Read the book: «The Island of Golden Zandolie 3. The Big Eyes’ Dragon»

Chapter 1
The six-pointed star and the flying ship
The cheerful adventurer and IT specialist Denis was in a good mood from the very morning. Today he, together with Ray, the mutant-grandson of the legendary alien Golden Zandolie, were going to test a new model of the flying submarine! The first dive, the first flight, whatever!
Ray's interplanetary genius, together with the software support of Denis himself and with the experience of Scott, a former military pilot, sailor and Ray's adoptive father, – they all together had created a masterpiece!
Yes, the new submarine was designed to not only splendidly dive and maneuver under water, but also soar into the air! They managed to overcome the density difference between two types of the environment, water and air, brilliantly, with almost no loss!
Zina, Denis' wife and an IT specialist as well, had barely persuaded him to have a normal breakfast before leaving the house. He was too excited to eat.
“Den, of course, I am glad for all of you! You have a common cause! And you are not just killing time out of boredom, but learning new stuff from each other. But be careful. Ray has changed a lot. To be honest, he reminds me of Zandolie much more lately. He even started to squint and slouch like his grandfather. And those blue zigzags on Ray's body, almost like that blue alien! And Ray had started to wear a gold chain on his chest with the Star of David! It looks like we are living on the Island of Golden Zandolie again…”
“And you know what I think, Zin? You envy us! You do not take part in our projects and you are angry! Why don't you ever help us, or at least take look from aside?”
“Well, because deep in my soul I don't find all this amusing! Ray is turning into a monster, and you are helping him in this, teaching him everything, building his evil empire. Look around. Humans and mutants had never got along happily. Humans are still afraid of mutants. And mutants are not eager to communicate with earthlings. They mine gold and guard the Island – just like in the days of the alien Zandolie!”
“You're exaggerating… Oh, I have to go, they had come for me!”
A black jeep with a gold Star of David on the hood and a black mutant behind the wheel was already waiting for Denis.
Denis had noticed, Ray did not bother to pick him up himself, but simply sent his “soldier and slave”. Maybe Zina was right. All this was starting to resemble the times, when the Island was ruled by the “great and terrible” Golden Zandolie.
The island was well known for its vibrant tropical wildlife beauty. The emerald peaks of the mountains were going straight into the clouds! The sea, the rivers and the waterfalls were everywhere, sparkling with silver and turquoise!
Denis had a happy life on the Island – here pure ecology and natural splendor were perfectly combined with a wide variety of adventures. Aliens, mutants and people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds were co-existing on this small patch of mountainous land, lost in the Atlantic. Not always local life was flowing smoothly and peacefully, so there was no possible way of getting bored!
…Finally, their black jeep had reached Scott's house. Here Denis was supposed to meet Ray and go to the place where the submarine was located.
On the Island this place was called the Secret Bay. This was the very place, where Marley himself, the son of Golden Zandolie, once loved to hide and store all his supplies.
By some miracle, Ray, Marley's son, has found this Secret Bay!
None of the people could remember the way there. And Ray just knew it – the memory of generations? Or was Ray still in touch with his late father?
…The high electronic gates of Scott’s fort house opened smoothly and without a sound. The black jeep was immediately spotted by CCTV.
Three cars were already parked in the yard: Scott's, his wife Julia's and one more – a huge, brand new black jeep with a six-pointed star on the hood.
Interesting! Maybe Zina was right? Denis really needed to talk to Ray. Where did such love for all the symbols of Zandolie's power come from? And why was the Star of David in particular!?
The jeep with the black mutant driver was gone.
And Ray appeared out of the house, tall, muscular, hunching forward predatory. He has really changed a lot. The face was longer now, the features had sharpened. The squinting look and smile were new, the sweet dimples on the cheeks disappeared, even his lips had narrowed. The blue stains on his arms and chest, which he had after that incident of attacking UFO, also did not add him any beauty, but only spoiled the once beautiful caramel-colored skin.
