Read the book: «7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet»

The contents of this book should be used as a general guideline only. Nothing in this book should be taken as medical advice or diagnosis, and you should always consult with a qualified medical practitioner before starting any weight-loss programme, or if you have any concerns about your health. The author and the publishers do not accept any responsibility for any loss or harm that may occur from your use or misuse of this book or your failure to seek appropriate medical advice.
An imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd. 1 London Bridge Street London SE1 9GF
First published as 7lbs in 7 Days: Super Juice Diet by HarperThorsons 2006
Also published as 7lbs in 7 Days: The Juice Master Diet
This edition published 2012
© Jason Vale 2006, 2012
Cover layout design © HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd 2014
Cover photographs ©
Jason Vale asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
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Source ISBN: 9780007929085
Ebook Edition © OCTOBER 2009 ISBN: 9780007348565 Version: 2018-05-14
Title Page
Introduction: Juicing Changed My Life!
7 lbs in 7 Days: What People Say
The Rules
1 Totally Juiced in Just 7 Days!
2 Super-fast World
3 “But It’s Never Healthy to Lose Weight Fast”
4 The Goldfish Bowl
5 Where Will They Get Their Nutrients?
6 Won’t You Gain Weight in the Long Run?
7 The David Blaine Diet
8 CBBS (Can’t Be Bothered Syndrome!)
9 No More Excuses!
10 The Easy Way
11 TV (Total Vegetable)
12 All Will Be Smooth … if the Prep Is Right!
13 The Juice Master’s 7 lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Pack
14 All the Juicy Stuff You Will Need for the Program
Phase 1: 7 lbs in 7 Days
Days 1–7
Your Juicy Journal
Your Juicy Recipes!
Phase 2: Turbo-Charge The Plan
The Turbo-Charge Principles
Phase 3: The Juicy Lifestyle
Juicy Recipes for Life
About the Author
More Juicy Help
The Power of a Coach
Your 10 Steps to Quick and Easy Juicing
How to Set Up Your Home Juice Bar
Which Juicer?
Which Blender/Smoothie Maker?
Super Foods
Q & A
Juice Master Info
About the Publisher
Introduction: Juicing Changed My Life!
Juicing has changed my life beyond all recognition. I know it’s a cliché when people say this or that changed their life, but I can say with total confidence that without juicing my life would be radically different from what it is today.
Before I got into juicing I used to smoke 40–60 cigarettes a day; I liked my drink (as they say); I was more than partial to the odd bit of junk(ie) food, and, as a result, I was also fat. On top of that I had severe asthma to the point where I had to use both the blue and brown inhalers and was having 10–16 puffs a day on them. I also developed eczema, mild acne, bad hay fever, and very, very severe psoriasis. In short, I wasn’t exactly in the best of health and my energy levels were often right through the floor.
I am now in the fortunate position of being free from smoking, drinking, and junk food. My asthma has vanished, my eczema and acne have gone, my psoriasis has cleared by over 95%, and I am no longer overweight. In fact, on the health front I’m one happy camper!
I am now also lucky to be able to help people who find themselves in a similar position to the one I was in. Since the launch of my first book, Slim for Life: Freedom from the Diet Trap, I have been blessed with tens of thousands of letters and e-mails from all over the world from people who have made incredible changes to their health and lives.
My previous book, Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 Days, exceeded all expectations when it reached number three on (Harry Potter took the first two spots). It was written about in virtually every magazine as well as being discussed on TV and radio to the extent that several radio hosts followed the program themselves and reported on their progress to the listeners.
The success of that book led to some of the most amazing letters about life-changing experiences I have ever had—from people who not only lost an amazing amount of weight but, more importantly, who found that their lives had changed for good, and not just for the two weeks. They had set out to do a quick 14-day plan to lose some weight and get a little healthier, only to find that their eating habits and lifestyle changed for good.
This was exactly what I had in mind with the 7 lbs in 7 Days program, but the impact this book has had throughout the world has taken everyone by surprise. It hit the number one slot of all books on and even knocked The Da Vinci Code off the top spot. It has been translated into many languages and it was even reported that Sarah Jessica Parker, Drew Barrymore, and Jennifer Aniston have all done what is now being called the “Juice Master Diet.“ I have no idea if they actually did the plan, but many celebrities have known about the weight-loss and health power of freshly extracted juice for years. The “Juice Master Diet“ has been talked about on television and radio in many parts of the world and even many in the medical profession now recommend the program. In January each year tens of thousands of people from all over the world do the “Juice Master Diet” at exactly the same time in what is called the “World’s Biggest Juice Detox.” We all jump on social networking sites and people share their incredible transformations. You simply won’t believe how stupidly good you will look and feel in such a short time. I realize you should under-promise and over-deliver, but there are now well over a million copies of this book out in the world, and I have personally read and seen the truly breathtaking results. This is why I have 100% confidence in the program, both as a healthy rapid weight loss tool and, perhaps more importantly, as a health program. It’s also why I am excited that it has finally come to the good ole US of A. The UK now has the undesirable title of being the “Fattest Nation in Europe,” but here in the US you are now one of the world leaders in this subject. Not only is obesity a major issue here, but I have never seen so many commercials for so many medical drugs on TV as here in the States. Americans now take so many drugs for so many “different” illnesses, including obesity, that if you picked up the average Joe walking down the street and shook him he would rattle! This simply cannot be right and cannot be the way for 21st-century living.
