Read the book: «The Holy Bible»




» The New Covenant & The New Testament «


The Prophetic Books:

» The Book of Daniel « & » The Book of Revelation «

John Biermanski

Ebozon Publishing

First edition August 2020

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In memory of the Bible-faithful African missionary

Simon Schmidt and his wife Lore from Mosbach

“Your word {O YAHWEH} is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:105

“Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths {Saturdays}, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am YAHWEH that sanctify them.

And hallow my Sabbaths {Saturdays}; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that you may know that I am YAHWEH your Elohim {God}.”

“And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and every week from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, says YAHWEH.”

Ezekiel 20:12, 20; IsaYah 66:23

“Then Peter said to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahshua the Messiah for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit!”

Acts 2:38

“Go you therefore, and teach all nations,

baptizing them in the name of


Matthew 28:19

Brother Simon Schmidt recognized the Trinitarian baptismal formula “Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" as a true fake!

“For there is one Elohim {God}, and one mediator between YAHWEH and men, the man Yahshua the Messiah!”

1 Timothy 2:5

“And this is life eternal, that they should know you the only true Elohim {YAHWEH, the Father}, and him whom you have sent, even Yahshua the Messiah!“

John 17:3

The last words of the popular preacher and missionary Simon Schmidt to his wife Lore were:

“Remain faithful to God [YAHWEH], and strong, and still rejoice! Then we will see each other again soon!“

“Lore, I have peace with God!”

This statement from our beloved brother should always be in front of all those who adhere to the Sacred Scriptures!

According to witnesses, Brother Simon Schmidt was found with a smile on his lips after he passed away!

YAHWEH is praised from eternity to eternity!

The missionary couple, faithful to the Bible, held the biblically blessed Sabbath day {the Saturday} and all other nine commandments of the Ten Commandments of YAHWEH holy from 1950 until death in memory of the only holy God, the Father alone. {Exodus 20:2-17.}

“If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.”

John 15:10

“He that has the Son of YAHWEH has life; and he that has not the Son of YAHWEH {because he makes him {the Messiah} to a god by asserting and testifying to the Godhead of Christ!} has not the life!”

1 John 5:12

“For many deceivers/ seducers are entered into the world, who confess not that Yahshua the Messiah has come in the flesh [through the doctrine of the trinity]. This is a deceiver/ seducer and the Antichrist / the Anti-Messiah.

Whoever goes onward and lives not in the teaching of the Messiah, has not YAHWEH: He that abides in the teaching of the Messiah, he has both the Father and the Son.”

2 John 1:7, 9

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable/ destructive heresies, even denying the Master that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.”

2 Peter 2:1, 2

»Truly, truly, I say to you:

He that hears my words, and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement: but is passed from death to life.«

John 5:24

This book is written for the glorification

of His holy name.

“The kingdom of YAHWEH

and of His only begotten Son Yahshua the Messiah”

~ ~ Tetragrammaton: ~ ~


The “Gospel” - The “Good and Glad Tidings”

The “Good News”

“The testimony of the 'message of salvation of peace'

from the grace of YAHWEH!”

»One thing have I desired of YAHWEH, that will I seek after;

that I may dwell in the house of YAHWEH all the days of my life,

to behold the beauty of YAHWEH,

and to inquire in his temple.«

Psalm 27:4

The Sacred Scriptures

“The Holy Scripture shall be accepted as

an authoritative, infallible revelation

of God's will.

It is the benchmark for all doctrines and for the

character: the enunciator of principles,

the touchstone of experience.

The Bible and the Bible alone should be our

basis of faith, the only bond of unity.

God's word is infallible!

Hold the banner high, on which the Bible

is written, our faith and education scale.”

Ellen G. White

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The seal of ELOHIM can be found in the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandment, the Sabbath commandment:

His name is “YAHWEH”,

His territorial dominion is “Heaven and Earth”

and His title is “Creator”.

If the seal is removed

from the fourth commandment of ELOHIM,

the whole law then becomes invalid!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Vers ... Verse ... Verso ... Verset ... CTNX ...

» And Moses said to Elohim,

Behold, when I come to the children of Israel,

and shall say to them,

The Elohim of your fathers has sent me to you;

and they shall say to me,

What is his name? what shall I say to them?

And Elohim said to Moses,


and he said,

Thus shall you say to the children of Israel,

I AM has sent me to you.