Now, Ray was looking less and less like a handsome and kind-hearted man – his late father Marley, and more and more like a blue alien – his late grandfather Zandolie.
After the conversation with Zina, Denis had started to perceive everything slightly differently. He trusted his wife.
Ray was wearing something black, paramilitary. At least, not those white clothes, like his late grandfather!
He had sunglasses on his orange eyes of a reptile with a vertical pupil. And he had a slight smile, haughty, mocking, as it seemed to Denis now.
Ray's powerful figure was moving with a feline plasticity, just like Marley.
“Hey, Den!” Ray greeted him hoarsely and then lightly touched the hood of his new black SUV with a star. A powerful motor roared loudly – the car has started itself!
“He can probably kill me like this, with one gesture,” thought Denis.
Zina ruined it all – now Denis was beginning to be scared of everything! And how glorious the morning was starting! It seemed to Denis, that he had long ceased to wonder about anything on this unique island.
He just recalled, that Julia, Ray's mother, wanted to talk to him. Something again was bothering her in her son …
Oh no, later, all later!
The most important thing now was the testing a flying submarine! This was not a real size submarine yet, only a trial model, but quite large and accurate!
They have already managed to dive into the water and take off. Today there was a new stage – maneuvering between two different media, multiple changes of density of environments, optimal angles of navigating…
And he, Denis, would be inside, manually controlling it! Denis had a slim build – the model would stand all. And Ray was too big and heavy…
Somehow Denis was getting more and more agitated. And Ray was calmly driving the black SUV into Secret Bay along the road by the sea. Denis decided to start a conversation on some abstract topic in order to somehow calm himself down.
“Ray! Why the Star of David? You know this is the late Zandolie’s favorite symbol. We can't ask him anymore, but what about you? What attracted you to the six-pointed star?”
“I think when Golden Zandolie landed on Earth, he simply fell in love with this island. He wanted to live freely with people, love, create, without following the strict code of conduct of his home planet. A six-pointed star is a symbol of union: for Hindus – of men and women, for others – of people and gods. As you know, presently even some scientists believe, that under the word “god” in many ancient sources one can read “alien”. So, probably, Zandolie wanted to live with the earthlings in unity, or maybe he really imagined himself like a god.”
Ray was smiling as he continued down the road winding around the mountains by the sea.
Denis was thinking, that Ray might be as well feeling more and more like a god himself. And unsurprisingly so – Ray was incredibly strong and intelligent, with a killer hypnotic gaze. So, he was capable to start the car can by touching with his hand. Just like in the Bible, where the Son of God was healing people by the “laying on of hands”. Here was such a descendant of an alien-God.
As soon as Denis thought about divine healing, he immediately noticed a crowd on the bank, they were driving by. About a dozen people were surrounding someone on the sand and shouting, some even crying. Denis touched Ray's powerful, blue-streaked arm and pointed to the crowd.
Ray immediately stopped the car and easily jumped off into the sand. The people instantly fell silent and parted. It was noticeable that the mutant was feared of.
On the sand lay the lifeless body of a young man, most likely a fisherman. Ray quickly bent down and brought his hand to the chest of the man. Ray's dreadlocks fluttered slightly, like disturbed snakes.
The body of the young fisherman suddenly arched up and collapsed again, a cry was heard.
The fisherman has opened his eyes. The crowd scattered, leaving only a couple of people. Ray took off his sunglasses and looked at each one carefully with his amber eyes with a vertical pupil.
Denis remained standing by the black jeep and thinking.
“Yes, gods and aliens are one and the same indeed! I hope Ray won’t wish to destroy the Island like his grandfather Zandolie in the past!”
Ray came back to the vehicle. The golden Star of David was shining brightly in the sun, and the caramel-colored, smooth, muscular chest of the mutant was gleaming blue.
