Read the book: «Fate and Love», page 3


“Yes? And?” quizzed Jerry.

“He’s going on a date.”

“Not with that little nun chick, Mary, or whatever her name is?” Jerry giggled. “I can picture such a girl.” He put his hands together, as for prayer, and rolled his eyes.


To Jerry’s disbelief, Mary was wearing tight fitting shorts and a rather plunging sports top.

Look how small she is! he thought surprised. I bet she isn’t even five feet tall.

He leered at her legs as was his habit. No, too muscular, he adjudged. Now her waist, that isn’t bad… But looky here. Mmmmm, what great tits, lady! What a lucky guy My Master is, Jerry thought.

“Nice to meet you!” the girl said to him, shaking his hand, and he finally looked at her face.

Her succulent lips and golden fluffy hair instantly made Jerry crazy. The world around him disappeared. To him, she was a goddess, the deity of all things carnal, and he was rewriting the rulebooks to favor his lust for her particularly heavenly body. The intimate thoughts he had for Mary froze his tongue. Mute, Jerry just gaped at the girl, not noticing that Robert was observing him intensely.

“Are you okay?” Mary asked, amazed, thinking; Why is this teen moron staring at me like this?

Mary didn’t understand what was going on with Jerry, and she got angry. She never did like blonde guys or athletic men either, added to which his perplexing look and awkward silence annoyed her.

She looked at Robert, but misunderstood why his sensual, refined lips curved into a self-confident smile.

Is something wrong with my makeup? she thought irritated. Am I still sweating from the workout at the gym? Gosh, I know I didn’t have time to change into anything fancy, but I look okay don’t I? Maybe I have got some dirt on my skin?

She carefully tried to free her hand from Jerry’s grasp, but nothing doing.

She raised her left hand. Enchanted, Jerry watched her tiny fingers wandering across her chest and throat.

Thumbelina! Jerry was unable to compel himself to let go of her hand. Is it a human being or just a sun streak?

Come on, you dumb angel face, at least say something! Mary barely fought off her desire to yank her hand away with all her might. She felt trapped. Can this socially challenged thing talk at all? Mary thought. She hated the embarrassment of the situation she found herself in, and despised the teenager who was causing it. Is he just a little slow, perhaps? There must be some logical explanation! I’ve read somewhere that, when men use steroids, it affects their brains. Well, here’s the living proof holding my hand like a twit.

Mary couldn’t even imagine how she lucky was living under Robert’s protection. She would have been in grave danger, had the volatile Jerry met her alone just one week earlier.

But for all his tongue-tied handshaking under the influence of lust and puppy love, Jerry knew perfectly well that as the girlfriend of his boss, the desirable Mary was now taboo.

Robert understood that Jerry knew that too, and when he saw Mary’s less than stellar reaction to Jerry’s introduction he had been unable to contain that sly and content grin playing on his own thin lips.

Ron spotted the awkward silence immediately and gently poked his young partner in the back.

Jarred into action, Jerry mechanically said, “Sorry, Miss Jablonsky! Too much sun today. I’m at your service!” He flashed her his best smile and hoped he had made amends. What a roller coaster day it was turning into with the girlies!


Mary and Robert sat on the bench in the alley. Ron and Jerry placed themselves a short distance away from them in order to watch all the approaches.

“That’s not fair!” Jerry was talking as if he was in a delirium. “I have been living in this damn city for the last four months. I could have met her first!”

“Stop it, Jerry!” Horrified that the conversation was even happening, Ron chewed a corner of his moustache. Golden lighting flashed into his dark brown eyes, swiveling quickly around before he continued. “She’s His girl! Remember what I said back at the suite? Well, this is the ultimate example of what I was telling you about. Don’t even think about messing where your nose definitely does not belong. Unless of course you like the idea of crossing the Master.”

“I know…” Jerry moaned. “But if she was even the President’s girlfriend, it wouldn’t stop me! But she’s His girl… I know what you are saying, Ron, but me wanting her won’t affect how I deal with things for Mister Noirson. If he ordered me to, I’d kill her, and I wouldn’t hesitate one second to execute her, I swear! But nobody can forbid me to dream or wait. How long have they been dating?”

“Just a few days!” Ron sensed he had a lot more pep talks to give Jerry before he saw sense and grew up where women were concerned. He ran his fingers over his black thick moustache, and asked casually; “See the game last night?”