And Elohim said moreover to Moses,

Thus shall you say to the children of Israel,

YAHWEH Elohim of your fathers,

the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you:

this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations. «

Exodus 3:13-15

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, Speak also to the children of Israel, saying, “You must keep my Sabbaths! for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that you may know that I am YAHWEH who sanctifies you. Six days may work be done; but on the seventh is the Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to YAHWEH. Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever: for in six days YAHWEH made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.” “You shall be holy: for I YAHWEH your Elohim am holy. Every man of you shall fear his mother, and his father, and you shall keep my Sabbaths! I am YAHWEH your Elohim. Turn you not to idols, nor make to yourselves molten elohim: I am YAHWEH your Elohim!”

Exodus 31:12, 15a-17; Leviticus 19:2-4

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Holy Ten Commandments of YAHWEH our Elohim

I am YAHWEH your Elohim, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. You shall have no other elohim (gods) BESIDE ME!

You shall not make you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters under the earth: You shall not worship them, nor serve them (nor bow down yourself to them): For I YAHWEH your Elohim am a jealous El {Elohim}, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of them that love me and keep My commandments!

You shall not take the name of YAHWEH your Elohim in vain: For YAHWEH will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain!

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: But the seventh day (the Saturday - from Friday sunset until Saturday sunset! Fake: the Sunday) is the Sabbath of YAHWEH your Elohim: in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates!

For six days YAHWEH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Therefore YAHWEH blessed the Sabbath day, and hollowed it!

Honor your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which YAHWEH your Elohim gives you!

You shall not murder!

You shall not commit adultery!

You shall not steal!

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor!

You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor's!

Exodus 20:2-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21 (Exodus 19:16-25)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Don't forget the Sabbath,

YAHWEH our El hath blest,

Of all the week the brightest,

Of all the week the best;

It brings repose from labor,

It tells of joy divine,

Its beams of light descending,

With heav'nly beauty shine.


Welcome, welcome, ever welcome,

Blessed Sabbath day,

Welcome, welcome, ever welcome,

Blessed Sabbath day.

Keep the Sabbath holy,

And worship Him today,

Who said to His disciples,

"I am the living way";

And if we meekly follow

Our Savior here below,

He'll give us of the fountain

Whose streams eternal flow.


Day of sacred pleasure!

Its golden hours we'll spend

In thankful hymns to YAHWEH,

The children's dearest Friend;

O gentle, loving, Savior,

how good and kind Thou art,

How precious is Thy promise

To dwell in every heart!


from: "Christ in Song - For all Religious Services", F. E. Belden, 1906.

"Don't forget the Sabbath", the Saturday!

Hymn, words by Frances Jane (Fanny) Crosby (1820-1915)

Music by William B. Bradbury (1816-1868)

Editor has insert the name of our only true God, our El {Elohim} and Father, with his sacred name YAHWEH.

A Love Letter for You!

A guide to eternal life: God’s Word. Patience, hope, confidence and security to all readers searching their way and believing in the one who walked along in front of them. Who is it? “THE SON OF GOD!” He revealed his glory taking the shame of our sins, our debts, our injustice, our lawlessness and paid the high price with his blood so that we may live eternally {if we wish to do so} and accept his sacrifice. Himself he calls us brothers and sisters, those who love Him and stick by His commandments, the precepts of his Father. (John 17:24, Matthew 12:48-49; Mark 3:33-34; Luke 8:20-21)

Shortly before the end of the grace period and the second coming of the Messiah, this work appears to honor and glorify the Almighty, living and only God, the Father. Over 7,000 times His name was mentioned in the Tanakh (Old Testament), however he completely disappeared from our translations, but the name “Satan” remained unchanged in the Scriptures.

Also in public the vast majority of people do not know the God of the Bible, much less his name. However, the name “Satan” is well known to all people. Satan does not care about the sequence of letters in his name or with which other letters or words his name is combined. The main thing is that he is either consciously or unconsciously worshipped and admired by people (for example Titan, Santa, Santa Claus, etc. - written differently depending on the language; even used with city names, such as Santa Cruz, whereby the Cross [Cruz] was transferred from paganism to Christianity).

One of many testimonies about the name of God can be found in the appendix of this works.