Denis thought that the alien grandfather would be proud of his grandson now.
Marley, the “prodigal son” of Zandolie, had never accepted his father, did not believe on his peaceful plans for coexistence with people … And in the end, the son destroyed his father.
Denis forced himself to stop thinking about the past. What was up? A beautiful sunny day, interesting tests of an unprecedented invention, Ray, who just saved a man – Denis should be in a great mood. And he was seen the shadow of Zandolie everywhere….
The test model of the sub was not quite a real sub!
If a UFO would appear during their trials, and worse, even attack, Denis would not be able to take off high or dive deep – the walls of the submarine were not thick enough for deep diving, and the engine was not powerful enough to flee to safety…
Although the Secret Bay seemed like a safe place, chosen by Marley himself!
If the trials would be successful, then he and Ray would build a real flying submarine, dozens of times larger and more powerful than the test model – and finally would be able to explore the seabed far around the island. And if you wish, even attack aliens! Then be aware, Big Eyes’ Dragon!
The test submarine stood on a platform on wheels, on a special trailer, like those on which yachts are transported. Black, shiny, predatory streamlined shape, it already looked like a real submarine. The very first model was small, with a remote control. Now Denis himself had to be at the control panel.
Ray unloaded oxygen tanks from his jeep, a wetsuit for Denis – like he seemed to be going into space. But the risk was great, like of a real astronaut. The sub could not be overloaded, the safety margin was still small. Therefore, not all safety measures were possible to follow …
“Den, what are you more afraid of, the dive or a UFO?”
“Ray, are you reading my mind again? To be honest, of a UFO! I'm sure about the sub – you and Scott have foreseen everything!”
“Thanks! Well, off you go! Good luck!”
Den got into his wetsuit and awkwardly climbed into the upper hatch of the sub. Ray closed the hatch and unhooked the fastening cables. The submarine slid smoothly into the water. The bay was deep, right from the very edge of the coast. Denis started submerging almost immediately.
The tightness and maneuverability trials have already been carried out. Today they had planned to test the impact of change in density of two media – from water to air and vice versa.
The sub turned out to be slightly flattened – not cigar-shaped, as usual. On the sides, small retractable wings were installed. The flat bottom had a whole series of small turbines….
It was necessary to understand the transition algorithm from the water and back and to program the operation of the wings and the turbines below. For now, everything depended on Denis' reaction. Oh, if only Ray or even Scott could be there – but they both weighed too much! Although, really, it had to be Denis, who would need to automate and program everything!
… How beautiful it was under the sea! The sun's rays were penetrated the aquamarine depths of the water far, far below. At the bottom, multicolored coral fish were scurrying about in small schools. It was not very deep, ten to twenty meters. Here and there were islets of coral of all colors. Stinging rays soared with their flat bodies just above the seabed, a strange needle fish hanged vertically almost at the very surface of the water. And here was the colorful and quite dangerous lionfish. Suddenly a flounder came alive off the sandy seabed! In some places, one could see spikes of dark sea urchins. A group of some marine life was crawling along the bottom, looking like crabs. And a curious turtle was swimming slowly by the very porthole! And what kind of flock was this one, of little octopi?! No way!…
That was enough, it was time to fly a little!
Over the past few weeks, Scott has tirelessly taught Denis how to operate different modes of transport, on water and air! Denis now was like James Bond – he could easily jump from yacht to helicopter and fly away into the sunset!
Today he would need to understand the optimal take-off trajectory. He and the guys seem to have done all the calculations. But live tests were not always perfect like clockwork!
So! He would turn on the lower turbo, extend the wings almost at the very water, change the angle of the wings this way and that! And up!
The bright sun blinded Denis for a couple of seconds. It would be necessary to provide dark glasses-chameleons for rapidly changing environments for the future! And the same glass for the windows…
He was flying! Flying!
How breathtakingly beautiful it was to soar over the sea! Denis felt like a flying fish!
