list for each day, adapted to your resources, and note everything you want to create on that day. However, you should always take into account sufficient breaks and also times during which you can consciously deal with your goal and do not overtax yourself! Consistent and permanent "less" is "more" than too much, because too much can quickly lead to a breakdown that can bring your motivation and self-confidence to the cellar. That's why you take care of yourself and adapt your requirements to yourself and to your realistic resources. To-do lists have the positive effect of being able to celebrate small successes every day, because you can simply cross out or tick off what has been done and at the end of the day you can see how much you have actually achieved. However, if at the end of the day you find that you haven't done a lot of things on your list, you should honestly question that and adjust your to-do list accordingly in the future. Perhaps you have taken on too much or you have avoided certain tasks. However, as long as you have successfully completed at least 80% of the activities you have planned, you can look forward to and be proud of yourself. At the end of the day, with your ticked off to-do list, you have something visible in your hand by which you can clearly and easily measure your success and this is incredibly important to continuously build your self-confidence and faith in yourself, but also your belief in achieving your goals.

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