“Yeah,” Jerry answered. His huge expressive blue eyes shone with an almost insane tint. “Anyway, maybe He’ll change His mind…”

“What are you talking about, you fucking basketcase!” snapped Ron; his moustaches bristling above his dizzily white sharp teeth. “It’s like talking to my teenage puppy love nephew. Up and down in and out of love like a dick on head. Wise up, buddy boy. The Master changing his mind isn’t going to happen. Really, Jerry, do yourself a favor and don’t count on such a convenient scenario to keep your dick happy. I know the Master too well. He is in it with her for the long haul.”

“It’s not just physical with her, you know,” Jerry drawled dreamily. “She is special.”

“Oh, please, give me strength!” Ron was exasperated.

“Maybe they will break up! I’ll be waiting… While there is life, there is hope…”

“Yeah, correct. While there is life…” Ron sighed, chewing his moustache.

What a damn situation it is! he mused gloomily. Oh, just what I needed.


In the servant’s bar Jerry took a beer and a snack and stared at the TV. He did not take in one single word of the national news blaring out the screen at him. All he could think about was his exquisite Mary and his beloved boss who he would also die for.

“Hey, Jerry!” one servant called him. “What are you so concerned about?”

“Go to Hell!” Jerry snarled. He was imagining what kind of fun he could have with his dream untouchable girl. Some moves on the bar, nobody around, no holds barred. He took a long swig to calm himself down.

“Look, buddy, it’s not good for your health. You’re too young for that stuff.”


“To be chucking back beer every day!”

“Oh, too young for beer? Fuck off.” Jerry quipped, regaining his composure after thinking at first that he was being advised that he was too young for Mary. “According to my ID it just so happens that I’m twenty three!”

I wonder what she’ll look like when she’s twenty-three? he pondered. Will she pack on the pounds, (mmmmm, she’d have fucking great tits mind you!) or will she still be a good girl for the Master and keep improving with age. Fucking Hell, he gulped down the rest of his beer in anger, Why does the Boss have to have the hots for her? Over six billion people in the world and He has to go for her.

Three security guards not far from Jerry were whispering to each other, plotting to wind up the young man and hopefully get a reaction out of him; some sort of reaction bad enough to necessitate an enforced “calming down thump”.

“You’re kidding, Max! Impossible!”

“It’s true. I’ll show you. Let’s go, guys, you’ll see!”

They moved to the next table, so that Jerry would be able to hear them.

“You know, Fred,” Max started loudly. “Mary Jablonskaia has a walk around her building every night…”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. In her little rara skirt. And you wanna know why? I tell you, this’ll kill you. Or I mean, it’ll kill Jerry boy.”

Jerry could not resist the bait, and turned to them. “Why’s it going to kill me, Max?”

“Because she wants to meet you, and flash you her little tush!” the servant impudently laughed right in Jerry’s face.

Realizing that he had been tricked, the youthful security guard flushed with anger, yet he was not drunk enough to lose control of himself and start a fight. He was new to the organization and knew those guys were professionals just dying for him to react, a chance to test out the reportedly tough new kid on the block.

Deigning not to take on more trouble than he could handle without roughing up his ponytail, he did the right thing and drained his glass in silence.

In the Park

Two months passed by. During them Jerry did not have much time to dream about Mary. There was a lot of learning to be done, and not just army training. Jerry spoke Spanish, but he also had to take crash courses in Italian and German. To his surprise all the servants had to study the Bible in addition.

“Know your enemies,” Ron explained to him. “We have to be prepared for debate as well as for a real fight.”

Ron also taught his young friend a couple of social skills: how to impress a girl with some easy magic tricks, and how to shake off the police, by simply making the car or himself momentarily invisible. This demon in a human body was growing genuinely attached to his human partner. The naïve delight that Jerry showed when studying, and his sincere thankfulness touched Ron to the bottom of his heart.

But when it came to discipline, Ron was inflexible.

Once, Jerry found a girl. Blonde, elegant and attractive, with good-shaped figure, she resembled Mary, slightly – from behind, at least. He threw himself so wholeheartedly into the task of pleasuring her that the teenager forgot about the time.

He was so close to that magic line when nothing exists, save pure enjoyment, when something clutched his manhood. At the same horrific moment, the girl disappeared, and wrenching from the unbearable pain, Jerry found himself hanging face down above an abyss that was swarming with hideous and creepy monsters and snakes, all eager to get him.

The invisible force gripping Jerry’s testicles released its hold, and screaming with agony and horror, the youth fell on the ground hard – landing right at the feet of his head partner.