The name of our unique God, the Father, as called by the Israelites and how it is still written in the Bethel Bible and the Hebrew edition, is “YAHWEH.” - Deuteronomy 6:4:

“... YAHWEH is our Elohim, YAHWEH is ONE.“

YAHWEH means: “’I am’, who I am; I am he who exists, I will always exist; and all that exists, exists through me!” (see Exodus 3:14)

In Exodus 3:6 YAHWEH said to Moses: “I am the Elohim of your father, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac and the Elohim of Jacob.”

YAHWEH, furthermore, said to Moses in Exodus 3:15: “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘YAHWEH, the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.” (see also I Corinthians 8:6; 11:3; Revelation 1:4+8).

The preface of the Darby (Elberfelder) Bible of 2004 says: “The main text contains the letters YHWH, during the review the decision was made in favor of “LORD” in place of “Yahweh” (see Exodus 3:15).

In the Schlachter Version 2000 in the second footnote to Exodus 3:14 on page 63 a following notice can be found: “The Hebrew name of the God of Israel (reproduced in this translation by LORD; it probably sounded ‘ Yahweh’)...”

The preface of Hermann Menge’s translation of 1928, says: “I think special attention should be paid to following details, [point 4 in particular:

‘The Hebrew divine name Yahweh (Jehovah incorrect) has been rendered “HErr” (= German translation for Lord), different from “Herr” (German translation for Lord).’

In this present translation* the real name of God “YAHWEH” was reinstated at its old position instead of “LORD” (see Luther Bible) or “Lord”. Also here the Son of God was named “Master” and not with “Lord”. In the Hebrew Bibles, the four large letters “JHWH”, “YHWH” before 16th century, are read from right to left. These letters are provided with small hooks on the vowels serving as a kind of aid for the pronunciation of the Holy Name: YAHWEH.

* Luther Bible 1545 and 1912 is basis of this act.

“This, then, is how you should pray: “’Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name!” (Matthew 6:9)

The Hebrew name of the Messiah

As for his and our Heavenly Father the Hebrew name of the Messiah was replaced by the Greek translation of Jesus Christ. This is also a peculiar fact: In reality, he was approached by his disciples with his Hebrew name “Yahshua the Messiah” [Yahshua HaMashiach] or with “Master”, “Rabbi”. Every name has a meaning in Hebrew, which is extinguished in the Greek language. Tracks are covered in Greek to wipe out the holy fundamental meaning of the name, because the name “Yahshua” contains the name of God, his father!

The translation of name Yahshua means “YAHWEH saves”. At the same time it is a shortest cry for help of a person who prays to God for help! And the Messiah means “anointed one” (see attachment).

For the Son of God was anointed when being baptized by his father:

Matthew 3:16 LUTHER = As soon as Yahshua was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of G-d (YAHWEH) descending like a dove and lighting on him.

PFÄFFLIN = ... and he saw the Spirit of G-d (YAHWEH) over like a dove and come down over him.

KJV + EL = And Yahshua, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the SPIRIT of YAHWEH descending like a dove, and lighting upon him;

Mark 1:10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him.

Luke 3:22 and (the) holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, YOU ARE MY BELOVED SON; IN YOU I AM WELL PLEASED.

John 1:32 And John bore record, saying. I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

The dove symbol originates from the Persian, Babylonian, pagan gods system and represents nothing else than: ‘Juno, the dove’.

(see the lecture: “Wine of Babylon” by Professor Walter J. Veith ‘)

In Matthew 3:16 we can directly recognize the usage of our God’s name, YAHWEH is written instead of God.

In this way the true name and the true meaning of the name “Yahshua” was abolished from people’s minds. If they knew his name and the name of his father, they would not worship or prostrate before self-staged gods or deities, would they?

Based on the recognition that the name of our unique God YAHWEH was removed from the Scriptures, driven by the Spirit of God, my conviction grew that the sacred name should be returned to its position in the original text. Today, an avid researcher of the Holy Scripture will still find this name in the Hebrew and Jewish Bibles, for example, in the "Sacred Scriptures - Bethel Edition" Bible.