Well! It was time to get back into the water. He would fold the wings, remove the lower turbo…
Damn, it didn't go so smoothly! The “flying ship” flopped sideways into the water and whirled. For a moment Denis did not understand where was the top and where the bottom. The on-board computer, quite small and basic, helped to stabilize the submarine at that critical moment, when Denis completely lost control.
Denis took off the wings too early, it was imperative to change the angle of inclination of the ailerons first…
They would be significant to modify the stabilizer further too …
Denis was very nervous and sweating terribly in his wetsuit. When they would build a real flying submarine in its projected dimensions, large, powerful and durable, then the wetsuit would not be needed all the time, but only to get out of the submarine into the sea itself.
Denis felt mortally tired – nervous tension easily consumed his last strength. But it was necessary to take off and plunge back several more times, at different angles, at different speeds and record all the measurements …
Then everything went well. After every test the stress level was gradually fading away, and the joy of the navigation was increasing!
When all the tests scheduled for today were over, happy and proud Denis moored to the shore, opened the upper hatch, and took off his wetsuit helmet. Ray's strong arms grabbed him and pulled him out.
From overexcitement Denis could not stand on his feet and could not speak, he just raised his thumb – everything went with a bang!
But Ray didn't look happy. He flashed amber eyes over his spectacles and barked contemptuously.
“Pure nonsense! We need a force field around the sub, a field that will help us with a smoother transition of environments and even in defense against UFOs.”
At this time, the mutant's displeased face has frowned even more. He tensed and pointed to Denis, who was standing with his back to the sea, in the direction to the water. Denis turned around and noticed what had alarmed Ray.
The sea was shimmering with an inner glow, so bright, that it was noticeable even on this sunny day.
Ray grabbed Denis by the arm and pulled him towards the cave, for cover. And just in time – the sea seemed to bend, and a huge silver flying saucer with a row of bright white lights hovered silently right in front of them. It blinded them with its beams. Then an explosion was heard.
But Denis and Ray were no longer looking in the direction of the UFO. They huddled into the depths of the cave, behind the storage shed where Marley himself once was hiding.
Time passed, it was quiet, only something seemed to be burning – humming and crackling …
Finally, Ray and Denis dared to leave the cave. Their submarine was burning down on the shore at the edge of the sea …
Ray looked furiously towards the sea, his eyes flashed with blue lightning, his dreadlocks reared and covered with small light-blue discharges, like bare tree branches with frost on a frosty night …
“Den, we won't tell anyone about this attack from the Big Eyes' Dragon. Unnecessary worries must be avoided! We shall find these aliens! Challenge accepted!”
Denis just nodded silently, unable to find words. He was already too tired and stressed for today. And he was really scared, around the aliens and around the mutant Ray …
Chapter 2
The gifts from the Indian village
A beautiful tropical island is everyone's dream! How many people crave to visit such a piece of paradise, lie under the sun on golden sand, bathe in clear aquamarine water, drink freshly squeezed juice of some exotic fruit or maybe something stronger like rum or tequila.
And living in such a place is just the top of dreams! Sea every day! Sunrises, sunsets – the day begins and ends with a riot of colors, breathtaking views! Every day you can dive into the warm sea or walk on the soft cool sand. One paradisaic delight!
… Well, not quite like that.
The sand on the Island of Golden Zandolie is black, volcanic, heavy and sticky, often heating up too quickly in the sun to some hellish temperatures. And there are very few beaches and mostly mountains and rocks. Not everywhere on the tropical islands are affordable and pleasant places to relax. There are some of those where you don't want to stay for a long time!
It was on such a beautiful, but not entirely hospitable island that all our heroes lived – people, aliens and mutants …
Olga was one of those Russian newcomers, who did not like the Island from the first sight. She was living here for a while, but never getting used to the local flavor.