“You are two minutes late!” Ron said sternly, demonstratively pointing at his watch. “Give thanks that it’s your time to work out, not be on a shift following the Master.”

“Have I just been on a ‘Ride to Hell’? ” mumbled the shocked Jerry.

“No. Not yet. And, buddy, please, make every possible effort so you don’t ever have to go on that trip!”


The partners escorted Robert to many places, and when Ron stopped the limousine next to a park, Jerry calmly got out and opened the door for his Master.

Robert got out as well. He waved with a bright smile and Jerry’s eyes followed the direction of his Master’s greeting. He froze, seeing Mary walking gracefully towards them.

She was wearing ultra-modern sports pants, bright green. Three black-and-white “General” stripes on each leg just added that something extra to her classy outfit, which was topped off by a slinky, tight-fitting black blouse with see-through long sleeves. The whole set of clothes showed her sensual body from the best point of view.

Mary had her magnificent blonde hair arranged like a Greek goddess – a curly pony tail streaming down her neck, contrasting with an exquisite plait pulled up and coiled three or four times, pinned to the top of her head like a golden crown. Her bangs brushed forward framed her strong face and all in all she looked every bit a deity worthy of Robert.

And for Jerry, her hair wrapped around him as part of her sexiest foreplay was sometimes too strong a fantasy to ignore!

He wished with all his juvenile heart that she would approach him, but not even he was that deluded. He still cringed inwardly when Mary offered her delicate hand to Robert who kissed it extravagantly.

The two lovers had barely exchanged greetings, when Robert’s phone rang.

He looked at the call display with concern.

“It’s an important call,” he explained to Mary. “Excuse me, bunny.”

He stepped out of earshot, and the bodyguards, like well-trained shadows, changed position to accommodate the change in circumstances. Jerry drew closer to Mary.

For the first time ever, he got an opportunity to talk to her, but it made him so excited that he forgot all the phrases that he had prepared for such an occasion. He saw Mary was keeping her eyes trained on Robert, who was talking ardently a few paces away from them.

Will the Master get angry if I talk to her? Jerry thought, worried about Robert’s reaction. But he could not resist the temptation tugging at his heart. Go on, just a little chat… his inner voice was crying out. Just a straightforward, polite conversation, for Satan’s sake! Convinced he could pull off a simple exchange with Mary, without blurting out he wanted to take her where she stood, he started uncertainly; “So? How, er, how was your day?”

“Uh?” Mary looked at him, startled. In her surprise at being talked to by someone she considered to be about as communicative as a tree, she did not actually register what he had said.

“I beg your pardon?” she addressed Jerry, suppressing the urge to address him as “you thick oaf”.

The astonishment that she showed clearly confused the youth, and he lost the string of badly prepared words. Unable to think clearly, Jerry forced himself to break his stare and look around to check the security situation.

In the soft summer twilight, everything seemed calm and peaceful. The hot daytime hours had already melted away, and the fresh wind was bringing forth special early evening aromas.

There in the park, in the middle of the city, the scent of moist soil, odors from the neighborhood pizzeria, and the fragrance of late summer flowers bordering the path, all mixed effortlessly into an enchanting bouquet that not even the stench of exhaust fumes could spoil.

A few kids played nearby. An elderly couple were sitting a few benches away, doing the old person thing of looking around, never exchanging a word, but completely content to be together in their shared silence. Not a leaf was moving on the distant shrubbery. Nobody was hiding behind any trees. Jerry’s eyes met Ron’s stare, but he misunderstood the look, and he flashed his partner a secret signal that meant ‘the situation is under control.”

But Ron was not frowning in concern for the safety of their employer and his girl. Oh buddy, be careful, with her. I can read you like a book, and if you ask me, you’re a frigging menace. Ever the professional, he surveyed the area, but still observed his young protégé out the corner of a very vigilant eye.

Trying to re-establish a friendly, harmless dialogue, Jerry uttered enthusiastically, “It’s so sunny today.”

“It’s evening right now, Jerry.” Mary sighed, thinking; Robert, probably told him to keep me entertained, while he’s busy. Well, finally, it’s not Robert’s fault that that teen is so clumsy.

“The sun is already down, Jerry.”

“Oh, I meant to say, it was a sunny day, wasn’t it?”

“Do I look like the weather man?” Mary snapped, losing her patience.

“Huh?” Jerry was taken aback. How could his sweet sensuous love talk to him like that?