In combination with the old King James Version (KJV), Webster and Wesley, “The Sacred Scriptures - Bethel Edition” Bible {[EL] Assemblies of Yahweh; Jacob O. Meyer, Bethel, PA 19507} which is written in English has been selected for this present work (English and German translations), in reference to the holy name” YAHWEH “and the name of his Son” Yahshua”. The translation of the Bible by Webster dated 1883 is mainly compliant with the old KJV translation. The verification of the correct names to be returned into the Holy Scripture was made in accordance with the Bethel Edition, the Hebrew Bibles, the Greek Online Bible and the Dr. Martin Luther Bible of 1522 and 1545 - based on cross references from the New Testament to the Old Testament. Below, the reader can find more Bible translations considered for this work... as well as explanations of the verses in the following prophetic books of Scripture: the Book of “DANIEL” and the Book of “REVELATION” by our late brother and missionary Ernst Simon, the author of the Simon Bible.

Here is a quotation of the evangelist and scientist Prof. Walter J. Veith from South Africa:

“The 'Book of Daniel’ is the key to the 'Book of Revelation’!”

Any reader should study the statements made by Ernst Simon in the Book of ‘Daniel’ and the Book of ‘Revelation’, verify and think about it - also about his own short life - and finally make his decision. For God knows that a human is going to stay on Earth just very short.

Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes

Psalm 103:16 For the wind passes over it, and it is gone; and the place of it shall know it no more.

Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know hat they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

Furthermore it is written that:

Psalm 103:17 But the mercy of YAHWEH is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children;

Psalm 103:18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

We would like to apologize in advance to the English-speaking readers for the lack of partial translations of the declarations into English.

The most difficult task was to reintroduce the sacred name YAHWEH in the New Testament, since “L-rd” is used for both YAHWEH [for YAHWEH Elohim], the Father, and for our Master Yahshua the Messiah. The old Bibles still contain cross-references to the Old Testament, from which it can be recognized that it is mostly the Father who is concerned. After studying the issue of Trinity and on the basis of the Holy Scripture by Dr. Martin Luther dated 1545 and the translation by Hermann Menge, I was getting clearer and clearer that in the first centuries after the death of the beloved disciple John, the system of the Doctrine of Trinity has slowly been built up and after the councils in the years 325 and 381 until 1798 any kind of resistance was restrained without remorse. This system of the human doctrine may be detected only with a preconceived body of thought when reading the Holy Scripture, i.e. be interpreted into the Holy Scripture, also the statement that Jesus Christ is God himself. So, God would have died on the cross/ torture stake and any faith would have been invalid, that is, in vain! - To put it another way: Christ, the Messiah, was only half dead, the human part died, whereas the divine part lived on. That means he was half dead! - This statement goes towards spiritualism.

An intelligent man who can see things clearly and sharply will continually take offence at this pagan human doctrine and state that the removal of the name “YAHWEH” from the Holy Scripture had the only sense to support the doctrine of the Trinity with ongoing changes (distortions) in the first centuries and represent this system as a secret. The Holy Scripture, both Old and New Testament, was developed/ raised from YAHWEH’s Spirit as an overarching, toothed, interwoven system and written down in their own words by the prophets, inspired by YAHWEH’s Spirit, who were previously chosen by YAHWEH himself. It is written:

2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation.

2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of YAHWEH spoke as they were moved by the holy Spirit.

Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said to me, See you do it not: I am your fellowservant and of your brethren that have the testimony of Yahshua: worship YAHWEH: for the testimony of Yahshua is the Spirit of prophecy.

It is curious that in the system of doctrine of the Trinity where the Holy Spirit was made to a person named “Holy Spirit”, the Father himself was even made to a SPIRITLESS GOD. For if the Holy Spirit is personalized (the Holy Spirit has done this and that) then the Father is subject to dull spiritless existence. It is strange, very strange. Still, the Holy Scripture has been written for all people by the prophets of God! The human doctrines that have been introduced since the fourth century denigrate the word YAHWEH’s in its clarity. That has been also so before the first coming of our Master Yahshua in Israel occupied by the Romans, as the word of YAHWEH as well as the rules to be followed by the faithful were made impossible and as tightened in the interpretation of the high scholars, the Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests, that it was very difficult for the faithful to fulfill all these requirements. A system that had turned into a system of rule.

Since the first century many people worldwide have been denounced for their faith, persecuted and killed because they have been accepting the Holy Scripture, the Word of YAHWEH, as the only legitimate benchmark and have distanced themselves from human teachings which are contrary to the Scriptures.

The basic principle is:

“Whoever either kills or murders a person or gives an order for murder to state institutions, special facilities, special units is a murderer: “The spirit of Satan in this human has come to its full expression!’”