Diets Don’t Work—Do They?
I realize that the title of this book—7 lbs in 7 days—may have lured many people into looking for some kind of “quick fix,” but I know that if you read the book and follow all of the instructions, it will be a catalyst to a lifelong change.
I have already been rapped for using the word “diet” on the front cover of this book, but that’s the publisher—not me! I did argue my case over and over again: after all, the first chapter in my first book, Slim for Life, is all about why diets don’t work, but here I am with a book that contains a title with the word “diet” in it. I suppose that in order to get your message to the people who need it most you sometimes have to compromise along the way, and the title of this book is one of those compromises.
Having said that, after thinking about it, and after seeing the long-term results from all over the world, I believe it has only done good. Because of the title the real message has reached people who would perhaps otherwise never have been touched by it. The way I look at it is this: if this book gets to those people who are “serial dieters,” then that’s just great. I know from personal experience that jumping from one diet to another is not a bundle of fun, and if I can do anything to break anyone’s diet merry-go-round then I will—no matter what method is required (well, within reason!). My aim is for this to be the last book with the word “diet” on the cover that they will ever feel the need to buy. And throughout the book you will discover that I never once refer to the 7 lbs in 7 Days program as a “diet”; I always use the words “plan” or “program.”
If you are a serial dieter yourself and you feel that you have been misled into thinking this is a 7-day “diet” and that you will do it and then be able to go back to your old way of eating and drinking, then I make no apologies. I’m up for the challenge. All you need to do is open your mind, read the book, and do the program. I can guarantee you won’t be able to give up your new juicy lifestyle after the seven days. Yes, you’ll eat again—you cannot live on juice alone, and who on earth would want to?—but you will not have the same mental urges to go back to your old lifestyle. What blows people away the most is how their cravings completely change toward the end of the 7 days. Far from yearning for refined sugar and refined fat foods, the only thing on your mind will be big salads, fresh vegetables, and lean proteins. Hard to believe now, but I’ve been doing this for many years and I have seen hundreds of thousands of people do the plan and find that their cravings for junk just disappear. At the end of just 7 days you will be juiced on both a physical and mental level.
Although the program is entitled 7 lbs in 7 Days, it is not designed solely for people who are overweight. In fact, the program is one of the best body-cleansing programs on the market today—the ultimate 7-day super detox, if you will. Even if you have no weight to lose I would strongly suggest for the sake of your health and energy levels that you jump on the program as soon as possible. The only time I would say not to do it is if you are too thin. Being underweight is a much harder condition to treat than being overweight. You would never think, “I’d rather have a skinny problem than a fat problem” if only you knew the reality.
I Cannot Make You Thin—but I Can Make You Slim
This program is based on nature’s principles, and if you are already a decent weight, don’t panic, you won’t get “skinny” doing this. I know some people want to get skinny, but this program hasn’t been designed to turn anyone anorexic or juicorexic (if indeed that is a term!). You can make yourself “thin” by eating three candy bars, smoking twenty cigarettes, and drinking four vodka and Diet Cokes every day. Yes, it’s true. If that’s all you consumed you would lose weight and become “thin,” but as you can imagine, a chocolate, cigarettes, booze, and Diet Coke diet would not be a healthy one. Just remember, most heroin addicts are also “thin”!
What I’m talking about here is finding a good healthy system that will enable you to kick-start a healthy eating lifestyle, give yourself a quick super detox, help with a particular illness, or, for those of you who are overweight (which is the majority), to lose 7 lbs in 7 days in a healthy way.
Since this book was first published I have been searching for ways to make the program even easier to follow. That is why there is now a phone app, a DVD, a color-coded wall planner, and even a full delivery system of the program directly to your door (yes, how cool is that!). It’s also why, in this fully updated edition, I have decided to include my handy color-coded wall planner for the 7-day program. This planner has been available to buy separately for a few years and has been an invaluable tool for thousands of people. It contains all the recipes and is fully color-coded by the time and method you require. It’s a very helpful tool and means that once you have read the book, you no longer need to refer to it to see what you need to do. But please do not make the mistake of just taking out the wall planner, downloading the shopping list from the site, and getting on with the plan. If you do there is a good chance that you will fail—you have been warned! I’m being neither defeatist nor negative, simply realistic—based on my many years of experience. It’s essential that you read the book first! I’ll soon repeat this point in “The Rules”—and for good reason. If you are not armed with the right frame of mind and a complete understanding of why you are juicing rather than just how to do it, you will most likely fail. You have been warned—and soon you’ll be warned again!
The letters, calls, e-mails and even video diaries still continue to flood into juicy HQ. When I first wrote the book, I knew from my own experience and from that of others whom I have helped over the years that the results would be good, but even I wasn’t quite prepared for just how good. Nor was I quite ready for the often moving, uplifting, and life-changing messages from people who not only have read the whole book and completed the program to the letter but have also fully understood the message: fully understood why the program was designed and how it is a catalyst to a permanent slim, trim, healthy body and mind and not just a one-time, drop-a-few pounds “diet.”
I sincerely hope this book achieves for you what it has for so many people around the world. I also hope that the following small selection of testimonials that I’ve picked out inspires you to make a point of reading the book and following the program instead of simply talking about “doing it one day.” After all:
“The Road of ‘One Day’ Leadsto a Town Called ‘Never’”
May the Juice Be with You
Jason Vale

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