Mary saw his expressive, blue puppy dog eyes looking at her rather too closely, questioning her. This caused her to feel even more ticked off at the way the little chat was taking shape.

My God, doesn’t he see that I’m not interested in talking! If he wasn’t Robert’s man, I’d tell him to shut up and push off. She grimaced slightly at him, trying to be polite while fighting the annoyance he was causing her.

Jerry saw her succulent lips draw together, but when he winced, it was due to another misinterpretation of body language. He felt a strong surge in his stomach as he followed the path of her tongue, its dark pink tip flashing out from between her lips, then, like a magic serpent, slithering slowly, provocatively, leaving a translucent wet trail on the tender scarlet skin of her upper lip.

The young bodyguard glanced around to control not the situation, but rather himself.

He wanted her so badly, and not in a nice way, because she was not playing the innocent sweet girl he wanted her to be with him. Fuck her, literally, he yelled inside himself, and counted to ten in a pointless exercise in self-control.

Robert finished his talk, and smiling, went back.

Open-eyed, Jerry watched Mary in amazement. She beamed at Robert, her stern dull face lighting up with a happy smile, her eyes flashing like emeralds. She shook all over, her breasts hove, and she hugged herself in an extremely excitable state of body and mind.

Oh looky! Jerry wanted to cry. She is buzzing because of Him! The feeling that struck and then engulfed Jerry was neither envy nor jealousy. It was agony. He summoned all his strengths, and managed to maintain an indifferent attitude.

Robert glanced at Jerry, then addressed Mary; “I’m terribly sorry, my little bird! It’s getting late, would you like me to walk you home?”

Mary nodded, too happy to answer. She was indeed afraid that if she talked, her trembling voice would show her inner excitement that threatened to turn her heart into a sexy, romantic, lovey-dovey jelly.

According to the rules, Ron was to have followed Robert, and Jerry should have returned to the car. But, quite unexpectedly, Robert said to the guards; “Jerry, with me. Ron, stay.”

The bodyguards were surprised, but well-disciplined enough not to ask a thing.

The opportunity to follow Mary comforted the youth.

At least I can see her for a while longer, he thought, delighted.

Ron tried to say something, but a quick cold glance from Robert froze his tongue. Full of worry for his protégé, he pulled at a corner of his moustache with his teeth, watching his Master with his girl and his escort until all three dissolved into the tense darkness.


If Robert wanted to have the trust-worthiest escort possible, he was right in choosing Jerry. The young bodyguard was all attention.

The Master will see, how good I am, Jerry thought. And SHE will see I can protect her

Much to his disappointment, however, it was quite a peaceful walk.

The lovely cloudless night was mythically exquisite. The deep dark sky showed no moon. In the middle of the city the stars were invisible. The lights from the buildings and cars, colored rays beaming from commercial signs and streetlights lit up the paths in the park.

Moving lightly the leaves of the many trees featured in the park, the tender humid wind was playing its own enchanting role. In Jerry’s mind, the enigmatic shades, and the storming, dancing shadows turned Mary into some exquisite fantasy creature.

Her blond hair appeared luminous in the darkness just like a nimbus cloud appears in moonlight, and her black blouse, invisible in the dusk, hid her body; it seemed as if only her head was gliding through the air.

Firefly! Jerry thought adoring her. Come on! He looked hard all about, checking every shadow, every moving leaf. It’s dangerous to walk after dark, isn’t it? Where, in the name of Hell, are all the damned crooks, maniacs, gangsters and druggies? Not even a noisy paparazzi. Why can’t one of Mister Noirson’s competitors send an assassin along to give me something to do?

Alas! Mary was not aware in the slightest of his efforts to protect her from the perils of his imaginary world where, at a stretch, he would transform into a knight in shining armor and ride in to save the girl from danger. She had forgotten about him the instant Robert had offered her the walk.

They moved slowly, without saying a word at first. When Robert asked with a smile;

“Are you cold, dear?” Mary looked at him questioning, and he specified; “You are hugging yourself.”

“Oh! No.” The girl felt a hot wave instantly wash away her chill. She dropped her arms. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“Don’t catch a cold,” Robert said very serious, casually hugging her shoulder. “Next week, you are going in for a very serious competition, if I remember correctly?”

Mary was taken aback by his comforting gesture. Should I ask him to remove his arm? the girl thought, confused. But why? It would be hypocritical to pretend that I don’t like it! It’s not like he’s gonna rape me… She flushed momentarily at the thought of him actually imposing himself on her in a more romantic sense, but brought herself back to earth. Loosen up, girl, she scolded herself, I’m so paranoid at times! He’s just trying to be nice to me, I feel good in his arms, and all I’m doing is walking like a stupid frigid doll!