“Whoever smokes, takes drugs!”

Here is another remark that is not preached in the churches, like it should be:

“Whoever SMOKES, takes drugs - including ALCOHOL, abuses and corrupts his body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit [i.e. the temple of God], will be ruined by God himself.”

These people put themselves under the control of a different spirit coming from below, not from above.

1 Corinthians 6:19 What? Know you not that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from YAHWEH? And you are not your own;

1 Corinthians 6:20 For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify YAHWEH in your body, and in your Spirit, which are Elohim (YAHWEH).

1 Corinthians 3:17 If any man destroys the temple of YAHWEH, him shall YAHWEH destroy; for the temple of YAHWEH is holy, which temple you are.

Smoking tobacco.

Tobacco is a slow, treacherous, but a very vicious poison. In whatever form it is used, it has an effect on the entire body. The more it is dangerous because its effects are first slowly and barely perceivable. It excites and after that paralyzes the nerves. It weakens and befuddles the brain. Our nerves are usually attacked stronger than numbing beverages. Tobacco and its consequences are difficult to eradicate from the system. Its use awakens our thirst for strong drinks and in many cases it is the cause of drunkenness.

The use of tobacco is detrimental, costly, dirty, stains the one who uses it and harasses other people. One can come across its followers everywhere... It is unpleasant and unhealthy to stay in a railway car or a room where air is filled with alcohol and tobacco smells...

Tobacco use is doing unspeakable harm to children and young people. The unhealthy habits of past generations exert their effects on children and youth of today. Mental incapacity, physical weakness, disordered nerves, and unnatural desire are inherited from parents to their children. The same habits of the children multiply the evil and propagate it. Physical, mental and moral deterioration, which gives so much cause to concern, is in no small measure attributable to that.

Boys begin smoking tobacco at a very early age. If this becomes a habit at a time where body and mind are particularly susceptible to the consequences, the body power is undermined, the body becomes stunted, the mind is addled and the moral is poisoned...

No human needs tobacco, but countless numbers of people collapse due to the lack of means, which are rather than wasted if used.”

“Intoxicating beverages.”

~ Ephesians 5:18; Titus 2:3; Proverbs 9:4-6; 20:1; 23:20, 29-35 ~

No human hand has ever designed an accurate picture of slaveryand humiliation of the victims of intoxicating beverages. Subjugated, humiliated, they awake in a feeling of misery, they are powerless to get out of these tights; they will 'require the same again and again.'

No proof is necessary to show the severe impact of intoxication on the drinker. The befuddled, bewitched, human wrecks - souls for whom Christ died and angels cry about - are everywhere. They are the shame, the curse and the bane of the country.

Who can imagine the misery, the agony, the despair hidden in drunkards’ homes? Just think of women, often well-educated, sensitive, built-up and accustomed to a more refined way of life, who are allied with men who turned into drunkards or a demons due to drinking...

Intoxication is generated by wine, beer and cider to the same extent as by stronger drinks. The enjoyment of these beverages gives taste for stronger ones, thus resulting in drunkenness. Moderate drinking is the school where men are educated for the career of a drunkard. But the influence of these mild stimulants is so insidious that the path to drunkenness is entered before the victim even suspects any danger ...

In the Old Testament Christ gave the warning to the people of Israel: “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1) ... Tea, coffee and similar beverages, tend in the same direction as alcohol, spirits and tobacco and in some cases, it is equally hard to break the habit, as it is for the drinkers to give up consuming intoxicating beverages. Those who try to give up these irritants will miss them for some time and suffer without them. But they will overcome the desire by their power of endurance no longer feeling a lack thereof. Nature may require some time to recover from the suffered injury, but you should give her a chance, and it will rise again and do its work well and willingly.

from “The Ministry of Healing,” by EG White, 1907, p. 334-339, 342

Why does the German translation say “God” and the English translation, the Bethel Edition, is “Elohim” instead of “God”?

This is a problematic case. It’s about the name “Elohim.” In most Bibles the word “Elohim” is translated as “God” directly. Unfortunately this is not an accurate and correct translation. The difficulty lies in the translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic text into German, English and other languages where we deal with word-for-word translations, also as far as the word “Elohim” is concerned. However, this word has many meanings, whereby due to these options and consequential difficulties in the meaning and thus in the translation, the reader should be aware that one should leave the word “Elohim" as it is written.

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