Now she was staying in a rented small apartment in a complex, specially built for small government employees right on the outskirts of the island's capital. The capital was also just a small town with little houses on one or two floors …
Olga was almost happy with her home – it was quite decent. She had everything she needed there, and she didn't need much. She was working as a secretary and accountant for a corporation for the exploration and extraction of minerals (gold).
Olga was hardly leaving the apartment, since almost all the work was done online. She didn’t want to communicate with anyone in person, so this kind of work suited her perfectly.
After Olga's boss Vladimir left for London, she almost stopped communicating with the rest of the Russians who remained on the Island. There were way too many unpleasant memories. Work was all that was keeping her here. She had to work off her debt and hold out until the end of the contract.
… One fine sunny morning Olga woke up and felt that she could not get up. It seemed to her that she was glued to the bed. The whole world pressed down on her, as if a giant kitchen rolling pin had rolled her out, flattening her body over the bed.
With a huge effort, Olga groped for the phone and dialed the first number that came to mind.
“Denis … Help …”
“Olga! You? Speak louder!”
“Denis … Denis … Come … I feel bad …”
“Olga! I can’t hear you! Call back!”
Olga dropped the phone and closed her eyes in exhaustion. What happened to her? Got poisoned? Maybe sick? Dengue fever? She heard, Dengue was a terrible disease, when you feel chills and nausea. And one can add to this also miserable weakness and cold sweat. Everything about Dengue fever was very unpleasant and quite dangerous.
Well! There were no sweat and high fever.
Olga! You are a complete wimp. Get up!
Olga came out of the bed slowly, went to the kitchen and drank some water. Then she went out onto the balcony for the fresh air.
There was a grand view from there! The city was all visible like on the palm of her hand! And right below of the complex there were also a shimmering mountain river and a sea harbor! Olga breathed a little fresh morning air, looked at the waking city, at the fishing vessels and coast guard boats heading out to sea ….
Well, that's a bit better! She could go on now, her energy was coming back. Now she needed to make coffee and check her mail.
No. She didn't feel like drinking coffee at all, feeling sick again! Okay, let's drink some juice and get to work.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Olga was not expecting any visitors. Olga avoided any contact with old friends, and she never made new acquaintances from locals. She communicated only for work, mainly with Scott and with Vladimir – with two bosses, a local and a remote one.
Today it was necessary to draw up a monthly report on financial transactions. She didn't want to work at all.
Who was knocking at the door so persistently? Maybe annoying neighbors? Or a postman?
Olga opened the door and even screamed a little in surprise. On the doorsteps was standing Sylvia, the wife of the Indian consul Dominic. The good-natured round face was smiling. In the hands of Sylvia was a huge basket with fruits, vegetables, herbs …
Olga could not say exactly what was there, since everything was local, unknown to her. Olga was on very simple diet, not willing to try anything new or exotic.
“Good morning, miss Olga! I'm so glad I found you! My husband and I arrived in the city today, and while he is in the ministry, I decided to visit you! We haven’t seen each other since you were staying in our village with your friend …”
“Yes, Sylvia, thank you again for your hospitality, come in! Tea, coffee, water?”
“Just water please! And you are so pale! Are you okay? You know, there is a Dengue fever epidemic all over the region now.”
“Yes, you know, just this morning I felt nausea and chills …”
“You need to take more liquids, vitamins. This tea herbs are very good, take it. It's so good that I stopped by! And fruit! Here are pink grapefruits! Here is a sugar apple, here is a golden apple – don't laugh, these are not the apples that you are used to, but no worse! You need to eat better; you are so thin and pale! Well, I must go! I will say hello to Dominic from you!”
“Thank you, Sylvia. You are very kind!”
“It's my pleasure! We are always glad to see you with friends in our village.”
The stout Indian woman drank some water, wiped off the sweat with a large hanky and said goodbye.
Fruit and tea herbs with the scent of basil remained on the table. Olga inhaled in the sweet aromas of the Indian gifts in deep breaths – how wonderful!