“I’m sorry, Robert, what did you say about the competition?

“Just that you have one next week!”

“How do you know?” she replied.

He gave her a look that insinuated he knew everything about her. Again she flushed, wondering if he knew how warm it made her feel that he took such an interest in her simple life.

“Nah, it’s just a usual event; a Gymnaestrada for the five local schools. Some charity activities as well…” she gazed at him with a fleeting hope. “Will you attend it as well?”

“I’m afraid not,” Robert replied, sounding sad. Mary nodded.

“I understand…”

They crossed the road, and Jerry noticed almost with despair. Oh, no, the campus is here already! Please, cue the mad dog or a raccoon, sick with rabies! a snake…

Perhaps an anaconda, eh? an inner voice mocked him. Maybe a t-rex, a mammoth? Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! Not your day to be in a fairytale, buddy. Let’s face it, whichever way you look at it, it’s not your lucky day!

He gloomily glanced at Robert and Mary – they walked hugging each other – and Jerry again looked around trying to find a reason to show off his abilities. In vain!

They entered the campus area. The modern buildings contrasted sharply with the aging structures all covered with moss and ivy. The usual noises from the city were muffled, and occasionally the light chirping from birds falling asleep up in the trees could be heard. The breeze was light, yet gave the atmosphere a soft and warm feeling as if being cradled by Mother Nature.

Mary rubbed her head against Robert’s shoulder, and smiled with happiness.

How many times she had paced along the same alleyway. How different it was with Robert! Usually she almost ran through the darkness, clutching her brass-knuckles, ready to defend herself. She was always cautious, always on the lookout for possible sources of dangers.

And now she felt so safe and comfortable, enjoying the feeling of her beloved man next to her. They walked in silence until they reached Mary’s building.

Mary, you are such an impolite fool! suddenly flashed in her head. You have been dating two months already, but have you ever asked Robert about HIS plans and events?

“You never told me about your life,” she started, carefully choosing the words. “I don’t want to worm myself into your confidence. But I’d like to know you better.”

“Wasn’t there enough about me from the searches you did in the library?” Robert asked, smiling.

They stopped by the building entrance.

“How did you know?” Mary sighed. “Well, I asked that question so many times that it has lost all its meaning. I suppose I should just accept that you know everything about me. I guess I feel a little bit guilty. Yes, I did check some newspapers and Internet sites. You have done a lot, haven’t you? But besides all the boring facts, what kind of things do you like? What do you do for fun? What are your beliefs?”

“Ow-ow, slow down, girl!” Robert laughed. “It’s not easy to reveal everything at once. Okay, let’s see. I expect you’ll find this funny after reading about my business life, but away from the madness, I am quite a romantic person. If you ever come to my house, don’t be surprised. It has Renaissance décor in every room.”

“Renaissance? That is interesting,” she chirped, nodding.

“How I miss that time. If it was up to me, I’d prefer to wear a French aristocrat’s wig, and see you dressed in a crinoline!”

Mary gaped at Robert, who paused, then continued; “By the way, I’ve never seen you in a skirt. Why?”

It’s because of my short legs, Mary thought, embarrassed. I believe I look like a turtle, when I’m wearing a dress. But I’d rather die than admit to that aloud.

“Don’t you have one?” Robert insisted. “I think you have very shapely legs, if you don’t mind me saying.”

Mary went scarlet at his compliment then quickly regained her composure.

“I do have a dress,” the girl replied slowly. “The one I wear for going to church. But the rest of the time, I wear pants or shorts, because I need to do a lot of exercises.”

“What, for your gymnastics?”

“Yes.” His positive comment on a part of her figure that Mary hated had struck a cord in her and opened her heart to him more than she hoped he could tell. “Look!” Mary gabbled in a wave of excitement. “Can you imagine if I did this, togged up in a dress?”

She stepped aside, onto the grass, and performed a few leaps and gymnastic jumps.

Jerry did not hear their talk, and now, seeing Mary prancing and pirouetting, he was astonished, and slowly went close.

What the hell is she doing? Wow! He couldn’t believe his eyes. Did the Master ask her or is she doing it to show off and make him even crazier for her? Damn, for me, at least, it works. Look, she can bend in every direction known to man! I forgot she was a gymnast. Wow, what a girl, what an amazing body, just look at her go. He licked his lips and felt a surge of butterflies in his stomach. I bet not even Kama-Sutra has got enough moves to push the capabilities of her lithe little body… But I’d love the chance to try and find her limits.

Mary finished her performance with the splits, and all giggling and eyes bright, she got up elegantly in one movement. Suddenly realizing that she had done her routine unasked, the girl blushed again, as she approached Robert.

“Impressive,” he said calmly. “But don’t you remember I’ve seen you in action before?” He saw a sheepish look flash across her young face and tried to banish it immediately. “But it was fabulous.” He hit the jackpot and then went on with his principal line of thought. “Mary, we see each other so rarely, is it at all possible for you to wear a dress for me?”

How could he demand something from her! Jerry felt himself going insane. Oh well, he paid for it, I suppose.

“I feel more comfortable wearing pants!” Mary argued.

“But you make the effort to wear a dress in front of God. Why don’t you want to do me that favor too?”

That request struck Jerry, his head full of biblical lessons, and he stood rigid.

Instantly Mary’s face became stern, and she stepped back.

“Never try to compare yourself with God,” she retorted almost inaudibly.

“Why not?” Robert asked arrogantly. He resembled a proud Roman patrician, and Mary involuntarily adored his look. Caught on the back foot she made an effort, and answered; “Because it won’t work with me.”

Robert’s eyes narrowed, when he searched the girl for signs of her seriousness over religion. “So, you don’t like meeting with me?”

“Eh? I do like it, and you know that,” Mary said, barely holding back her tears.

If she cries, I’ll hit him, Jerry thought resolutely. To see her suffering is worse than a “Ride to Hell’!

“I was hoping you’d respect my feelings and faith. Of course I can wear a skirt to please you. I do want to please you, really, and if you don’t like me in these shorts and pants, I won’t wear them again when I’m with you, but you turned this subject into a religious issue, and don’t count on me giving up my beliefs. I’d rather die on the street, starving, than take 30 pieces of silver.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that, honey,” Robert uttered it so tenderly that the girl forgave him at once. Amazed, Jerry looked at his Master.

Robert opened his arms to Mary, and the girl drew close, gazing up at him like a wounded gazelle. He embraced her, and after a brief hesitation Mary hugged him as well.

Jerry’s spirits plummeted, and he looked around, checking the security of the situation, as he was assuring himself, not because he envied his Master, who held his loved one in his arms.

“I didn’t mean to offend you, my honey-drop,” Robert said. His soft tempting voice percolated Mary’s soul. “And I will not force you to change your style either! You are a beautiful girl, and your blouse is very flattering. But you can’t wear sports pants everywhere. That was my point.”

“I don’t get it.” Mary looked at him.

“I want you to attend a party. But you have to wear a dress. A posh dress.”

“I don’t have anything like that, and you know it,” Mary mumbled, confused and embarrassed.

“Tomorrow I’ll send one to you.” He paused, and specified, “As a gift for your birthday.”

“You didn’t forget!” Mary beamed.

“How could I?” He squeezed her affectionately.

“Cool! But what party, and why am I going with you?”

“It’s a charity party, of course.” Robert winked. “You’ll present your gymnastic team. I’ll send a car for you. You’ll receive the invitation along with the dress, and a special card so you can borrow some jewelry. The address of the store is on the back. I know you’ll refuse if I try to give you the jewels as a gift, but if you keep them – I’ll be happy. But if you feel uncomfortable with that idea, just return everything to the store.”

“What about shoes?” she asked, excited.

“You can rent evening pumps in the same store too.”

“I can easily walk and even dance like a butterfly on high heels,” Mary said proudly. “I won’t look like a tottering sow, you know.”

“I know that only too well, sweetheart.”

“How…” Mary stopped short and laughed. “I feel like a Cinderella!”

“You are…” Robert whispered, bringing his face close to her. Mary opened her lips, and their breathing intermingled. He felt her youthful energy swamp his body and she felt his power overwhelm hers.

Both instinctively released their intense hold so as to not give an inappropriate impression. The girl slid off Robert’s arms like mercury, and ran to her building.

Turning, her excited body highlighted in the lighted doorway, she shouted “Good night!” blew a kiss, and closed the door behind her.

Robert laughed, tapped Jerry’s shoulder, and took out a pack of cigarettes.

Jerry helped his Master with the lighter. Robert inhaled deeply, and sighed.

Age restriction:
Release date on Litres:
25 March 2020
330 p. 17 illustrations
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