Indeed, this local herbal tea should be brewed!
Half an hour later, Olga was already working at full speed on the report, sitting in front of a laptop with a huge mug of steaming pale tea with a basil aroma. And then she felt sick again, she barely made it to bed and passed out.
… Olga was found by Denis, in her bedroom, in bed, in a pool of blood. At first, Denis got scared, thinking of murder, but then he felt a weak pulse and called an ambulance.
Denis just saved her.
Olga had another miscarriage, this time of an unborn child from Dominic, the Indian consul … She almost died from the blood loss …
Olga woke up in the central hospital of the Island, where a nurse told her this sad news.
Denis was not allowed to see her, because he was not a relative. But he managed to visit her the next day.
“Olga, you are so pale, almost blue! You need to increase your hemoglobin; you have lost so much blood! I thought you were killed!!!”
“Who’d need to kill me …”
“What happened?”
“It's okay, just bleeding. It happens sometimes with me …”
“Did you have someone the day before? Have you been visited?
“By Sylvia, the wife of the Indian consul…”
“What for?!”
“She brought gifts …”
“Wait, the consul's wife… Is he married? So, she probably wanted to kill you!”
“No, not me, my child …”
“Wait, what!?!? … Well, yes, it's logical … it was Dominic's child, right? And you drank what his wife gave you…”
“It was just herbal tea …”
“Probably a traditional Indian remedy for abortion, or even a poison! … Oh, Olga, sorry, I made you tired. Get some sleep …”
“Why did you come to me at that exact time? Did something happen?”
“You called me yourself and I called you back. Then nothing! And I decided to go to you. Just in time! By the way, you didn't lock the front door, you need to be careful, Olga!!!! I will be there until you are discharged, and later too, until you get stronger! Your fridge is empty. I've already bought everything. I’d stay with you for now, if you don’t mind …
“I object and your wife Zina too!”
“Zina won’t mind. She’d come herself, but she got some urgent work …”
Denis finally left. Olga sighed. She had a surgery, no more children … Yes, with her negative rhesus, to have children were quite difficult, and with her luck, almost impossible!
Olga thought about Julia, her friend, who became sterile after the birth of her mutant child.
Olga herself feared that she could become pregnant from that Indian consul who could be a mutant. Dominic simply fascinated her then, in a completely incomprehensible way.
Julia also did not escape Dominic’s spell. Poor Julia! And Olga just abandoned her, never called …
Olga was finally discharged from the hospital home.
Denis came to pick her up and then looked after her for another day.
Later Olga insisted on Denis’ returning home to his wife. The fact that Zina never called or came was a bad sign.
“How funny it turned out, Denis, you said that mutants are sterile, and then Ray was born! All the women, who got pregnant from “sterile” mutants, then got “sterile” themselves …”
“What are you talking about, Olga?”
“Julia will never have children, and neither will I. Two of a kind!”
“You had something with mutant Ray!?!”
“Denis!! It's impossible to talk to you sometimes!”
“Aww! You think your Indian Dominic is a mutant! I don’t think so! He probably gave you some kind of potion, just like his wife Sylvia!!! They also have witchcraft and drugs are very popular too. Wait!!! Have you become barren? Olga! I'm such a fool!!! Forgive me! I never called you. You have been alone all this time, and I was the one who brought you to this Island.”
Denis hugged Olga, and she clung to him. What a familiar scent, the scent of his childhood!
How strange everything turned out on this island. The beautiful Olga, a secretary and Denis' first love, with whom he flew over here to work on a contract few years ago…
How did she turn into their boss' mistress and even for a while into an English lady?!
How did she later on become the “beloved wife” of the Indian consul Dominic!?
And how did Olga turn up again in the role of a secretary? …
And how did Denis turn up married to a large and lively IT woman Zina, the complete opposite of Olga? …
How!? …
The free excerpt has ended.